"Get up, and let me see your brewers and caravans."

Hearing this, Carol said, "They are waiting outside the castle for their master's summons. "

"Let's go, go out and have a look!"

The group followed Tang Yu outside, only to see two hundred people gathered together, and some demonic beast mounts, these people were generally very young.

"Stupid fellow, don't you salute your master when you see him?"

Seeing those people standing there in a daze, Carol's face instantly became gloomy, and then shouted loudly.

This group of guys who have no eyesight is simply a shame on themselves.

"Meet the master!"

Everyone hurriedly knelt down, and the caravan men were all wearing a gray robe embroidered with a long purple hand. Gun.

The brewers, on the other hand, wore coarse linen clothes, both men and women, all of whom were very young.

"Yes, Carol, I have a tavern, I'll leave it to you now, and I'll entrust you with a heavy responsibility in the future."

"It's Carroll's honor to serve her master."

Tang Yu nodded, Carol is a man with a lot of brains.

"As for Marlene, the brewery needs you to join now, Doreen is there waiting for you, and I hope you will be in office tomorrow."

"The owners rest assured, they are all experienced winemakers, and they will definitely satisfy the owners."

"Very good!"

Tang Yu was very satisfied, and the rewards given by the system never disappointed him.

At the moment, Tang Yu asked a few orc warriors to leave with the caravan and brewers, and with a hundred brewers joining, I believe that the efficiency of brewing will become faster and faster.

And with Carol, not only can he open up trade routes, but he can also make his wine sell well in the entire God Cry Continent.

However, a caravan is not enough, after all, Tang Yu doesn't know how big the Divine Weeping Continent is.

"Alright, let's get busy."

Tang Yu stretched his waist, and now he is waiting for the opening of the gold mine and iron mine, and then the weapon shop will be useful.


A few days later, flat carts loaded with grain were pushed into the castle.

Old Ron didn't feel tired either, and directed the serfs to put the grain into the warehouse.

"Sir, this year is definitely a good harvest year, and the serfs are thanking you for your wise leadership and divine radiance."

Old Ron was very excited, the warehouse was full of piles, and when Tang Yu reduced the taxes on serfs in the past, Old Ron had a lot of complaints.

The great lord should not be so merciful to these serfs, but now he really saw Tang Yu's outstanding insight and vision.

"Ron, this is just the beginning, and in the near future, we won't have to worry about food anymore."

Tang Yu smiled, there can be a bumper harvest this year, and when the grain of the two cities is combined, even if it is to support 50,000 people, it will not be a problem.

Between the two cities, there is not much wasteland cultivated, and it is believed that after this harvest, the serfs will be more motivated.

These days, he could feel countless powers of faith entering the statue, and it was clear that while the harvest was being harvested, the serfs were also grateful to Tang Yu for his guidance.

If it weren't for Tang Yu, he wouldn't have gotten so much food this time.


Just then, Denton walked in.

These days, Denton has been staying in Bell City, while Tang Yu is presiding over Chaos City.

In the final analysis, there are still too few people, and there are a group of reckless people around him, and there are really few intelligent talents like Denton, but Brewer is one.

But he is an orc, and it is difficult for him to preside over the human city.

"How's Bell City?"

Hearing this, Denton smiled bitterly and said, "Their crops are not growing well this year, and it is estimated that someone will starve to death this year." "

Tang Yu frowned and said, "I'm not a vampire, I only charge fifty percent of their taxes this year, and when the next harvest increases, I'll be the same as the serfs in Chaos City." "

"Thanks to the master, they will definitely belong to the master with all their hearts."

People are afraid of comparison, so the serfs will naturally compare Tang Yu and Bell, one does not treat them as human beings, and the other treats them so well, which is better and which is inferior at a glance.

"So why did you come back this time?"

"Sorry, I almost forgot. The Marquis of Hych's men want to visit you and demand that we return the belongings of Bell City and the Melvin family. "

Hearing this, Tang Yu sneered and said, "No, you just ask him if he is a pig's brain?" "

Entering Tang Yu's pocket, he still wanted Tang Yu to spit it out, not to mention that it was impossible for him to be Marquis Haiqi, even if it was Tang Ji.

"Uh, just reply to him?"

"Yes, noble etiquette is not needed for such stupid pigs." Tang Yu smiled and said, "By the way, help me recruit a group of miners, and the treatment is the same as that of the serfs in Chaos City." "

"Rest assured, master, they will come even if they don't want to be paid."

"That's not going to work, I need them to be healthy, and I need to attract more people."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task, cultivating ten sixth-order giant dragons, and getting rewards: 10,000 gold coins, a Douqigong method, two dragon eggs, and a dragon magic book."

"Didn't expect it so soon?"

However, Tang Yu was immediately a little relieved, these days, those potions are available in unlimited quantities, if this can't break through, Tang Yu has to think about whether to taste the roast dragon meat.

"Alright, you go down."

Tang Yu waved his hand and came to the back mountain.

Alice is already a master-level giant dragon, and her size has become extremely large, and she is not far from adulthood.

Aina had reached the ninth order, and she was not far from the master-level giant dragon.

The gold coins and ingots have also reached the ninth order, and their size is even bigger than Alist, but they are more bloated and don't look as beautiful as Aris.

Lucia reached the seventh order, and Effie and Miranda also reached the sixth order, in order to complete this task and obtain the dragon language magic book, Tang Yu fed them a lot of potions.

As for the other three-headed metal dragons, they had already reached the seventh-order giant dragon, and only Della was only fifth-order.

The higher the level of this little guy, the more experience points he needs, and if a hundred thundercloud fruits go down, he won't even be able to make a splash.

This is just the Colorful Dragon, if it is the Emperor Divine Dragon of the Giant Dragon Clan, the experience required is even more massive, and it is estimated that it is at least ten times that of the Colorful Dragon.

The Thunder Golden Eagle is now also a ninth-order existence, even if it is carrying Tang Yu, it comes and goes like the wind in the air, and the speed is extremely fast.

Only Lu Ya's growth is relatively slow, and now it is only the sixth order.

It is estimated that it will not be long before another task of cultivating giant dragons will be completed, whether it is the Water Cloud Mine, a hundred Douqi Warriors or the best magic weapons, all of which make Tang Yu's eyes hot.

Thank you to the eldest brother [xingkongxiaoyue] for rewarding 202VIP points again, and thank the eldest brother for his daily support.

On average, there are more wows every day, eleven days of sending books, and the number of chapters is sixty-two chapters, you can do the math! But don't worry, it's sure to explode on the shelves!

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