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Chapter 140 I didn’t know until I was about to die that I had provoked someone I shouldn’t have prov

"Each team waited at the designated location. After receiving the order, they immediately sneaked into the raid according to the predetermined route. The observation team and sniper team kept an eye on the movement at all times."

After Damon issued the order, he received a response in order. The observation team and the sniper team began to continuously report on the movements in the manor.

Damon redistributed his manpower for this attack. Vanessa led three people, and Katalia led four people, each watching what was going on in the city.

The main purpose is to prevent policemen related to the Cordis family from getting the news and leading the team over after the attack begins, delaying their reinforcements.

Give this side enough time to kill Martin and Victor before everyone retreats.

Excluding the three observers and two snipers, there were a total of twelve members responsible for the frontal assault, attacking in two directions.

Damon and his people had arrived in Mexico for several days in advance. Naturally, he didn't just wait. He already had a clear understanding of the nearby terrain, the architectural plans of the mountaintop manor, and the rules of the guards.

"Now the bait goes out." Damon ordered.

Giselle shrugged her shoulders, walked to a nearby car, opened the door, and heard Locke say: "You probably won't tell your boss about me."

"I'm just doing Vanessa a favor." Gisele said calmly: "Braga won't know what I'm doing."

"Including your real boss." Locke added an emphasis on real.

Giselle didn't speak, just stared at Locke. After a while, she said, "This is a private job."

"I believe you." Locke smiled and said: "None of the federal law enforcement agencies are reliable. If I were you, I would quit early."

"I have a cooperative relationship with them, not a pawn at the mercy of others." Giselle said, sitting in the driver's seat and closing the door.

"Maybe you think that when they come to your door, they will give you an irresistible reason to refuse." Locke thought in his heart.

According to the plot of Fast and Furious that he had watched, Giselle should not be a formal agent of the CIA, but more like a collaborator, just like Dominic.

When his efforts are needed, he will find a reason, or make some deals such as clearing criminal records, and let these guys work hard to complete the task.

Once a problem is caused, the blame can be dumped in time, because they are not official agents, but criminals with a notorious reputation. They are used to take the blame and do not need to bear any responsibility.

This is a routine operation in the Federation. It can be said that for the many secret agencies of the Federation, the existence of the Dominican drag racing gang is completely the best tool.

Giselle drove the car along the road directly towards the top of the mountain and quickly approached the manor.

Such a conspicuous action was quickly discovered by the manor's patrol officers. In no time, the observers saw large groups of gunmen carrying various types of weapons rushing out of various houses in the manor.

Giselle drove quickly to an outpost more than 100 meters outside the manor. The members at the outpost saw the speeding car and shot without hesitation.

"Dang Dang Dang..."

Bullets hit the road next to the car, and occasionally some landed on the car, leaving holes in the bulletproof steel plate.

Rushing past the outpost quickly, an enhanced iron pineapple flew out from the gap in the window, quickly turning the outpost into a big fireball.

"They all rushed out and gathered near the gate of the manor." The observer reported on all channels.

"Very good." Damon opened the safety of the gun in his hand and ordered: "Each team will attack, and anyone with a weapon is an enemy.

The sniper team cleans up the rats that are transmitting information, cuts off the transmission of information, and covers us. Everyone starts taking action! "

Under Damon's order, the action members were divided into two groups. One group entered the manor directly through the tunnel, and the other group came to the root of the outer wall of the manor.

The team members led by Damon moved all the way through the manor, and all the members they encountered would place bullets loaded with suppressed firearms.

The two snipers also began to take action, specifically targeting the gunmen with walkie-talkies. As long as they were discovered, they would become targets for killing.

After blowing the outpost in front into ashes, Giselle slammed on the brakes, turned the car sideways, and stopped dozens of meters outside the gate of the manor.

"Bang bang bang..."

At the gate there were gunmen who came from the manor and fired rapidly.

At this time, Giselle had already opened the door on the other side of the car, and nimbly hid in the woods nearby from the other side of the car.

The gate to the manor was opened, and a large number of gunmen rushed out of the manor, quickly approaching the woods and shooting at any suspicious targets.

"Da da da!!!"

At this moment, gunfire came from behind them, and a large number of these gunmen fell down.

The team that came from the outer wall of the manor successfully shot and killed a large number of gunmen from behind, and then targeted several guards at the gate.

Four gunmen holding walkie-talkies were eliminated by two snipers, who quickly targeted those hiding behind bunkers.

The enemies faced by the two groups would encounter snipers if they showed their heads slightly.

There were hundreds of gunmen in the entire manor, and in just a short time, one-third of them had disappeared.

Two cousins, Martin Cordis and Victor Cordis, had received the news that their uncle had been attacked early in the morning. They had not yet figured out who had done it.

But out of vigilance, they still strengthened the security in the manor and doubled the number of gunmen in the manor. At this time, there were more than twenty people around the two brothers.

After the abnormality was reported at the gate, the two brothers on the top platform got the news. Both Martin and Victor stood up from their seats and ordered their men to prepare for a counterattack.

But in the blink of an eye, a large number of guards in the manor were lost, and less and less news was delivered, which was not a good omen.

"Damn, I think it must be an American. My brother had an accident in New York, and then there was that old bastard Carlos. The source of all this is in the United States."

Martin Cordis said: "If I find out who did it, I will definitely..."

"What must it be?!"

The sudden sound startled everyone.

"Da da da……"

The next moment, with the sudden burst of gunfire, the blood mist dispersed on the mountaintop platform, and the screams and the sound of bullets penetrating the body resounded across the platform.

One gunman after another fell to the ground, and more than twenty gunmen fell down in just two or three seconds.

At this time, Locke showed his body and looked at the two brothers Martin and Victor.

"No need to trouble you to look for it, am I here?" Locke stood in front of the two of them and put the two Rolocks that had been modified with increased ammunition capacity back into his waist.

"I didn't intend to cause more trouble, but you traffickers were too crazy. Two of my bodyguards and their families died unexpectedly, which let me know that you will definitely take action against me."


Locke suddenly waved his hand again, and a gunman lurking at the window in the next room was shot in the head and fell to the ground.

Looking at the tragic situation around them, the two brothers Martin and Victor looked at Locke, who was wearing a tactical mask, full of fear.

As a big businessman, it is not uncommon to have fights, but the man in front of him killed a large group of gunmen in just the blink of an eye, which was beyond their imagination.

Such a fierce man, what kind of bodyguards does he need?

Both of them quickly guessed Locke's identity. Soon Martin thought of a person mentioned by Gabriel and understood everything in an instant.

"Wait a minute, this is just a misunderstanding, Luo..."


"We all know whether this is a misunderstanding or not. You only found out before you died that you provoked someone you shouldn't have provoked."

Locke looked at Martin and Victor who had a bloody hole in their heads and said slowly.

"Tap tap tap..."

The sound of gunfire gradually became sparse, and the sound of fast and dense footsteps came over. Damon and Giselle came to the platform and looked at the blood and corpses on the ground without saying a word.

Giselle noticed that these gunmen were all killed before they even had time to take out their guns. She looked at Martin and Victor who were still staring at death, and she was suddenly full of fear of Locke.

No wonder Vanessa would choose him. With such strength, it is really hard to imagine a super rich man with a net worth of billions.

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