Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 292 New bell test, Sarutobi Hiruzen VS Konoha Sannin!

Root base.

This base has long been deserted.

Four Hokages who were reincarnated from the filthy earth live here.

The first Hokage Senju Hashirama and the second Hokage Senju Tobirama knew who the visitor was as soon as Madara Uchiha arrived.

"This is Madara's chakra..."

Senju Hashirama's expression was solemn.

"It's that guy's chakra..."

Senju Tobirama was even more sensitive to Uchiha Madara's chakra. He clasped his fingers on the ground and whispered: "That guy is fighting Tsunade and the others. It seems that that guy was also resurrected by Akihara Kagura. He What is the purpose of sending Uchiha Madara?"

"Uchiha Madara is not very obedient."

A voice appeared in their brains.

Akihara Kagura's voice seemed a little leisurely, and his will fell into the minds of several Hokages who had been reincarnated in the dirt through the control of the dirt reincarnation.

"Konoha already knows that you are controlled by me."

"However, Madara Uchiha still has great confidence in the First Hokage. He seems to think that the First Hokage is not controlled by the reincarnation of the earth at all, and is still here to protect Konoha..."

"Then let Uchiha Madara know. Please help me, Hokage-sama, to see if you can teach him a lesson and let him know that the times of the ninja world have changed..."


"Madara won't give in!"

Senju Hashirama immediately spoke on behalf of his former friend.

"Does Konoha know the truth..."

The third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, frowned slightly.

Compared to Uchiha Madara's problems, he is more concerned about the relationship between Konoha and Akihara Kagura. He knows very well how terrifying Akihara Kagura's power is!

Have Konoha and Akihara Kagura already broken up?

"Take care of that guy Madara..."

The second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama was very concerned about these two things. After finishing speaking, he asked about another thing: "You really want to betray Konoha..."

"You still have a little time to explain your funeral affairs to Konoha. When you meet again next time, it may be time to meet in arms..."

Akihara Kagura's voice disappeared from their minds.

Now he just needs a little waiting time, waiting for Sanshouyu Hanzo and Tsunade to contact other great ninja villages to jointly attack him, the person who wants to destroy the ninja world...

that time…

This is the chance to resurrect the Ten-Tails.

It is also an opportunity to resurrect the ten-tailed body in his body.

Konoha back mountain.

The battle continues.

The protagonist of this battle seems to have changed.

Gamabunta wielded a short sword and competed with the blue Susanoo. The slug kept spitting out corrosive acid beside him, and the second generation of snakes rushed and supported him from time to time!

Madara Uchiha controlled Susanoo and forced Gamabunta back with one blow!

The slug spat acid on Susanoo's body, and Susanoo was instantly corroded. This scene made Madara Uchiha a little surprised!


Tsunade took advantage of the situation and punched Susanoo who was showing corrosion!

The entire Susanoo was about to disintegrate in an instant. Uchiha Madara's expression did not change at all. A pair of arms grew on Susanoo's arms again, and he punched Tsuna with a fist. The body of the hand was smashed away!

"Hiss, hiss..."

The second generation of snakes directly wrapped around Susanoo's body, entangled the entire Susanoo, and kept squeezing Susanoo's body, trying to crush the blue giant!

The blue Susanoo waved the gleaming giant sword in his hand, and was about to cut open the body of the second generation of snakes. Gamabunta kicked his hind legs on the ground, flew forward and rushed forward, waving the short sword in his hand to cut Susanoo off. Sanenghu's ninja sword was pushed away!

With the three psychic beasts attacking in unison, Uchiha Madara's Susanoo finally seemed to be unable to hold on and quickly began to crack!

"It's almost time..."

Uchiha Madara raised his head and looked at Susanoo, who was about to collapse. There was no wave on his face, and there was even a hint of a smile: "Humph, Hashirama is finally here. It's just a game to play with a child." That’s it for now…”

"what did he say?"

Gamabunta was a little unhappy. He held his short sword tightly with both claws and inserted it into the crack of the blue Susanoo's body!

The next second!

The entire Susanoo suddenly swelled!

The second generation snake's body was in pain, and Susanoo's body was even expanded and opened cracks, and it directly turned into a ball of smoke and disappeared in place!

The blue Susanoo's body gradually grew larger, and its body was also covered with layers of armor. A terrifying red light appeared on its face!

Gamabunta's body was bounced away by the armor!

Susanoo raised his fingers, and his two arms suddenly closed together, making a hand seal gesture, which shocked everyone present!

next moment!

Susanoo's body swelled again!

The blue Susanoo's body grew step by step, directly entering the complete state, and the armor on his body looked stronger and stronger!

A tall blue god of war stood at the back of Konoha. Its footsteps shook the whole of Konoha, and everyone saw its figure!

"Is this...Uchiha Madara?"

Orochimaru looked at the tall figure of the perfect Susanoo, and his body became a little stiff. The corner of his mouth was still forcing a smile, as if he didn't want to lose face: "The legendary power of Uchiha is really not to be underestimated. ah…"


Tsunade's arms were trembling, and she looked at Susanoo with some fear: "Its power...maybe enough to destroy Konoha..."

"Let's stop with the kid's fun..."

Uchiha Madara stood in Susanoo's crystal. From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the Konoha Sannin on the ground, and then looked at the figures running from a distance.

"Next, it's a game between adults..."

Uchiha Madara manipulated Susanoo to draw out the Ninja Sword, suddenly raised the Ninja Sword high, and slashed straight towards Konoha!

Before this sword strike was struck, the Sannin of Konoha were already aware of its terrifying power, but they were so frightened by the aura of the complete Susanoo that they did not dare to move!

"Madara, it's not good to bully children!"

A tall wooden man hurriedly emerged from the ground. The wooden man closed his hands and held up Susanoo's ninja sword with his bare hands, blocking the crisis of Konoha's destruction!

Senju Hashirama arrived just in time. While controlling the wooden figure to grab Susanoo's ninja sword, he looked back at the juniors in the village.

"Tsunade, are you okay?"


There was still some unresolved fear on Tsunade's face.

"You guys should step back first."

Qianju Tobirama fell beside them and said solemnly: "The next battle is not something you can participate in, nor is it even something we can participate in..."

"Yes, Second Grandpa..."

After Tsunade nodded, her face immediately turned ugly again: "Wait a minute, I have a question, have you always been controlled by Akihara Kagura..."

"Have you finally noticed..."

Senju Tobirama stared at Tsunade in front of him.


Tsunade frowned and asked in a deep voice: "Why didn't you tell me about this? Akihara Kagura has clearly never erased your will..."

"If we tell you everything and let that brat Akihara Kagura know that the Fifth Hokage of Konoha wants to kill him, can you kill that brat Akihara Kagura?"

Senju Tobirama looked at the frowning Tsunade and asked her a fatal question. He shook his head and sighed: "Now you have seen the consequences of falling out with that brat Akihara Kagura. We can only try our best to Find a way to hint and leave some information, I hope you can be alert as soon as possible and find a way to deal with that kid..."


Tsunade never made any move.

Tsunade's face looked a little unhappy. She tried hard to remember what Senju Tobirama hinted to her: "When...Second Grandpa, did you hint to me about Akihara Kagura?"

"Every time we have a meeting."

Senju Tobirama hugged his arms and said coldly: "Every time when we discuss matters in the Hokage Tower, I will specially mention that that brat Akihara Kagura does too extreme things. You don't understand what extreme means. ?"


Tsunade's expression suddenly became strange.

Everyone in Konoha and above knows that Akihara Kagura has an extreme personality and extreme methods of doing things. So what if she hears it?

Before she took over as Hokage, Jiraiya also told her that Akihara Kagura had an extreme personality and asked her to be more tolerant. After she took over as Hokage, two Hokage advisors also said that Akihara Kagura's behavior was extreme and asked her to be more tolerant...

Such words...

Tsunade has long been used to hearing this!

Senju Tobirama glanced at the fierce fighting between Bokuto and Susanoo, and continued to remind him in a cold voice: "Uchiha Madara is a little bit disobedient. That brat asked his elder brother to take care of it. You'd better take advantage of this opportunity to hurry up now." Click to seal us..."


After Senju Tobirama finished speaking, he added: "The Yondaime and I are both good at the flying thunder god technique. It's impossible for you to catch us, but you can seal the monkey..."


Sarutobi Hiruzen stood there hesitantly, glanced at the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama, and was unable to speak to refute the Second Hokage's words.

after all…

If the Second Hokage and the Fourth Hokage don't help, it seems that he really can't escape, and he is not as powerful as the First Hokage, and he is the easiest to be sealed...

While Sarutobi Hiruzen was still thinking about this, Tsunade, Jiraiya and Orochimaru looked at each other, and then all looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen.


Jiraiya suddenly threw a hidden weapon towards Sarutobi Hiruzen!

Sarutobi Hiruzen raised his hand and took the hidden weapon, and said in a husky voice: "Jiraiya, if you want to make a sneak attack..."

The next second.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice suddenly stopped.

Because after the old man stretched out his palm, he actually saw a bell in his palm. This kind of bell carries the memories of many Konoha ninjas during their genin days.

"You idiot..."

Tsunade glared at Jiraiya, feeling that this guy was just being nosy: "At this time, if there are still such messes, seal the old man up quickly!"

"It can be considered a kind of memory..."

Jiraiya glanced at Tsunade sheepishly.

"That's not bad."

Orochimaru did not object to Jiraiya's behavior. His eyes were fixed on his teacher, and his fingers seemed to be unable to hold back and wanted to do something.

"Okay, okay..."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked at the bell in his hand, then looked at his three disciples, with a smile on his face: "Then, let's start the last test now. If you seal me, it will be treated as Your assessment passed..."


The Konoha Sannin heard the old man's pretending to be relaxed, but their faces gradually became a little heavy. They recalled the past when they were brought up by this old man.

The Sannin of Konoha are different from other ninjas.

Because they graduated from ninja school at a very young age, they followed Sarutobi Hiruzen almost at a very young age until they became jounin and participated in the war.

"The last test begins!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen shook the bell in his hand and rushed towards his disciples. A shuriken appeared in his hand and he threw it directly towards them!

"Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

"Shuriken Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

Orochimaru also quickly threw a shuriken, his fingers quickly joined hands to form hand seals, and he immediately returned the favor to his teacher!

"Fire Release: Fire Dragon Flame Bullet!"

Jiraiya opened his mouth and spit out a ball of flames towards Sarutobi Hiruzen!

This is no ordinary ninja test in the past. Hiruzen Sarutobi is the reincarnation of the dirt, so there is no need to worry about his death. What they have to do is defeat this old man as soon as possible!

"Ninja Technique·Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen quickly joined his hands to form a seal, creating two shadow clones!

One of the shadow clones raised his hand and released the Fire Dragon Flame Bomb, blocking Jiraiya's attack!

Faced with the long-term cooperation of the Konoha Sannin, only by fighting separately can we have hope of victory, although Sarutobi Hiruzen does not want to win in his heart...


Tsunade punched the ground!

The ground suddenly cracked and turned into a mass of ruins. The two shadow clones of Sarutobi Hiruzen turned into smoke and dissipated under Tsunade's strange punch!

next moment!

The Konoha Sannin rushed towards Sarutobi Hiruzen from three directions!

A long snake grew out of Orochimaru's arm and directly tied up Sarutobi Hiruzen's body. Tsunade waved her fist towards Sarutobi Hiruzen. Jiraiya took out a scroll from his side and made a hand knot. Yin prepares the sealing technique.

"Sarutobi-sensei, goodbye."

The Konoha Sannin looked at his teacher, his eyes becoming extremely complicated.

They were all ninjas brought up by Hiruzen Sarutobi. They had once questioned their teachers, and even opposed their teachers, but in the end, most of them understood their teachers.

This teacher always likes to talk about the inheritance of the Will of Fire, likes to say that the hope of Konoha's future lies in the younger generations, and likes to talk nonsense in the ninja school.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's body was shattered...

Jiraiya stretched out a scroll, wrapped it around Sarutobi Hiruzen's body, and sealed his teacher directly within the scroll!

Until the last moment when he was sealed, Sarutobi Hiruzen still had a smile on his lips, and he said the last words to his disciples.

"Congratulations... you passed the test."

It's too late, it's too late...

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