Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 229 The Three Hokages Are the Victims, Let the Victims Speak!

All the Hokage present knew that Akihara Kagura was very powerful.

However, in this battle, Akihara Kagura used their best technique to defeat them in the field that the four Hokages were proud of.

"This little guy is really strong, stronger than me and Madara!"

Senjujuma recalled the story of his life, and voluntarily admitted his shortcomings: "Even when I was alive, I was no match for this little guy..."

"Although Kagura only transplanted the cells of the first generation of adults..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi stood beside him, and he witnessed the process of Akihara Kagura becoming stronger step by step: "But Kagura's talent and hard work are the sharp weapons that can bring him to this step..."

"That insidious little devil's scheming is the scariest..."

Qianshou Feijian added in a cold voice, compared with the powerful power of Akihara Kagura, it is Akihara Kagura's thoughts and scheming that are more dangerous.

"I'm still far from that..."

The figure of Akihara Kagura slowly fell in front of them, shook his head and said: "In the future, I will continue to work hard and strive to live up to the expectations of the second Hokage-sama..."

"This kind of effort is unnecessary."

Qianshou Feijian turned his head indifferently.

All the Hokages of Konoha have been manipulated by this guy to become puppets who control Konoha. If this brat tries harder, will Konoha still have a way out in the future?


Akihara Kagura didn't mind Senshou Fujian's stubbornness, and discussed with them with a smile: "I hope all Hokage-sama will support my work in Konoha..."


The faces of the four Hokages present were a little strange.

"Well, actually, you and Tsunade don't need to fight..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi sighed, and took the initiative to persuade: "I understand Tsunade's character, the two of you can get along well, there is no irreconcilable conflict..."

"It depends on Tsunade-sama's choice."

Akihara Kagura chuckled, and continued: "I also really want to get along well with my new boss, if she can also support my work... For example, she acquiesced in my resurrection of Hokage-sama. It was a pleasure working together."


The four Hokages couldn't help but feel that the future of Tsunade's Hokage path is gloomy. How can they support or even acquiesce in this kind of thing?

Isn't this letting yourself fall into a pit?


Tsunade didn't even think he had fallen into the pit.

As a new Hokage, Tsunade has too many troubles accumulated in her hands. The appearance of the four Hokages can help her a lot, and can also help her stabilize Konoha's situation.


Tsunade believes that Akihara Kagura, the assistant who revived the past Hokage, as long as he can get the approval of this subordinate, he can make him his most powerful helper, and he can help him protect Konoha in the future.

the next day.

In Leaf Village.

The daimyo sent someone to convey the summoning of Konoha's senior management for a meeting to appoint Hokage. For this level of meeting, Konoha's senior management must attend.


This meeting will certainly face criticism from the nobles.

When Tsunade saw Akihara Kagura, he didn't ask him about the progress of the reincarnation of the dirt, but just thought about how to make this subordinate recognize her as a qualified Hokage.

Daming House.

This is the residence of the daimyo and the capital of the Land of Fire.

The daimyo of the Land of Fire sat in the conference room without saying a word, holding the fan in his hand to cover his mouth, listening to the opinions of those ministers with a smile, and nodding his head from time to time.

The ministers of the Fire Nation sat on one side, and Konoha's high-ranking officials sat on the other side. This was the ruling class of the entire Fire Nation, and a group of guards stood behind them.

A minister of the Land of Fire looked at Tsunade and a group of Konoha ninjas, and couldn't help bombarding them: "The behavior of your Konoha ninjas seems a bit too domineering recently. Your Excellency Tsunade, it is understandable to default on debts. , but to clean up the casino under my rule..."

"After the meeting, I'm going to kill him."

Akihara Kagura waved to Xianglin behind him, and said hello: "You send someone to find out what mistakes this minister made, and hand over the crime to me before the meeting is over, so that no one will say that we have killed Konoha indiscriminately. innocent."

"This is too overbearing!"

The minister was taken aback.

How can people in the world not make mistakes?

Especially as the nobles and ministers of the Kingdom of Fire, they made a little outrageous behavior towards some untouchables. In order to make their lives better, they plundered some of the untouchables' money and sold a little bit of the Land of Fire to the enemy country. Can the intelligence also be called a mistake?

"This is indeed a bit overbearing..."

A minister also opened his mouth to criticize Konoha.

"That's not okay..."

"Konoha has to be reasonable, right?"

Seeing the crowd, some ministers also spoke one after another.

"You're both right."

Akihara Kagura nodded, beckoned to Xianglin again, and ordered openly: "Check everyone who speaks, after the meeting, I will kill..."

"Do you think this can threaten us?"

"It's just a joke!"

"Are you threatening the nobles of the Fire Nation?"

"It's not a threat."

Akihara Kagura interrupted them, and said softly: "What I said is serious, I will kill the few who just spoke after the meeting..."


The group of ministers immediately shut their mouths.

The big names in the Land of Fire shrank away, and this little guy named Akihara Kagura reminded him of Konoha's fierce Shimura Danzo...


This person is much more extreme than Shimura Danzo.

Even Shimura Danzo didn't yell and shout at this kind of meeting. At most, he released a fierce and scary look that made people dare not make a sound.


Tsunade stopped Akihara Kagura with a deep voice.

"Master Tsunade."

Akihara Kagura glanced at Tsunade suspiciously, and continued: "Master Tsunade wants to stop me, is it because he wants to cover up the aristocratic minister who violated the law?"


Tsunade was immediately speechless.

"Well, let's talk about the murder after the meeting..."

Mitomonyan quickly smoothed things over, and took the initiative to say: "The purpose of this meeting is to select Konoha's Fifth Hokage. We, Konoha, propose that Tsunade-sama be the Fifth Hokage..."

"Anyone disagree?"

Akihara Kagura looked at the aristocratic ministers present, and repeated Mitomonyan's words: "We, Konoha, proposed that Tsunade-sama be the Fifth Hokage. If you have any different opinions at this time, please feel free to raise them. After all, the selection of Hokage still has to be approved." The daimyo's appointment..."


None of the noble ministers present dared to say anything.

Tsunade this woman...

It's fine to kill the creditor, and bring a killing god to force the palace!

No one will think that this is Akihara Kagura's own assertion, because this guy has been protecting Tsunade's interests, and Tsunade happens to be his boss...

"It seems that there is no objection..."

Akihara Kagura glanced around, and his eyes fell on Daimyo.

"Kagura, let me tell you."

Tsunade rubbed his forehead, deeply feeling that this Hokage assistant can help him as much trouble as he can help him.

"Please don't pay attention to Kagura's joke."

Tsunade looked at the noble ministers present: "If you have any opinions, you can refute them one by one. I can answer your questions about Konoha and Hokage..."

"Then I would like to ask..."

A minister is obviously not very sensible.

clang clang!

The sound of drawing a knife into its sheath is so ear-piercing!

So much so that the people present could not help but shudder!

The minister immediately became honest, and asked cautiously: "I would like to ask, when will Tsunade-sama hold the Hokage succession ceremony..."


Tsunade was silent.

Daimyo covered his face with a fan and dared not make a sound.

The meeting ended with a group of people trembling with fear. All the noble ministers in the Land of Fire knew that the newly appointed Fifth Hokage was not easy to provoke, and no one dared to make any comments on Tsunade succeeding the Fifth Hokage. .


Tsunade, who was appointed by the daimyo, didn't seem so pretty.


The ordeal is not over yet.

After the meeting.

Everyone intends to leave here immediately.

Akihara Kagura stopped the crowd who wanted to leave, and asked, "Can't this meeting really be held for a while longer? Our people haven't sent the charges against those people. At this time, if I kill people, it seems a bit outrageous." Killing innocent people indiscriminately?"


Everyone present was a little shocked!


The Minister of Finance of the Land of Fire looked at Akihara Kagura in disbelief, and asked quickly, "Didn't we raise any objections to Tsunade-dono's succession to Fifth Hokage?"

"It's two different things."

Akihara Kagura shook his head, and took the initiative to remind: "Your attitude towards Konoha today is not respectful enough. I doubt if you will get stuck in Konoha's budget or even hold Konoha's back during the war. Legs, especially at this time, when Konoha is about to launch a war against Sand Hidden Village and Wu Hidden Village..."


This sentence is like a thunder!

Many people present looked sideways at Akihara Kagura!

"I do not know how!"

Tsunade was startled, and looked at Akihara Kagura in disbelief.

"Why start a war?"

The daimyos of the Land of Fire looked at Akihara Kagura with some astonishment.

"Why not start a war?"

Akihara Kagura was even more shocked than them, and looked at them in surprise: "Kirigakure Village and Sand Gaze Village colluded with Orochimaru to kill three generations of Hokage-sama, shouldn't they be punished?"

After Akihara Kagura finished speaking, his eyes fell on the two Hokage advisors: "The two Hokage advisors also agreed to Konoha's war against Sandy Village and Kiyokage Village..."


Mitomen hesitated, not knowing how to speak.

Turning to bed Xiaochun nodded, more responsible than Mito Menyan, and said softly: "Regarding Sarutobi's sacrifice, we really need to punish the two former allies of Shayin Village and Wuyin Village, but at this time It's still too early to say, these two villages have been sending envoys to negotiate with us..."

"Then it seems that the problem can be resolved through negotiation..."

Tsunade stroked his chin, thinking thoughtfully.

"Even if you want to negotiate, you must punish the two villages as necessary."

Akihara Kagura shook his head, and pulled two Hokage advisors along the way: "This is also the opinion of the two Hokage advisors. The policy of peace in the ninja world that the three generations of Naruto-sama have always implemented is predictably inconsistent. We have to do something. Change…"


Mitomonyan hesitated and didn't know how to speak.

This time, Zhuanzhu Xiaochun also hesitated for a while, nodded again and said: "We have indeed discussed this matter, and what Kagura said at the time was also reasonable..."

"Let's go back and talk."

Tsunade nodded, interrupting the words of Zhuanzi Xiaoharu.

"Then I'll kill first..."

Akihara Kagura immediately stood up and drew out his ninja sword.

"No no no!"

A group of ministers from the Kingdom of Fire quickly stretched out their palms and signaled Akihara Kagura to sit down: "We can sit down and talk slowly, and discuss the issue of punishing Wuyin Village and Sandy Village here. War is not a trivial matter after all. ..."

The meeting room immediately became lively.

This group of ministers from the Kingdom of Fire whispered to each other and discussed the issue of war against the two villages, which was financially supportable.

This group of ministers may have seen that Konoha's Hokage assistant and two Hokage advisors both agreed with the war, thinking that Konoha had decided that a war must be launched against the two villages, and they secretly glanced at Konoha's ninjas from time to time. They did not question the war, but only discussed what problems the war would bring and what situations would be encountered in the war.


Seeing this scene, Tsunade felt a little pain in his forehead.

Tsunade looked at Akihara Kagura, but saw that Akihara Kagura was just listening to the group of ministers discussing with great interest, and then looked at the two Hokage advisors, and the two Hokage advisors just frowned without raising any doubts .

"Is there something wrong?"

Tsunade rubbed his brows, feeling that his first day as Hokage was troublesome, even the Hokage ceremony was not held, and he had to face the possibility of a war.


The other two villages already wanted to negotiate.

Haven't these guys experienced the cruelty of ninja wars?

As Tsunade who has experienced the pain of two ninja wars, she still doesn't want to start a so-called war at this time, not to mention she is not particularly aware of Konoha's situation!

"Stop arguing!"

Tsunade looked at a group of noisy ministers and slammed his fist on the table. The entire conference table was immediately torn apart, and everyone was too frightened to speak.

Tsunade glanced at Akihara Kagura and the two Hokage advisors, and ordered in a deep voice: "We'll talk about the war when we go back. I'm Hokage!"

"this is OK."

Mitomen Yan and Zhuanju Koharu exchanged a glance.

Because Tsunade's proposal is also in line with the two of them's ideas, they were just forced to agree when Akihara Kagura spoke, and this time just took the opportunity to delay.


Akihara Kagura nodded, and agreed with the situation: "The root is also preparing sacrifices. Tomorrow, I should be able to reincarnate and resurrect a few Hokages. At that time, I can let the dead three generations of Hokage-sama speak..."

"after all…"

"Three Hokage masters are the victims of this riot."

The first update!

Something tonight, a little late!

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