With a look of joy on Jin Yiyue's face, she hurriedly kowtowed to Wang Yi.

"Thank you Saint Lord for cultivation!"

Although he only has the status of a handyman disciple, he has obtained a lot of opportunities in the Holy Land.

For this, Jin Yiyue was very grateful.

I have always wanted to repay the kindness of Saint Lord.

Today, the youth conference is about to start.

An opportunity is in front of own, and he must practice hard to compete for the honor of the leader of the Saint Lord.

At that time, the name of Holy Land of Absolute Beginning will be fully known in Hongzhou.

Looking through the open window, Wang Yi looked at the blue sky outside the window, and said earnestly, "It's not easy to win the leader in this youth conference..."

"Your strongest opponent is Su Zhengyu who has the body of Tianyang Zun!"

Hearing the words Tianyang Zun's body, Jin Yiyue's expression gradually froze, and a huge stone hung in her heart.

The Tianyang body is an Advanced body, and the Jade Bone Saint Body is just a low-level body.

This enemy's potential and aptitude are much stronger than hers.

Jin Yiyue raised her head and looked at Wang Yi nervously.

"Saint Lord, how strong is this enemy?"

Wang Yi put his hands on the handle of the faucet and said slowly: "Divine Transformation Seventh Stage."

Jin Yiyue gasped when she heard this Realm.

"Divine Transformation Seventh Stage, the strength is so strong..."

At this moment, the pressure is like a mountain, pressing heavily on the back.

But he didn't flinch at all, he clenched his jade fist tightly, and his eyes shone with determination.

"No matter what, I will fight for the number one spot for Saint Lord."

Seeing Jin Yiyue's firm gaze, Wang Yi nodded slightly.

Against such a tyrannical opponent, she can still have this kind of fighting spirit. This Jin Yiyue's future achievements are limitless.

"Yiyue, since I asked you to fight for the position of leader, I naturally prepared something for you. What do you think it is?"

"After saying this, I flipped my wrist and took out a light blue book with the power of ice floating around it."

Jin Yiyue took the flying book in her hand, and could feel an extremely cold force coming from the book.

His hands were shaking from the cold, his body was covered with a slight white chill, and even his beautiful eyebrows were covered with a layer of frost.

"What a powerful ice power..."

Looking towards the front of the book, a few large characters came into view.

"Frozen Miles"

"Saint Lord, is this also a Cultivation Technique of this emperor?"

Jin Yiyue just looked at the big characters on the book cover, as if she was in a world of ice and snow.

So I guess in my heart, this should be a Cultivation Technique of this emperor.

Wang Yi nodded with satisfaction: "You guessed right, this book is Emperor Rank."

"The grade has not reached the top grade of Emperor Rank, but only the top grade of Emperor Rank."

Jin Yiyue gulped.

What is Emperor Rank Top Grade?

In the eyes of Saint Lord, is only the best Cultivation Technique of Emperor Rank worthy of the word Apex?

The top grade of this emperor is also very strong, okay?

At this time, I really admire the background of Holy Land of Absolute Beginning.

You can come up with so many Emperor Rank Cultivation Techniques casually.

Among the other holy places, only the Saint Lord or the ancestors are eligible to practice the Emperor Rank Cultivation Technique.

If the saint wanted to practice the Emperor Rank Cultivation Technique, she would have to spend many years of hard work before she could qualify.

Wang Yi continued: "This book is frozen in thousands of miles, which is suitable for Jade Bone Saint Body practice."

"In the past six months, we must cultivate this frozen ten thousand miles to a small Realm."

Jin Yiyue was taken aback for a moment.

"You want me to practice it to a small degree?"

Emperor Rank Cultivation Technique is the most difficult to cultivate among all ranks.

Initiation is relatively simple.

But if you want to cultivate it to a small success, it will take at least three to five years.

This is still the case with Jade Bone Saint Body, which has worse qualifications and takes longer.

There is still half a year left until the Youth Conference.

During this period, it is difficult to cultivate Frozen Thousand Miles to a small Realm.

Wang Yi flipped his wrist and took out a fruit the size of a grapefruit.

The peel is blue, and there are obscure lines on it, which looks extremely extraordinary.

"What kind of fruit is this?" Jin Yiyue could feel that there was a very terrifying aura on this fruit.

If you eat it, maybe there will be some miraculous effect.

Wang Yi said slowly: "This fruit is called Sensing Dao fruit, and it can help you Insight this Cultivation Technique."


When Jin Yiyue heard the name of this fruit, her pupils suddenly shrank, and she stared at the blue fruit.

"This is the Sensing Dao fruit in Legendary?"

"It's so big!"

I have heard of Sensing Dao fruit before, it should be an apple-sized fruit.

There are not so many mysterious patterns on it.

The corners of Wang Yi's mouth curled up slightly.

"Of course this is not a Common Sensing Dao, but a Ten Thousand Year Sensing Dao!"

I opened the gift package before and got a Ten Thousand Year Sensing Dao tree. The fruit that bears on it is larger than the Common Sensing Dao fruit, and it can also be called the Ten Thousand Year Sensing Dao fruit.

The effect will be stronger.

Jin Yiyue gasped.

"It turned out to be a Ten Thousand Year Sensing Dao fruit, isn't it too Uncommon?"

The Sensing Dao tree grows Hundred Years before it can bear fruit. The higher the age of the tree, the more fruit it will bear, and the bigger the fruit will be.

A Common Sensing Dao tree is already very Uncommon.

The Thousand Year Sensing Dao tree can be said to be hard to find in heaven and earth.

The Ten Thousand Year Sensing Dao tree, even if you search all over the Qianlong Continent, you may not be able to find it.

She couldn't figure out how the Saint Lord found the Ten Thousand Year Sensing Dao fruit.

Wang Yi tossed the fruit lightly and floated in front of Jin Yiyue.

"If you eat this fruit, you will have Sensing Dao effect within a month."

Sensing Dao will have different effects according to different years.

Like the fruit of the Hundred Year Sensing Dao tree, after eating, the effect will disappear within seven days.

After eating the fruit of the Thousand Year Sensing Dao tree, the effect will disappear within half a month.

After eating Ten Thousand Year Sensing Dao fruit, the effect can last for one month.

The effect is strongest in the first half month, and the effect will gradually weaken in the second half month until it disappears.


Jin Yiyue swallowed hard, and carefully picked up the fruit in front of her.

This Ten Thousand Year Sensing Dao fruit can be called a rare treasure.

"The effect can last for a month, which is too powerful!"

After eating the Sensing Dao fruit, the comprehension will be greatly improved.

When using the Insight Cultivation Technique, one can easily understand the mystery of it.

The value of possession is immeasurable.

At the very beginning, Saint Lord asked her to cultivate the Cultivation Technique of Frozen Miles to a small Realm within half a year.

It feels so tough.

But with the Sensing Dao effect, everything will become possible.


at the foot of the mountain.

In one scented room, Pink curtains hang on either side of the bed.

Jin Yiyue sat in front of the desk, holding a fruit the size of a grapefruit in her delicate jade hands.

"Ten Thousand Year Sensing Dao Fruit!"

"It should be delicious, right?"

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