Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 233 Akihara Kagura Brings a Novel War Mode

Tree roots are spreading.

These tree roots are like living things, constantly drilling around in the land of Wuyin Village, and the tree roots continue to grow towering giant trees in Wuyin Village.

The branches and vines of these towering giant trees will continue to grow, directly tying the ninjas they encounter to the trees, absorbing the chakra from them.

"This is wood escape ninjutsu!"

A Kirigakure ninja immediately realized that something was wrong. While trying to rescue his companion, he reminded others: "Be careful not to be caught by the vines!"


A vine grabbed his foot in an instant!

This vine directly dragged the Kirigakure ninja to the tree and tied it up, absorbing the Chakra on his body. In a blink of an eye, the Kirigakure ninja lost his power!

"Akihara Kagura is here! Akihara Kagura is here!"

The ninjas who had experienced the incident where Akihara Kagura manipulated the wooden dragon to attack Wuyin Village shouted loudly, "Hurry up and prepare for the battle! Cut all the vines!"

Most of the elite ninjas in Wuyin Village participated in that battle, and they never forgot that humiliation, nor did they forget the fear of that day.


These vine roots are endless.

No matter how many surviving Kirigakure ninjas cut off the roots of the vines, they will grow back and spread towards them again!

The scariest thing is...

They don't have the strength to deal with it!

Even Jonin could only hold on for a while longer, and in the end he was still tied up by the vines and tied directly to the tree, and the chakra in his body was absorbed by the vines.

A forest soon appeared in Wuyin Village.

The shouts in this village became less and less after the excitement, and all the ninjas in Wuyin Village were tied to the trees by vines one by one.

Even if someone is hiding underground or in a house, the roots of the vines go straight into the ground or break through the room, and they are caught and tied to the tree!

If someone comes to Wuyin Village, they will find that it is like a village built in the forest. Everyone in the village is tied to a tree. The village is silent, as if there is a horror that makes people stop.

Outside the foggy village.

Akihara Kagura felt the benefits of fine chakra control.

Because he can finely control all the vine roots released by the birth of the tree world, as if these vine roots are all part of the body.

at the same time.

Akihara Kagura can also feel that the chakra in the body of these Kirigakure ninjas is constantly being absorbed into his body through the absorption of Mutun, which makes the body of the ten tails accumulate a lot. As long as there is a chance to do a few more large-scale harvesting activities, It may be able to revive it completely!


The three tails were still missing, and the six tails Jinchuriki hadn't appeared either.

"Barely good."

Akihara Kagura nodded in satisfaction.

"Kigakure will never give in!"

Terumi Mei spat out a mouthful of blood and firmly wanted to stand up.

"I appreciate your determination."

Akihara Kagura shrugged, squatted beside Terumi Mei, waved her hand and said, "So I hope you..."


Qing's body trembled in horror, his white eyes could see some situations in Kirigakure Village, and he had to remind Terumi Mei: "Master Terumi Mei, all the ninjas in the village have been arrested, and everyone has lost their resistance. ability!"


Terumi Mei's heart trembled!


Akihara Kagura seemed to be a passerby, and asked Qing curiously: "Is it so scary? Didn't anyone escape from Wuyin Village?"


Ao and Terumi Mei's foreheads trembled.

From what standpoint do you guys stand to say such things!

Obviously you are the murderer who arrested everyone!

This sentence…

No matter what, you shouldn't ask!

"We... agree to Konoha's terms!"

Terumi Mei gritted her teeth and looked at Akihara Kagura, and said in a deep voice: "Please don't hurt more innocent people! We promise to surrender unconditionally to Konoha!"

"Can you call the shots?"

Akihara Kagura asked Terumi Mei curiously.


Qing immediately answered on her behalf, and added: "Master Terumi Mei is the current head of the village, and we will obey all her orders!"

"Okay, let me trust you guys."

Akihara Kagura nodded with satisfaction, and said softly: "Then please ask the ninjas of Kirigakure Village to issue an announcement of surrender to Konoha immediately. As for this Terumi Meijou Shinobi, please represent Kirigakure Village to our Fifth Hokage. Surrender, my lord!"

"We promise!"

Qing quickly agreed. He looked at Terumi Mei who was seriously injured, and said actively: "However, Lord Kagura, can you let Terumi Mei jouin go, I can replace her..."

Terumi Mei is the future of Kirigakure Village.

Qing is very clear about the situation in Wuyin Village.

During this period, Wuyin Village was in an extremely embarrassing stage. There was no suppression by the elders of Yuanshi, and there was no new Mizukage. .

Terumi Mei possesses two kinds of blood succession limits in her body, and her strength can be said to be strong enough. She can still make the ninjas in the village agree with her orders in Kirigakure Village. Ao has been planning when Terumi Mei will become the fifth generation. Mizukage...


The timing is not yet right.

If Terumi Mei surrenders to Konoha on behalf of Kirigakure Village, and Konoha directly executes Terumi Mei and Kirigakure captives, it will immediately make Kirigakure Village fall into a state of failure...

Qing thinks he can sacrifice.

But Terumi Mei cannot sacrifice.

"You speak very well, but I don't want to hear it."

Akihara Kagura rejected Qing's proposal, and said slowly: "Since it is an unconditional surrender, then everything must obey our orders unconditionally..."

"Qing, you are more important than me!"

Terumi Mei looked at Ao, and said in a deep voice: "If I fail to come back, and if Konoha vents his anger and kills me, immediately organize everyone in the village to select the Fifth Mizukage..."


Qing felt that there were no suitable candidates in the village.

"Don't worry."

Akihara Kagura heard Terumi Mei's death intention, and comforted this somewhat extreme woman: "Maybe Tsunade-sama will give me an order to kill all Kirigakure ninjas for revenge? At that time, you don't have to face it." Trouble with the selection of the Fifth Mizukage..."


Terumi Mei's face became even uglier.

Qing looked at Akihara Kagura, her expression became a little fearful.

In Leaf Village.

Tsunade was still presiding over the meeting.

The four Hokages think that Akihara Kagura alone is enough to solve Kirigakure Village, but Tsunade can't have this kind of thinking, and she has to prevent things after Akihara Kagura's defeat.

"Starting from today, the village will immediately start preparing for the battle, calling all the ninjas outside to gather immediately, and organize the ninjas in the village into an army..."

"Place a weapon order to Craftsman Ninja Village to ensure that the weapons and equipment will be in place as soon as possible..."

"Send scout ninjas to alert Yanyin Village and Yunyin Village, track the traces of the two ninja village troops in time, and prevent them from taking advantage of the fire to participate in this war..."

As a person who participated in two ninja world wars, Tsunade's memory of the war is still there, and she has also led the army, so she will not panic.

"Lu Jiu."

Tsunade looked at the recognized think tank of Konoha Village, and ordered: "It's up to you to formulate a response strategy for this war as soon as possible, and ensure that the battle ends as soon as possible..."


Nara Shikahisa nodded, and could only agree: "It's not so easy to fight on both sides, I will formulate a strategy as soon as possible..."

"Fighting on both sides..."

"It would be great if we could only declare war on one village..."

"It's really bad for us if we fight in two directions..."

The conference room immediately became lively.

Although they all believe that Konoha will definitely win this war, fighting on two fronts is always a problem, which makes Konoha unable to concentrate his strength.

"I'll fix that."

Nara Shikahisa felt that there was an important person missing among the participants present, and asked again: "Master Tsunade, where did the Hokage in the village assist Kagura-sama?"

"Kagura is not here..."

"Where is Lord Kagura?"

"Why didn't Lord Kagura participate in this meeting?"

The other jonin immediately joined in. Most of them had seen Akihara Kagura show off his power on the night of the genocide, and the highest combat power in the village could not be absent!

Especially Nara Shikahisa, the staff officer in charge of formulating strategies!

Konoha actually has a great chance of winning in the battle against these two villages. Nara Shikahisa believes that the greatest chance of winning is Akihara Kagura, a powerful force who can change the situation on the battlefield by himself!


Tsunade was still hesitating, not knowing how to speak.

"I'm back."

The voice of Akihara Kagura appeared in this conference room instantly, and he was holding a woman in his hand, it was Terumi Mei from Kirigakure Village.

"This is…"

Hatake Kakashi looked at Terumi Mei's embarrassed look, and finally recognized him: "This is the twin-blood ninja from Kirigakure Village, Terumi Mei?"


Akihara Kagura nodded and continued: "It is said that she is the current person in charge of Wuyin Village. On behalf of Wuyin Village, she is willing to sign an agreement of unconditional surrender. The war between us and Wuyin Village can be declared over."


There was no sound in the meeting.

Everyone here doesn't know how to speak.

Even Tsunade, who knew a little bit of news, widened his eyes, feeling as if his ears were hallucinating.

War was declared in the afternoon, right?

The war mobilization meeting is not over yet!

The war between Konoha and one of the villages is over?

Akihara Kagura also directly arrested the person in charge of Wuyin Village?

"Is this a joke?"

A jonin stared at Akihara Kagura with a dumbfounded look, and couldn't believe the truth of the incident: "Master Kagura, Wuyin Village is separated from us by the sea, maybe the news of the declaration of war hasn't reached Wuyin Village yet. ?”

"I personally sent the message of the declaration of war."

Akihara Kagura glanced at this Jonin, then looked at Terumi Mei beside him: "When I came back, I also brought back news of the surrender of Kirigakure Village..."

"This should... be true, right? I remember that the envoy sent by Kirigakure Village mentioned that it was a person named Terumi Mei who sent them here..."

Shikahisa Nara hesitated, and felt that he couldn't make up his mind. He always knew that Akihara Kagura was powerful, but isn't this kind of thing a bit strange...

after all…

The war ended a little too quickly.

Even before the two villages even started intelligence reconnaissance, the war was over.

"It must be true..."

Hatake Kakashi believes in Akihara Kagura very much.

Hatake Kakashi had met Terumi Mei before, and knew that Terumi Mei's status in Kirigakure Village was indeed very high, and he should be the representative of Kirigakure Village.

"Send someone to investigate first..."

Tsunade frowned, war is not a joke.

"Kuyin Village agrees to surrender to Konoha unconditionally!"

Terumi Mei stared at Tsunade, looking at this female ninja who is also in a high position but is respected here: "Before I came to Konoha, I ordered the people in the village to declare in the ninja world that Kirigakure Village will I will unconditionally surrender to Konoha, and all the ninjas in Kirigakure are waiting for Hokage-lord to dispose of them, waiting for Hokage-lord to decide whether to spare their lives!"

According to Akihara Kagura...

This Fifth Hokage may have given the order to kill all Kirigakure ninjas!


Tsunade frowned, she looked at the blood stains on the corner of Terumi Mei's mouth and the expression on her face, and immediately judged Terumi Mei's situation: "She was seriously injured, first heal her injury, other things will wait until we receive specific information." ..."

"Then, Tsunade-sama..."

Shikahisa Nara took the initiative to ask. He glanced at Akihara Kagura with a strange expression on his face: "Do we need to continue discussing the war strategy against Kirigakure Village?"

"Continue to discuss..."

Tsunade rubbed his brows, waved his hands and said, "Take him down for treatment, and Anbu will immediately send someone to the country of water to verify the news from Kagura!"

"I don't need treatment!"

Terumi Mei didn't want to be dragged down for treatment, her expression didn't show any charm, but she begged with some determination: "I just want to ask Konoha's Fifth Hokage Lord, to forgive the lives of innocent people in Kirigakure Village , I can die here instead of them..."

Tsunade's brows became tighter and tighter, and he didn't quite understand Terumi Mei's meaning: "Konoha is only punishing the collusion of Kirigakure Village with Orochimaru to cause a riot..."


Hatake Kakashi thought of a possibility, and he couldn't help but sweat a little on his forehead: "You won't...kill all the people in Wuyin Village, right?"

"not yet."

Akihara Kagura shook his head, and continued on his own: "If Tsunade-sama needs me to kill them, I'll go back again..."

The people in Wuyin Village are all sustainable resources.

Before the resurrection of the ten tails in his body, Akihara Kagura would not cut off the leek roots directly when he wanted to cut the leeks...

"It doesn't need to be so extreme!"

Tsunade was taken aback by this sentence, and quickly stopped Akihara Kagura.


Terumi Mei's mood immediately relaxed.

As long as this Hokage does not want to kill everyone in Kirigakure Village, no matter what condition Konoha puts forward, Kirigakure Village can agree.

"Then I will go to the hidden sand village right now."

Akihara Kagura glanced at Tsunade, and asked actively: "Master Tsunade, do you need to kill all the people in Sand Hidden Village? If necessary..."

"Don't be so extreme."

Tsunade rubbed his brows, and offered to propose: "Let me accompany you to Sand Hidden Village, I also want to see what happened..."

This way of fighting...

It seems a little bit novel!

The second update!

There is another update tonight!

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