Start with the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 90 The Wood Elf Attacks

"This is mine."

He stared at the golden ring that exuded a golden attractive radiance and was recovered.

Bilbo couldn't help muttering to himself, full of excitement.

I was so angry and desperate when I just lost my ring.

He was so happy and excited at this moment.

Looking greedily at the charming ring in front of him, Bilbo even thought he wouldn't get tired of looking at it forever.

Soon, it seemed that something was different.

Bilbo suddenly grabbed the One Ring in his hand.

His eyes quickly returned to normal.

Bilbo suddenly felt that something was wrong with his emotional state just now.


Shaking his head, he took a deep breath.

Bilbo opened his hand again, the golden ring still in his palm.

But there is no longer the feeling that just made him so fascinated, so infatuated, and almost unable to lose it.

Although he still likes the ring very much.

But Bilbo thought.

If Gandalf or Morgan asked for the ring.

He felt that he would still be willing to give the ring to the two of them.

As for the demands of others, such as Thorin Oakenshield and the dwarves in the expedition want to demand.

He certainly won't give.

Because he felt that his relationship with the dwarves was nowhere near as good as his relationship with Gandalf Morgan.


Thinking of this, Bilbo felt as if a big rock that had been backlogged for a long time had been removed, and suddenly became extremely relaxed.

Feel relaxed and feel better.

Put the gold ring in your pocket.

Bilbo stood up, looked left and right, and quickly chose a direction to walk carefully.

"This way."

It seems to be in a spider cave, and there are spider webs everywhere.

Morgan carefully walked between the tree trunks, using his long sword to destroy the cobwebs in the way, and walked quickly towards the members of the expedition who were wrapped in cocoons by giant dark demonized spiders.

The silk spit out by these giant arachnids is too thick and the webs are too sticky.

Morgan had to be careful.

If this happens accidentally, it falls and gets tangled in cobwebs.

That would be troublesome.

Morgan greeted Kili behind him, and the two moved forward cautiously.

The battle not far below continued.

Giant dark demonic spiders continued to reinforce below.

Thorin Oakenshield Devalin and Groin couldn't stop fighting.

It should have also seen Morgan and Kili's movements to climb the tree quietly.

The three of them fought harder and harder, and they kept calling out the relatives of these giant spiders while fighting, for fear that these giant spider monsters didn't notice them.

"This way."

Carefully go around a large cobweb.

Morgan greeted Kili behind him when he was about to approach several huge dwarf cocoons.

Suddenly, a strange noise came from the front.

Morgan's expression changed slightly, and he immediately ducked to the big tree behind him.

Kili also heard the sound, and immediately hid behind another thick tree trunk.

Soon, the strange sound became clearer.

Several dark and huge figures quickly appeared on the big tree in front.

It is a new group of giant demonic spider monsters.

Morgan took a careful look, and the number was at least a dozen or twenty.

If this alarmed the group of giant spider monsters.

Not to mention saving other dwarves, Morgan and the two are very likely to fall into it and be turned into cocoons by giant spider monsters.

In such an environment, fighting so many giant spider monsters, even Morgan has no idea.

The two stood silently behind the tree and held their breath.

His face was heavy, his arms clenched tightly.

The two of them didn't wait long.

Maybe it's the reason why the battle below is so intense.

The giant demonized spider monster quickly crawled towards the battlefield below.

When the last spider monster used the spider silk to land straight down to the battlefield below.

Morgan and Kili stepped out from behind the tree trunk again and quickly approached several giant spider cocoons standing upside down in the air.

No surprises this time.

Looking at the familiar face that could be faintly seen inside the cocoon, the dwarf inside had his eyes closed and his breathing well-proportioned as if he was asleep.

Morgan raised his long sword and slashed the thick spider silk hanging from the cocoon.

"Puff puff"

The heavy cocoon wrapped around the dwarf fell straight down, smashing through several small cobwebs, and fell to the ground below.

There is a cobweb blocking, so the dwarves who fall into the cocoon will not be hurt at all.

With the first cocoon falling to the ground.

Not far away on the battlefield, the two sides reacted immediately.

The giant dark demonized spider monsters saw that the hidden food was rescued and destroyed, and immediately exploded, and immediately there were spider monsters that climbed up the tree.

Seeing that their teammates were rescued, the three Thorin Oakenshield immediately burst into greater fighting power.

They didn't want these spider monsters to interfere with Morgan and Kili's rescue.

"Kill them, don't let them leave alive!"

Thorin Oakenshield saw that the first dwarf who fell to the ground had woken up, and he began to tear the spider silk from his body, and immediately shouted at Dwalinggroin.

"Don't worry, none of them want to leave!"

The irritable old brother Devalin roared in response, smashed all the eyes of the giant spider monster in front of him with a fist, and violently shoved his fist into the head of the spider monster in front of him.

"I won't be careless this time"

Ge Luoyin hummed and waved an axe to directly split the skull of the spider monster in front of him.

On a tree, in a dense cobweb.

Morgan swung his sword again and chopped off the second silk with a huge cocoon.

At this time, Kili hurried to join in immediately.

The two kept swinging their swords.

One after another, the giant cocoons laid eggs and fell straight down.

At the same time, the three giant demonized spiders that had left the battlefield below were rushing towards the two of them on the tree trunk angrily hissing and screaming.

Seeing this, Morgan and Kili speeded up immediately.

When the last huge cocoon fell, I watched the three giant demonized spiders approaching rapidly.

Morgan didn't want to fight these spiders in such a place, so he sighed and jumped straight to the position where there were several broken spider webs hanging below.

"Puff puff"

It smashed through at least four layers of spider webs in a row.

Morgan didn't feel anything when he fell directly to the ground from a tree more than 30 meters high.

The dwarf Kili on the big tree was stunned when he watched Morgan's operation.

But looking at the more ferocious three giant demonized spiders screaming and rushing.

Then he looked at the only short sword in his hand.

Kili decisively made the same choice as Morgan.

He also jumped down.

But it seems that the choice was too hasty and not careful enough.

Kili fell to the ground with a very distorted face, and when he stood up, he kept rubbing his buttocks.

All trapped dwarves are rescued.

The giant demonized spider monster killed by the sudden increase in combat power kept retreating.

But more strange noises kept coming from the tree, it was more giant spider monsters who came to help.

Thorin Oakshield's complexion changed, and he turned to look at Morgan and Kili who jumped off the tree.

Immediately turned around and shouted: "Go, we must get out of here immediately!"


"Come on."

Thorin Oakenshield ran out not far with the dwarves.

At this moment, an arrow shot from far to near, roaring and piercing the ground in front of Thorin Oak Shield.

ask for a ticket~~~

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