Wang Yi enjoyed this feeling of overbearing aptitude.

"The Wanjian Emperor Bone is just the Intermediate Emperor Bone. On top of that, there are Advanced and Apex."

"Every time you upgrade to a level, your swordsmanship comprehension will be greatly improved."

The level of aptitude affects future kendo achievements.

Also affects Sword Technique Insight speed.

Same set of Emperor Rank Sword Technique.

It may take ten years to have a mid-rank emperor bone, and possibly Insight.

For high rank Emperor Gu, the time for Insight is only six or seven years.

The top grade emperor bone only takes two or three years.

The gap is obvious.

"If the Sword Embryo is formed and fused with the Wanjian Emperor Bone, it will definitely make the Wanjian Emperor Bone qualitatively sublimate."

"I just don't know when Sword Embryo will be fully formed."

Fortunately, the Palace of Ten Thousand Swords has a huge number of emperor swords, and the speed of condensing Sword Qi is very fast, and the time for Sword Embryo to form will not be too long.

Wang Yi stood on the roof of the Hall of Taichu, with his hands behind his back, looking at the majestic mountains and rivers in front of him, with great pride in his heart.

"One day, let this Holy Land of Absolute Beginning return to its former glory!"

"Let this Holy Land of Absolute Beginning become the strongest force in the world!"

Next, what he thought about was where to find a person with an imperial body and accept him as an apprentice.

"The emperor's body is hard to find. In my impression, I have never heard of any..."

"By the way, go to the Pavilion of Celestial Secrets to find out!"

There is a mysterious faction in Hongzhou called Pavilion of Celestial Secrets.

The old man of Celestial Secrets inside is familiar with the arrogant figures of various forces.

If you go there and ask, maybe you can find the target.

Wang Yi stepped into the void and flew towards the Pavilion of Celestial Secrets.

In just a few breaths, he came to the front of a tall giant tower.

The Pavilion of Celestial Secrets is divided into ten floors in total.

The topmost floor is the observatory, where you can watch the stars at night and deduce Celestial Secrets.

At this time, it was nightfall.

The half crescent moon hangs in the sky, and the Galaxy Cluster is dotted with the dark night sky, which has a sense of grandeur.

The old man of Celestial Secrets was sitting on the observatory, holding a cup of tea in his hand, and took a sip.


Suddenly, the old man of Celestial Secrets felt that there was a very terrifying fluctuation on the back side of the Celestial Secrets tower, and he hurriedly turned his head to look.

"This fellow daoist, please!" The old man of Celestial Secrets put one hand behind his back, pointed to the observatory with the other, and made a gesture of invitation.

Wang Yi smiled lightly, tiptoed, and landed on the wooden floor of the observatory.

"I've heard for a long time that Celestial Secrets is very hospitable. I saw you today, and it's just as the rumors say!"

The old man stroked his goatee, chuckled a few times, then picked up the teapot, and poured a cup of tea for Wang Yi himself.

"Wild tea in the mountains, I hope the fellow daoist will not be offended!"

Wang Yi picked up the celadon teacup and took a sip.

The green tea enters the mouth, and the aftertaste is sweet.

"It's an honor for Junior to have such sweet tea." Seeing the politeness of the other party, Wang Yi also spoke politely.

The two drank a cup of tea each, and the old man from Celestial Secrets raised his white eyebrows and asked, "I don't know what the fellow daoist is here for?"

With his strength, it is impossible to figure out Wang Yi's true strength, so he guessed that this young man is definitely a strong man.

Has a very terrifying strength.

Therefore, if you entertain the other party with tea, you should speak politely.

Wang Yi said straight to the point: "I'm here this time to find out something!"

"But it's okay to say!"

"Do you know where there are people with the qualifications of the imperial body?"

"Emperor body!" The old man of Celestial Secrets paused slightly, and put the teacup on the stone table, "To be honest, the emperor body is extremely uncommon. In this Hongzhou, it can be said that there is almost no..."

"What if we leave Hongzhou?" Wang Yi asked again.

Qianlong Continent is vast and boundless, with tens of thousands of states.

Hongzhou is only at the corner of the mainland, and the Spiritual Qi it has is also average.

The overall strength is at the bottom of tens of thousands of states.

The more outstanding a place is, the more talented people will appear.

The elder Celestial Secrets looked to the north side, and said slowly: "Go north from here, after a hundred thousand miles, you will be the Qingzhou territory."

"There is a Peach Blossom Valley there, and there is a woman with the qualifications of the Emperor, named Liu Yanran!"

Wang Yi's eyes lit up.

One hundred thousand miles is not far.

With his footsteps, that is, hundreds of breaths, he can get there.

Once back and forth, it doesn't take the time for a cup of tea.

The Great Emperor is a strong man with a strong ability to fly in the flesh.

"This Liu Yanran, what Constitution is it?"

"Extreme alchemy emperor body!"

"It's Uncommon!" Wang Yi recently found several books in the Wanjuan Library that recorded various Constitution, Heavenly and Mortal Treasures.

When I was free, I flipped through it and learned a lot of things that I didn't understand before.

The extremely alchemy emperor body is born good at pill refining.

A Sect, if there is a strong medicine pill refiner, the future Sect's Medicine Pill will definitely not have to worry about it.

Although Wang Yi has a system, it is impossible to obtain resources at will, there is a certain amount.

Now there are fewer people in the Holy Land, and resources are easy to allocate.

But if there are too many people, the number of Medicine Pills needed is astronomical.

Wang Yi nodded slightly.

"If you can recruit this Liu Yanran to the Sect and train her well, then you don't have to worry about the Medicine Pill!"

The previous Holy Land of Absolute Beginning also had a Wandan Peak, which was responsible for refining Medicine Pill.

It can be said that the development and growth of the Holy Land of Absolute Beginning is inseparable from Wandan Peak.

In the future, Wang Yi will definitely make this Wandan Peak regain its glory.

The old man from Celestial Secrets shook his head and said, "Peach Blossom Valley is not easy, and that Liu Yanran is not easy to recruit!"

"Even if you go, you will probably return empty-handed!"

Wang Yi raised his head and asked seriously, "Can you tell me about the Peach Blossom Valley?"

"Of course." The old man picked up his teacup, blew away the floating tea leaves, and took a sip.

"The owner of Peach Blossom Valley, named Liu Qiuyun, is extremely powerful and possesses a Venerable state!"

When talking about the Venerable environment, the old man from Celestial Secrets stared at Wang Yi's expression, trying to get some clues from his face.

If Wang Yi showed surprise, he must not be as strong as Liu Qiuyun.

As a result, Wang Yi didn't see any changes on his face, and he remained calm.

Secretly said: "This young man doesn't change his face when he hears Venerable, his strength must be much stronger than Venerable."

"What the hell is Realm?"

The person in front of him looks very young, and has strength beyond the Venerable realm, which is really terrifying.

Wang Yi nodded and said, "The Venerable realm is reasonable, and then what? What strength is there?"

The old man of Celestial Secrets said: "In addition, Peach Blossom Valley also has a very strong formation, which is made of peach trees. Anyone who forcibly breaks in will definitely get lost in the formation."

"Phantom array." Wang Yi has not practiced formation yet, so he doesn't know much about the situation inside.

However, there is a saying that one force will drop ten meetings.

I believe this formation will not trouble him.

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