"Get in the car quickly!"

With her superb driving skills and Catalia's cooperation, Vanessa drove the Hummer to Locke. She and Catalia opened the passenger and back seat doors at the same time.

Putting Lorraine in the back seat, closing the door, Locke got into the passenger seat, and the car started again. At this time, several cars in the stronghold were already driving towards this direction.

Vanessa quickly swung the Hummer in an arc, and an AK appeared in Locke's hand.

A series of gunshots passed, and bullet holes appeared in the windshields of the two pickup trucks that rushed in front. There was a scream from inside the car, and it crashed into the trees on the side.

"We can't go back the way we came. They have a camp nearby and can provide support at any time. The road to the main road should have been blocked by now."

Locke raised his eyebrows. He didn't care much about people blocking the road, but judging from Vanessa's words, someone should have been arranged to take over.

Sure enough, the next thing she heard was: "I have arranged for someone to meet you at the river ahead."

As she spoke, Vanessa turned the steering wheel, and the Hummer rushed directly into the side road, and the car began to bump.

The path is rugged and complicated, and if you are not careful, you may fall into a shallow pit next to it, or hit trees and rocks.

And Vanessa is indeed a car goddess. Under her driving, the Hummer can always pass these dangers.

"The people behind are catching up, and there are their people in front as well." Katalia, who was observing from the back seat, suddenly said.

Locke did not say a word, but just stuck the muzzle of the AK out of the car window, and fired only twice. A cloud of blood mist burst out from the drivers of the two pickup trucks facing each other, and they drove crookedly out of the small road.

The soldiers above were panicking, and the Humvee passed by them like a wind. Locke and Katalia took advantage of this moment to shoot mercilessly, leaving behind a scream and a splash of blood.

"Be careful, RPG." But it was Vanessa who saw a soldier in a pickup truck rushing out from the opposite side with a killer weapon on his shoulder. She immediately accelerated the accelerator and concentrated on interfering with the opponent's aim.

Locke curled his lips, pointed forward and pulled the trigger.

"Bang!" The soldier carrying the RPG was shot in the arm. The arm that was originally holding the support released its force, and the finger holding the switch shook. The warhead fell directly from the small window at the back to the front. Cab.


In the violent explosion, the entire pickup truck rolled up with the flames. Vanessa turned the steering wheel, drove past, and rushed through the opponent's blockade. She finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Taking out her collection and dialing a number, Vanessa asked directly: "Where are you? There is a large group of enemies behind us."

"We will arrive at the scheduled location within three minutes." A response came quickly from the other side.

Vanessa looked ahead, and she was very close to the river. In the night, Locke could see a special warfare boat speeding towards this side in the distance.

When the car stopped at the river, the special warfare boat swung its tail and stopped at the river. The Gatling gun on the bow of the boat turned and pointed at the group of soldiers following behind.

The next moment, with the high-speed rotating barrel, Gatling's muzzle spurted out bursting flames, and a barrage like a heavy rain instantly enveloped the back. At the same time, the two coupled M240 machine guns also opened fire with full force.

Amidst the deafening gunfire, a loud scream came from the pickup truck that had just jumped out of the woods behind Locke and others.

The speedboat here continued to suppress the tilted fire, drawing out countless bright lines, not giving the opponent a chance to breathe at all, and plowing the area in front of it over and over again.


A truck was finally blown up, and a large fire broke out on the spot. The special warfare boat just picked up Locke and others, and swept past, leaving behind a small forest full of bullet holes and corpses, and the burning remains of the vehicle. .

Looking at this scene, Locke couldn't help but smile. This overwhelming outpouring of firepower was very American.

After the speedboat had traveled some distance along the river, Locke asked Lorraine: "What are you going to do next?"

"We still need to deal with the aftermath first." Lorraine thought for a while and said: "The people who caught me were people from the Brazilian military. After catching me, they also arranged for people to check my identity information.

My fingerprints and DNA are currently on file with the CIA. Sooner or later, the news will reach the CIA. I need to prepare in advance and arrange for some people to be transferred. There are also some adjustments to be made to several strongholds. As for catching me Master, do you have any clues about these people? They don’t seem to be working for Brazilian officials? "

"These troops were mobilized by people behind the scenes through personal connections. They have connections with several large consortiums in the United States, and they should be going for the newly matured blood orchids. I don't know how the news about the planting site was leaked. , you can be regarded as suffering a big loss because of me."

Locke said: "Those newly mature blood orchids are being shipped back to the United States. I have no intention of leaving them with them. I will definitely snatch them back."

"Then I must be counted among them." Lorraine said.

"Don't you need to take a rest first?" Locke looked at Lorraine. Although the injuries on his body were healed, he had been tortured for so long. Although the injuries had been cured, his physical weakness and mental exhaustion were not that great. Easy to eliminate.

"Just rest for a few hours." Lorraine leaned on the back of the seat and said firmly: "Those people are not easy to mess with, and I am not easy to mess with."

"Okay, according to the intelligence, Blood Orchid should be escorted from the warehouse to the airport tomorrow morning. It is not ruled out that they will take action in advance after getting the news, so I have arranged for people to monitor them. No matter what they are planning to do over there, we can stop them halfway. .”

Knowing that Lorraine had already made up his mind, Locke didn't care if there was one more person watching the fun. He had originally planned to snatch the Blood Orchid back halfway by himself, so it didn't matter if there was one more spectator.

It's not that you value these blood orchids, but you want to let the other party know that you are not someone to be trifled with. Only in this way can you make the other party take advantage of them, and then return to the United States to kill them.

The reason for choosing to intercept halfway is very simple, just like when robbing a bank, you choose to rob a cash transport truck or a bank vault. Robbers with a little experience will choose a cash transport truck instead of a vault.

Because even if there is an ambush on the road, it is impossible to set up an ambush all the way. At the same time, no matter how elite the vehicle and escort team are, it is easier than going directly to rob the vault. After all, the two are completely different in terms of security levels.

Also, the Blood Orchid is now in the Brazilian military camp. If it directly attacks the military camp, the impact will be too great. Regardless of whether the Brazilian officials knew about it before or not, they will definitely investigate to the end after the incident, and may even involve the United States. Official joint action.

Locke himself didn't care much. There were many spells to hide his identity, ensuring that they couldn't figure out who attacked him, but the other party would definitely contact Lorraine, which would not be of much benefit to Lorraine.

Although Lorraine's criminal organization seems to be very secretive, if it angers the officials and makes full efforts to investigate, they will definitely suffer heavy losses.

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