Tang Yu knows that Ian has always thought of his own affairs, but many times, other people's things are similar to his own affairs, that is someone else's life, that is not his own life, so it is still necessary to live his own life, sometimes, other people's experience can be used to reflect on himself, but no, other people's life trajectory is his own life trajectory.

Everyone has their own unique life, everyone is unique, including everyone's life, that is unique, so, there is no need, meet anyone's life experience, many times, his life trajectory is not your life trajectory, so to say, live your own life, is the most important thing.

"As I said, the speed of our car is very fast, and many times, our car there can rarely brake in time, and even if it brakes, it will be delayed for a period of time, so many times, even if you see the person in front of you, you will collide with the person in front of you."

When Ian heard this, his mind was fantasizing, Ian didn't know what the car in Senior Tang Yu and their place looked like, Ian only knew that the car in Senior Tang Yu and their place was very fast, so Ian was fantasizing about what the result would be if a carriage with a driving speed and a particularly fast speed collided with the person in front of him.

So in Ian's mind, he was fantasizing, in the end, what kind of result would be, and finally, Yihan felt it, the person in front of him was hit far away, and the ground was full of blood, Ian shook his head, he didn't dare to continue imagining, and Ian didn't want anything to happen to other people, such a fact was a bit too cruel in front of him.

It's really sometimes, I don't know if there will be an accident tomorrow, which one will come first, in a family, when it's very happy, no one will expect that there will be any accidents, the accident is too sudden, it will give many people, a particularly heavy blow, just like Ian before, Ian's mother, who was still hugging Ian tightly.

Ian vaguely remembered that his mother was still cooking, what he liked to eat, and it didn't take long for the picture in Ian's mind to change, Ian didn't want to continue thinking about it, it was a very painful memory, so Ian could feel that if something happened to the mother and daughter, it would be a particularly heavy blow to the other.

Tang Yu then said to Ian in front of him.

"You probably guessed that this mother and daughter will have some things, very sad things, just when the two of them crossed the street, a car was uncontrollable and rushed straight towards the mother and daughter, and the little girl didn't react yet, and then the mother first found out that the uncontrolled car, and then pushed her daughter to the other side, and then used her body to block in front of her daughter."

When Ian heard this, he was a little sad, they are all selfless and great, Ian himself has experienced it personally, his mother is great, and his mother is also wrong with himself. Mothers in this world are all the same, they can give their lives for their children.

This also made Ian think of himself and his own life, Ian heard this, and knew that the little girl must have been hit hard at that time, and her mother, right in front of her, was hit by an uncontrolled car in front of her, I don't know, that little girl, facing the future life.

Ian hasn't heard it yet, what happened to the little girl's mother in the end, and then in his heart, the little girl's mother, must be well, after all, that little girl, without a mother in the future, how to live, she has been sad for so long, let alone a little girl.

Tang Yu saw the worried expression on Ian's face, and also knew that Ian was worried about what happened to that mother, and he was also worried, if it was true, that mother, what happened in the end, what should that little girl do, how to continue to live, after all, Ian has experienced, that kind of life, it is really not easy to live.

Tang Yu smiled, then sighed, looked at Ian opposite, and then continued to say to Ian.

"The mother, using her body to block the uncontrollable, towards her daughter and herself, the car that drove over, the mother was knocked to the side, blood slowly flowed out of the ground, little by little, slowly expanded, the uncontrolled car, after hitting the little girl's mother, did not stop, ran in the direction of the little girl."

When Ian heard this, his heart was pinched, so to speak, the little girl's mother, is she about to die, there is so much blood, Ian can't think about it, Ian also heard, the uncontrolled car at that time, in the direction of the little girl, drove over, hearing this, Ian was even more worried.

Ian didn't want to hear the news that the little girl also had an accident, after all, his mother would sacrifice herself because she wanted to save her daughter, but if something happened to her daughter, it would be bad, and her mother's sacrifice would be meaningless.

Ian thought of this, but he didn't think of himself, his mother sacrificed herself, that was to let her children live a good life, Ian didn't think about himself, sometimes it's like this, people look at other people's things very thoroughly, but look at their own things, they are not thorough at all, and they always don't know how to live their own lives.

So a lot of times, it is to rely on other people, to carry out some good education for yourself, and some enlightenment, so not everything can be solved by yourself, many things, when you can't figure it out, listen to other people's opinions, other people's opinions are also very important, sometimes you can listen to it selectively.

"The daughter who was pushed away saw her mother hit by a car, and then fell to the ground, and then more and more blood flowed from the ground, and the daughter didn't have time to grieve, so she saw that the uncontrolled car, just like that, drove towards herself, little girl, there was no defense at all."

Ian's heart pinched up, this little girl, don't do anything, after all, her mother has made some sacrifices to save herself, I hope nothing will happen, this kind of thing is really difficult to control, many times, I don't know, when, when the accident will come. _

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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