Start with Uchiha to escape and sail

Chapter 370 I’ll hold it myself without me

Uchiha Yugen did not reveal his identity when he went to the Dan Pagoda. Instead, he used powerful eye power to make everyone ignore his existence.

At this time, there are not many powerful characters in the Dan Pagoda. The most powerful Lin Laoguai only has the strength of Dou Sheng Two Stars. The Dan Pagoda Ancestor usually does not stay in the Dan Pagoda, but travels around the entire Dou Qi Continent. With.

Therefore, almost no one can discover Uchiha Yugen and let him explore the Danta.

"The founder of Danta at that time only had the strength of the Nine-Star Dou Sage, and there was not much information about Emperor-grade elixirs."

Uchiha Yugen was a little helpless.

Although the elixir tower has been passed down for a long time, there is not much information about imperial elixirs.

However, regarding how to refine elixirs, Uchiha Yugen learned a lot of experience and gained somewhat, but there was not much information about ninth-grade golden elixirs and above.

There are two ways to become a Dou Emperor. One is to break through and absorb the source energy of heaven and earth, and the second is to use emperor-grade elixirs, because refining emperor-grade elixirs must have the injection of source energy of heaven and earth, otherwise they will not be emperors. Taste elixirs.

After staying in the elixir tower for half a month, Uchiha Yugen left, and then did not go to the Medicine Clan, because he knew that if the Medicine Clan could refine imperial-grade elixirs, they would have done so already.

"Can we only go to the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor's Mansion, capture the Emperor Grade Young Pill, and then use it to refine it?"

It still takes a long time for Uchiha Yugen to think about how to complete the task, but the most important thing is to find the right direction and then work hard.

Now it seems that the ability to refining medicine, apart from refining more elixirs, can only improve the strength and grab the emperor-grade young elixir in the palace of Tuo Shegu. Once prepared, and paired with appropriate medicinal materials, it can be refined into an imperial elixir.

Back in the Demon Fire Space, Naruto Sasuke has already broken through to the Fighting Saint level, and Otsutsuki Hamura and Toneri are almost there. The two of them came to this world to practice in less time than Naruto Sasuke and Toneri from the beginning. The gap is the largest, Otsutsuki Hamura's side is closer.

"As expected of the protagonist's fate, he has to catch up with Uchiha Madara!"

Uchiha Yugen looked at Naruto and Sasuke who were fighting in the distance and exclaimed.

However, the one with the fastest breakthrough in strength has to be Ichigo, followed by Luffy, and then Sasuke and Naruto.

A Explosive Seed, a person who went from being a Shichibukai in two years to breaking through directly to being able to harden the Four Emperors of Steel. It also took Naruto and Sasuke three years to be able to resist the big BOSS.

But Luffy is not very smart, or he only does what he likes and is not easy to control at all. In addition, Monkey D Dragon is working seriously, so Uchiha Tamaki didn't fool him. .

However, Zoro was turned over, and he was fencing with Hawkeye every day, pursuing the peak of swordsmanship, and now his strength is increasing very quickly.

"In another year, I should be able to have more than ten fighting saints under my command."

"But in refining medicine, if you want to continue to make breakthroughs, you have to continue learning."

Uchiha Yugen has actually only refined medicine dozens of times, but he can already refine ninth-grade elixirs.

Now there is still some distance between refining the imperial elixir, and it still needs to be refined slowly. Uchiha Yuxuan began to refine the ninth-grade elixir in the demon fire space.

However, the ones that were refined at the beginning were all ninth-grade treasure pills, which were of a minimum level and could not be used by Uchiha Yugen, so they were all kept to prepare for the Flame Alliance.

The main ones that are refined are the Bodhi Great Return Pill, which is used to break through the ammunition used by Dou Zun. When the medicinal materials are not enough, some elixirs are refined to restore injuries or enhance strength, which are very useful for people above Dou Zun. Attractive.

After refining for more than a month, Uchiha Yuxuan finally refined the ninth-grade Xuandan.

Pill rain fell from the sky. This was a phenomenon that only appeared when the ninth-grade Xuandan was refined, and then black pill thunder fell.

These days, all these Dan Lei have been used by Naruto, Sasuke and the others to temper their bodies, without wasting any energy.

"It's your turn!"

Otsutsuki Hamura said to Toneri.

Toneri nodded, and then rushed directly towards the Dan Lei that was about to fall in the sky.

"My leveling is too slow. It will probably take more than half a year before I can refine the ninth-grade golden elixir."

Uchiha Yugen played with the pill in his hand. This ammunition was used to recover from injuries. Uchiha Yugen planned to stay. He could take medicine when fighting in the future. Fighting was not bad.

During this time, the main body was refining medicine, and the shadow clone was running around, collecting various medicinal materials to make up for the consumption of medicine.

In the alchemy world of Danta, there were basically very few high-end medicinal materials left at this time. Uchiha Yuxuan didn't want to collect any more, so he chose to search for them elsewhere, but he still found a lot.

Moreover, the demon fire space has been maintained for so many years, and there are some medicinal materials in it, which can more or less sustain the consumption and use of his rapid refining medicine.

"How about organizing a medicine refining conference, finding some powerful people to participate, and using the ability of the Samsara Eye to copy the data."

Uchiha Yugen wants to use his racial talent.

The scientific alchemy method requires collecting enough data for analysis and then waiting for stable results.

However, they basically stopped at the ninth-grade elixirs and higher-level elixirs. Urahara Kisuke and the others did not refine many of them, so it was difficult to obtain enough data.

It is estimated that only Aizen is trying the ninth-grade golden elixir now, while Urahara Kisuke is distracted trying to restore Ichigo's memory.

To refine imperial elixirs, you still have to look at the medicine refining technology in this world. Uchiha Yuxuan felt that he needed to see a wave of high-end medicine refining and learn from it.

"The Alchemy Conference will be around for a long time, and the internal pharmacopoeia of the Medicine Clan is not known for how long. How about I hold one myself?"

Uchiha Yugen is thinking of a way.

In fact, the most important thing is that the medicinal materials for refining the elixir are too difficult to find. He feels that if he continues to practice, the medicinal materials will not be enough, so Uchiha Yugen is ready to slow down.

In his free time, in addition to practicing, Uchiha Yugen also wanted to learn some techniques for refining medicine.

The higher the level, the more difficult it is, so Uchiha Tamaki was young enough to use this method, and asked Urahara Kisuke and the others to collect data to see if they could improve the method of alchemy.

So he left the demon fire space directly and found Jingraku Shunsui.

"Using scientific alchemy methods and using the Bend Jade Crown once as a reward will attract alchemists above the eighth level in Zhongzhou to participate in this alchemy conference."

Kyoraku Shunsui repeated Uchiha Tamakien's request.

"Yes, but it is not called scientific alchemy, but an ancient alchemy method. Let them prepare their own medicinal materials. By the way, inform the people of the Medicine Clan at the same time, and limit the effect of the Jade Crown to breakthrough levels. , explaining it as the induction of heaven and man, it may also be effective in other aspects, but it is only effective for people below the sixth star of Dou Sheng."

"There is no need to hide the information about the ancient family, just expose it directly."

Uchiha Yugen finally added.

The Broken Jade Crown was made at that time just to deal with the current situation.

After all, how can the ancient family do anything if they don't have much knowledge? Using Bengyu once as a reward is a very good reward, and Uchiha Yugen has not lost anything.

At the same time, it is also an opportunity to officially announce the identity of one's own power. If there is anything strange in the future, everyone will only think that this is an ancient family, and this is how it used to be in ancient times, etc.


Although Kyoraku Shunsui didn't know why Uchiha Tamaki did this, he just did it.

First update

Four updates owed

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