Start with the script killing shop

Chapter 331 Which sales volume is driven?

People from the operations department quickly took over Jiang Qi’s live broadcast account.

Jiang Qi did not publicize the fact that Old John had opened a new high-mathematics tutoring attraction in the amusement park. He only quietly updated the amusement park map distributed by the visitor center. This attraction will also be displayed on the electronic map in the WeChat applet.

In order to prevent tourists from using classrooms and self-study rooms as resting spots with air conditioning, heating and free tea, Jiang Qi specially put up a sign at the door of the classroom to indicate that this is a place for study and self-study. Conversation is prohibited. If you need to rest, you can go to other places.

If such a sign is erected anywhere except an amusement park, there is a high probability that it will be ignored by most people, but it is useful if it is erected in an amusement park.

To be precise, all the signs in the amusement park are useful.

Littering is prohibited and it is really hard to see littering on the ground.

Loud noises are prohibited in the Time Cinema, but no one is really running around inside, and even talking on the phone is done in a soft voice.

The employees at the service station in the amusement park have privately talked more than once about how easy it is to get along with the guests in the park. From children to adults, everyone is a model of morality. Just throwing a paper towel can be regarded as lowering the moral level of everyone in the amusement park. The cleaning ladies are either sweeping fallen leaves or on the road to sweep fallen leaves every day. The job is not too easy.

It was so relaxing that Sister Liu wanted to give up her job in the restaurant and return to her original cleaning job - the restaurant was just too busy.

"You must emphasize to the person inquiring about the monthly pass that the high-mathematics tutoring and recreational activities are not open every day. This is completely based on Teacher John's personal situation."

"And as long as you participate in this project, you will be given a relevant tutorial book written by Mr. John himself and officially published. It is limited to the first 600...598 people who participate in this project, but it seems that there is no room for 598 people in the study room and classroom. ...Forget it, this is not important, what did I just emphasize to you?" Jiang Qi sat in the office of the operations department, pointing his fingers at the team leader who took over his live broadcast account to reply to the key points of the private message.

The team leader, who is in his 30s and has relatively rich experience in network operations, smiled and said: "The opening hours of the project are unstable, there are no additional charges, and seats cannot be reserved in advance. 3:00 to 6:00 pm is self-study time, and monthly and quarterly courses are available. Cards and half-year cards can be purchased directly on the official account.”

"That's right!" Jiang Qi clapped his hands, feeling that team leader candidate is reliable and has excellent memory and summary skills. "Be sure to tell them to buy on the official account, other platforms will take a commission."

Because Jiang Qi and Old John had not told anyone else about the live lectures in advance, Hu Qing only knew a little about it. Old John has rich experience in live broadcast lectures. Jiang Qi felt that this matter could be left to Old John without bothering anyone else. He specifically told Hu Qing not to pay too much attention to this new project.

This project is Old John's home field. Old John pursues his dreams to find the starting point for the meaning of life, without the need for others to intervene.

Jiang Qi had said so, so Hu Qing certainly wouldn't bother with it, and naturally he didn't ask the operations department to promote this new project that was launched on New Year's Day.

People in the operations department are actually not very clear about what this project is about. Although it seems clear from the name, it is advanced math tutoring, but all employees in the operation department feel that this project is definitely not advanced math tutoring.

How could someone open an advanced math tutoring class in an amusement park and call it an amusement park? This is such a devilish project that even dogs won’t play!

This high-mathematics tutoring amusement project is definitely covered in high-mathematics tutoring questions. It is an intellectual challenge project in difficult mathematics.

Later, everyone discovered that this project was really just a simple high-level math tutoring class. Everyone still felt that it couldn't be that simple. The boss and supervisor John must have other intentions.

Now, the team leader candidate seemed to understand the boss's intentions.

The boss must be trying to increase the popularity of math tutoring and sell tutoring books!

While live broadcasting high numbers, you can also bring goods at the same time!

Tutorial books are huge profits!

Especially those related to the postgraduate entrance examination are very expensive. Many well-known postgraduate entrance examination tutoring institutions make money by selling books and online courses.

Now my boss is studying both books and online courses, so he wants to enter the red sea of ​​postgraduate entrance examination!

The team leader candidate brainstormed countless plans in just a few minutes. He felt that he had an insight into the boss's thoughts and that their operations department was finally going to shine in the amusement park.

Their operations department has been silent for too long!

There has been no major publicity since the amusement park opened. Every time the trash can was trending, it just fell from the sky, and the operations department didn't do anything. Team leader Hou is also a bit ambitious. He doesn't want to get Hu Qing and Shen Lirong's level of salary to get rich and reach the pinnacle of life, but he still dreams of getting half of their salary and reaching the pinnacle of life occasionally. .

However, Team Leader Hou has great ambitions but no room to display them. The operations department does basic propaganda every day and sends gifts all over the network. It has not expanded its enrollment so far. It is only busier than the security department and is the second least busy department in the amusement park.

"Boss, I think our operations department can help with some necessary publicity for the live broadcast directed by John. Only with publicity can we attract traffic. I used to work in..." Team leader Hou just wanted to show Jiang Qi the operation of a certain anchor who brought goods. After finishing the work, he was interrupted by Jiang Qi.

"Director John's live broadcast does not require publicity." Jiang Qi said, "I already bought a publicity package the year before last and there is a fixed audience."

"Without live broadcasts for a year, the audience will be lost seriously."

Jiang Qi thought about it and realized that it was the same. Relying solely on personal connections and word-of-mouth communication from old viewers didn't seem to work: "Then you first watch Director John's live broadcast for two days and come up with a publicity plan for me."

"Okay boss!" Team leader Hou felt that his opportunity had come, and he was full of fighting spirit. Before returning to his work station, he asked the ordinary employee who was replying to the message to push Old John's live broadcast room to him and began to prepare for the salary. Learn advanced mathematics.

Jiang Qi also stood up and walked to the employee who was replying to the message, and asked: "How is it? Has anyone placed an order for a monthly card?"

The employee nodded: "Yes, the conversion rate is quite high."

“A total of 107 people have inquired, and from now on, the official account has sold 27 monthly passes and 4 quarterly passes.”

"Okay, I'll hand over my live broadcast account to you guys. After Director John's live broadcast ends, hand over the sales of monthly and annual passes to Director Hu and ask him to sort it out and hand it over to me in the evening."

"Okay boss."

Jiang Qi left the office and prepared to return to the classroom to continue supervising Jiang Wanwan's class.

When he slipped out of the classroom, Jiang Wanwan hadn't come yet. It had been nearly 40 minutes now, so he must have arrived.

Jiang Qi left, and the team leader candidate in the office was confused.

When I clicked on the live broadcast room, I found that it was full of high-level figures but did not bring any goods. Team leader Hou:?

Team Leader Hou looked at the incomprehensible concepts and formula derivation on the screen and fell into deep thought.

Is this...a brand new way of bringing goods?

Also, the barrage in this live broadcast room is too strange. Why are there so many people saying that Teacher John is a good person and he will live a safe life? There are also many viewers whose names are directly Teacher John. A good person will live a safe life.

There are also some confusing usernames like Teacher John yyds, Teacher John I love you, Teacher John is highly respected, Teacher John is the conscience of the industry, Teacher John never forgets his original intention, etc.

Compared with these usernames, those who exchanged my roommate's 10 years of singleness for me to enter the postgraduate entrance examination, exchanged my sister's gain of 10 pounds for me to enter the postgraduate entrance examination, and the believer's willingness to be a vegetarian for a year in exchange for my admission to the postgraduate entrance examination this year all seem a lot more normal.

Team leader Hou, who has been a live broadcast delivery operator, said that he can no longer understand the current live broadcast room.

What kind of goods can this... bring?

Inspire the audience to learn advanced mathematics?

"Xiao Wang, what did the boss ask you just now?" Team leader Hou Gang never heard clearly the conversation between Jiang Qi and Xiao Wang.

"The boss asked me about the sales status of monthly, quarterly and half-year cards." Xiao Wang said truthfully, "Team leader, I will take a screenshot and send it to you now."

Three seconds later, Team Leader Hou received the screenshot sent by Xiao Wang.

Team leader Hou looked at the screenshot and fell into deep thought again.

It turns out... what the boss wants to sell is not online courses and tutorial books, but monthly passes to the amusement park?

Such a deep routine, completely invisible.

As expected of a boss, he is indeed unfathomable.


On the way to the classroom, Jiang Qi saw Master Bai squatting beside the bench, squatting on the ground holding the chair, huddled up and talking on the phone.

Because Master Bai works in the kitchen all year round, he doesn't like to wear a lot of clothes even in winter. The kitchen is hot enough anyway. He usually wears a single coat underneath and a down jacket on the outside. The down jacket is sometimes thick and sometimes thin. Which one he wears doesn't depend on the weather, it all depends on what Master Bai catches when he goes out.

Master Bai caught the thinner one today.

And today happens to be the coldest day since the beginning of winter.

It was so cold that Master Bai could only huddle by the bench and make a phone call.

So why doesn't he find an air-conditioned place to go in and make a call? Even if he goes back to the kitchen where he fishes, it depends on the time. Master Bai will be at work in a few dozen minutes.

"Bai..." Jiang Qi stepped forward to persuade him to find a warm place to avoid catching a cold on the first day of the new year.

Master Bai didn't notice Jiang Qi at all and was still talking on the phone: "Yanyan, why didn't you listen to dad and watch the live broadcast?"

"What? The live broadcasts on the Internet are all fake, and they are all scams by people selling courses? I didn't listen to what others were selling. This is a new project launched by our amusement park."

"Advanced Mathematics Tutoring Recreation Project!"

"I have been listening to you for more than 20 minutes this morning. The teacher's lecture was very good. Although I didn't understand a word, I couldn't help but listen. I didn't play with my phone or even get distracted."

"I'm not lying to you. I really am not lying to you. Teacher John's lectures are really good! If he were my junior high school mathematics teacher, I wouldn't have stopped studying mathematics and gone out to work after I reached the second grade of junior high school."

"Teacher's education level? Teacher John is a retired professor. He is a top student. He knows our boss. He is his university teacher. It is because of this relationship that he came to the amusement park to be the technical director."

"Our boss graduated from University A, and he is a teacher at University A. Yanyan, even if you scored 100 points in the college entrance examination, you may not be able to get into University A. How can the old professors at University A be unreliable?"

"And Teacher John is the supervisor! Supervisor! We don't have many supervisors in the amusement park, and the salary is several times my salary. How can someone cheat people with so much money a month?"

"Yes, yes, it's that old John JS's live broadcast room, Yanyan, watch it first. If you like it, dad will get you a season pass and help you rent a house nearby. Come over. Director Hu's cousin of our amusement park The houses are all rented.”

"It's convenient for you to come here. Dad will cook three meals a day for you. When you're tired from studying, Dad can even skip work and give you a piece of fruit. You can just bring the fruit from the restaurant for free. Depending on the situation, he can also bring you some milk. , coffee...Boss, when did you get here?"

Master Bai didn't expect that when he secretly dug the hoe in the corner of the amusement park, he suddenly used the hoe so hard that it hit the boss's head.

"Yanyan, please watch the live broadcast first. Dad has hung up beforehand." Master Bai hung up the phone at the speed of light, put on an honest smile, and said with a smile, "Boss, I just used an exaggerated way to describe it. I didn't really mean it." I brought fruit and milk from the restaurant to my daughter, and I usually swipe my card to buy it from the canteen.”

Jiang Qi:......

Do you think I believe it?

However, it doesn’t matter if the employees at the amusement park offer some fruit, milk or other things to Jiang Qi. In a sense, these are considered employee benefits. When Master Bai works in the restaurant, he can get it directly from the restaurant on a first-come-first-served basis. When he works in the office, things like milk and fruits will be distributed to the office as afternoon tea.

If there is really any theft in the amusement park, Jiang Cha will discover it immediately.

Jiang Qi: "Ah, I don't know why, but I suddenly want to eat beef pancakes at noon, the kind with thin skin and lots of stuffing."

Master Bai:!

"Don't worry, boss, I'll do it now!"

"I still want to eat pan-fried buns. I want them to be fried well and sprinkled with more chopped green onions."

“I’ll definitely let you, boss, eat freshly cooked food!”

"I feel like I didn't eat enough sugar cake this morning."

"Isn't this a coincidence, boss? I'm also going to make sugar cake at noon today."

"I haven't eaten mung bean cake for a long time."

"...Boss, can you eat so much for lunch?"


In the end, Jiang Qi only ate pan-fried buns, beef pancakes and white sugar cakes. Master Bai's judgment was correct. Jiang Qi's stomach capacity really couldn't eat the last mung bean cake.

Jiang Qi only tasted the last part of the mung bean cake, and gave the rest to Jiang Wanwan.

Jiang Qi, whose stomach was full of snacks, slumped on his chair. He and Jiang Wanwan had lunch directly in the employee canteen. He ate that Master Bai cooked a small stove for him, Jiang Wanwan ate the staff meal, and Jiang Qi gave Jiang Wanwan a meal card.

If she wants to come to the staff canteen for free meals in the future, she can swipe her meal card. If she wants to eat something good, she can eat at Taiping Town or other restaurants at her own expense. The quality of Chinese food in the staff canteen is usually not good.

Dinner will be slightly better, because Jiang Qi is more likely to eat in the staff canteen at night. The chef in charge of dinner usually spends more time on snacks, and the dishes will be much better.

Old John likes to eat at Jasmine's Restaurant, since he can't spend all his salary anyway. Old John couldn't even afford a house in Yueming Bay just by saving his salary for more than ten years. Now he is completely free with money. If he doesn't save money, he will wait for Jiang Qi to get rich and fulfill his promise to buy him a house.

"How did you study this morning?" Jiang Qi began to care about Jiang Wanwan's study situation.

"I think it's pretty good." Jiang Wanwan feels pretty good about herself, "I don't know why, but I didn't even get distracted this morning. Although I don't really want to listen, I'm still listening."

"This feeling is wonderful. I wonder if you, Brother Jiang Qi, have felt it. As long as Teacher John is teaching, you can't help but want to listen. It's not like listening casually, but listening very seriously and carefully. , listen to it so that your brain can think."

"Is this the class of a famous teacher? Teacher John is so awesome!"

Jiang Qi said that he really couldn't feel it, and the skills of the card characters were useless to him.

However, listening to the feedback from Jiang Wanwan and Master Bai, Old John's third skill is indeed the magic skill of lecturing.

Don’t want to hear it? Don’t you understand?

It doesn't matter, just sit in the classroom and listen.

Tons and tons of knowledge are stuffed into your mouth, and you have to open your mouth wide and swallow it if you don’t want to eat it.

"It's already 12:40, and class starts in 20 minutes. Go back, and I'll go back with you." Jiang Qi stood up.

"I can go back by myself. Brother Jiang Qi, you don't have to accompany me."

"I'm not accompanying you, mainly because I have nothing to do. I'll sit in the study room outside and play with my phone with headphones on later. The heating in the classroom is more comfortable than the air conditioning."

The main reason is that the coats Jiang Qi wears with the warmth charm are a bit heavy. He can stay indoors with the warmth charm without wearing a coat, so Jiang Qi still chooses to stay indoors.

Jiang Wanwan:......

When the two returned to the classroom, Old John and Yu Huihong had not returned yet, but there were two short-haired girls with backpacks standing in the study room, one with black hair and the other with chestnut hair.

It's not a small bag for traveling, but a big bag for school, the kind that can hold a computer.

"Hello, is this an advanced math tutoring class?" the chestnut-haired girl asked.

"This is a high-mathematics tutoring amusement park." Jiang Qi corrected.

The two girls looked happy and asked eagerly: "Is it the advanced math tutoring amusement project taught by Mr. John JS?"

"Yes, it's lunch break now. Teacher John hasn't come back yet. Class doesn't start until 1:00." Jiang Qi nodded.

The chestnut-haired girl excitedly tugged on the black-haired girl's sleeve: "Let me tell you, it's the Galaxy Script Theme Park in our city. I've sent a private message to the owner of the amusement park. This is it! Come on, come on, come on! Buy a monthly pass!”

The two girls bought monthly passes on the spot.

"You...came here after watching the live broadcast?" Jiang Qi asked curiously.

What a coincidence. There are more than 200 people in Old John's live broadcast room, and there are actually two local people.

"No." The black-haired girl shook her head, "We didn't watch the live broadcast at the beginning. I temporarily downloaded a certain live broadcast today. Someone in the postgraduate entrance examination group shared that Teacher John opened a free high-level math school in the Galaxy Script Theme Park. In the tutoring class, the owner of the amusement park responded online in the live broadcast room, so I went off the live broadcast to ask."

"You haven't watched Teacher John's live broadcast, how do you know about Teacher John?"

"There are Teacher John's classes on the network disk." The chestnut-haired girl said, "The profiteer who sells the courses is so disgusting. He sold me Teacher John's class for 9.9. After watching it for half a month, I realized that the class is free. Just watch the recording in Teacher John’s live broadcast room.”

The black-haired girl sighed: "It's because we didn't find out clearly ourselves. We always thought that for such a good advanced mathematics course, we must charge money. That's why we were deceived by the dead liar selling the course."

"Are there many people buying Teacher John's classes?" Jiang Qi asked.

"It should be quite a lot. There are more than 1,700 people in the course-selling group I joined, or 7 groups. But that damn liar sells all types of online courses. There are a lot of free postgraduate entrance examination materials in the group, but the online courses are all You have to pay extra for it.”

"Actually, all those online course resources can be found for free, but the scammer has a complete range of them, so we bought them from him to save trouble."

Jiang Qi nodded and fell into deep thought.

It seems that thanks to these Internet dealers who sell courses, Old John's previous live broadcasts have a much greater influence than he imagined.

It’s worth 9 yuan and 9 yuan.

It's not like Jiang Qi didn't buy online courses from these pirate dealers when he was taking the postgraduate entrance examination. A complete set of courses from very famous teachers usually only cost 29.9. Old John's live broadcast room only has more than a thousand fans, and it is worth 9.9. It seems to be very popular.

"Classmate, is this seat free for everyone?"

"Sit anywhere."

"Okay, go and get a seat in front!"

"There's no need to occupy it. They're all seats. It seems like there's no one around."

"Today is the first day of class for Mr. John. There is no publicity in advance. No one is normal. It will be full in two days." The black-haired girl has full confidence in Old John.

"Teacher John is such a good person. He only charges 1,500 yuan a month for offline teaching!"

"It's just a bit far. It takes 40 minutes to get here by taxi."

"It's okay to rent a house nearby. There won't be any classes next semester."

Jiang Qi looked at the two girls who seemed to have picked up 5 million, and suddenly began to worry whether the place he picked was a bit small.

Will it be possible that after a while you won’t be able to sit down, and you have to fight for the spot?

I just don’t know if the houses near the vocational high school are enough to rent.

Could it be that Old John's high-mathematics tutoring amusement project ultimately increased not the sales of monthly passes to the amusement park, but the rental rate of houses near the amusement park?

That's really off the mark.

Jiang Qi felt it was time to open a housing agency and monopolize all the housing around the amusement park.

Very good. I'm going to encourage Jiang Bing to open a housing agency tonight. It just so happens that Jiang Bing hasn't opened an agency store yet.

He is such a good brother, and he thinks of his sister in such a good and profitable business.

Jiang Qi silently gave himself a thumbs up.

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