Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 255 The strongest puppet master in the ninja world, Shura Daoxie!

Chapter 255 The strongest puppet master in the ninja world, Shura Dao Scorpion!

Akatsuki's base.

Uchiha Itachi has already sensed the death of the puppet.

Kisame grinned, and couldn't help but chuckled and said, "Mr. Itachi's elephant-turned puppet was also killed? The Konoha group seems to be difficult to deal with!"

Kisame's elephant turned into a puppet to deal with the third class, and he was still entangled with the third class of Konoha. The guy named Maitkai was not easy to deal with; Uchiha Itachi's elephant turned into a puppet to deal with the seventh class, and the result was so fast It was killed, which was really unexpected.


Uchiha Itachi didn't answer too much.

Because Uchiha Itachi didn't want to divulge his brother's information before he knew Uchiha Sasuke's information accurately, especially Uchiha Itachi knew the root rules.


There is something strange about the fate of the two brothers.

Uchiha Itachi once joined the root, but was bewitched by Shimura Danzo at the root and killed his own people; Uchiha Sasuke also joined the root, but was also dominated by Akihara Kagura, desperately chasing and killing his brother.

"Didara and Scorpion over there..."

Uchiha Itachi skipped his own affairs and raised the issue of Akatsuki's organization.

"Don't worry about them."

Payne shook his head, and continued in a deep voice: "We have already completed the extraction of the one-tailed crane, and the two of them can easily escape the pursuit of those people..."


Itachi Uchiha doubts this.

Because he knows how strong his younger brother Sasuke Uchiha has become!

Neither the Red Sand Scorpion nor Didara may be Sasuke's opponent, let alone Hatake Kakashi who is very good at fighting...


Uchiha Itachi didn't think about it either.

The battle of ninja puppet masters has already changed.

Inside a hidden cave.

When Class 7 and Grandma Chiyo found this place, Didara and the Red Sand Scorpion had just finished the seal of the Nine Seals of the Phantom Dragon, and the one-tailed Jinchuriki Gaara on the ground had already been pulled out of the one-tailed Shrine Crane , has become a corpse at this moment.

"You go first."

After seeing Squad 7 and Granny Chiyo, the Scarlet Sand Scorpion waved Didara to evacuate with Gaara's body first, and said coldly, "I'll stay and deal with them."

"Tch, I still want to try!"

Didara didn't want to leave, looked at the people in class 7, and even looked eager to try: "Learn from the words of the old man in the corner, seeing the ninja foreheads on your heads reminds me of the first time I fought against you. A Konoha ninja..."

"Akihara Kagura, right?"

Hatake Kakashi directly pierced Didara with a single sentence, rubbed his forehead and said: "Then he lost to Kagura and was directly imprisoned by him, pretending to be your identity and kidnapping the third generation of Dokage. Also present..."


Didara's eyes twitched!

A flash of anger immediately flashed across the face of this yellow-haired boy!

These bastards...

Why not cooperate with him!

He was still poking his scar here!

I still haven't forgotten the scene of being stimulated by Akihara Kagura at the beginning. Didara hated that guy with outstanding talent at the time, because that guy was too slapping!

"That rascal…"

Didara clenched his fist, his arms were trembling: "It's all because of that guy, the old man is always nagging next to my ear that I can't learn dust escape, who would want to learn that kind of ghost thing, at all Nothing compares to my art!"

"He seems to hate Kagura..."

Naruto Uzumaki pointed to Didara carefully.


Without waiting for Kakashi Hatake's answer, Granny Chiyo spoke first: "Many people hate Akihara Kagura. His existence is like a mountain, which makes others unable to breathe, and makes ninjas even their own. Fate can't be controlled..."


Uzumaki Naruto was a little incomprehensible.

For a long time, Akihara Kagura has been the big brother in his family. He has a good relationship with Akihara Kagura, and he doesn't think there is anything wrong with Akihara Kagura.


Hatake Kakashi understood very well.

Because the strength of Akihara Kagura is so strong that other villages cannot harm Konoha, and are even forced to accept the harsh conditions of Konoha, they will naturally be hated by others.


The Scarlet Sand Scorpion refused to comment on the topic they were discussing, and ordered Didara in a cold voice: "You have a broken arm, if you stay here, it will delay my battle..."


Deidara spewed out a giant clay bird angrily, controlled the giant clay bird to grab Gaara's body, stepped on the giant clay bird and left the cave.

"Leave the shadow of the wind behind!"

Hatake Kakashi raised his hand here and left a mark of Flying Raijin like a manhole cover, and at the same time ordered: "Sakura, mother-in-law Chiyo, you stay here to deal with him, and Naruto and I will hunt down another guy. I'll be right back after chasing Kazekage!"


Haruno Sakura nodded immediately.


After Qiandai's mother-in-law nodded, she took out a scroll from her pocket: "It doesn't matter if I don't come back, I also want to have a good talk with my good grandson..."

"Good... grandson?"

Haruno Sakura looked at Grandma Chiyo in surprise.

However, Grandma Chiyo ignored Haruno Sakura, and looked at the red sand scorpion: "How long have we not seen each other, scorpion? I heard that you retired a long time ago, and now I really want to see what my grandson looks like now." ah…"


The Scarlet Sand Scorpion remained silent.

Because he is really the grandson of Grandma Chiyo, I have to admit this, but no matter what I say, I will lose my seniority, so it is better not to say anything.

"Let me try first..."

Granny Chiyo walked towards the red sand scorpion step by step, a chakra thread flew out of her hand, with a handle of kunai wrapped around it, and as the chakra thread fell, these kunnai suddenly moved towards the red sand scorpion's body. Shoot in the direction!

"Operate the attack blade!"

next moment!

These kunai flew towards the red sand scorpion!

These kunai are blessed by Chakra, and the speed is extremely fast!

"Are you still playing with outdated puppetry? Unfortunately, the times have changed now..."

The Red Sand Scorpion stared coldly at the flying Kunai, and the tail of Fei Liuhu suddenly lay across in front of him, with gun barrels protruding from the tail!


boom! boom! boom!

The nails with chakra attached to them seemed like bullets, directly knocking down the flying kunai!

These nails go faster and hit harder!

"It doesn't look like it's changed!"

Grandma Chiyo quickly avoided the flying nails one after another, but her eyes were slightly shocked and disturbed when she saw this scene!


These nails are surprisingly fast!


click click click...

The auspicious cloud black robe on Fei Liuhu's body of the Red Sand Scorpion gradually split, and this mechanism puppet slowly changed, and countless dense cannon barrels appeared on Fei Liuhu's body!

"That is!"

Haruno Sakura looked at Fei Liuhu in astonishment!

"It looks very aggressive..."

Grandma Chiyo frowned, feeling that the Red Sand Scorpion's way of being a puppet was a bit strange: "If the attack is too strong, the defense will drop..."

"As I said, times have changed."

The red sand scorpion retorted with a urn, and continued coldly: "Why can't attacking a powerful puppet also take into account defense?"

As his voice fell, the Fei Liuhu puppet made a teeth-stinging metallic sound, and the cannon barrels retracted quickly, and pieces of black hard armor appeared on Fei Liuhu's body. , as if like a battle armor!

Grandma Qiandai's eyes narrowed slightly, her fingers moved lightly, thinking about Fei Liuhu's shortcomings: "If it has both attack and defense, the flexibility of the puppet will decrease..."

If the flexibility is greatly reduced...

That means that as long as he can withstand the attack of the puppet Fei Liuhu, and has an attack that can break the puppet's defense, he can make Fei Liuhu a living target!

"It seems that he modified his puppet a lot..."

Grandma Chiyo glanced at Haruno Sakura next to her, and said softly, "My attack power is not enough, so I may not be able to penetrate his defense. That puppet's defense function is very strong..."

"let me!"

Haruno Sakura believes in her fists very much!


Grandma Qiandai raised another question, and continued in a deep voice: "You must remember to avoid all the attacks of that puppet, and you must dodge them perfectly, because I just tested it, and the nails shot by those mechanisms are very fast..."

"I see!"

Haruno Sakura's heart tightened.

"It's not just about speed..."

Grandma Chiyo shook her head, and continued to remind: "You still need a lot of combat experience to judge the hidden weapon fired by the mechanism. That guy Scorpion has already armed that puppet to the teeth. The only shortcoming is probably flexibility..."


Haruno Sakura fell silent.

Because combat experience is what she lacks the most.

For a long time, Haruno Sakura has not participated in a few battles. Even the battles are just soy sauce. The only rare battle experience is a Chunin exam that she participated in in the past two years. It is definitely not very rich...

"give it to me."

Chakra lines appeared on Grandma Chiyo's fingers, and she continued to explain: "In terms of combat experience, Scorpion is far less rich than I am, which is why he has been staying put and dare not move, I will control you The body escaped the attack of the mechanism puppet..."


Haruno Sakura's body jumped up and rushed in the direction of the Red Sand Scorpion. The chakra thread in Grandma Chiyo's hand was directly attached to her body!

"Come here directly?"

The Scarlet Sand Scorpion snorted coldly, not caring about Haruno Sakura's threat, and after a few pieces of defensive armor fell off Fei Liuhu's body, several square gaps were exposed.

Three barrels are exposed!

Blue Chakra shoots out from three barrels!

Da da da!

Da da da da da da!

Da da da da da da da da da!

Countless dense sand and iron particles wrapped in chakra bullets flew out, forming a powerful fire blockade in front of the red sand scorpion!


Grandma Chiyo's face turned pale with shock, she hastily raised her palm, controlled Haruno Sakura's body to rise rapidly, and narrowly dodged these bullets!

Fortunately, Scarlet Sand Scorpion's Scarlet Sand Scorpion is also a puppet driven by chakra, not real gunpowder, no matter how fast it is, it is still within the ninja's reaction range!

"This mechanism..."

A hint of panic suddenly appeared in the eyes of Grandma Qiandai, she thought of the hidden gun barrels on Fei Liuhu's body, how many attack methods are there!

Grandma Qiandai immediately realized her carelessness. Even after seeing Fei Liuhu's attack method, she still underestimated its aggressiveness!

"Do you think you can escape in the air?"

The Red Sand Scorpion controlled the Scarlet Sand Hu and directly extended two barrels, and two rockets flew out directly, and the tails of the rockets still emitted a blue chakra light!

Mother-in-law Chiyo was so startled that she quickly manipulated Haruno Sakura to dodge!

Two rockets exploded directly above the cave, and countless rubble fell down!

"That does not work…"

Grandma Chiyo hurriedly controlled Haruno Sakura to fall beside her, took out her puppet from her pocket, and said in a deep voice, "I must use the puppet to attract his attention..."


Haruno Sakura is very obedient to the opinions of her seniors.

"Don't worry…"

Grandma Chiyo was a little uneasy, but she was still trying to appease Haruno Sakura: "As long as you rush over and smash that puppet, it moves very slowly. your…"


Haruno Sakura nodded firmly.

"I didn't expect him to be so strong..."

Grandma Chiyo took out two scrolls and released two puppets.

"That is…"

The Red Sand Scorpion's voice suddenly became gloomy.

Because those were the puppets "father" and "mother" he created when he was a child. He hoped that these two puppets could accompany him instead of his parents, but they were not able to meet his own standards and were abandoned. The leftover puppets are used!

click click...

The two puppets 'Father' and 'Mother' moved slowly under Chiyo's control, and the two puppets rushed directly towards the Scarlet Sand Scorpion's Feiliuhu!

Da da da da da!

The barrel on Fei Liuhu's body was neighing!

Grandma Chiyo's eyes flashed, and she manipulated the puppet to release defensive ninjutsu: "Organ shield seal!"

A defensive shield blocked the sand and iron bullets!

Although the defensive shield was constantly cracking under the densely packed sand and iron bullets, it still stood stubbornly in front, attracting Feiliuhu's attack!

Haruno Sakura took advantage of the "father" and "mother" puppets to attract the attention of the red sand scorpion, and flew upside down from the mountain wall, avoiding the bullets and rockets fired by Fei Liuhu from time to time, heading towards Fei Liu In the direction of Hu, he jumped down, waving his fist and smashing it down!


"This is the third time..."

"As I said, times have changed."

Fei Liuhu's tail suddenly drew back, forming a row of pipes at the back, and the blue chakra was suddenly sprayed out from the pipes, Fei Liuhu's speed was so fast that people couldn't see its trace clearly. The carat jet pushed Feiliuhu and suddenly escaped Haruno Sakura's attack!

Haruno Sakura watched Fei Liuhu disappear in front of her in astonishment!

A wind current generated by high-speed movement appeared in the cave!

Scarlet Sand Scorpion's Crimson Liuhu suddenly moved to the other side of the cave.

At this moment, the image of Feiliuhu changed drastically. Four propeller wings spread out on its body, and several pipes continuously sprayed blue chakra, driving it to float in the air. It is a product of this era.

"Attack, defense, flexibility..."

"Who said these can't appear on a puppet?"

The third update!

The latest update is getting late...

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