Start with the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 40 Banquet 【Ask for a recommendation ticket】

The group followed King Elon and Gandalf through pavilions, fountains, gardens, and attics.

Finally reached an open-air garden.

Walking into the garden, the first thing everyone saw was a huge tree.

The big trees are lush and luxuriant, and the branches are intertwined, like a canopy, covering the entire garden.

Under the big tree, two exquisite long dining tables have been put on various elf delicacies one after another.

Beside the long table, sitting a few beautiful elf girls, who play the flute and the accordion, look very stylish.

Bilbo and a group of dwarves were invited to sit at a side table.

Morgan was pulled by Gandalf and sat at the main table with King Elon and Thorin Oakenshield.

The weather in Rivendell is fine today.

The time is in the afternoon.

The golden autumn warm sun not only gave the entire Rivendell a beautiful golden yellow, but it was also extraordinarily comfortable and warm when it shone on people.

The open-air garden is built high in Rivendell, with a good location and an unparalleled view.

Standing in the garden, you can almost see the entire scenery of Rivendell at a glance.

The environment is beautiful, the sun is comfortable, the music is soft, and there is a beautiful elf girl to accompany you.

Sure enough, the powerful can get the best enjoyment anywhere.

Morgan sighed in his heart and looked away from the sea of ​​golden clouds in the distance.

At this time, the elf servants have already prepared the last meal.

Looking at the table full of food in front of him, Morgan smiled.

The elves are all vegetarians, and most of the food on the table is a variety of vegetable salads, fruits of various colors, jams, fruit wine, and sweets and pastries of various colors.

Although they are basically vegetarian, the varieties are very rich. Every fruit looks fresh and green, and it looks very advanced.

"The dwarves are in trouble."

Morgan was secretly happy, and immediately turned his head to look over.

Sure enough, a group of dwarves were staring at the table full of colorful food at this moment, frowning.

Originally thought that the elf lord of Rivendell, such a big man invited them to dinner, must be all kinds of big fish and meat, all kinds of food and wine.

I didn't expect to eat these fruits and vegetables.

This stuff is usually what they use to feed pigs and sheep, so how can they be full.

Know that the dwarves would rather eat the driest and toughest jerky than a bite of vegetables.

To use a phrase they often hang on their lips: "Without meat, a bird will fade out of the mouth."

Morgan has been traveling with a group of dwarves for more than a month, and has learned a lot about the dwarves.

The reason why dwarves cannot live without meat is closely related to their way of life.

Dwarves are the best miners because of their race.

They are good at mining and love to mine.

The dwarves of Middle-earth mostly live in the underground mines they dug.

If there is no special reason, most ordinary dwarves are likely to live their lives underground without ever getting out of the ground.

The daily work of ordinary dwarves is basically tapping in the mines and holes.

Mining is a very labor-intensive labor, and you can't get your strength without eating meat.

This is also the reason why dwarves love meat.

This is not the case with elves, which far exceed the lifespan of ordinary races; they have the ability to communicate naturally with plants and trees after being trained after birth; they also have an excellent body appearance that many races envy.

All make the elves seem extraordinarily unique.

Elves are close to nature, and they regard all kinds of flowers, plants, trees and animals in the forest as friends.

This is also the reason why elves can communicate with nature.

Elf though everything looks perfect.

But in fact, they also have a very fatal weakness: that is, they have a much more difficult chance of having offspring than other races.

In the event of a war, the elves are slower to recover than any other race in Middle-earth.

However, in the entire multiverse, almost all longevity species face similar problems, which are not unique to the elves.

Back to topic.

Although the dwarves looked at the green food on the table, they couldn't hide their disgust on their faces.

But also know that this is in the elf's territory.

The elves eat and drink, although these things are not rare for the dwarves at all.

But at least some good manners are required.

Although the dwarves muttered disgust, they didn't say it out loud to embarrass everyone.

Morgan turned his head and picked up a thumb-sized piece of fruit on the plate in front of him. It looked like a grape. The crystal clear fruit was thrown into the mouth. The teeth were crushed with a little force, and the full flesh and sweet juice immediately filled the entire mouth. The sweetness in the mouth immediately became pleasant.

"really not bad"

Morgan's eyes brightened slightly, looking at the various brightly colored fruits on the table in front of him, looking forward more and more.

After more than a month of hard and adventurous career, I can finally have a good meal today.

Morgan began to eat a lot. As the lord of Rivendell, King Elon had a great business, and he had no polite idea of ​​saving food for the other party.

The others are similar, just the dwarves on the table next to them, they are disgusted and disgusted, they can stuff anything when they are hungry.

It sounds legendary enough.

He was attacked by orc scouts in the middle of the night last night, and he ran wild in the middle of the night.

The next morning, shortly after taking a rest, he encountered a giant troll stealing a horse.

After the expedition team worked hard to solve the three trolls, they copied the opponent's nest.

The result was too late to be happy, and was chased by the orcs again.

And this time the orcs are coming fiercely and on a huge scale.

Losing all the parcels of dry food and a dozen valuable ponies left in the makeshift camp doesn't count.

In the end, he was almost overtaken by the half-orc army.

Had it not been for Gandalf to lead the crowd through the secret passage to Rivendell.

Morgan couldn't imagine what the expedition would be like now.

When the stomach began to feel a little full, everyone slowed down their meal and began to chat.

Gandalf and King Elon are good friends and talk the most.

At this time, the two were chatting, and Gandalf suddenly took out the single-edged long sword hanging from his waist and handed it to King Elon to show him.

King Elon took the long sword, and after scrutinizing it for a while, he drew out the long sword, stared at the inscription under the hilt, and said slowly: "This is the "beast bite sword", it is famous for killing orcs, and it was forged by Western high elves. made"

King Elon slowly revealed the information of the Elf sword that Gandalf had handed him.

Morgan consciously picked up his saber and handed it over.

"This is. Granary."

King Elon pulled out the cold sword, looked at the inscription on the sword and said solemnly.

"This is the sword of King Gondolin."

"It's called "The Fence of the Enemy", and it became famous in the war with the goblins in the first era"

"Forged by my Western High Elf clan"

King Elon handed the long sword back to Morgan and said, "This is a real sword, I hope it can help you."

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