Several people, led by Locke, walked out of the supermarket and cautiously came to the pharmacy next door.

Visibility was very low in the thick fog, but the pharmacy was right next door, and the group quickly arrived at the door of the pharmacy.

"Damn, they didn't even close the door!"

David couldn't help but whisper, and then he saw spider silk covered with white silk wadding everywhere inside.

"This place is simply a spider's nest!" Norton had a moved look on his face.

At this time, he no longer thought it was a prank or anything, especially when he saw the three humanoid cocoons hanging on the wall.

"Take out all the incendiary bombs and throw them around." Locke ordered: "Burn this place completely."

"But those three people are still alive, right?" David said cautiously.

"The parasitic spider has laid eggs in their bodies." Locke said coldly: "We are not a hospital here, and we don't have doctors who can perform surgeries. If we rescue them, we will just leave them to die.

Of course, if you want to save people, you can go up and try. If you alarm the monster, don't blame me for not warning you. "

"Okay." David hesitated for a moment and finally nodded.

"Don't go too deep, just burn the area in front of you. If you spread out and go deep into the pharmacy, you will probably be raided."

Then David, Norton and the other three soldiers obediently took out incendiary bombs and threw them around.

At this moment, a parasitic spider as big as a tire suddenly jumped down from the ceiling, grinned at the people standing at the door, and let out a piercing cry.


Before anyone could react, Locke raised his hand and hit the spider on the head. The acid in its body splashed out and spread around.

"Wow." Several people were startled. Some looked at the corpse of the parasitic spider in shock, and looked at the drugstore that had begun to burn. Their hearts slowly dropped.

The spiders here reminded Locke of the large spiders he had encountered in Prosperity Town. The monsters in the fog were terrifying to ordinary people, and were much larger than the creatures on earth.

But there is obviously no extraordinary ability. If this is the case, the federation in this world may not really have a chance to achieve the achievement of colonizing another space.

After all, simply because of its larger size, it would most likely become a target when faced with an organized modern army.

While Locke was thinking wildly, he threw an incendiary bomb into the depths. The flames spread rapidly along with the white spider silk, and the screams of many spiders could be faintly heard. They should be the newly hatched little spiders.

Fortunately, the number is not large. If we really have to wait a few more days, the spiders here will become a large group, which will be difficult to deal with.

Now as long as you are careful and check for any leaks, you can ensure that these spiders will not pose too much of a threat.

Looking at the burning pharmacy in front of them, several people couldn't help but scream with joy. They had been worried for so long and they needed to vent their feelings.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

Locke suddenly raised the M16 in his hand and quickly pulled the trigger in a direction in the fog.

Before a few people could react, they heard the roar of a huge monster.

"Get out of the way!" Locke kicked David away.

The sickle-shaped forelimbs, which were three meters long, flew through the air and passed close to David's body.

At this time, only a few people saw the figure of the huge monster. It looked like a giant mantis, with a body of more than ten meters long and forelimbs more than three meters long. Everyone was so frightened that they could only scream in fear. scream.

"Bang bang bang!!!" Locke calmly pointed the shotgun at the monster's head, leaving holes on it.

"Roar!" This monster was enraged. The power of the shotgun was obviously not enough to deal with this monster. It looked like it was just like losing a few pieces of flesh on its face.

Seeing this, Locke took out an M79 grenade launcher from the storage space, turned on the safety, pointed it at the monster's head, and pulled the trigger.

"Boom!" A violent explosion appeared, instantly tearing open the mantis monster's head.

"Boom!" Still feeling unsafe, Locke fired another grenade at the mantis monster, completely blowing its head to pieces, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"What the fxxk!" Several people looked at the sudden appearance of the super giant mantis, and a series of curses came out of their mouths.

Locke couldn't help but frown. Most of these giant creatures were looming in the plot. The tentacle monster of unknown size just ate an unlucky clerk and disappeared.

This is mostly caused by the crew's insufficient budget, but in this real world, these threats are real.

"Okay, let's go back to the supermarket quickly." With this thought in his mind, Locke urged.

After hearing Locke's words, the shocked few people came back to their senses. The excited and screaming expressions just now disappeared, and they hurriedly ran to the supermarket.

"Oh my god, Agent Qi is so powerful, he actually killed such a big monster!"

After we returned to the supermarket and were safe, a soldier who had followed him out came to his senses. He couldn't help but admire loudly and made gestures with his hands, as if to describe the size of the giant mantis just now.

Others also started talking. For the few people who went out together, Locke's performance just now gave them a great sense of security.

The sky was slowly getting dark, and when everyone gathered together in twos and threes to discuss what would happen tomorrow, there was a sudden banging sound outside the window.

It was certainly not the sound of exploring the origins of humanity, but the sound of something hitting the glass wall of a supermarket.

"Oh my God!"

The lower part of the supermarket's glass wall is piled up with rice and flour bags and the like to a height of one and a half meters.

The upper part and the door are reinforced and sealed with nails, tape and wooden boards, but someone can still see the dense scorpions and flying insects outside through the gaps.

Locke has long discovered through magic induction that these things are everywhere outside now, just like mosquitoes in summer, appearing as soon as it gets dark.

But compared to mosquitoes, these palm-sized little things are much more lethal. The toxins they carry are basically fatal if they are bitten.

Strictly speaking, Locke would rather deal with three or five giant mantis monsters than face a large group of poisonous scorpion flying insects.

"Are there all such monsters out there?" Norton, a black lawyer, was sweating in cold sweat.

"What do you think?" Locke asked back, and then said to the people gathered in a few gaps: "Now everyone should put out the candles and don't make loud noises. Light and sound may attract the attention of those monsters. .”

The power was interrupted and the generator in the supermarket was too loud. Locke had already stopped people. The remaining batteries lasted too long, so everyone lit candles.

With the experience during the day, Locke's prestige has gradually been established. After hearing his words, people extinguished their candles and gathered together. They did not dare to speak louder anymore. They just listened to the sounds outside and prayed that nothing would go wrong.

Of course, there were many people whispering to each other in low voices, but Locke heard it and did not stop him, because being completely quiet at this time would quickly amplify the fear in his heart.

He is also a little worried now. Although the glass wall has been reinforced with wooden boards, these wooden boards are somewhat weaker than tempered glass. Most of them are stuck on the glass with tape and glue.

Such protection, even if it blocks poisonous scorpions and flying insects, may not remain intact if it attracts the attention of larger skeletal birds.

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