Start with the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 16 A thriving [recommended ticket]

"Enemy attack!"

Morgan roared loudly, too late to think about why the plot was different from what he remembered.

Grabbing the longbow quiver at hand, he quickly put it on his back, and immediately drew out two arrows with great skill, and opened the bow to shoot.

The whole process is smooth and smooth, in one go.

Being yelled at by Morgan, the orc immediately reacted, and instead of sneaking forward, he rushed over with a low growl.

The dozen or so dwarves who were selected to participate in the expedition to restore the country were either veterans who had experienced several wars in the past, or young dwarves who had performed well. They were definitely elites.

After being woken up by Morgan, he immediately reacted, without panic, he just picked up the weapon at hand to meet the orcs.


Two arrows shot out and went straight to the orc who rushed up first.

At such a close distance, Morgan has no chance of missing at all.

next second.

The two orcs rushing in front groaned, and immediately their feet softened, and their entire bodies fell to the ground with inertia.

The dwarf Groyin, who hurriedly got up with a hatchet ready to fight, looked up and saw two orcs slumped down in front of him like crazy, motionless, and he was stunned.

Looking down and looking carefully, I saw two arrows hitting the orc's face, penetrating the skull, and the dead can no longer die.

With one bow and two arrows, this is a masterpiece that only Morgan can achieve.

Ge Luoyin subconsciously turned to look at Morgan.

Then he saw that Morgan was aiming his longbow at him.


An arrow swept past quickly.

Ge Luoyin was taken aback by surprise, and then he heard a muffled sound behind him.

He turned his head and saw an ugly orc with a sharp blade and an arrow pierced his head standing behind him, slowly falling backwards.


Ge Luoyin was frightened into a cold sweat, and after muttering a few words, he turned around and picked up the hatchet, and roared at the orc.

A dozen or two orcs sneaked into the temporary camp of dwarves.

As the first discoverer, with a single voice, the orc plan was defeated, and three orcs were killed by two arrows in a very short time.

Morgan's outstanding performance immediately caught the attention of the Orcs.

The little orc leader of the team, a tall orc wearing sharp black armor with an extremely hideous and ugly face pointed at Morgan and shouted angrily, "Kill him, kill that human!"

With the roar of the little orc leader.

Around the camp, there were more than a dozen wolves that were head and shoulders tall and covered with needle-like hard gray-black hair.

The attacking Orcs belonged to the scout team.

These ferocious gondaba wolves, whose bodies are longer than ordinary wolves, are the mounts of scout orcs.

Just because the Warg's low roar would wake up the dwarves and affect the sneak attack, the Warg stayed outside the camp.

Now that there is no possibility of sneak attack, these ferocious Wargs rushed out immediately.

Under the order of the little orc leader, the grinning wargs rushed towards Morgan immediately.


Seeing a large number of wolves rushing towards this side, Morgan's eyelids jumped, and he immediately put away his long bow and pulled out the long sword from his waist.

Just as he drew out his long sword, he saw a huge shadow rushing towards him with a fishy wind.

Unable to keep the distance at all, Morgan immediately knelt down and leaned back to hide.

Feeling the wolf stink rushing overhead, the bruised hair on his abdomen almost shaved his face.

Morgan held his sword in both hands and stabbed it upwards without looking at it.


The long sword pierced through the Warg's slightly soft abdomen in an instant, accompanied by the huge inertia of the Warg over Morgan's head.

The sharp long sword took advantage of the trend and pulled a long hole in the belly of the wolf above his head, just like giving the whole caesarean section.

"Whoa whoa whoa."

The instant the Warg passed over Morgan's head, a large number of stench-smelling internal organs rushed out of the Warg's abdomen.

Morgan, who was startled, tried his best to dodge sideways, but he was still splashed a little on his back, and even a string of bloody and smelly intestines was hung on the quiver on his back.

"What am I"

Morgan ripped off his intestines, just about to spit out the fragrance.

At this moment, another huge black shadow swooped down from the boulder not far away.

Morgan stood up, raised his sword and slashed.


The collision of the long sword and the sharp claws of the wolf instantly made a sound of gold and iron hitting each other.

The Warg landed unharmed, and immediately turned around and grinned at Morgan.

Morgan was hit by the great force of the Warg and took a few steps back before he stabilized his body.

At this moment, another Warg rushed out of the darkness not far from Morgan.

Seeing this, the confronting wolf in front of him no longer hesitated, and immediately rushed up with a low roar.

"not good."

Two wolves pounced at the same time from different directions.

Morgan felt his eyelids twitching wildly at this moment, and the danger rose sharply.

He has no doubt that with the size of these wolves and the sharp fangs in the opponent's mouth, he can easily bite his neck with just one bite.

It's useless for him to worry any more, and the two Wargs pounced on him in an instant.


Realizing that he couldn't escape, Morgan gritted his teeth, and immediately took the initiative to meet the Warg who was the first to pounce in front of him.

Rather risk the consequences of being attacked by another warg, but also kill one first to avoid falling into the dangerous siege of two wargs.

Morgan took a step forward and clenched the long sword with both hands and slashed hard!


The ferocious Warg rushing head-on was chopped off half of his head by Morgan's sword. After screaming, he fell to the ground and twitched violently.

Without the slightest joy, Morgan hadn't forgotten about the other Warg. He turned around immediately, but felt a powerful airflow suddenly burst out from behind him.


Gandalf held high the glowing wooden staff, and a pale white light wave almost visible to the naked eye immediately exploded in the air.

After the explosion.

The ferocious Warg that had pounced on Morgan was immediately thrown backwards and fell heavily on the boulder behind him, motionless.

"You saved my life, Gandalf!"

Morgan, holding the long sword, immediately joined Gandalf and stood side by side.

"You're welcome, your performance today was exceptional."

Holding a long sword in one hand and a staff in the other, Gandalf pierced an orc rushing up with one sword, raised his foot and knocked the corpse of the orc to the ground, and said casually.

"Oh, how does that compare to you?"

Seeing Gandalf guards beside him, Morgan threw down the long sword in his hand, took off the longbow from his back again, raised his hand and shot an arrow, hitting the eye of a warg rushing up.

"Of course it's a little bit worse, and it's a little bit worse."

The words fell, and Gandalf suddenly stretched out his staff.


A white light suddenly erupted from the top of the staff, and a half-orc who stole over was blown away several meters on the spot.

"What do you think."

Gandalf turned his head, looked at Morgan with a little interest and smiled.

I saw that Morgan raised his hand and pointed at Gandalf with an arrow.


The arrow swept past Gandalf's ear, and even cut off a few strands of Gandalf's long hair.

Gandalf turned his head suddenly, and saw an arrow in the brow of an orc who was about to rush in front of him, and fell backwards.

Then I heard Morgan's voice: "I don't think so, what do you think?"

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