Start with Uchiha to escape and sail

Chapter 364 Demon Fire Space

Uchiha Yugen is preparing to conquer the Pure Lotus Demon Fire.

After all, the stronger the flame, the better the effect of refining the elixir. Although there are other Pure Lotus Demon Fires in this continent, the Pure Lotus Demon Fire sealed by the Pure Lotus Demon Saint is definitely the strongest.

After absorption, in addition to helping to refine medicine, it can also improve one's own strength. Of course you should do this if you are sure of it.

This time I chose to bring Kaguya and her two sons, plus Naruto Sasuke and Otsutsuki Toneri, all of the same bloodline.

It would have been best to bring Aizen over, because he could restrain the nightmare sky fog of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint mastered by the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, which is similar to a type of illusion that can control people's hearts.

Although he brought these few with him, except for Naruto, everyone else has good pupil skills, but after all, their strength is too weak to compare with Aizen, so Uchiha Yugen is going to do more this time, mainly with these Let people see it, and at the same time let Naruto and Sasuke reach the Fighting Saint as soon as possible.

When Uchiha Tamaki spoke, they naturally had no objections and set off directly with Uchiha Tamaki.

But now is not the time for the Demon Fire Space to appear, so to find this place, you need to search for it yourself, and someone has tried to conquer the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, but failed.

Although he is not at the level of the Ancient Yuanhun Heavenly Emperor, he is definitely at the level of a high-level Fighting Saint.

"Is there really a hidden space here?"

Naruto said very confused.

It's been more than half a month since I arrived here, and I spent a week searching for information. It's almost a month, and I haven't found any traces.

"This is the person who can reach the limit in this continent. If he were not restricted, he would basically be able to become Dou Emperor. The space he sealed would be so easy to find there!"

Uchiha Yugen said speechlessly.

In order to prevent the Pure Lotus Demon Fire from causing trouble, the Pure Lotus Demon Saint used his last strength to seal his little world.

If it had not been sealed, it would have been much easier to find it, but now that it is sealed, except for a specific time when the demon fire space is available, ordinary people in other worlds cannot find it.

On Uchiha Yugen's side, if he hadn't felt that his spatial ability was stronger than most Fighting Saints, he wouldn't have come directly here to look for it. Instead, he would have turned around and gone directly to the Dan Pagoda to start learning alchemy.

"So powerful!"

Naruto said in surprise.

After calling them out, Uchiha Yugen naturally didn't say what they were going to do. When they arrived, they only knew that they were looking for a hiding space, and they didn't know the details.

Obviously, when Uchiha Yugen said this, several people became excited, obviously thinking that there must be good things in this hidden space.

Kaguya and Otsutsuki Hagoromo were the two most excited.

But it was of no use. Uchiha Tamaki had to rely on himself to find this place. Fortunately, he had some information about the last appearance of the demon fire space and knew the approximate location.

Every few dozen kilometers, Uchiha Yugen would break up space and enter the void to search for places where small worlds existed.

The Pure Lotus Demon Fire has been able to exist for so many years because people of Gu Yuan's level did not take action, because the Pure Lotus Demon Fire is not of great help to them. They only want to break through the Dou Emperor. If it is not the Pure Lotus Demon Saint, but If Demon Emperor Jinglian said it, Gu Yuan and the others would have already taken action.

After searching for a full month, Uchiha Yugen finally found traces of the demon fire space.

"I didn't expect it to be so small!"

Otsutsuki Hamura looked at the space barrier not far away, which was only ten meters in diameter. He couldn't believe that this was the target he had been looking for.

Hagoromo felt that if it weren't for Uchiha Tamakien, he would really not be able to lock onto this space with almost no sense of existence in this void.

"It proves that this Pure Lotus Demon Saint is very powerful. It seems that it is not easy to break open."

Uchiha Tamaki frowned.

It is not difficult to break through this demonic fire space. What is difficult is to open a passage to enter.

This thing Uchiha Yugen planned to take back to replenish the nutrition of the sacred tree, it still had value.

After that, enter the combat state directly, with the BUFF fully activated, and it is basically impossible to break through using the space ability under normal conditions.

This sudden burst of powerful momentum made the four Otsutsuki feel huge pressure. Sasuke and Naruto were better off, because they had already seen the scene of Uchiha Yugen fighting Gu Yuan in this state.

Instead of taking action immediately, he was looking for weak spots in this space.


Uchiha Yugen's eyes were fixed on a point in this space barrier.

Then directly operate the power of space, use the pupil power to display it, and a distorted space vortex appears again in the void.

From slow to extremely fast, a black spot appeared in the middle.

The others behind didn't know what to do, so they looked around and were on guard to prevent anyone from sneaking up on them.

It lasted for a full ten hours before Uchiha Tamaki stopped.

"Okay, come with me."

Uchiha Yugen greeted directly.

Then he took the lead in crossing the space vortex, and the others followed without hesitation.

I stayed in this space vortex for about ten seconds before I saw the light again.

However, as soon as a few people appeared, there were ten people blocking them.

Uchiha Yugen took a look at this unusually quaint square and found that it was in the middle of a city.

"How did you get in before the demon fire space appeared?"

The Pure Lotus Demon Fire appeared, just behind the several Fighting Saints it controlled.

He was very shocked at this time and didn't understand why there was something wrong with the demon fire space. It didn't know how many times it tried, but it couldn't break through this space.

When the demon fire space appeared, people from the outside could come in, but it could not leave and could only be trapped here, so he just wanted to continue to grow stronger, and then break free from the restraints and escape.

Now that it saw a living person who could enter the demon fire space when the demon fire space was closed, it was naturally very excited because it felt that this was an opportunity for him to escape.

"If you are willing to hang out with me, I will take you out, but you must follow my arrangements. How about letting you go free in fifty years?"

Naturally, Uchiha Yugen did not answer the question of Pure Lotus Demon Fire.

Instead, the invitation was issued directly.

After all, if the other party can agree directly, he can save a lot of trouble.

The most important thing is that this is the territory of the Pure Lotus Demon Saint after all. Who knows if he will leave any backup plans to prevent his remaining soul from appearing and causing trouble when he takes action.

"How can you be a three-star Dou Sage with only three-star Dou Sage strength!"

On the side of Pure Lotus Demon Fire, I just wanted to laugh at Uchiha Yuxuan for dreaming.

But he immediately asked in disbelief.

Because he felt that the aura of Uchiha Yugen at this time was at least the level of a high-level fighting saint. How could he only have the strength of three-star fighting saints!

This is unreasonable.

First update

Four updates owed

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