Start with the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 14 Teacher 【Request a recommendation ticket】

The expedition team is officially on its way.

It was only not long after I left Hobbiton, and I was only halfway through the first day.

The originally clear sky was suddenly shrouded in clouds.

Then, a heavy rain fell from the sky.

Only after walking out of the woods, everyone in the team walking on the vast wilderness trail was unavoidable, and instantly turned into chickens.

"Whoa whoa whoa."

The pouring rain, the raindrops the size of beans, fell from the head to the face.

As soon as Jean came out of Hobbiton, the end of his enthusiasm for adventure was instantly dispelled by half.

"Let's just keep walking, don't we find a place to take shelter from the rain?"

Bilbo, who was blinded by the heavy rain, shouted as he watched the crowd who were indifferent in the heavy rain and who were still moving on.

"Mr Baggins, it's a summer rainstorm that won't last long"

"There's nowhere to hide around here, just hold on."

"A little rain will make us stronger, Mr. Baggins, you need a little more."

A dwarf in the team immediately answered.

"The rain can make a person stronger, is there such a saying?"

Bilbo seemed to think he had heard something wrong, and asked Morgan beside him in surprise.

"Perhaps, after all, we will have more rains next."

Morgan shook his head.

Fortunately, before meeting Gandalf, Morgan lived alone in the wilderness for half a month.

Let the current Morgan get used to this bad weather in the wild.

"Well, it seems that the adventure is indeed a little different from usual."

Hearing Morgan's words, Bilbo murmured, barely believing it.

"Hey, Mr. Gandalf, can't you do something about the rain?"

At this moment, the dwarf Doli suddenly asked loudly.

"Such heavy rain will not stop until it finishes."

"If you want to change the weather in the world, you should find another wizard."

Gandalf wiped his long beard with rain, and replied.

"Any more?"

Bilbo asked Gandalf, who was riding in front of Morgan.

Gandalf: "What?"

Bilbo: "Any other wizards?"

Gandalf turned his head to look at Bilbo, and said, "Of course, there are five."

"The most powerful among us is Saruman, the wizard in white."

"There are also two blue-robed wizards, but I almost forgot their names."

Bilbo went on: "And another one?"

Gandalf: "And one is Redagast, the brown wizard"

"Then what does he do, or the same as you."

Bilbo kept asking Gandalf questions about wizards like a curious baby.

Gandalf has a good personality and is constantly answering Bilbo's questions.

Let Morgan, who is behind the two, take the opportunity to hear a lot of news outside the memory plot.

As the dwarves said before, it was a summer rainstorm.

After half an hour, the rain stopped.

The dark clouds on the horizon began to dissipate, and strands of golden sunlight fell from the gaps in the clouds to the ground, shining brightly.

The sky washed by the rain became clearer and clearer.

The silent atmosphere of the expedition team also disappeared as the heavy rain went away.

With the dwarves around, the atmosphere of the group soon became lively again.

A large team of more than ten people acted together.

Don't worry about encountering beasts at all.

Even if they meet, they just add food to the team.

Just like that, time flew by.

a month later.

In a leafy jungle.

Morgan was holding a longbow, carefully hiding behind a big tree.

Not far away, the dwarf Kili also carefully squatted behind a bush of weeds with a bow and arrow.

A little far in front of the two of them, seven or eight sturdy spotted deer were grazing.

The innate prudence in the bloodline of herbivores makes the piebald deer eat a few bites of grass, and it will look up and look around, very cautious.

Morgan raised his hand and gestured to Kili.

There was already some tacit understanding of Kili nodded, and immediately got up and walked to the side carefully.

Morgan hid in place, and when Kili reached a suitable position, Morgan made a gesture again.

Kili nodded, chose a suitable hidden position to hold the bow and arrow, and waited quietly.

See Kili reached the place.

Morgan then drew an arrow from the quiver on his back, and another arrow.

A total of two arrows were placed on the longbow in his hand.

Yes, after a month of familiarity and practice.

Morgan can now shoot two arrows at once.

It was only now that he really knew the power of LV2 level archery, and he barely mastered it.

With a bow and arrow, Morgan carefully stuck his body out of the tree trunk, and immediately shrank back when he saw the piebald deer who was looking up in the distance.

After waiting for a few seconds, Morgan, who had finished counting silently, leaned out again, just in time to see the piebald deer lowered its head and continued to graze.

"It's now!"

Morgan's eyes immediately became extremely sharp and focused, the long bow in his hand was aimed at the piebald deer, and the bowstring was fully drawn.


Two off-string arrows blasted away with a piercing sound.

The spotted deer was instantly awakened by the sound of the bowstring, and immediately ran away.

It's just a step slower than the bowstring lasing speed.

Two piebald deer near Morgan fell whimpering.

The remaining piebald deer ran as fast as they could.


The piebald deer, which was running wildly, fell down again.

The remaining piebald deer immediately turned around in panic.

At this time, with another pleasant bowstring sound.


Two deadly arrows arrived in an instant.

A spotted deer fell to the ground.

The other arrow was close to the neck of a piebald deer and was slightly missed.

The rest of the piebald deer seemed to be mad with fright. They ran away in panic, and disappeared into the jungle in the blink of an eye.

The hunt was a great success, with Morgan shooting three piebald deer by himself and Kili shooting one.

For more than a month, Kili has been completely convinced by Morgan's archery skills.

On the way back carrying the spotted deer, Kili also kept asking Morgan for advice.

Because of Morgan's systematic empowerment and his understanding of archery along the way, it has long since changed.

It's enough to teach Kili what to do.

Morgan didn't hide anything when he taught Kili.

His willingness to befriend the dwarves would benefit his future plans.

The advantage of selfless teaching is that Kili now respects Morgan more and more, and vaguely regards Morgan as a teacher.

Along with the other dwarves in the expedition team, Morgan had more respect.

When the two of them carried four spotted deer back to the team's temporary rest camp.

The two were warmly welcomed.

Think about it too, hunting is not just a matter of swordsmanship and axe, you have to be able to attack those prey.

Now the team's meat supply, that is, hunting, is almost a matter of Morgan and Kili.

But now in the team, apart from hunting, the two of them don't have to do anything else.

Such as cooking, such as feeding horses, such as picking wild vegetables, such as vigil.

The station short has come, and those who are interested can invest

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