"Spare me, please spare my life, Lord Redblood, if I die, the people of the Hatch Legion will definitely mutiny. "

Hearing this, the Marquis of Red Blood smiled: "How is it possible, the undead will never mutiny." "

"What do you mean?" Marquis Haiqi was stunned, and at this moment, there was a scream and roar outside.

"What do you want to do?" Marquis Hayge came outside, only to see that the soldiers under his command were completely disorganized, howling miserably as they ran, and a dark and evil aura enveloped the entire Bell City.

"Only the undead can live forever, only the undead are the most loyal, Hatch, don't resist, from today onwards, you will have an endless life. "

"I'll fuck you!"

Marquis Haiqi roared, a stream of magical elements gathered under his feet, and his originally fat body was extremely flexible at this time, and he rushed out of the big tent in the blink of an eye.

"Haha, did you run?" the voice of the Red Blood Marquis appeared behind him, and he turned his head to look, instantly stunned in fright.

The red-blooded marquis didn't look like a human at all at this time, his ears were like demons, his neck and hands were covered with black scales, and his body was swirled with red energy, and a breath of courage erupted from his body.

"Demons... Magister?" Swallowing his saliva with difficulty, Marquis Haiqi forgot to escape, he was just a nine-star magician, how could he escape in front of the Magister.

"Seal, join this king forever. "The voice of the Marquis of Red Blood is like a man and a woman, and it looks very eerie.


Tang Yu, who fell into a deep sleep, suddenly sat up and looked in the direction of the city gate.

After he awakened the mystical magic, he was very sensitive to the elements of darkness and holy light magic, and he could feel the incomparable dark magic aura coming from the direction of Bell City.

"Tang Yu, the red-blooded marquis has appeared. "

At this moment, Isabel pushed open the door and walked in, dressed in a white armor, and her long hair was draped over the armor like a waterfall, which added a touch of heroism to her.

"I sensed that there might be a big fight tonight, so I told everyone to get ready. “


Isabel nodded, glanced at Angela's chest, and then looked down at herself, her eyes full of confidence.

"Master, I want to fight side by side with you!" Now Angela has also become the strength of a six-star magician, and the combat power of the four-armed Naga is also very strong.

Hearing this, Tang Yu shook his head and said, "Your task is to protect the castle, don't worry, no one has been able to take my life yet." "

"Then you must pay attention to safety, I will wait for you here. "

Serving Tang Yu and putting on the armor, Angela's eyes were full of worry, when Tang Yu charged yesterday, her heart was in her throat, but even so, she only saw ease and confidence in Tang Yu's eyes.

But now, Tang Yu's face was unprecedentedly serious, indicating that the enemy was even stronger than yesterday's.

When Tang Yu came out of the castle, all the soldiers had already been dressed up, the alarm bell in the city sounded, and the civilians all got up and gathered towards the city square.

Led the soldiers to the square, looking at the black head in front of him, Tang Yu sighed and said: "Tonight is the time when the life and death of my Chaos City is at stake, my people, maybe it will be difficult for me to protect you anymore, now take your wives and children, and take your old mother to leave Chaos City and go to the Golden City." "

"My lord, we will live and die with you!"

A freedman shouted, holding a long knife that had been seized yesterday.

"Yes, we live and die with you. "

The rest of the people echoed one after another, and for most of their lives, they had never seen such a good lord for the serfs, and if such a lord fell like this, it would be a great loss for the serfs.

"Your wives and children still need your care, as soldiers, as lords, it is our responsibility to guard the city, everyone obeys orders, leave the chaotic city, and those who do not obey the order will be killed!"

Tang Yu was confident that he would not die, but these people would definitely suffer heavy casualties.

These people are the cornerstone of themselves, and some people have the city, if the people are gone, what is the use of the city, no matter how big the city is.

"My lord, you can leave with the children, under the leadership of the adults, we have lived a happy and peaceful life, which is enough.

I hope you can take our juniors and build a city somewhere else, and we will defend the enemy. "

"We serfs can fight, and we serfs can defend cities. "

"You are our hope, and we have hope only if you live. "

"Swear to live and die with adults!"

"Swear to live and die with adults!"

Thousands of voices converged into one, and the dark clouds in the sky seemed to be dispersed.

The serfs are very simple, who treats them well, they also understand, if it were not for the leadership of the lord, they are still starving, since the appearance of the lord, every family has surplus food, the city has no idle land, their lifelong dream has been realized, even if they die now, they are already content.

What's more, with the leadership of the lord, their children and grandchildren may be happier than them.

"Tang Yu, they won't leave. Isabel's eyes were a little rosy, she never thought that these serfs could be so cute.

The serfs she usually saw were blinded and had no purpose in life, like walking corpses.

They think they are dirty and lowly, they feel inferior, so dignity, freedom, and honor are not as important to them as a loaf of bread.

But the serfs in Chaos City exude infinite vitality and yearning for life.

"You fucking touched me, but I don't need you. Tang Yu's face was expressionless, not that he was hard-hearted, although the serfs were full of morale, they were extremely united.

But the enemy outside is a superhuman existence, so it's okay to let them help defend the city, but they are just ordinary people, and there are very few people who cultivate Dou Qi among so many people.

Letting them carry their swords and fight against those who are not human beings is simply giving people heads.

"Tsk, what a touching scene! I can't bear to destroy such a bright paradise. "

At this moment, an eerie voice came from the sky, and everyone looked up, and a huge blood-red head appeared in the sky, covering the bright moon and exuding a dark aura.

Thank you to the eldest brother [Shengwang] for rewarding 101VIP points again, and thank you again for the great support of the eldest brother.

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