Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 260 Sarutobi Hiruzen who rescued Sarutobi Asma!

"You idiot..."

"Calm down..."

Jiaodu felt a little uneasy, hoping that Fei Duan could regain control of himself.

Jiaodu looked at Fei Duan who was getting closer and closer, and saw strange black spots on Fei Duan's body. This companion was still a little stiff when he walked over.

"I can't control myself..."

Hiduan's body trembled with fear.

next moment!

Fei Duan raised the sickle in his hand, swung it directly and slashed at Kakuzu's body, a cloud of blood flew out from Kakuzu's body, and the blood instantly fell on Fei Duan's face!


Hiduan's appearance suddenly became crazy, he subconsciously took the blood of Kakuzu, and was about to draw a curse circle under his feet!

"You idiot..."

Jiaodu had seen Fei Duan's ability a long time ago, and wanted to scold Fei Duan who had become crazy from the blood, but it didn't help at all, he could only watch as Fei Duan finished drawing the curse circle!

"This idiot!"

One second before Fei Duan completed the curse circle, Jiaodu spit out a ground grudge from his mouth, hoping to save his life!

" are dead."

Fei Duan completed the curse circle, with a sick smile on his face, lying contentedly in the middle of the circle on the ground.

There is no need for Fei Duan to do anything now, because there are countless black sticks inserted in his body, and the curse circle will feed back Fei Duan's physical state to the opponent in real time!

That is to say...

As long as Fei Duan gets the blood and completes the anti-curse circle, according to Fei Duan's physical condition, the opponent is sure to die!

The moment the magic circle is completed...

Countless blood flew out of Jiaodu's whole body!

Jiaodu's head drooped feebly, as if he had lost all vitality, and there was only a pitch-black Grenyu rubbing against his side, as if he was thinking about when to get in.


Akihara Kagura came over, reached out and picked up Hidan's body: "It seems that your ability in life was well maintained, and you can still use it..."

"Don't get me up!"

Fei Duan stubbornly insisted on lying on the ground, desperately trying to struggle: "I can't get up, I want to lie here and pray to the gods, leaving here is disrespectful to the gods!"


Akihara Kagura didn't intend to pay too much attention to this sick puppet, because Hell Road Hidan was just a means to revive other puppets.

"Mr. Kakuzu, you can rest assured that you will be resurrected."

Akihara Kagura looked at Kakuto's body and the ground resentment, and took the initiative to persuade him to surrender: "I won't kill you, I wonder if you are interested in getting an extra salary..."


Di Yuanyu immediately got into Jiaodu's body!

Kakuzu's head immediately lifted up again, and a smear of green life appeared in his eyes again: "Akihara Kagura, what do you want me to do?"

"Of course I want you to have a part-time job..."

Akihara Kagura took the initiative to stretch out her palm, and kindly helped Kakudo to heal his physical injuries: "The bonus from the Akatsuki organization should not be very good, right?"

"Catch one Zhuli, and the reward is five million taels."

Jiaodu didn't keep their salaries secret, but said in a cold voice: "If you want me to help you with something, then offer a suitable price..."

"What about the usual task reward?"

Akihara Kagura couldn't afford the bonus, so he planned to make a detour from the side.

"Thirty to seventy percent."

Jiaodu is still very satisfied with the proportion of his task.

The mission rewards of the Akatsuki organization are very generous, but the other rebels don’t care much about money. Basically, they can’t get their mission rewards, and it’s all up to the Xiao organization to send them money directly.

"Why is it only 70%..."

Akihara Kagura frowned.

"Seventy percent is organized."

He couldn't help but frowned.

"Isn't this kneeling and begging for food?"

Akihara Kagura answered subconsciously.


Kakuzu gave Akihara Kagura a strange look.

This Akihara Kagura doesn't seem to understand the rules of the Akatsuki organization. If the other members of the Akatsuki organization want to get the 37% ratio, it depends on Xiaonan's face!


Others don't care and don't need to take the money.

Because the Xiao organization will reimburse the consumption of weapons such as ninja tools.

Even the Red Sand Scorpion, who once shared the troubles with Nagato and Konan, didn't care about money at all. Xiao Nan's budget for the Red Sand Scorpion has always been as much as he wants.


Xiao Nan naturally won't approve any budget for a person like Jiaodu who loves money, because if Jiaodu asks for money, Jiaodu's budget alone can empty out Xiao's organization's money.

Kakuzu looked at Akihara Kagura, he had no loyalty to the Akatsuki organization, only loyalty to money in his heart: "If you want me to help you with something, if there is an employment entrustment to me in the future, I will share 30% of the salary. I can do things for you; if I share 40% of the task reward, even if there is a conflict between the employment commission and the Xiao organization, I can help you..."


Akihara Kagura nodded, and glanced at Hidan next to him: "Hidan, put away Mr. Kakutsu's blood, in the future he dares to betray our agreement..."

If only Fei Duan went back, it would inevitably make other people suspect Fei Duan. In addition, Fei Duan had to cover the black stick on his body, which required a witness.


The future income-generating staff of Akatsuki organization is Jiaodu.

Akihara Kagura wants to gather Akatsuki to become his subordinates in the future, and he doesn't want to damage Future's combat power in vain at this time.

"By the way, let me tell you..."

Akihara Kagura simply confessed his identity to Xiang Jiaodu at this time: "I am also a member of the Akatsuki organization, I hope you will not be too surprised to see me in the future..."


A look of surprise suddenly appeared in Jiaodu's eyes.

"The reason why I recruited you today..."

Akihara Kagura looked at Kakuzu and said softly, "It's because I want to take over Akatsuki in the future and become Akatsuki's leader. Mr. Kakuzu, do you understand what I mean?"

"It doesn't matter to me who is the leader of Akatsuki."

Kakuto is very open to this kind of thing, and directly speaks his heart: "As long as I can make more money in the future, I can also support you to become the leader of Akatsuki..."

"It will not let you down."

Akihara Kagura stretched out his palm.

"That would be all the better."

Kakuzu reached out and took Akihara Kagura's palm.

This deal was concluded, and Kakuzu and Hidan's trip to the Land of Fire was much more secure, because Akihara Kagura could order the root ninjas under his command to block their information.

Akihara Kagura remembered their itinerary, and took the initiative to ask: "Do the nobles and daimyos of the Fire Country have any rewards in the gold exchange?"

"Of course there is."

The Akatsuki organization has assassinated many nobles over the years.

For other ninjas, assassinating nobles would cause a country's hostility, but the Akatsuki organization did everything they could to collect money, so naturally they didn't care about the so-called hostility.

"You can clean up these people as you like."

Akihara Kagura stretched out his palm and left a curse mark on Kakuzu's body: "If there are Konoha ninjas besieging you, I will send root ninjas to help you deal with these troubles. In the same hand as it fell into my hand, without any trouble..."

"I see."

Jiao Duan has more brains than Fei Duan.

The ninja, who lived in his nineties, knows very well the weight of this sentence.

A high-ranking and powerful person in Konoha is willing to protect their actions in the Nation of Fire, which means that the risk of their actions in the Nation of Fire is greatly reduced.


This guy is also a new generation of ninja gods.

Even the leader of the Akatsuki organization was defeated by him.

Kakudo felt that his future was quite bright, and he heard about Akihara Kagura's plan to go to the Land of Thunder, and told him the information about the Land of Thunder: "If you are going to the Land of Thunder, you'd better be careful , we have just dealt with Ninao Jinchuriki, it may not be peaceful there..."

"Thank you."

Akihara Kagura nodded in thanks, and asked again: "By the way, do you have any evidence that Yunyin Village colluded with Akatsuki?"


Kakudo thinks that Akihara Kagura is talking nonsense with his eyes open. Both of them have pulled out the tailed beast from the body of the two-tailed Jinchuriki. How could there be any collusion with Yunyin Village?

"Forget it, I'll find it myself."

Akihara Kagura waved his hand, motioning for them to leave.

The group parted ways here, and Kakuto took Hidan to the Land of Fire. Under the protection of Konoha Hokage, he went to collect information on Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, and killed a few nobles to save money; Akihara Kagura continued Go to Yunyin Village, knowing that the Xiao Organization and Yunyin Village are already in a state of hatred, and search for information on the collusion between the Xiao Organization and Yunyin Village.

Akihara Kagura looked at the leaving figures of Kakuzu and Hidan, raised his finger, and a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Four Hokage-samas, go and tell Tsunade-sama that I have found some information about the Akatsuki organization. Two members of the Akage organization will be active in the Land of Fire..."

It is difficult for Akihara Kagura to trust Kakuzu with a verbal agreement. It is better to let Kakuzu and Hidan fall into his hands first, and then let Payne or Uchiha Obito go back from him. Brush up on your own tasks.


Kakuzu already knew that he had no problem falling into the hands of root ninjas.

at the same time.

The rest of the ninja world is not very peaceful.

Akatsuki's organization moved very quickly. After Ichio Shukaku and Erwei were separated, Sanwei, who had just been resurrected in the country of water, was immediately put on the agenda.

After the Red Sand Scorpion and Didara returned to the Akatsuki organization base to return to their orders, they immediately rushed to the Land of Water without stopping to arrest Sanwei who had just been revived.


This battle is very easy.

The scarlet amber on the red sand scorpion's body exposed the cannon barrels, and the three tails were blown up with full firepower, and the three tails were captured in less than five minutes.

As for the rest of the Akatsuki organization...

Itachi Uchiha and Kisame went to capture the Four-Tails Jinchuriki; Payne was personally responsible for capturing the Five-Tails Jinchuriki and the Six-Tails Jinchuriki;

In just ten days.

The entire ninja world was in turmoil because of the actions of the Akatsuki organization.

In Leaf Village.

Not long after Akihara Kagura left Konoha, some people in Konoha Village were panicked.

Because bad news continued to come from the Land of Fire, two members of the Akatsuki organization were active in the Land of Fire and killed several nobles in succession. The daimyo urgently issued an order to exterminate them.


As the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade learned in advance that two members of the Akatsuki organization would be active in the Land of Fire, and immediately sent twenty squads to search for the identities of the two members of the Akatsuki organization. country to cause even greater disasters.

Among them, the strongest team, Jonin Sarutobi Asuma led Nara Shikamaru, Kokotetsu and Kamizuki Izumo and other Chunin, finally intercepted the two members of Akatsuki at the gold exchange.


These two members of the Akatsuki organization are still exchanging the corpses of nobles for money at the gold exchange, and they don't seem to be afraid of them at all.

"There is no mark at the root..."

Jiaodu glanced at Asma and the others who surrounded them, his eyes flickered slightly: "It seems that it doesn't matter if you kill them, that guy named Asma is worth 35 million..."


Hiduan raised his sickle neatly!

"They don't take people seriously..."

Nara Shikamaru frowned, and raised his hand to gather the shadow to control the opponent, and let his teacher Sarutobi Asma quickly deal with Kakutsu and the others.


The earth grievances in Jiaodu came out directly!

During this period of free activities, Kakuzu also replenished his own heart, and the four ground grudges acted at the same time, directly beating Asma's team to pieces!

Just when Jiao Du was controlling his own earth grievances and released five spells at the same time, he wanted to directly destroy this daring team here!

"Fire Escape Head Hard!"

"Wind Escape · Suppressing Harm!"

"Water Escape·Water Curtain!"

"Thunder Escape·False Darkness!"

"Earth Dungeon Earth Stone Dragon!"

The five escape ninjutsu spewed directly towards Asma Sarutobi's team, whether it was Asma Sarutobi or Nara Shikamaru's face, there was a touch of despair!

next moment!

A short old man appeared in front of them!

There were still some cracks on the old man's face, but he quickly used the technique of multiple shadow clones, and directly divided into four clones, and released the five-sense ninjutsu together with the main body!

"Fire Escape·Fire Dragon Flame Bomb!"

"Wind Escape · Cyclone!"

"Water Escape · Water Shockwave!"

"Thunderbolt Thunderbolt!"

"Earth Dungeon Earth Dragon Bullet!"

Two different five escape ninjutsu collided instantly!

Jiaodu realized the gap between himself and his opponent, and when he was a little shocked, he looked at the appearance of the old man, his pupils widened involuntarily!

"Wait, that's..."

"Three Hokage-sama!"

Nara Shikamaru shouted out the identity of the comer with a face full of joy!

Sarutobi Asma stared in astonishment at the old man who suddenly appeared to save their team, and the cigarette in his mouth fell to the ground in shock...

Sarutobi Hiruzam, the third Hokage, is also the father of Sarutobi Asma.

Even Asma Sarutobi never thought that his dead father Hiruzaru Sarutobi would show up to save his life at the most critical moment...

"Ashma, are you alright?"

The third generation of Naruto Sarutobi, who was reincarnated from the dirt, glanced back at his son, then turned his head and said something that didn't fit his identity, and loudly ordered the root ninja who came with him: "Arrest these two people!" , into the roots."

The second update!

As I said, the process may not be very good, but the result should not be bad. I feel that the third Hokage will be satisfied with his sacrifice if he knows the truth.

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