Start with the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 73 The future can be expected [seeking monthly ticket, recommended ticket]

The giant eagle group soared above the sky carrying the expedition team.

Fly over the plains and highlands, over the forests and rivers, over the mountains and clouds.

Looking down at the earth in the sky of the wind blowing thousands of miles.

Such a magical experience may only come once in a lifetime.

The members of the expedition team, except for those who were really tired and fell asleep.

Others are all lying on the back of the giant eagle, enjoying the unprecedented magnificent scenery of Middle-earth.

Because the distance between the giant eagle groups is not too far.

The dwarves even shouted hello to each other.

But all this has nothing to do with Morgan.

He is immersed in his own world and cannot extricate himself.

He looked at the silver-white ring in his hand.

Morgan really didn't expect this to be a space ring with storage capacity.

In his past life, Morgan had watched a lot of movies and TV novels for entertainment.

For magical props that can hold a lot of things without taking up any space, there is a similar name: storage bag, storage ring, space bag, dimensional space magic equipment and so on.

But he didn't expect that he could actually see it in his lifetime.

But whenever Morgan laments the magic of the world.

He always thinks about his system.

Speaking of which, in front of the time traveler system on him.

All other magic is not magic.

He looked at the silver ring in front of him.

Morgan took out all his possessions, a fist-sized cloth bag full of gems of every color.

Here's Morgan's harvest in the cave of the three rock trolls.

Then, after carefully attaching a trace of spirit to the cloth bag, Morgan guided it towards the silver ring.

next second.

The cloth bag full of gems disappeared instantly.

Morgan immediately found a trace of spirit and went to the silver ring.

Soon, an empty space equivalent to the size of an ordinary room appeared.

In the center of the spacious and empty space, a fist-sized cloth bag was there.

Sensing the magic of the silver ring, Morgan quickly withdrew.

Then he took off the longbow from his body, and the elf longsword and the like began to keep going in and out.

After playing for a while, Morgan felt familiar with it, and then took out the longbow and longsword and put it aside.

The gem bag on his body, as well as the employment contract with Thorin Oakenshield and other small things were put into the silver ring.

But such a very conspicuous thing as the longbow elf longsword, Morgan would not be confused.

There is no doubt about the preciousness of a ring like having storage space.

Morgan didn't intend, nor did he want to expose such a magical thing to other people's eyes.

Reorganize your stuff, even if it's not much.

Morgan then carefully put the silver ring on the little finger of his left hand.

Look at the ring on the left hand.

Morgan was in a good mood, very good.

A ring that can fit an entire room can be very useful.

Especially for the self who has been adventurous for a long time.

He also thought that when he arrived at Gushan and entered the Underground Kingdom of Gushan, he was ready to make a fortune.

In the memory plot, the golden treasure occupied by the giant dragon Smaug in the treasure house of the Underground Kingdom of Lonely Mountain is really too many and amazing.

The wealth that is like mountains and seas is that Morgan's blood was boiling in front of the movie screen in his previous life.

Besides, coming to this world now, there will still be such an opportunity in the future.

Morgan will definitely find a way to make a fortune.

He didn't know how long he would stay in this Middle-earth, or whether he would stay in this world forever.

But as long as he is alive, he needs the money.

Morgan had not forgotten his time at Hobbiton, Bilbo's hometown.

Want to buy a wire chain mail because of the embarrassment when I don't have enough money.

He wanted to change to a long sword, but he was too shy to even ask the price of the long sword in the blacksmith shop.

Although the long sword in his hand is now a high elf sword.

But he was still wearing the normal leather armor he had bought from Hobbiton.

And now it is damaged in many places, and the skin is also frayed.

As a human being, Morgan knows better than anyone the advantages of having money and the embarrassment of not having it.

So, Morgan had this idea when he first met Gandalf and joined the expedition.

Now with the silver ring on the hand.

Morgan was even more determined to find a way to make a fortune in Thorin Oakenshield's Lonely Mountain Treasure House.

In this way, his future life in Middle-earth can be more secure.

He wants to wander around the world, play everywhere, and the idea of ​​wandering everywhere can be well implemented.

Instead of being a ranger and bounty hunter because of the need for money, they take on missions everywhere to earn that little hard-earned life.

Besides, Morgan saved Thorin Oakenshield time and time again.

Morgan didn't think it was too much to take a little treasure from him.

Looking at the ring on the little finger of his left hand, Morgan became more and more satisfied.

He knew from the start that world exploration progress would be useful.

I didn't expect that there is such a good thing as a reward space ring at the progress of 1%, which is so powerful.

If it reaches 10%, 20%, or even higher progress.

There must be better rewards waiting for you then.

Meizizi thought of this.

Morgan retracted his gaze and looked at the virtual data column in front of him again.

Sure enough, after the achievement reward was given.

The current world exploration progress column, which originally exudes a pale green light, has disappeared.

After a careful look at the entire data panel.

Morgan's eyes returned to the column representing his four major attributes and the ability column representing skills.

Next is strengthening time.

Morgan immediately cheered up and began to examine and analyze it carefully.

Look at the ability bar first.

"Universal language" cannot reinforce nature needless to say.

"Muay Thai LV2" is of little use to him now, and he is completely ignored for the time being.

"White Crow Swordsmanship LV2"

Looking at the data emitting a pale white light.

Morgan thought to himself.

The last time he strengthened was in Rivendell, the capital of elves.

Upgraded White Crow Swordsmanship to LV2.

Next, for nearly a month, because of uninterrupted exercise.

Morgan's proficiency in the White Crow's swordsmanship also improved rapidly.

Up to now, although I dare not say that I can fully grasp this kind of words.

But after the first battle of the Underground Goblin Kingdom, and the battle of the Orcs.

Morgan's white crow swordsmanship is definitely considered to be in the room.

This was also the reason why he dared to compete with Thorin Oak Shield's swordsmanship.

Archery is of course important.

But melee swordsmanship is equally important, even more so than bowing and archery.

If it weren't for the fact that he had worked tirelessly to practice White Crow Swordsmanship for the past month.

This time Morgan's trip to the underground kingdom, facing the countless goblin monsters, he is likely to roll over there.

Thinking of this, Morgan's mind moved slightly, and the first point of soul power was decisively on the White Crow Swordsmanship.

[This strengthening consumes 1 soul power, is it strengthened? 】


"White Crow Swordsmanship LV3"

Thank you "Qinglian Taoge" for the reward again, and thank you "Leng Shang Zhimo and Blinderman" for the reward, thank you very much~~(*^▽^*)~~

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