Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 271 Jiraiya's tactics! Once upon a time Frog Squad Assemble!

"Tsunade is not here."

Orochimaru calmly reminded Jiraiya.

Did Jiraiya ignore his injuries?

Although the two of them think that they are not weak, Tsunade is an important part of Konoha Sannin. Only when Tsunade is there can they form the fighting state of Sannin.

"It doesn't matter..."

Jiraiya grinned, his eyes swept across the six paths of Payne present one by one, his voice quietly lowered: "Hey, Orochimaru, let me tell you a secret, I made a bet with Tsunade when I came here , if I can go back alive..."

"You made a bet with her?"

Orochimaru interrupted Jiraiya's words, and his face was a little ugly: "That guy Tsunade has never had any luck... You can go back alive, is it because I am going to die here?"


There is no need for Jiraiya to say anything more, Da Shemaru knows what kind of bet Jiraiya is betting with Tsunade, this bastard is really damned!

"Be more open…"

Jilai also raised a finger and shook his head, and said softly: "Maybe we can survive? You come and continue to protect me..."

"Idiot, hurry up and get rid of that disciple of yours first!"

Orochimaru glanced at Jiraiya, then looked at Konan flying in the air and the detonating charms flying continuously: "If this continues, my second-generation Wanshe will be blown to death...Jiraiya, my The psychic beast is dead, you have to bury it with it..."

"I know, I know…"

Jilai also raised his finger, and looked in Xiaonan's direction: "Senjin Fukasaku, Immortal Shima, it's time to go!"

"But there seems to be something..."

Sento Fukasaku frowned and wanted to look into an empty space.

"Take care of Xiao Nan first!"

Jiraiya hastily interrupted Fukasaku Sensei's words.


Immortal Zhima's mouth suddenly opened, and a long tongue spit out, directly tied Xiaonan's body!


Xiaonan's body immediately turned into pieces of origami paper and flew away!

"Come on!"

Jiraiya took the lead and jumped off the body of the second generation of Wanshe, and shouted loudly: "Oshemaru, continue to cover me with the wind escape!"

"Immortal Art - Fire Dragon Flame Bomb!"

Jilai also directly opened his mouth and spewed out a ball of flames!

"This idiot..."

Orochimaru could only hold up his fingers helplessly, and quickly made a handprint: "Fengdun·Great Breakthrough!"

The fire borrows the power of the wind!

A group of fire dragons spread along the route blown by the wind, and spread towards the direction of Pain Liudao. The hungry ghost DaoPain quickly stood up and stretched out his hand to absorb this ninjutsu!

However, the moment the Fire Dragon Flame Bullet was absorbed, Jiraiya's figure was hidden behind the flames. With the cover of the flames, the other Payne didn't even see his figure!

Jilai also directly reached out and grabbed the hungry ghost Dao Payne, and pressed the puppet on the hungry ghost Dao's face with one hand, forcefully pressing the puppet to the ground, breaking his neck!

"Water Escape·Water Array Wall!"

The figure of Orochimaru appeared behind Jiraiya, and released a wall of water in front of the two of them, as if doing something useless...

"Shenluo Tianzheng!"

However, just at the second after Orochimaru's seal was cast, Tendo Payne raised his hand and released a repulsive force, trying to defeat Jiraiya!

The water formation wall released by Orochimaru in advance was instantly turned into a water wave by the repulsive force, and the two of them were still directly thrown away by this repulsive force!

Orochimaru may have been used to it for a long time, and it instantly turned into a long snake, and the long snake opened its mouth again and spit out another Orochimaru on the way to fly backwards!

Jiraiya crossed his arms in front of his chest, and was instantly pushed out by this repulsion, and spit out a mouthful of blood, even the Fukasaku Senjin and Shima Senjin next to him felt the trouble of this repulsion!

"Is this the power of reincarnation eyes?"

Immortal Fukasaku looked at Tiandao Payne in horror.

"That repulsion..."

Immortal Shima frowned.

"Has both attack and defense."

Jilai had expected this a long time ago, he wiped the corner of his mouth, and said more detailed information: "But the ability to release the repulsive force cannot be used continuously, and it will take some time each time. Not sure yet…”

"Just now we got rid of that puppet that can absorb ninjutsu. It seems to be called Hungry Ghost Road? The greatest use of that animal puppet who is good at psychics has disappeared. His psychic beasts have been solved by Orochimaru's psychic beasts. , but his fighting power is still good..."

"It's no use talking so much nonsense..."

Orochimaru snorted coldly, and interrupted Jiraiya: "If you can't solve the guy in front of you, it's useless to solve the other Payne..."

"Rush over!"

Jiraiya raised his palm and said loudly: "We have eliminated the puppet that can absorb ninjutsu, and we can use powerful ninjutsu. Fukasaku Senjin and Shima Senjin use Goemon at the same time!"


The two toads sitting on Jiraiya's shoulders nodded quickly.

"Senfa Goemon!"

Jiraiya opened his mouth and spit out a ball of chakra condensed fire oil!

At the same time that the kerosene in Jiraiya's mouth flew out, Immortal Shima spit out a flame, and Immortal Fukasaku spit out a hurricane!

The three techniques of wind, fire, and oil were superimposed in an instant, forming a wave of flames, and the waves of fire rolled and swept towards the other Payne!

"Now it's either possible to find out other information..."

Jiraiya watched Goemon's fiery waves, glanced around, and said loudly: "Nagato, if you have no other means to save these Penns, you must use psychic techniques to get rid of them. Are they psychic gone? Now I want to find out your real body!"

"Little Ziraiya, I already..."

Sento Fukasaku seemed to want to say something.

"Shen Zuo Immortal, don't worry..."

Jiraiya hastily interrupted Fukasaku Immortal's words, he glanced vaguely at Orochimaru next to him, slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and blinked his eyes.


Orochimaru also grinned, as if he saw Jiraiya's secret signal, and concealed by Goemon's fire waves, his body instantly turned into countless small snakes and dissipated.

"Is it fairy art..."

Tiandao Payne narrowed his eyes.

Goemon's flames rushed over like waves!

Most of the information about Payne was detected by Jilaiye. At this time, Shenluo Tianzheng was also cooling down, and it seemed that there was no way to resist this rolling wave of fire!

at this time…

Payne seemed to be pushed to the limit by this trick!

As Jiraiya said, if Penn Six Paths has no other means, either let a few Penns be burned by Goemon's fire waves, or expose the position of the body that has been invisible all the time, and let Nagato hold a few puppets Direct psychic leave.

"Psychic art!"

At this critical juncture, the Animal Way finally came into play again!

A huge Hell Crab stood sideways in front of many Paynes, opened its mouth and spit out countless bubbles, instantly blocking the engulfing waves of fire!

This is the water escape and foam chaos that especially restrains oil and fire!

Although the turbulent waves of the Hell Crab's foam could not completely extinguish Goemon, it was still able to block the flames. It's just that the Hell Crab seemed to be roasted, and its body gradually turned black. However, the little time it bought Enough God Payne hands!

"The location of the main body is almost exposed..."

Tiandao Payne stared at Jiraiya, and continued coldly: "I have long known that Teacher Jiraiya is good at fire oil, how could he not leave a spell against you..."


"It's my turn."

"Just use the way of heaven to solve you..."

Tiandao Payne realized the troubles of his teacher. Once he learned the information, he might suffer heavy losses if he was a little careless. He completely decided not to continue entanglement!

Tiandao Payne's palms closed instantly, and the surrounding Paynes immediately fell to the ground, and all of Payne's Chakras were gathered on the strongest Tiandao!


Xiaonan, who was flying in the sky, frowned, and could only dissipate into countless origami papers. She didn't want to delay Tiandao Payne's spell here.

"Then come on."

There was a smile on the corner of Jiraiya's mouth, as if he was not afraid of Tiandao Payne's attack at all, he even wished that Tiandao Payne's power would be stronger!

"Goodbye, Mr. Jiraiya..."

Tiandao Payne stretched out his palm, determined to use his strongest blow, Shenluo Tianzheng, to deal with Jiraiya who had entered the immortal mode!

After the other Payne was detected a lot of information, he would continue to entangle with Jiraiya only by this method. He didn't think he could have more combat experience than his teacher.

If so...

Then use pure power to crush!

Just as a terrifying chakra appeared in Tendao Payne's body, and he was about to release a spell powerful enough to kill him completely on Jiraiya, Tendao Payne's face suddenly changed!

"Not good, the main body..."

Tiandao Payne suddenly turned his head and looked in one direction!

There used to be an invisible chameleon there, carrying Nagato's body on its back to avoid being discovered, but a huge Kusanagi sword suddenly appeared, directly splitting the chameleon in two!


Tiandao Payne suddenly understood what!

This is Jiraiya's tactic!

The teacher did not know when he had found the invisible chameleon, and he had been attracting Payne's attention here, but he secretly informed Orochimaru of the chameleon's information, and asked Orochimaru to attack the main body Nagato!

"The perception ability of immortal mode is quite powerful..."

Jilai also looked at Tiandao Payne, and finally felt that he had grasped the possibility of victory: "After I entered the immortal mode, Fukasaku immortal helped to find the invisible psychic beast and found out its location , and also find out the location of Nagato..."

the other side.

Following the killing of the invisible chameleon, Nagato's body was instantly exposed, and he fell directly from the chameleon's body, looking a little embarrassed.


Xiaonan's painful voice came from the sky, and countless pieces of origami flew towards Nagato!

"Xiao Nan, I'm fine."

Nagato's palms closed quickly, and he raised his hand to knock out the Orochimaru who wanted to attack him: "Even if I find my main body, as the main body of the reincarnation eye, I can use the Six Paths of Payne all the capabilities of the…”

"Psychic art!"

Nagato directly summoned Tiandao Payne to his side!

The origami in the sky also fell in the middle of Nagato and Tendo Payne, and the origami was folded together in an instant, turning into Xiaonan's appearance!

"Yahiko, Nagato, Konan..."

Jiraiya looked at the three figures gathered together, his eyes showed a trance, the three of them were clearly separated by yin and yang, and even Yahiko's body had been made into a puppet of Tiandao Payne, but they seemed Still stubbornly get together.

Frog Squad trio.

Memories from the past emerged in front of Jiraiya.

Xiaonan's eyes were also somewhat nostalgic, she glanced at Tiandao Payne and Nagato beside her, and she felt a sense of long-lost familiarity.

Ever since Nagato Yahiko's corpse was made into Tendao Payne, he has been hiding behind the scenes and almost never appeared in front of others.

This companion with the eyes of reincarnation has been trying to make the puppet of Tiandao Payne another person, and has been working hard to maintain their past, making Xiaonan even think that Yahiko is still alive, and always think that the three of them are still alive...

It's not just Xiao Nan who thinks so.

Even Orochimaru and Jirai have an illusion.

After Orochimaru and Jiraiya reunited, they looked at the three people standing together, and snorted coldly: "I almost thought that orange-haired kid was still alive..."

This feeling…

That's weird.

The three people who are also Konoha Sannin are all alive, but only Orochimaru and Jiraiya are here; one of the little guys is dead, but they all gather together.

"Yahiko is their pillar..."

Jilai also sighed, but slowly shook his head and said: "But no matter how Nagato puts the three of them together, it will not change the fact that Yahiko is dead, and he maintained all of this It's just an illusion..."

"Teacher Jiraiya..."

Tendo Payne walked towards Jiraiya and Orochimaru.

Nagato's body also floated up, and followed behind Tiandao Payne; Xiaonan's legs turned into countless origami paper, and paper wings grew from her back, flying beside Nagato.

"Everything in the past...let's end here!"

Tiandao Payne raised his finger and made a gesture of the seal of opposition: "Since you insist on attacking my main body and let the main body appear, then let us disciples send you and your companions together Let's go!"


Jilai also took a deep breath, slowly raised his fingers, and looked at the three familiar figures opposite, with a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth: "Ha, the frog team has finally assembled, and they are going to challenge again." Are you your teacher?"

"Jiraiya, I'm going first."

Orochimaru took a few steps back, as if he was planning to leave here directly, and said with a chuckle: "The kid with the reincarnation eyes is too weird, I have helped you as much as possible, I will not participate in the next battle It's..."

After this tactic of attacking Payne but actually attacking Nagato was violently resolved by Nagato, Orochimaru no longer had any thoughts of fighting.


Orochimaru's chakra was almost exhausted in this battle, and he couldn't do it like Jiraiya had someone to help supplement the senju chakra.

"I see."

Jiraiya also nodded, he didn't object to Orochimaru's idea of ​​escaping, he knew that this former best friend had tried his best to help him a lot, it could be said that he had done everything he could.


Jilai also seemed to think of something, and suddenly called out to Orochimaru: "Wait, Orochimaru, do me a favor before leaving..."

"Don't take it too far."

Orochimaru glared at him coldly.

The first update!

Bond, bond...

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