Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 209 We wanted to make him our tool, but in the end we all became his tools

The movement of Qianshoubeijian is very fast!

Even Sarutobi Hiruzen was a little puzzled and stunned!

"Second Hokage-sama?"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi still looked at Senju who rushed over with some doubts, frowned and asked, "Clean me up? What's going on here? Did Orochimaru manipulate you?"


Senju kicked Hiruzaru Sarutobi with a kick, and responded coldly: "We already know what you did, and I can ignore Uchiha's matter..."

"Teijian, Uchiha's matter can't be left alone!"

Senju Bashima hastily interrupted Senju Hiruzen, and quickly rushed towards Sarutobi Hiruzen, and punched Sarutobi Hiruzen on the arm, repelling Sarutobi Hiruzen blatantly!

"Monkey, you've been Hokage for too long..."

Senju Feijian quickly picked up the rhythm of the attack, kicked Hiruzaru Sarutobi on the shoulder, and kicked him out again: "Did you lose your eyes due to power?"

"Our purpose is only one..."

Senju Bashima watched Sarutobi Hiruzen, and said helplessly: "In order to prevent that little guy Akihara Kagura from being forced to become a traitor by you, I have to deal with you here. That little guy might be stronger than me. Once He became a traitor, have you thought about the consequences?"


Hiruzaru Sarutobi's heart tightened, and he suddenly looked at Orochimaru who was sneering: "Oshemaru, what is going on?"

the bastard...

What did they say to the two ancestors of Hokage!

The most troublesome thing is, why did they bring up Akihara Kagura's defection!

"I didn't say anything..."

Orochimaru smiled and watched his teacher being besieged by the two Hokage reincarnated from the dirty soil, and seemed to be very pleased: "I didn't even take the initiative to do this, it was the two Hokage-sama who came to clean up the teacher, you !"

"after all…"

"You've done too many things wrong..."

Orochimaru grinned, and directly said a strong evidence: "Didn't you just say that you would not hand over the position of Hokage to Akihara Kagura?"

"Kagura is too young."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi retorted coldly, and continued: "If he is allowed to serve as Hokage, Konoha will definitely fall into chaos, and maybe there will be war..."

Relying on the opportunity he had grasped, Orochimaru suddenly laughed: "So, only when you have power, will Konoha be peaceful?"


Hiruzaru Sarutobi realized that he had fallen into a language trap.

I can't hand over the position of Hokage to Akihara Kagura, and I have been serving as Hokage all the time. In the mouth of Orochimaru, I have become a person who really loves power!

that power…

Power again.

Shimura Danzo used his liking for power to attack himself, and Orochimaru also used this power to attack himself. This incident has become a threshold that cannot be passed today!

The trouble is...

Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't even have an excuse to refute.

Because I have held the position of Hokage for too long, and I happen to be unwilling to pass on the position of Hokage to a suitable candidate, and in fact, I have become a person with too much desire for power.

this kind of thing...

It can't be explained clearly in a few sentences!

And even if it takes a long time, it is difficult for me to explain clearly!

Many Konoha ninjas saw the scene of the Four Purple Flame Formation, and even many ninjas gathered around, trying to rescue the third Hokage Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

These people also heard the exchange between Orochimaru and Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Compared with Shimura Danzo's eloquence, Orochimaru is very good at interpersonal communication, and he quickly grasped the pain points of Sarutobi Hiruzak, and he didn't intend to let Sarutobi Hiruzame change the topic at all.

Other things are too prone to flaws!

Only Hiruzaru Sarutobi has been holding the power of Hokage and refuses to let go. There is substantial evidence, which is undeniable. He even just said that the most powerful Akihara Kagura is not suitable to become Hokage, and directly gave himself You have set up a trap that you can't jump out of!

"As expected..."

There was a look of disappointment on Qianshou Feijian's face.

"Hokage is not carrying power..."

Senju Bashirama frowned, and charged towards Hiruzaru Sarutobi again!

"Fire Escape·Phoenix Immortal Fire Art!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi hastily formed seals, and spit out fireballs one after another!

However, Senju Bashima didn't care at all, and slapped the fireball away with his bare hands, and rushed straight to Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Orochimaru watched Hiruzaru Sarutobi encouraged to support under the attack of the two Hokages, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became more intense: "Teacher, don't blame the two Hokages for their determination to kill you. The little guy is used as a tool, but your methods are more mature and sophisticated, using the power of Hokage to transfer that child Akihara Kagura to your side..."

"The old man is not!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi hurriedly retorted, and was punched in the face by Senju Hashirama, but he still stubbornly opened his mouth to fight back: "This old man has never used Kagura as a tool, in order to let him have the will of fire Inheritance of..."

"Isn't this the usual rhetoric you used to lure people into tools?"

Orochimaru laughed, and continued evasively: "Always under the guise of Konoha, any ninja who violates your will or order will be regarded as disloyal to Konoha, until everyone can't do it." Not doing what you want..."

"Ask yourself..."

"Isn't that the truth?"

Orochimaru knew Sarutobi Hiruzen very well, and directly pierced Sarutobi Hiruzen's line of defense: "Teacher, what's the difference between you and Danzo for Konoha?"

"A hokage who is so hypocritical that he likes to persecute others with righteousness. Anyone who goes against your wishes will be charged with endangering Konoha..."


Hiruzaru Sarutobi felt some pain in his brain.

This battle was already extremely difficult, and the former disciple of Orochimaru was still persecuting and humiliating with words!

Orochimaru's face became more and more complacent: "You want to transform everyone into what you want, but you don't know whether you are right or wrong..."


Sarutobi Hiru Zhanfei backed away, staring at his disciple: "You are still alive, this is the biggest mistake I made, I shouldn't be merciful and spare your life back then! When you colluded with Danzo to kill the fellows in the village, I should kill you while I still have strength!"


The attack of the two Hokages suddenly stopped!

Senshou Feijian suddenly turned his head to look at Orochimaru, and then at Sarutobi Hiruzen: "Danzo and Orochimaru... murdered their companions?"

this matter…

Why haven't I heard of it!

Isn't Shimura Danzo like a white lotus?

Why does it seem like there are things he doesn't know about? Is Shimura Danzo also black? Didn't Shimura Danzo say that he has been trying to correct Sarutobi's mistakes?

"Master Hokage, you were deceived by him and Danzo!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi's face was a little gloomy, and he continued in a deep voice: "Danzo and Orochimaru conducted illegal human experiments without permission, and killed innocent people. After being discovered by the old man, they chose to defect. Danzo even wanted to kill him when he defected. I lost my companion, Mitomon En!"


Qianshou Feijian's eyes narrowed slightly.

"What exactly is going on?"

Senjujuma also frowned, and said in surprise: "Danzo told us that you were the one who destroyed the Uchiha clan and conducted human experiments without permission..."


Senju Feijian quickly stopped Senju Bashirama.

Some things can be said, and some things cannot be said.

Once the words are spoken, Konoha's political environment will deteriorate rapidly.

Senju Tobima's original purpose was to get rid of Sarutobi Hiruzaru, the Hokage who was going astray, but he didn't expect that there was an unexpected hidden secret in it.

"I stopped all human experiments a long time ago!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen is Senju Tomonama's disciple, and coupled with being in power for so many years, he quickly understood the behavior that Senju Tobiken, the second-generation Hokage, wanted to cover up, and directly stated the result: "Only Danzo and Orochimaru The human experiment was carried out in secret, I was merciful and didn't kill them at that time, so what happened today..."

"Go ask someone to bring Danzo back..."

Qian Shou frowned, and said in a deep voice.

"What a hassle..."

Orochimaru sighed, and raised his finger: "I have long known that this method is unreliable, and it would be troublesome to reveal a little flaw, and there are too many flaws, how could it be possible to hide it from the smart second-generation Hokage?" Woolen cloth?"

next moment!

The figures of Senju Bashima and Senju Feijian retreated to Orochimaru's side at the same time!


Senshouban asked Orochimaru in a cold voice: "What the hell is going on with you and Danzo! What have you guys done!"

"It's better to let you lose your sanity..."

Two will-killing spells appeared in Orochimaru's hands, and they were directly stuffed into the back of their heads. He smiled and said, "Can't you obediently help me kill my teacher?"


Senshou Tomona realized that he might have been deceived by Danzo!

"You lied to me again!"

Senshou Zhuma didn't quite understand the situation, but he knew he had been cheated!

However, their anger was useless, and they could only let Orochimaru hold the spell and stuff it into the back of their heads, completely annihilating their will, their expressions gradually calmed down, and they completely lost their sanity.

"Oshemaru! What did you do to them!"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi looked at Orochimaru angrily!

"Don't worry, teacher."

Orochimaru looked at Hiruzen Sarutobi, and slowly narrowed his eyes: "I just want you to see the results of my practice outside, this is a spell to annihilate the will of reincarnated people in the dirty soil, and it can be more convenient to control them body..."

"With your crippled body, I would have easily killed you long ago..."

Orochimaru took control of the two Hokage battles again, and continued with a chuckle: "You just defeated Danzo, and it cost you a lot of chakra..."


Hiruzaru Sarutobi's heart sank.

What this guy Orochimaru said is indeed true.

Shimura Danzo's old friend is not so easy to deal with. He also consumed a lot of physical strength and chakra in that battle. It is even more difficult to deal with Orochimaru. Resurrection Hokage.


But he had to deal with Orochimaru and the two Hokages controlled by him.

Because Akihara Kagura did not deal with the two Hokage and Orochimaru at the beginning, it means that it is not easy for Akihara Kagura to solve Orochimaru, not to mention that Akihara Kagura may be tricked and used by Shimura Danzo …


It should be okay.

As long as I sacrifice here for Konoha, all the so-called crimes of greed for power will be marked with a sentence. After Jiraiya succeeds Hokage, there is still hope for everything.

"it's time…"

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed in his heart, remembering how he had thought about how to completely solve Orochimaru and the reincarnation of the dirty soil, and slowly formed his handprints!

"Ninjutsu-Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

Two shadow clones appeared beside Hiruzaru Sarutobi.

The Chakra of Sarutobi Hiruzen is not enough, the main body and two shadow clones are already the maximum limit, but this is enough!

Sarutobi Hiruzen stared at the two Hokages who rushed over again, and also saw Orochimaru standing in the distance, then raised his head to look at the Four Purple Flame Formation, and joined hands again to make a handprint...

"This time..."

"Let you be buried here!"

Accompanied by Sarutobi Hiruzen's seal movement, his face suddenly became serious: "This old man is a man who has inherited the will of the first Hokage-sama and the second-generation Hokage-sama, don't take your teacher too lightly. ,Orochimaru!"

"Sealing Technique: Sealing Ghouls!"

Behind Hiruzaru Sarutobi suddenly appeared a ferocious phantom of the god of death, and his two shadow clones rushed out quickly, grabbing the first Hokage and the second Hokage!

With a dagger in his mouth, the hideous ghost of death behind him suddenly stretched out his claws, eating the souls of the first Hokage and the second Hokage into his body!

"The spell that once sealed the Nine-Tails..."

Orochimaru immediately remembered this technique, and quickly wanted to back away to avoid it, but the Sizi Yan Formation became a space to seal his actions!

Even if the Four Purple Flame Formation is broken in time, this gap is enough for Hiruza Sarutobi to catch him!

The third Hokage Sarutobi Hiruza quickly grabbed Orochimaru's shoulder, not caring about his own death: "This technique will make the old man's soul a sacrifice, but it will seal all the dangers that endanger Konoha... "

A claw of the god of death has grabbed the soul of Orochimaru!

Orochimaru sensed the loss of his soul, gritted his teeth and looked at the teacher in front of him, trying to think of a way to delay it!

Orochimaru's eyes narrowed, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Teacher, you don't think killing me will end it? Do you want to guess, who is the real leader of this Konoha collapse plan? Danzo and I are just pawns of that person..."


Hiruzaru Sarutobi was immediately attracted by his words!

Is there still someone hiding behind Orochimaru, who is doing all this in secret? Is that the guy named Obito Uchiha?

Hiruzaru Sarutobi immediately thought of a name.

However, before Sarutobi Hiruzen asked, Orochimaru's arm suddenly stretched out a long snake, and the long snake quickly circled behind Sarutobi Hiruzen, opened its mouth and spit out a sharp sword, piercing through The body of Sarutobi Hirazan!


Hiruzaru Sarutobi's pupils became a little dizzy.

The old man realized again that he had been fooled by Orochimaru. Orochimaru was deliberately attracting his attention, and wanted to kill him before the ghouls were sealed off!

Consciousness quickly dissipated...

Hiruzaru Sarutobi knew that his life was about to come to an end, he tried his best to seal Orochimaru into Shinigami's body, but he had no strength at all...

The only thing that can...

It is to seal a part of the soul.

Hiruzen Sarutobi's eyes lowered slightly, holding his last breath: "Then the old man will deprive you of your hands, so that you can no longer use ninjutsu!"

The voice fell!

Sarutobi Hiruza grabbed a part of Orochimaru's soul and swallowed it into Shinigami's body!

"You old bastard!"

Orochimaru immediately felt the weirdness of his arms, as if the flames were burning, and even the skin of his arms became a little purple, and he had no strength at all!

When Orochimaru saw that Hiruzaru Sarutobi was about to fall to the ground, he suddenly pressed Hiruzaru Sarutobi's shoulder, got close to Hiruzaru Sarutobi, and whispered into his ear with embarrassment, and said something that Hiruzaru Sarutobi Words of unrepentant death!

"Teacher, I didn't lie to you just now..."

"It is true that someone is manipulating the Konoha collapse plan behind the scenes. That is a person you would never think of. All of us want to use him as a tool..."


"Now it's all his tools."

The second update!

There are more nights!

The last time someone asked about the ghoul seal...

I remember a chapter mentioned that Akihara Kagura went to the Uzumaki Clan’s Namian Hall first, and took a mask away, seamlessly...

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