Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 222 Only Hokage can order Hokage Assistant to stop the war!

"Kagura told me..."

"The enmity between him and Mr. Orochimaru has been wiped out, and I think these things should not be kept from you anymore, so I will tell you the truth about the past today."

After Yao Shidou finished speaking, it seemed that he really thought so.


Can this be written off?

Orochimaru's chest was surging with anger.

When Akihara Kagura told Oshemaru part of the truth, Oshemaru wanted to fight Akihara Kagura to the death, but he had to retreat for a while due to lack of strength.

that time…

Orochimaru could barely maintain his composure and demeanor.

Even after Akihara Kagura took the initiative to contract all the expenses of his own experiment, Orochimaru decided to temporarily suppress this tone in his heart, but now he suffered this blow again!

How could he write it off!

Who can write off this monstrous hatred of being manipulated by others!

Whenever I cultivate my mind and cultivate my character and slowly expel my anger from my chest, Akihara Kagura can always come up with some new stories, so that new hatred will be born in my heart!

These days, when Dashewan and Yaoshidou act together, something feels wrong, why does Yaoshidou seem to be fine?

Akihara Kagura does not seem like a very generous person.

According to Akihara Kagura's performance during the Chunin exam, he must have known about Yakushido's secret operation for a long time. Tolerate?

Could it be because Yao Shidou was born in an orphanage?

This is unlikely, right?

Akihara Kagura single-mindedly rescued Yaoshidou, but Yaoshidou had the intention of betraying him. With Akihara Kagura's stinginess, Yaoshidou would definitely feel the pain of this world.

Orochimaru has some doubts in his heart, but he still misses Yao Shidou's saving him at all costs, and he is still helping Yao Shidou to find the reason, and Yao Shidou is also a qualified assistant and a talented medical ninja...


Yaoshidou directly revealed the truth!

The bastard!

Back then, he even suggested Akihara Kagura to kill him!

The bastard!

At the beginning, my injury could be healed within a month, but the bastard Yao Shidou used medical methods to treat him for three months, and made himself paralyzed for three months!

At that time, I thought that Yaoshidou had done his best!


Orochimaru looked at the pharmacist pocket standing at the door, the anger in his heart was rising rapidly, he almost laughed out of anger: "Should I thank Kagura-kun, he didn't follow your advice to kill me, but instead I just sent you to play with my life? Should I thank you for making me paralyzed for three months instead of lying in a hospital bed for the rest of my life..."

"Please excuse me."

Yao Shidou bowed his head and said modestly, and continued: "I really thought so at first, but after working for Lord Oshemaru for these years, I realized that Kagura was right."

"Master Orochimaru's value is unique in the ninja world. Maybe there will be no scientists like Orochimaru in the ninja world in the future..."

This is Yao Shidou's sincere thought.

Although Orochimaru has always been a threat to them, the value of Orochimaru is indeed quite huge. The huge knowledge base and unconstrained thinking in Orochimaru's mind alone are far from what other people in the ninja world can achieve.

"As for your illness..."

A look of apology flashed across the face of the pharmacist, and he apologized sincerely: "My medical skills are limited, and I am afraid that Mr. Dashewan will see the flaw, so I only dare to delay for three months..."


Orochimaru took a deep breath.

Akihara Kagura and Yakushidou, two guys from the Konoha Orphanage, really made him feel love and hate. These two guys are not as fearful of science and technology as other people in the ninja world. Science and technology are treated with great respect.


It must have gone too far!

If I let myself continue to cooperate with them, the hatred in my heart cannot be vented, and I wish I could eat them immediately; if I let myself give up cooperation with them, I feel a little unwilling in my heart, neither in terms of profit nor emotionally. .

"You and the scorpion..."

Orochimaru said a word but paused again, he sat on the tatami again, and said in a deep voice: "Tell me everything exactly! What else has Kagura done to me, it's best to tell me, To avoid any misunderstanding between us in the future..."


Pharmacist Pou hesitated.

First of all, Akihara Kagura is about to deal with the trusted people around Orochimaru, and the matter of sending spies around Orochimaru again must not be said...

"At the beginning, Mr. Scorpion drove Master Orochimaru into a desperate situation. I did it, because only then, Orochimaru will trust me more..."

"I see."

Orochimaru nodded, not caring about it for a long time.

Because Orochimaru has already lost the trust in Yaoshidou, there is no need to worry too much about these things, at most, it will be fine to scold inwardly for a while.

"There shouldn't be anything else, right?"

Pharmacist frowned, thought for a while, and then continued: "At that time, I was shot by Mr. Xie's poisonous needle in order to save Lord Dashewan. In fact, Mr. Xie gave me his antidote in advance. , although Master Orochimaru also instructed me to prepare the antidote in time..."

"No wonder you dare to help me block the poisonous needle..."

Orochimaru gritted his teeth, forced his anger to be suppressed, and pretended not to care and smiled, but the smile was a bit ugly: "It seems that I was really meddling back then..."

"This is the genius of Oshemaru-sama."

Pharmacist shook his head and took the opportunity to praise Orochiwan: "Even if I knew the antidote, I might not be able to quickly analyze all the materials, but Orochiwan guided me to prepare the antidote without the antidote. "


Orochimaru really felt that he couldn't be happy.

Even if Yao Shidou praised him so much, Dashe Wan couldn't be happier.

"As for the rest..."

After pretending to think about it for a while, the pharmacist shook his head again: "Others... should be gone."

little thing...

It should be enough to explain to Orochimaru.

If you don't say something, Orochimaru will definitely suspect that you are hiding something, as long as you confess something that sounds a bit too much, Orochimaru should not be so suspicious.

"The information you gave me about Konoha..."

Orochimaru's eyes are still serious.

"That is true."

Yao Shidou lowered his head and continued: "All the information given to Oshemaru-sama is true, and Kagura didn't mind that Oshemaru-sama knew the information."


Orochimaru breathed a sigh of relief.

At least the pharmacist did something for him in the name of this guy.


The pharmacist looked at Orochimaru, and mentioned the real business: "Kagura intends to send me to continue to stay with Oshemaru-sama, to assist Orochimaru-sama to continue the experiment, and to prevent Oshemaru-sama from sharing your results and turning his back on you covenant between


The corner of Orochimaru's mouth suddenly burst into a smile.


Yao Shidou nodded, and continued sincerely: "Although my strength is not considered strong, it should be no problem to escape from Mr. Orochimaru. Kato Dan, who was reincarnated and revived from the dirt, can also make things right when something happens to me. After reporting to Kagura..."


In fact, Akihara Kagura is still planning a backhand.

It's just that there's no need to tell Orochimaru about this.


Orochimaru snorted coldly and said nothing more.

"Let's go find Tsunade."

Orochimaru didn't say anything more, and said coldly: "Once Tsunade finds out that you have become a traitor, when she returns to Konoha, won't she really doubt Akihara Kagura?"

"Will not."

Yao Shidou shook his head, and continued indifferently: "Because I will manipulate Kato Dan to help Master Orochimaru behind the scenes, and will not show up on my own initiative..."


These two bastards are quite thoughtful!


Even if Tsunade doubted it, it was useless.

Once the other Hokages are allowed to be resurrected and appear directly in Konoha, Akihara Kagura will immediately use the influence of these Hokages to take over the Konoha political situation, and no matter what Tsunade wants to do, Akihara Kagura cannot be bypassed.

"Master Orochimaru."

Pharmacist looked at Orochimaru, and took the initiative to remind: "According to our plan, Master Orochimaru may fight with Master Jiraiya and Master Tsunade at the same time, and only at critical moments will he use Kato Danjou ninja, one against two If so, are you really not in danger?"


Orochimaru stood up, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "No one knows Tsunade better than me. Although I may fight with both of them at the same time, if I don't release water, maybe I won't even have the chance to use Kato Dan there will be..."

the other side.

Just as Tsunade and Shizune left the casino, they heard a familiar hoarse voice: "Tsunate, have you lost everything again?"


Tsunade cursed, looked back at the time he was speaking, and even took the initiative to raise the purse in his hand: "This time I won a big victory!"


Seeing the person who spoke, Shizune was about to stand in front of Tsunade in panic, and said coldly: "Didn't you just create a riot in Konoha and kill the third Hokage-sama..."

"Don't worry."

Orochimaru chuckled lightly, waved his hands and said, "I'm not here to kill you, Tsunade, I'm here to talk to you about a condition...let me borrow your slug."

"What do you want?"

Tsunade frowned.

"I have mastered a special technique..."

Orochimaru grinned and continued: "This technique needs to borrow the power of the slug fairy to make it more powerful..."

"What technique?"

"A spell you've always dreamed of."

Orochimaru's smile suddenly became playful, and he said with great interest: "This technique allows you to meet the person you want to see the most..."


Tsunade involuntarily widened his eyes.

Orochimaru spread out his palm, and continued: "Just borrow a bit from the slug fairy, and you can make them exactly the same as before..."

This is Dashemaru's sincere thought.

This is also what Orochimaru learned from Akihara Kagura when he performed the technique of reincarnation.

Because among the three great sages in the ninja world, only the slug sage is the most likely to be used, and it may also have the strongest vitality.

Akihara Kagura can make the first generation of Hokage's strength almost peak with a mere sacrifice of ten thousand snakes. Orochimaru believes that his sacrifice of the slug fairy will definitely allow the reincarnation of the dirty soil to have the power of life.


Tsunade narrowed his eyes.

It's no secret that Orochimaru resurrected the first Hokage and the second Hokage. This guy may really be able to resurrect the two people who are most important to him...

these years…

Tsunade has been living in pain and confusion, she doesn't know what to do.

Now that he has the opportunity to meet the two most important people to him again, Tsunade's heart faintly wants to be shaken.


"Don't you want to see them?"

"Don't you want to see the two of them?"

Orochimaru knows Tsunade's past very well, and even saw the two people die in front of Tsunade with his own eyes, Tsunade almost collapsed.

"Master Tsunade!"

Jing Yin was very sober and rational, and hurriedly said: "You can't be fooled by him! This guy is a traitor in the village, and his sweet words must be uneasy and kind!"

"What are you going to do with the slug?"

Tsunade looked at Orochimaru, as if already tempted, but asked his purpose coldly.

"Slugs are very resilient."

Orochimaru didn't hide his purpose, and smiled lightly: "As long as I can use slugs as sacrifices, I will definitely be able to resurrect the dead and regain the terrifying power they had in life. Only in this way can I have a chance to defeat Akihara Kagura..."


Tsunade wanted to say no.

Because slug is her companion who has accompanied her for most of her life, and has saved her life countless times, she will never want to betray slug.


Tsunade wanted to see those two people very much.

"Tsunade, you can think about it slowly."

Orochimaru interrupted Tsunade's thought of rejecting, smiled and used his own example as an example: "By the way, ten thousand snakes have become sacrifices, we are human beings, there is no need to regret the lives of these psychic beasts..."

Although he was not the one who took Wanshe as a sacrifice, when Da Shemaru saw Wanshe being sacrificed, he didn't take the initiative to stop him, and even wanted to see the effect of the experiment.

After speaking.

Orochimaru left here in an instant.

"Master Tsunade!"

Shizune looked at the silent Tsunade, and tried to persuade him repeatedly: "That's Orochimaru who endangered the village, not to mention that he wants to sacrifice Mrs. Slug, which is absolutely unacceptable to him..."

"I know."

Tsunade frowned.

"That guy sacrificed ten thousand snakes..."

Another familiar voice appeared in their ears.

Jiraiya sat on a wall, staring at Tsunade and Shizune below, and continued in a heavy voice: "Even Ten Thousand Snakes can't achieve the effect he wants, that guy may want to use slugs to resurrect the real peak." The first generation of Hokage..."

"Silai also..."

Tsunade's brows furrowed even tighter.

Jiraiya also looked at Tsunade, and greeted with a smile: "We really haven't seen each other for many years, Tsunade?"

"Who wants to see you guy..."

Tsunade looked to the side in displeasure.

"Have you won that much?"

Jiraiya flew down from the wall, glanced at the money that Shizune and Tsunade could barely hold, and continued with a chuckle: "Would you consider treating me to a big dinner? Just do me a favor, a You little devil who has cultivated very hard..."


In a restaurant.

Tsunade and Shizune met the kid who had worked so hard.

Jilai also stroked Uzumaki Naruto's head, and said seriously: "Tsunade, the two Hokage advisors, let me take you back to succeed the Fifth Hokage..."

"Isn't there a more suitable candidate in the village?"

Tsunade didn't care about the position of Naruto, and laughed loudly: "Many people in the ninja world call a certain guy in the village the new generation of ninja god..."

"Are you happy?"

Jilai couldn't help but sighed, shook his head and said: "Before the old man died, he and the two Hokage advisors disagreed that he would succeed Hokage. They all thought that Kagura's character was too extreme and was too deeply influenced by Danzo. It's..."

"I'm not interested in things like Hokage..."

Tsunade sneered nonchalantly, picked up a wine bottle and drank it up, a blush appeared on her face: "I'm still more concerned about Orochimaru mastering the technique of resurrecting the dead." interested…"

"You don't trust him."

Jiraiya immediately warned Tsunade in a cold voice, and said in a deep voice: "Once Orochimaru uses slugs to revive the original Hokage at its peak, you should know what he will do by manipulating the original Hokage, right?"

"The first Hokage-sama sacrificed himself to protect the peace in the village. Once he is manipulated to do things that endanger the ninja world and Konoha, the soul of the first-generation Hokage-sama will not be at peace, not to mention you are still the first-generation Hokage-sama. Descendants..."

"Shut up, you're so annoying!"

Tsunade raised his head impatiently and glanced at Jiraiya, and said sarcastically, "I won't let him use slugs, you don't have to worry about my affairs..."

"As for the so-called Fifth Generation Hokage, I'm not interested either. The Hokage's village may be to solve the dangers encountered in the village, but it seems that the previous Hokages have sacrificed for this goal, and the turmoil in Konoha has not calmed down..."

"The first generation is like this..."

"The second generation is also like this..."

"The fourth generation is the same..."

"Mr. Sarutobi is no different. He was already old and insisted on being brave, so he died..."

When Tsunade said this, he smiled lightly: "They all sacrificed themselves in the position of Hokage, and many people died on the way to become Hokage's guardian of Konoha, none of them did what they wanted to do of…"

"Hokage is trash..."

"Only idiots would want to do it..."

"What did you say!"

Naruto Uzumaki suddenly became angry, and looked at the woman in front of him who was talking nonsense about the previous Hokages in disbelief, and jumped onto the dining table to fight!


Jilai also quickly grabbed Naruto Uzumaki's clothes, seeing the little devil still dancing, he hurriedly wanted to bring him down from the dinner table.

"Let go of me!"

Uzumaki Naruto stood on the dining table, looking at Tsunade with anger on his face: "Unforgivable, how dare you laugh at the past Hokage-sama, I will beat you up!"

"Little devil, dare to say that to me..."

Tsunade looked at Naruto Uzumaki who opened his mouth to defend the past Hokage, and smiled lightly: "Then follow me outside, let me see why you brat are talking nonsense here..."


Naruto Uzumaki squeezed his fist stubbornly.

As a result, this little guy was directly defeated by Tsunade with one finger.

Uzumaki Naruto was still stubbornly refusing to admit defeat, and wanted to use the spiral pill that he had not yet learned, but was once again slapped away by Tsunade with a slap!

"Screw pill..."

Tsunade glanced at Jiraiya, and laughed unceremoniously: "Only you and the fourth can learn the art, is this brat also learning this art?"

"In fact, another disciple also learned."

Jilai also helped his forehead, and said proactively: "That guy has even mastered the nature change that Minato didn't master..."

"Is that kid named Akihara Kagura?"

Tsunade waved his hand, and said casually: "Since he has surpassed the fourth generation, then let him become Hokage..."

"I think so."

Jiraiya also seemed quite helpless, sighed and said: "In terms of strength, Kagura may have surpassed all Hokage in the past..."

"But his character is too dangerous. I think after you return to the village to take over, you will understand why that guy was not allowed by the two advisors to become Hokage..."

Jiraiya also looked at Tsunade, and took the initiative to say: "If there is no Fifth Hokage in the village, that guy Kagura will immediately launch a war against Kirigakure Village and Sand Hidden Village, launching a new round of Ninja World War Maybe..."

"Ninja War!!!"

Shi Jing was taken aback.


Even Tsunade felt a little uneasy.

As a witness of the two ninja wars, Tsunade knows how cruel the ninja wars are. Her younger brother and lover were killed in the ninja wars...

"Actually, Kagura also fantasized about peace in the ninja world..."

Jiraiya also thought of that troublesome disciple: "But the way that guy thinks of peace in the ninja world is to clean up everyone in the ninja world..."

"Silai also..."

Tsunade's brows were frowned into Chuan characters, as if he had heard something incomprehensible: "That disciple of yours, why does it sound more dangerous than Orochimaru?"

"Only the birth of a new Hokage can prevent the outbreak of war."

After Jiraiya took advantage of the situation to persuade Tsunade, he narrowed his eyes and stared at Tsunade's expression: "Tsunade, you are the only suitable candidate...Only the Fifth Hokage can order Hokage Assistant to stop all wars action."

The third update!

Finished every day today!

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