“God, my car!”

The driver saw the canopy sinking and cried out in distress.

“I said don’t come out, it’s bad security outside.”

Carl shrugged and pulled Di Wan into his arms.


The roof of the car is almost touching the seat.

The driver quickly stopped, and if he didn’t stop, something would happen.

After parking, the three got out of the car.

I saw two more bodies on the roof of the car.

The driver ran at that time, and the car was not needed, in this case, how far can he run.

Carl covered Di Yan’s eyes and didn’t let her look, otherwise he would have to scare her.

The appearance of the corpse was very tragic, all the limbs were fractured in the opposite direction, the eyes were gone, and the mouth was full of blood.

“What the hell is going on? You show me! Di Wan wanted to break Carl’s hand.

Carl didn’t let her see, Di Wu hadn’t seen the body, and there would definitely be shadows after showing her.

“Don’t look, it’s two corpses.” Carl told Di Wan.

Di Wan was not moving, and she also knew her guts.

Carl’s eyes were slightly red, and he scanned the surroundings with perspective.

Nothing, hide quickly.

Carl was serious: “You go into the car, I’ll take a look at these two corpses.” ”

Di Wan obediently got into the car, and in these things, she would obediently obey.

Carl looked at the corpses on the roof of the car, his belly bulging, as if something had been stuffed in.

The hand pinched the corpse’s jaw and opened the mouth, which was already toothless.

It’s cruel, even the tongue has disappeared, and the mouth is full of blood.

Turned them over again.

The spine seemed to be exposed, and the skin of the back was cut off.

Carl turned the body over again, belly up. Stretching out your index finger, a red light lit up on your index finger.

Scratch the belly of the corpse with your glowing red index finger.


As soon as he opened his mouth, the bulging belly of the corpse collapsed, just ordinary air.

Carl continued to cut the belly of the corpse, blood flowing out, no internal organs.

It should be said that all the internal organs were broken into slag.

Carl frowned, this method of death was really disgusting, he couldn’t bear to reach for something in his belly.

In the belly of the corpse there is something only the size of a baby’s fist, which looks like a stone, what it is, it is not known.

Reach out and pick up the piece, and the temperature, but it is not stained with any blood, as if the blood cannot be retained on it.

He turned his hand and put this piece away, and by the way, he took the blood of two corpses.

“Oh, let’s go!” Carl called Di Wan who was still bored playing with her fingers in the car.

Di Wan nodded and got out of the car.

Carl stood in her way, preventing her from seeing the two corpses that had already been made even more disgusting by him.

Before Di Wan could react, he picked her up and flew back to Stark Building.


“So that’s what’s inside those two corpses?”

Tony played with the two stones Carl had taken out of the body.

Carl nodded, constantly thinking.

He didn’t even know what the murderer looked like, he didn’t even see the murderer, he only saw two bodies falling from the air and smashing on the car.

There are basically no people in this world who can make him unable to find them, and even if there is, they cannot make him unaware.

“Sir, the test results are out, and the DNA of these two people is not in any file.”

“None?” Tony wasn’t convinced, but Friday couldn’t lie to him.

Turning his head to look at Carl: “Do you remember the appearance of the two of them?” ”

Carl nodded: “Remember.” ”

Tony asked, “Can you draw it?” Maybe these two people didn’t have DNA archives, so I tried to look them up. ”

Carl didn’t speak, just walked to the workbench, picked up a pen and started drawing on the paper.

The hand speed is very fast, and the phantom of Karl’s hand can be seen.

Di Wan came over curiously, and for the first time she knew that Carl could actually draw.

“Are you a printer?”

Di Wan saw that Carl was not drawing like ordinary people, but from the top little by little, just like a printer.

The point is that the drawing is very real, obviously just a pencil.

The two paintings took less than two minutes.

Tony took the painting and looked ghostly: “There is a shortage of money, you can also make a fortune with this craft.” ”

Tony looked at the drawings on the paper, and like the black and white photos, even the surrounding scenes at that time were drawn.

“Friday, scan these two… Photo! ”

Originally, I wanted to talk about painting, but I still said photos.

A light curtain scanned the drawing in Tony’s hand, which had begun to pair on the display.

On Friday, Tony’s AI is running so fast that more than seven billion people in the world can drink water as easily as they can handle it.

All the photos were compared in more than a second, and as long as there were more than 70% matches, they were screened out.

The three looked at the selected photos, and there were only eight photos in total.

Because Carl painted the body after death, and did not draw the body, it was more difficult to compare the selected ones.

“It’s not like that.”

Carl said after reading it.

Di Wan was curious: “How are you sure?” ”

Carl took the drawing in Tony’s hand, compared it to the person on it, and pointed to a person who looked very similar: “Chin, and ears.” They are completely different from these two corpses. The corpses’ jaws are much thicker than theirs, and the ears are not like that. ”

Tony spoke: “On Friday, these people recently showed up and the records were brought up. ”

After speaking, the information of these eight people appeared on the screen, distributed all over the world, and the latest records appeared in ten minutes.

It can already be confirmed that the two bodies are not any of these eight people.

Tony wondered, “What world did it come from?” ”

Karl shook his head: “I don’t know about this, but these two people did appear inexplicably, and they were already dead when they appeared.” ”

“Sir, there is a message about Mr. Al Carr.”

Friday has put the information on the screen.

“Just now, we discovered a homicide in surveillance.” The information on the screen is a piece of news.

The news is about the two corpses.

“According to surveillance records, the perpetrators were cruel, with bones fractured and dislocated throughout the two deceased, internal organs disappeared, and both eyes gouged.”

The video shows the image of Carl disemboweling the corpse, but it is far away and the body is not clear to see, but it is indeed Carl who did it at that time.

“At present, the perpetrator’s information has been found, his name is Carl Al, and his other identity is Superman!”

The video shows two photos of Carl.

“Is this someone deliberately framed?”

Tony’s first reaction was this. He didn’t believe Carl would kill for no reason. Even if you kill, it is not by this means.

Di Wan looked at Karl: “Did you offend someone again?” ”

Karl spread his hands: “I am with you every day, where do I go to offend people?” ”

Then looked at the frozen video and frowned: “We don’t know who the murderer is, but there must be a point, someone doesn’t want me to sign the agreement, probably to use you to deal with me.” ”

Tony mused, this happened too timely, just at this juncture, the video was also processed, there was no front or back, only the video when Carl disemboweled the body.

Then, an invisible momentum appeared on Karl, and the ground cracked.

“I wish he could hide a little deeper, but it’s not fun to be discovered!!”

Carl said calmly, but neither Tony nor Di Wan dared to come within two meters of him.

As the memory slowly recovered, Carl’s personality began to approach the previous appearance.

At that time, Carl was not such a good old man as he is now, let alone the kind-hearted superman in the movie.

In Karl’s hands, the blood of the dead can be pooled into the sea.

These two corpses don’t care if they are aimed at him or not, but this hand planting Carl does not like.


Di Wan shouted.

The one just now actually made her feel strange, although Carl usually bullies him and has a little temper, but there will definitely not be such a situation.

Carl retracted his momentum, smiled apologetically at Di Wan, and then looked at Tony, who was still in shock: “You study these two stones first, I am not suitable to appear recently.” ”

Di Wan came over and took Carl’s hand with some worry, and Karl showed a reassuring smile: “Don’t worry, I just hate that someone has wronged me.” ”

Tony came back to his senses, patted his chest, eased his emotions, looked at Carl and said, “Where are you going?” In your current capacity, you must be wanted worldwide. ”

The momentum just now made Tony think that he was going to die, and he saw countless corpses in an instant. Now Tony is a little suspicious that these people were killed by him, but reason tells him that it is impossible.

“Back to Karma Taj, I can’t involve Di Wan. I’ll be in Vienna on time in seven days, and I’d like to see who dares to arrest me in person. ”

After speaking, Karl signaled Di Wan to open the portal.

PS: If you have flowers, send them, and don’t force them!

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