A smile appeared in his heart. Locke knew that there was something good to watch today, and it was both prepared for him and someone else.

What then left Locke speechless was that even the elevator door was covered with countless 5-piece printed stickers connected together.

Until finally, under the guidance of the waiter, we arrived at Carrington's private room.

The entire private room is not closed, but is connected to the VIP area, separated by three steps and a glass wall.

"Locke, this way."

Carter Adrian greeted Locke, and he heard Fallon Carrington say that it was he who invited him this time.

Locke is no stranger to him. He was born in Los Angeles and is well connected in the West Coast business circle. Locke also acquired 2.6% of Wells Fargo Bank from him before.

After shaking hands with the other party with a smile, Locke smiled at Carter again and said, "I didn't expect you to be quite generous and directly booked such a large private room."

"I'm just being generous to others. Jeff provided the private room, but he didn't pay for it." Carter shrugged his shoulders and said: "The owner of the stadium wanted to take over the stadium to ease the financial pressure, so he asked Jeff to do it. A middleman.”

Locke nodded clearly, then greeted Fallon Carrington in the private room, chatted for a few words, and sat in the front row of the private room.

A few people were chatting casually, and suddenly, deafening cheers erupted in the stadium as players from the two teams were walking out of the tunnel.

Locke took a glance and saw the VIP soft seating area under the private room. A man and a woman stood up and cheered with some excitement.

"Locke, I heard that you are planning to acquire the shares of Wells Fargo from Kerry?" Carter asked.

"Yes, I am very interested in the shares he holds, but his asking price is very high, and I don't want to be taken advantage of."

"As far as I know, Kerry lost a lot of money on his investments in the UK last year, and several banks are forcing him to repay," Fallon Carrington said:

"I heard that he temporarily borrowed a sum of funds from somewhere and wanted to use this to test how committed you are to the shares."

"The shares in your hands are enough to control the board of directors. There is no need to continue to acquire so many shares." Carter said: "Your behavior just gives people like Kerry a chance to open their mouths."

"That's true. What I gave him was the final offer. I won't pay even one cent more."

Locke said slowly: "And regardless of whether I can successfully acquire the 4.7% of his shares, I am ready to formally intervene in the management and operation of Wells Fargo at the next shareholder meeting."

"Wow, this is a big decision," Carter said. "Those banking guys are probably going to cry wolf."

"I'm just a newbie in the banking industry. They may be waiting to see my jokes." Locke shrugged: "I have contacted some shareholders to ensure that I get enough support. At present, The results are great.”

The game hadn't officially started yet, and a few people gathered together to chat. A waiter in the box casually changed a piece of music to a series of "woo woo woo" accompaniments.

"But don't put too much faith in the promises of those shareholders. As far as I know, many of them are just losers." Carter said with a smile.

"That's why I tried to acquire Kerry's equity to ensure that he had enough advantages. Moreover, the financial problems he encountered could not be solved by splitting 10 to 20 million US dollars." Locke said to me quite well: " At least double it again.”

At the same time, a man and a woman sitting on the VIP soft seats about one meter in front felt that the time was almost up, and the woman asked: "Isn't it the wrong time to say that I don't like rugby?"

"Yeah, the worst time." The man cooperated.

"I'm sorry, honey, I just feel a little bored with nothing to do."

"Are you kidding? You were so excited when you saw the tickets!"

"I'm very excited, but I really can't understand this game..."

"Okay, let's not worry about the football game. Let's play something else." The man finally said.

Then he looked at the ordinary seats in front and saw the salesperson throwing beer, fried chicken, French fries, etc. to the customers from time to time, and suddenly said:

"Well, how about a bet on whether that guy can catch it?"

"No problem, I bet he can catch it."

"Then I bet he can't catch it, a dollar a time."

Locke's face was calm, and a look of thought flashed in his eyes, while Carter seemed to be attracted by those two people, and stopped watching the game, staring at the salesman and the spectator who was buying something.

"God, it's only four or five meters, and this idiot can actually miss it. How did you know?" the woman said.

"That guy doesn't know how to shoot. Not long ago he knocked the old lady's glasses off." The man said.

"Okay." The woman thought for a moment, looked at the audience in the auditorium opposite and played with people, and said: "Look at that fat man in the football uniform, I bet he is drunk, can't stand up, and can't play with people. wave."

"Are you sure? The team he supports is attacking!"

"Come or not!"


The next moment the whistle sounded, the spectators in front all stood up and sat down to play human waves, but the fat man pointed by the woman remained motionless.

"Is this really true!?"

"I know all about drunks," the woman said with a smile.

"Are you a fan or not? You still have the nerve to say you are a fan!" The man shouted loudly at this time, attracting more attention at the same time.

"Look over there." The man pointed at a young girl with a hot figure more than ten meters away. She was standing up from her seat and seemed to be preparing to go to the bathroom.

"We bet on how many men will look back at which girl. Only the one on the side of the aisle with the closest number wins."

"At least eight!" the girl said without hesitation.

"I think it's three," the man said.

"I bet six." Carter suddenly interrupted at this moment. When the man and woman turned around, he pointed at Locke again, indicating that it was Locke who spoke.

Locke glanced at Carter. He had the impression that this guy was not a big gambler. Doing this now had confirmed something for him.

After making a note for the other party in his notebook, Locke smiled and said, "I can participate."

"Of course, no problem. I'm Will, this is Margot, this..."

"Locke, I think at least five people will watch it."

"Then it begins." Watching the girl come to the staircase aisle, several people began to count.




"Yeah, I'm the closest, I know those lechers best." Margot stood up and raised her hands: "Give me money, give me money."

After waving his hand, Locke took out ten dollars and gave it to Margot, and then said: "If you want to continue, I will bet a thousand dollars that this attack will be successful."

"Wow, this is a little bit loud." There were noisy voices around, but Will and Margot looked at each other, pretending to hesitate for a while, and then took out a wad of cash with some embarrassment: "Okay. Well, for a thousand dollars, I bet this attack won't succeed."

"As a result, the attack was stopped. Locke smiled and took out a thousand dollars from his wallet." He said with a smile: "Continue?"

"No problem, let's bet on which side fouls first this time." Will said after thinking for a while.

"Then I'll choose the defensive side, $10,000." Locke continued.

"Then I'll choose the attacking side."

In the end, the offensive team fouled first. Locke glanced at Ashley with a smile, then took the $10,000 from her bag and handed it to the other party.

Locke didn't look like he was anxious after losing the bet, but he then raised the stakes to $50,000: "$50,000, pass or run."

"Wow." Margot opened her mouth and sighed.

"He must have drunk too much." Will thought for a while: "I choose to pass the ball."

"Then I'll choose to run." Locke said.

After a while, Locke said: "It seems that my fortune has started to work. Will I continue to come?"

"Do you think your fortune has turned around?" Will showed an unconvinced look: "One hundred thousand dollars, I bet they can get it."

"The probability of kicking is indeed relatively high, but I still believe in luck." Locke said with a smile: "I choose not to kick."


After waiting for a while, the ball was still not kicked, it was blocked.

"I've said it before, now is the time when I'm lucky. If I were you, I would choose to stop in moderation." Locke said as he glanced at the man next to the VIP seat. He knew that this man was also the financial backer behind this situation. from.

Then he said to Ashley: "Honey, let's have a drink first."

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