Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 250 Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke Returning to the Village

Konoha Village.

Two figures walking a long way into the village.

It was Jiraiya and Uzumaki Naruto who had returned from training for several years.

Naruto Uzumaki reached out and dropped his bag, and stepped up the electric pole all the way, standing on a tall and thick electric pole, overlooking the scenery of Konoha Village.

"I miss you so much..."

Uzumaki Naruto stretched out his arms, his face missing the scenery here very much: "There really isn't much change in the village!"


Jiraiya touched his chin.


Haruno Sakura, who has long been a slender girl, ran towards this side with the three little ghost heads of Konoha Maru's team. They were all small followers of Uzumaki Naruto who used to be in the village. forbearance.


Uzumaki Naruto jumped down from the telephone pole, and the joy of seeing his old friend immediately filled his face: "Long time no see, Sakura..."


Haruno Sakura looked at the grown-up Uzumaki Naruto.

The yellow-haired young man in front of him had a very calm look on his face. He didn't have the same look as when he was a child. He seemed to have changed into a different person in two or three years.

"Brother Naruto, the art of seduction!"

Konohamaru proudly performed the seductive technique taught by Uzumaki Naruto, transformed into a naked black-haired woman, and blew kisses towards everyone!

"How about it?"

Konohamaru showed off proudly: "How's it going? How's it going, Naruto-nii, is this sexy and coquettish enough?"

"Konohamaru, I am no longer a child..."

Uzumaki Naruto chuckled like an adult and advised softly: "Don't do this kind of ninjutsu. That kind of ninjutsu is really too low-level..."

Konohamaru lowered his head in disappointment, and a heavy atmosphere appeared around everyone. They were all a little disappointed with the passage of time.


Children will grow up...

However, in the next second, Uzumaki Naruto's stable temperament disappeared without a trace, and he clenched his fists suddenly: "Your seduction technique is too short, let me show you the new one I developed. The art of seduction!"

After saying that, Uzumaki Naruto planned to show Konohamaru the new seduction technique he had developed during his training!


Haruno Sakura was so angry that she punched someone away!

When this side is very lively, the other side seems particularly quiet.

Two figures wearing hoods and cloaks passed by them. The two people seemed to be uninterested in the farce next to them and walked past them intently.


Uzumaki Naruto's nose was bleeding, but he looked back curiously, as if a familiar face flashed past: "Hey, wait..."


Haruno Sakura raised her finger, and quickly stopped Uzumaki Naruto from provoking those two guys: "Don't talk, those two are wearing hooded cloaks, with the root logo on their backs, they are root ninjas, don't provoke them! "


Uzumaki Naruto thought of the roots and Akihara Kagura, and asked in surprise: "I remember that wasn't Kagura's subordinate..."


Haruno Sakura's expression became serious, and she said in a deep voice: "The current root is the most powerful department in the village, and even took over the power of the police force in the past, supervising all the ninjas in the village, and can directly arrest people without any scruples at any time..."


Jiraiya frowned slightly.

"Let's go see Tsunade-sama first."

Haruno Sakura's eyes were a little worried.

the other side.

The two figures wearing hoods and cloaks were still communicating in low voices.

One of them took off his hood, chuckled and asked, "Sasuke, how does it feel to see an old friend?"


The other man still refused to take off his hood. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly and snorted contemptuously: "That guy... is indeed an idiot..."

"Let's go back to our roots."

Kabuto Yakushi smiled and led Sasuke Uchiha back to the roots.

Originally they didn't need to pass through here, but they just happened to see Uzumaki Naruto and Jiraiya returning to the village, so they might as well go here.


within the root base.

When Akihara Kagura saw Uchiha Sasuke, he beckoned him to take off his coat, revealing the curse mark on the back of his neck: "Okay, your trial has passed, first let me see what Master Orochimaru left. The curse mark on your body..."


Uchiha Sasuke looked at Akihara Kagura curiously.

The curse seal has always been of great help to him and can greatly enhance the power of the spell. Uchiha Sasuke did not feel the danger hidden in the curse seal.

"Dispelling evil spells."

Akihara Kagura stretched out her palm and poured her chakra into the curse seal. The chakra from the curse seal immediately turned into a long snake and came out of it.

This long snake suddenly opened its mouth!

Orochimaru's body crawled out of the long snake, and when he saw Akihara Kagura in front of him, his eyes suddenly froze, and he had some bad guesses in his heart.

"How is this going?"

Uchiha Sasuke was shocked!

Because he personally killed Orochimaru and devoured Orochimaru's chakra, why could Orochimaru be resurrected in this way?

"This battle is also a trap for Lord Orochimaru."

Akihara Kagura glanced at Orochimaru standing next to him, and took the initiative to talk to Uchiha Sasuke next to him: "Because you have a curse mark on your body, Master Orochimaru has never been killed by you, and is lurking in your body , the corpse reincarnation requires the consent of the caster to reincarnate perfectly. He can always hide in your body and wait for opportunities to devour your body..."

"You guy, you ruined my good deeds again..."

Orochimaru took a deep breath, filled with dissatisfaction with Akihara Kagura.

Because Orochimaru lurked directly in Uchiha Sasuke's body after failing to capture Uchiha Sasuke's body, and wanted to take Uchiha Sasuke's body through Akihara Kagura's method, but he didn't expect that he was hidden and was killed Akihara Kagura pulled it out.


Uchiha Sasuke was about to draw his ninja sword.


Akihara Kagura pressed Uchiha Sasuke's palm, and ordered: "When I arranged for you to go to Oshemaru-sama, it was for the trial of preparation. I guessed this situation, so I asked you to kill him quickly. Send Orochimaru-sama back to Konoha..."


Orochimaru narrowed his eyes, and turned back and forth on the faces of Uchiha Sasuke and Akihara Kagura: "Kagura-kun, I have a question, when I took Sasuke away from Konoha..."

Why are these two guys together?

What does Akihara Kagura’s arrangement mean?

"I arranged it in advance."

Akihara Kagura nodded, and did not deny the matter: "I arranged for Sasuke to agree to defect and serve as a spy by your side, and he has been reporting your whereabouts to me..."

"This is to prevent Orochimaru-sama from distrusting Kabuto, so I arranged for Sasuke to become another assistant hidden next to you..."

"What a good idea..."

Orochimaru was so angry that he laughed, and he didn't know what to say.


Probably because I have experienced a worse past...

Orochimaru actually felt less desperate in his heart.

"It's just a small gesture."

Akihara Kagura shook his head, raised his palm, reached out and patted one of his own curse marks on Sasuke Uchiha's shoulder: "My curse mark should be safer than Mr. Orochimaru's. You should You will be able to grasp it soon. The purpose of letting you leave the seal of Oshemaru-sama is to avoid being suspected by Oshemaru-sama. You should get used to it and ask others if you don’t understand..."


Uchiha Sasuke nodded slowly.

"You go down first."

Akihara Kagura waved his hand towards Sasuke Uchiha, and said, "In the afternoon, I will arrange a trial for you, and then I will arrange a new task for you..."


After Uchiha Sasuke nodded, he made his request: "When can I kill Uchiha Itachi? That guy's information..."

"You may meet that guy on the next mission."

Akihara Kagura's words made Uchiha Sasuke's heart tighten.


A trace of fighting spirit appeared in Uchiha Sasuke's eyes, as if thinking of something again, he continued: "There are two guys in Orochimaru's base, Onito Suigetsu and Shigego, I think those two guys are very suitable to be..."

"It's up to you."

Akihara Kagura looked at Uchiha Sasuke, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and directly drew a big cake to Uchiha Sasuke: "I heard that you and Xianglin are going to compete for the position of the future leader of Root, because you have completed this mission well. That's right, Sasuke, starting from today, you have the qualifications to compete with Xianglan for this position..."

"If you become the root leader in the future, you must have your own team, but don't tell them in advance, let them follow you!"


Uchiha Sasuke immediately felt confident.

Now it seems that after his first mission, Akihara Kagura, the leader, treated him differently, and even allowed him to participate in the competition for the position of the root leader in the future...

"Okay, you go and get used to the curse seal."

Akihara Kagura waved Uchiha Sasuke to leave here, and said softly: "Xiang Lin has developed the curse seal to the extreme, don't lag behind your opponent."


Uchiha Sasuke's palms suddenly clenched.

The position of the future root leader must be in his pocket!


Competition pressure is not small either.

Because Xiang Lin was raised by the leader Akihara Kagura since he was a child, and he showed a good talent when he was in the ninja school. He has always been behind Xiang Lin...

"Kagura-kun, your methods are getting more and more terrifying..."

After watching Uchiha Sasuke leave, Orochimaru grinned and said: "I didn't promise anything, but I seem to have done a lot for him..."

"I've done a lot for him..."

Akihara Kagura shook his head with a smile, and his eyes fell on Orochimaru: "Of course, I have done a lot for Master Orochimaru..."

"No need to be so fake and kind."

Orochimaru sneered, not believing Akihara Kagura's words at all.

"Peace of mind."

Akihara Kagura quickly comforted his allies, and said softly: "After Uchiha Sasuke kills Uchiha Itachi, I will not participate in the future between you and Sasuke..."

if only…

that time…

If Orochimaru can still defeat Sasuke.

"Master Orochimaru, a bigger storm is coming."

Akihara Kagura looked at Orochimaru, and said softly: "This storm will flood the entire ninja world. If you want to leave the root, I am worried that you may encounter accidents. It just so happens that you stay at the root to rest for a while. If you want to do experiments, you can do it." Go find Dou and Xiangphos..."

Akihara Kagura sighed, and said softly: "The news that you were killed by Sasuke has been spread all over the ninja world. You are already in your fifties this year. You raised me at the beginning. You are old..."


A coldness flashed across Da Shemaru's long and narrow eyes.

This bastard is giving himself a pension?

Orochimaru worried that he would not live to be sixty!

I am only in my early fifties, and my body is still very strong, and I am not yet old enough to retire. This guy wants to imprison himself at the root!

"I am not kidding."

There was a trace of sincerity in Akihara Kagura's eyes, and he continued softly: "Because I received information about the Akatsuki organization, they are about to start acting..."


Orochimaru's eyes immediately became vigilant, and he quickly thought of another thing: "Wait, I remember that you and Nagato are still in collusion..."


Akihara Kagura nodded, sighed and said, "I'm going to Hokage Building for a meeting in the afternoon, and I have to leave Konoha in the evening, go to the base of the Akatsuki organization, and discuss with Senior Brother Nagato and the others. The implementation of the organization's plan..."

"You really have a lot of jobs..."

A mocking smile appeared on the corner of Orochimaru's mouth.

This smile is satirizing the collusion between Akihara Kagura and various forces in the ninja world.

"This is also impossible..."

Akihara Kagura reached out and picked up the forehead protector on the table, and put it on his forehead calmly: "However, as long as the real plan is implemented, these burdens can be taken off immediately..."

The first update!

Somewhat late!

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