Start with the Lord of the Rings

Chapter 99 Humans must die 【Subscription】


Bilbo, who was hanging by the barrel, immediately shouted as he watched the orcs rushing fiercely from the river bank.


Morgan turned his head and saw the murderous orc rushing from the river bank. His expression changed, he quickly pulled out a black arrow from the barrel, raised his hand and stabbed at the rushing orc.

The orc stabbing spear was evaded by Morgan, and the black arrow in his hand stabbed into the eye socket of the attacking orc.


Black stench blood immediately flowed out from the eye sockets of the orcs on his hands.

The time was too short and too fast, and the half-orc who was not dead immediately struggled and continued to wave the thorn in his hand.

Morgan avoided the counterattack of the orcs in front of him, and immediately slammed the arrow in his hand, slammed the arrow into the depths of the orc's eye socket, and stabbed it hard.


The black arrow pierced the head of the orc in front of him from the socket in an instant, and shot out through the skull.

Just when Morgan fought the orcs in close quarters.

Bilbo, who was hanging beside the swaying tall wooden barrel, suddenly felt a terrifying and terrifying sense of danger.

He turned his head immediately, and saw on the boulder beside the checkpoint in front of him, an extraordinarily tall and ugly orc with a long bow and an arrow aimed at himself and Morgan.

Realizing the source of the sense of danger, Bilbo's complexion changed suddenly, and he immediately turned around and shouted at Morgan who was still fighting: "Morgan be careful!"

The moment he shouted, Bilbo immediately sank into the turbulent river.

At the same time, the half-orc leader Borg looked at the human who was fighting with the half-orc in the distance and let go of the arrow in his hand grimly.

He took over the orders of his father, the big orc leader Azog, to hunt down the last king of the Turin dwarf lineage, Thorin Oakenshield.

Azog had explained to him, except that the leading dwarf Thorin Oakenshield must die.

The human in the group who was good at using bows must also die.


The black slender arrows quickly blazed towards the river.

At this moment, Bilbo next to him shouted and warned, Morgan reacted very quickly, and without thinking, he blocked the corpse of the orc who had been stabbed in the head and died violently in front of him.

next second.


A blazing arrow instantly shot through the body of the orc in front of him and passed through his body.

Morgan raised his arms and looked at the holes in his long sleeves, which were close to his armpits, which were pierced by arrows. He only felt a cold air rush out from the soles of his feet, hitting his forehead.

If this is a little bit higher, the arrow hits the heart.

And this whole body is dark, and it looks like an evil arrow. Morgan has learned from the memory plot that this should be the evil and poisonous arrow of the infested magic cave.

In the memory plot, Kili, who was shot in the leg, almost died in less than a day.

If it hits his heart, Morgan thinks he might have hit GG at this time.




At this time, Morgan was standing in front of him holding the corpse of the orc to block the arrow, and the dwarves thought that Morgan was hit by the arrow, and immediately shouted urgently.

"Morgan, are you alright!"

At this time, Bilbo also got out of the water, looking at Morgan who was standing still and shouted hurriedly.

Awakened by the shouts of the dwarves and Bilbo, Morgan pushed away the orc corpse in front of him, signaled to everyone that he was okay, and quickly retracted into the tall wine barrel.

At this time, the half-orc commander Borg stopped abruptly when he was standing beside the checkpoint and was about to grin, and the grin on his face stopped abruptly when he saw that the human was still alive, and then his anger shot at Morgan again.


The black arrows shot out again.

But this time, Morgan didn't even have to hide.

The turbulent river water rolled down the tall wine barrel that Morgan was riding in.

The arrow shot by Borg shot straight into the air and fell into the water.

Morgan is very dangerous here.

The same is true of the dwarves in the water channel below the level.

At this time, seeing that jumping directly into the water to fight the dwarves not only took time and effort to hurt the dwarves, but also the half-orcs under his command were seriously injured.

The little orc leader who had been intimidated by the commander Borg suddenly turned his eyes, and there seemed to be a flash of light in his mind.

Then, it thought of a way, so it immediately pointed to the river below the level and screamed at the orcs beside him: "Quick, go there, go there and shoot these dwarves with bows and arrows, they can't escape!"

After being yelled at by the little leader, several orcs with bows and arrows immediately turned around and ran downstream.

Checkpoint here.

The tall wine barrels of the other dwarves, including Morgan, finally approached the level quickly with the rapid flow of water.

This time, the half-orcs guarding the level finally got the chance, and immediately screamed strangely and rushed towards the barrels that were drifting down.

The orcs jumped down like dumplings.

Fifteen or six tall wine barrels, plus a lot of orcs jumping into the water.

The water channel below the entire level immediately turned into a pot of porridge, which was blocked into a pot of porridge.

In the face of the ferocious orcs, although the members of the expedition were trapped in the tall wine barrel, their response was not slow, and they immediately took out the arrows stuck on the wine barrel and fought back violently.

The dwarves and the others, Bofer Pomberfield and the others, were attacked by the orcs as soon as they approached.

Morgan, who followed closely behind, saw it in his eyes. As he approached the level, facing the first orc who rushed forward, Morgan stood up abruptly with an arrow in his hand and took the lead, and the arrow quickly stabbed the neck of the orc who was coming towards him. .

The stench of black blood immediately overflowed from the mouth of the half-beast in front of him.

Morgan didn't care about the undead opponent's struggles before he died. He raised his hand and pushed the orc out of his hand into the rushing river, quickly sinking to the bottom and disappearing.

Just killed the first orc, and immediately two more orcs wielding axes and spears rushed towards Morgan below from the level.

Facing the Orc who came again, Morgan, who had nothing in his hand, could only take the initiative to attack again, got up and quickly grabbed the black axe in the opponent's hand.

The half-orc who was caught by the weapon was not to be outdone, and immediately wrestled with Morgan.

At this moment, another orc wielding a sharp thorn spear pounced.

Beneath him was a swaying tall wine barrel, and in front of him were strong orcs vying for weapons.

The other dwarves around were all haunted by orcs.

Even Bilbo was trying his best to deal with the orcs in front of him at this time, and he could not protect himself.

At this moment, all the members of the expedition were fighting to protect themselves, and no one cared about Morgan's danger.

At the same time, on the boulder next to the level, the orc commander Borg, who was calling loudly for the gathering of orcs, watched the fighting humans raise their black longbow again.

Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the orcs who rushed towards him, and Morgan unhesitatingly activated his special skill: Body of Rock.

next second.

Morgan felt two attacks with different strengths on his back.



There were two crisp sounds as if gold and iron hit the hard rock.

There was an arrow from the Orc Commander Borg on the distant boulder.

The other sound came from a half-orc who came from behind with a spear in hand.

The black arrow hit Morgan's back with a crisp sound, and the rebound fell directly into the water.

The half-orc holding the silver-gray lance swooped on Morgan's back for a moment, and the palm of his hand slid down and plunged into the side thorn beside the sharp end of the lance because the sharp end of the lance remained motionless.

The half-orc who attacked was injured by his own weapon and screamed, and fell straight into the water.

However, Morgan staggered forward because of the spear attacking the orcs, and raised his elbows, suddenly hitting the chin of the orcs in front of him.


With the dull sound of elbow strikes, four or five blood-stained fangs flew in disorder.

Morgan took the opportunity to grab the axe with force and slashed at the orc who fell into the water.


Black, warm, smelly blood immediately flew up, splashing Morgan's face all over his body.

"Quick, get up!!"

"Kill them, kill them all!!!"

The half-orc leader Borg roared with a ferocious expression on his face, and a large number of orcs rushed to the checkpoint, wielding weapons and screaming.

Morgan gasped violently as he looked at the orcs crowding in, his face turned pale, and for the first time he felt despair in his heart.

at this time.

"whoosh whoosh"

The sound of arrows breaking through the air suddenly shot out from the dense forest on both sides of the river.

Thank you "Chief White Horse" for the reward, thank you very much~~~ Please subscribe, please ask for a monthly ticket~~

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