Zhou Yuan responded to Jiang Qi in the afternoon.

It can be picked up, but it is not guaranteed to be effective.

Jiang Qi didn't expect it to be very effective. As long as there were 94 valid viewers, he could quickly finalize the initial promotion plan.

Zhou Yuan and her company also need time to prepare. The promotion will start the day after tomorrow, and the specific amount will be settled based on the number of times. Jiang Qi first paid a deposit of 5,000, set a maximum amount, and signed the contract electronically directly online.

When the contract was signed, Old John was writing PPT in the store.

In order to clear the way for Old John's 10-day live broadcast, Jiang Qi specifically asked Liu Lan not to give Old John a share of the money. All the money has been spent. If the time-limited mission fails again, Jiang Qi will really lose his wife and lose his troops.

Everyone also knows that Old John is planning to teach advanced mathematics live online.

Liu Lan and Qin Can, two people who have never studied high mathematics at all, expressed their support and would definitely watch Old John's live broadcast on time tomorrow and pay attention to Old John. Liu Lan even downloaded the live broadcast software on the spot to show his determination.

Jiang Wanwan also did a good job as a troll, promoting it everywhere, and even opened a small account to post promotional posts in school bars and forums, and then was deleted and banned as expected.

Liu Lan felt that Jiang Wanwan's posts were too much like advertisements and not enough for the public, so she opened a small account and went to her school's forum, confession wall and post bar to advertise, but she was also deleted and banned.

Jiang Qi felt that Liu Lan's and Jiang Wanwan's advertisements were not as useful as his school's. His undergraduate school was a serious polytechnic school, and then he also advertised, but was also deleted and banned.

Sometimes you still have to spend money that should be spent.

In this way, Old John made a PPT for a day amid great expectations.

Whether live lectures will be useful depends on tomorrow! .

Early the next morning, Jiang Qi was awakened by the alarm clock at 5:55.

It was already dawn outside. Jiang Qi turned over and opened the live broadcast software with half-open eyes. He found that Old John had not started the live broadcast yet, so he started to watch other live broadcasts.

There were not many anchors still live broadcasting at 5:55 in the morning, and there were not many people watching the live broadcast at this time. Jiang Qi took a casual look at the homepage and found that most of them were game anchors who were cultivating immortals. Some were running live broadcast rooms without people, some were robots playing cartoons or TV series, and some were diligent authors who got up early in the morning to live broadcast coding. .

Except for a few game anchors, most live broadcast rooms are deserted.

After Jiang Qi finished investigating the enemy's situation, Old John's live broadcast began.

Jiang Qi couldn't wait to go in and found that the number of viewers displayed on the live broadcast interface was 1.

Damn it, how come live streaming software has become so honest these days.

The entire live broadcast interface is PPT, and Old John's unhurried voice comes from the mobile phone.

Jiang Qi listened carefully for a few minutes and found that Old John's lecture was pretty good.

He enunciates very clearly, rarely swallowing words or sounds, and his voice is neither high nor too low, and it is in a tone that sounds very comfortable.

And Old John is surprisingly good at giving lectures.

Being able to understand and being able to speak and teach are two different concepts.

Jiang Qi has seen many teachers in college, who are full of knowledge and ink. Their academic qualifications and papers are very beautiful, and they are also good at scientific research, but their lectures are terrible.

Many of Jiang Qi's professional teachers teach in front of lesson plans and textbooks. After a class, the teachers don't even have to raise their heads and flip through PPTs. There are also those that do not use PPT, but write down the problem-solving process on the big blackboard, and write out every step so that students can understand even if they don't understand and take pictures back.

Old John is different from the first two in that he really knows how to teach.

His thinking is clear, his logic is online, he is very good at grasping the key points, and he talks almost no nonsense. Listening to his lecture, Jiang Qi could clearly feel the logic and key points of his lecture. It was very smooth to follow his logic. As long as he didn't get distracted, he would definitely understand.

Jiang Qi originally just wanted to see Old John's live broadcast, but ended up listening to the class for more than two hours.

During this period, Old John didn't stop. After every summary, he would take a few minutes of rest, just like between classes.

During this period, the number of people in the live broadcast room kept changing. At the most, there were 17 people, but there was no barrage. Jiang Qi suspected that this was because the trolls that came with the live broadcast system were online to avoid the embarrassment of having only one audience in the live broadcast room.

At half past eight, Jiang Qi went upstairs to have breakfast.

Today's breakfast is boiled corn, grilled veal steak and boiled eggs.

Don't ask why breakfast is so strange. The problem is that Huang Fugui wants to try grilling steak in the oven.

Grilled Steak Huang Fugui was made by following online tutorials, but it turns out that the tutorials are sometimes unreliable. Huang Fugui couldn't control the heat when grilling meat in the oven for the first time. Although the steak baked with butter on the baking sheet smelled fragrant, it tasted bitter because it was burnt, and the beef was hard and difficult to chew.

Old John has no objection to the failed steak, as long as he can eat it.

Jiang Qi could also understand that Huang Fugui failed in his first attempt and finished the meal with great difficulty.

Not to mention Wang Erya, she was so happy to be able to eat steak so early in the morning.

After the meal, Old John returned to the room to continue the live broadcast. Wang Erya went to the balcony to get a mop to start mopping the floor. Jiang Qi helped clear away the dishes and wash the dishes. Huang Fugui continued to study the recipe for grilled steak.

While washing dishes, Jiang Qi continued to click on the live broadcast to increase his popularity.

A barrage suddenly floated across the live broadcast room.

"Did the anchor teacher go to dinner?"

"Teacher, anchor, can you tell me the example again when I see it later?"

Jiang Qi:!

There was actually a living person besides him in this live broadcast room.

Old John's voice came from the room: "Yes, I just went to eat."

"The example question just now will be discussed after I finish this section. After about 14 minutes, we will continue the content. According to..."

There was a delay in the live broadcast. Thirty seconds later, Jiang Qi heard what Old John had just said from his mobile phone.

Seeing that Old John took care of himself, the living person who just sent the barrage sent another barrage.

"Can the anchor teacher add a lens and write the process on paper when explaining the example questions? This will make it easier to understand."

Old John paused and said, "I haven't learned it yet. If I learn it, I will add more tomorrow."

Another barrage floated by.

"Thank you, teacher."

For the next hour, the only audience member kept interacting with Old John frequently.

It can be seen that he is not very good at high school mathematics. Such basic content requires John to explain the example questions repeatedly, which seriously slows down the progress of John's original live broadcast.

However, there is only this one living audience, and Old John talks about everything, so he simply follows this person's pace and turns the live lecture into a live one-on-one tutoring.

Jiang Wanwan, who only got up at 11 o'clock to see the situation in the live broadcast room, was stunned and directly sent Jiang Qi a WeChat message to ask what was going on.

Jiang Wanwan: Brother Jiang Qi, is that jr123ew in the live broadcast room you?

Jiang Qi: Of course not me. Why don’t you doubt others?

Jiang Wanwan: Lanlan and Acan have neither studied advanced mathematics, how could they ask these questions.

Jiang Qi thought it made sense.

Being a sailor these days requires a threshold.

Jiang Qi began to think about what barrages he would send if he wanted to become a navy soldier.


The anchor is great!

I love it, there is actually a host who talks about advanced mathematics live!

Then a barrage floated across the live broadcast room.

"I love it, there is actually an anchor who talks about advanced mathematics live! Treasure anchor, pay attention."

"Okay, thank you for your attention. I will broadcast live from 6:00 to 12:00 every morning." Old John said.

Jiang Qi:......

Have you eaten this today? 111 Jiang Wanwan is the real deal.

Another barrage followed.

"Ah, this is not 1-on-1 teaching. I thought the host was a tutor broadcasting 1-on-1 teaching here!"

Jiang Qi:?

Are there other living people in this live broadcast room?

"I also thought it was one-on-one teaching, and I didn't dare to speak. Could the host teacher explain the third example of the pinch theorem again? I went to drink water at that time and didn't hear it."

"I want to hear it again too!"

"When can the anchor teacher talk about probability theory? I want to hear probability theory."

"Can the anchor teacher talk about Taylor's formula first?"

"The book written with the blood of thousands of people asks for indefinite points!"

"Can the anchor teacher teach linear differential equations in advance? Please, I don't understand much at this point in the review."

"Please tell me about Fourier! Please tell me about Fourier!"

In an instant, the barrage filled the screen, and Jiang Qi had to exit the full screen to watch the whole thing.

Jiang Qi looked at the number of people in the live broadcast room.

27 people.

All alive? !

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