“Where is this?”

“Uh… Iron Country, eastern town… Machino Village.”

The woman looked panicked, frightened by the boy in front of her.

“Impossible! I was clearly following their direction, I didn’t even turn a corner, and I crashed through the rocks that blocked the road! Why am I still spinning in circles!” Shen Yu was a little excited and began to speak incoherently.

He was still wearing a straw raincoat and a bamboo hat, his handsome face was slightly distorted, his eyes were bloodshot, and he looked unbelievable.

“Well… my child is breastfeeding…” The woman really didn’t want to provoke this lunatic, so she found an excuse to slip away.

Outside the quiet town, Shen Yu stood alone in the wind and snow, looking up at the sky, and the falling snow reflected in his pupils.

The cold wind was sobbing, and Shen Yu finally showed an expression of despair.

“Could it be that… I… am a directionally challenged person?”

“No! Since I will get lost if I follow a fixed direction, I will just choose a random direction and walk around!”

One day later.

Shen Yu collapsed powerlessly on a glacier, lying on his back with his arms and legs spread out, looking resigned to his fate. Even his hat was thrown aside casually, and he let the snow cover his body bit by bit.

“Who am I? Where am I? What should I do?”

The coldness under his body was piercing, but he couldn’t resist the coldness in his heart.

“Ah, it turns out that I really have a poor sense of direction…”


“I have a poor sense of direction! Hahahaha!”

He was crazy for a while, and inexplicably felt sleepy. He simply closed his eyes, used the sky as a blanket and the ground as a bed, and fell asleep.

Anyway, with his current physical fitness, it would be an insult to describe him as “invulnerable to swords and guns”. If there were beasts looking for food that didn’t mind him being rubbed, it would be great to be swallowed whole by them, and maybe they could take him away from the Iron Kingdom.

After an unknown amount of time, the ice surface shook slightly, waking up Shen Yu.

He opened his clear and flawless eyes and found that he was covered with a layer of snow three fingers thick. He sat up straight and shook off all the snow on his raincoat.

He put on his hat again and looked in a certain direction.

A few thousand meters away, a team of dozens of people stepped onto the glacier and rushed over here from a distance.

There were 5 carriages and 12 horses. There were 26 men and 11 women outside the carriages. At the head and tail of the team were two fully armed warriors, wearing silver layered armor and two sabers hanging from their waists, looking around vigilantly.

It looked like a caravan. The carriages were empty. They should have unloaded the goods and completed the transportation mission.

Shen Yu retracted his gaze, and a look of interest flashed across his face.

Since his eyes evolved, even if he didn’t open the Sharingan, his vision had surpassed the Byakugan of the Hyuga family. Although he didn’t have the function of perspective, he was not inferior in terms of the distance of clear observation.

At present, he can easily focus thousands of meters away, and everything falls into his eyes clearly, including every tire mark, every snowflake, and even the mole on the face of everyone in the caravan.

His excellent mental power allows him to receive and process this information effortlessly. No matter what environment he is in, his eyes can automatically adjust to the changes in humidity and refractive index. Even at night, it is as bright as day in his eyes.

After all, these are eyes that can see through the trench.

About ten minutes later, the caravan slowly approached, and the leading warrior discovered Shen Yu.

“Stop!” He raised one hand high, and his rough and loud voice echoed on the glacier.

The warrior approached step by step, stood a few meters in front of Shen Yu, and shouted, “Who is in front, tell me your name!”


Shen Yu showed an expression of surviving a disaster. Although he was pretending, tears appeared in his eyes for some reason.

“Uncle, can you take me for a ride?”

His purpose was simple. Since he was a road idiot, it would be better to follow the locals instead of taking a long detour.

The warrior narrowed his eyes and saw that under the bamboo hat was a handsome boy’s face.

The boy had red lips and white teeth, clear eyes, and was as pretty as a girl. His pleading tone, coupled with his charming eyes, made people feel compassion.

However, as a warrior, his intuition still made him suppress his emotions.

“You haven’t answered my question yet.” The warrior put his hands on the hilt of the knife.

“Uncle, don’t kill me!”

Shen Yu quickly got up and patted the ice and snow on his pants. “I am a fisherman. This morning, I followed my grandfather to deliver fish to the town. Who knew that the wind and snow were too strong, and this old Deng… My grandfather didn’t even know that I fell off the car. Uncle, I’m so scared. Where on earth is this place…”

As he spoke, Shen Yu began to wipe his tears. His pitiful look didn’t seem to be fake at all.The samurai’s vigilance weakened a little, but his hand on the hilt of the sword did not move away, “What’s your grandfather’s name?”

“Miyamoto Musashi.” Shen Yu answered immediately, blurting out the name without thinking.

“Where is your home?”


“Your name.”

“Miyamoto… Shen Yu.”

“Well, it seems that he is indeed a lost child.” Seeing that he answered so decisively, the samurai nodded and finally believed Shen Yu’s words.

“Unfortunately, Machinomura is in the east, and we are going to Takeo Castle in the west, so we can’t take you there.”

Takeo is the name of the capital of the Iron Country.

Shen Yu ran over excitedly and grabbed the warrior’s hand, “Uncle, I am going to Wuxiong. You don’t know that we are going to the capital to seek refuge with relatives this time. As long as we get there, I can find my family!”

Seeing the warrior frowning, Shen Yu immediately sniffed and said in a crying voice: “Now the weather is getting colder and colder. We farmers who go to the sea have no harvest at all, and the income is pitiful. Now I am lost. Grandpa must be worried to death…”

“Okay!” The warrior shook off Shen Yu’s hand, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes, “Stop acting.”

“Ah?” Shen Yu was confused, not knowing what went wrong.

“I was almost fooled by you.” The warrior clenched the hilt of the knife and sneered: “Humph, a child who has been frozen in the snow for who knows how long, his palms are still so warm! Even if you are not an assassin, you must not be an ordinary person!”

“Alas, there is always a loophole.” Shen Yu sighed, wiped away the last tear, and slowly raised his head, “What a waste of my acting skills.”

A streak of blood flashed from the black and white eyes, and the warrior was stunned. The three black magatama seemed to be a bottomless whirlpool, pulling all his emotions and thoughts into it.

“Believe everything I said just now, you are so kind and help me go to Takeo Castle.” Shen Yu spoke softly, and his calm tone revealed the majesty of destiny, which could not be disobeyed.

“Sir warrior, what happened?” A middle-aged man walked over from the caravan, looking a little anxious, “Why aren’t you leaving yet? The captain is urging us…”

The warrior turned around, “Oh, it’s okay. We met a child who was separated from his family. Is it okay for us to take him with us?”

“Oh, it’s a small matter. Let’s get going. As long as we don’t delay the trip, anything is fine…” The merchant hurriedly called Shenyu, and seeing that he was a child, he even arranged a carriage for him.

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