Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 316 Three Uchiha, the return journey of the Mighty Mangekyō Sharingan

Uchiha Madara felt a little more relaxed.

Although he failed in this battle, he found a way to defeat Akihara Kagura, although this method sounded a bit slim.


As long as there is a glimmer of hope…

Uchiha Madara will never give up!

Just when Uchiha Madara was about to leave here, a time and space vortex suddenly appeared in front of him, raised his hand and cut his throat with a knife!


Uchiha Madara's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he clasped the wrist of Uchiha Obito who attacked him, but his palm fell into the air, because Uchiha Obito's body entered the divine power when he fought back. state!


Such attacks are ultimately ineffective.

Uchiha Madara raised his finger and directly controlled the spell in Uchiha Obito's body, causing the man who wanted revenge to fall to the ground clutching his heart!

"I don't have time for these boring battles with you..."

Uchiha Madara kicked Uchiha Obito away and said in a cold voice: "Obito, you should know that it is not because of me that this happened, but because of this world where war never stops. You and I are just Just one of those ninjas who couldn't escape the war..."


Uchiha Obito's body stiffened.

Because he knew what Uchiha Madara said was right...


What has he done now!

What can he do now!

Now that the Eye of the Moon plan is fake, apart from assassinating Madara Uchiha to avenge Nohara Rin, his companion who was once manipulated to die, what else can be done to change everything?


Hatake Kakashi finally rushed over and put his hand on Uchiha Obito's shoulder. He looked at Uchiha Madara in front of him with some complicated emotions.


A figure appeared next to Hatake Kakashi!

Uchiha Sasuke saw that only Uchiha Madara was left in front of him, and couldn't help but frown: "Kagura...Akihara Kagura...have you left?"


Uchiha Madara glanced at Uchiha Sasuke. He saw the way Uchiha Sasuke appeared, and he suddenly had an idea in his mind: "While there is still time now, go and activate your Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan! Maybe that guy In the battle to destroy the ninja world, the Flying Thunder God and a pair of Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan can also be of some use..."

Time and space magic is a problem.

Akihara Kagura is also a time and space magician who is good at flying thunder gods.

Uchiha Madara is very aware of how short the time he has to defeat Akihara Kagura in the future, especially if Akihara Kagura is defeated, he can use the Flying Thunder God to escape...


Uchiha Sasuke, the flying thunder magician, is very useful...

At least when that guy Akihara Kagura wants to escape during the three-hour cooldown of the limited yellow spring eye technique, Uchiha Sasuke can help chase him...

"Does he really want to destroy the ninja world?"

Hatake Kakashi still didn't want to believe it all.


Uchiha Madara slowly shook his head. He did not agree with Kakashi Hatake's statement. He preferred another statement: "That guy... wants to create a new world... kill everyone like the Sage of Six Paths. , create a new ninja world!"


Hatake Kakashi's eyelids twitched.

Isn’t this still the end of the world? Could the statement be any different?


"Six Paths Immortal is wrong..."

Uchiha Madara didn't think Akihara Kagura's approach was right, and said coldly: "The Sage of Six Paths who once created the world would not have expected that the ninja world would be a thousand years later, and wars and disputes would still not stop, so that kid's approach It’s wrong…”


Uchiha Madara also thought about the plan for a while after getting it from Akihara Kagura.

However, Uchiha Madara saw the results of the Creation Plan a thousand years later, so he thought Akihara Kagura's idea was outdated...


Hatake Kakashi must also know that Akihara Kagura is wrong. He just helped Uchiha Obito and said softly: "We must return to Konoha first and report what happened here to Lord Hokage."


Uchiha Madara stopped Uchiha Sasuke and took the initiative to invite: "If you are interested, I know that Uchiha Itachi's eyes are in your hands, and I can teach you how to use and develop the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan during this period of time. Ability, your power will be very helpful in preventing that guy from destroying the ninja world in the future..."


Uchiha Sasuke fell silent for a moment.


It seems that I have no better choice.

Akihara Kagura fired herself from the root, and it seemed that she never thought about defecting with herself...

What would happen even if he returned to Konoha? The roots are no longer there, and all his people have left. The former high-ranking officials of Konoha are still one of the murderers who destroyed Uchiha...


Hatake Kakashi immediately agreed to help Uchiha Sasuke, and winked at Uchiha Sasuke: "Sasuke, follow Uchiha Madara... to learn training, then this will be your first mission when you return to Class 7. …”


Uchiha Sasuke nodded subconsciously.

Hatake Kakashi arranged for Uchiha Sasuke to stay with Uchiha Madara. Naturally, not only did Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Madara practice, the most important purpose was to monitor Uchiha Madara, a dangerous man, because this guy was also a conspiracy maker…

"Let's go back to Konoha first..."

Hatake Kakashi is about to return with Uchiha Obito.

"Let's keep this guy Obito too..."

Uchiha Madara looked at Uchiha Obito coldly, and said in a cold voice: "Although I controlled your fate behind your back, the things you did after you gained power... it should be impossible for you to continue to stay in Konoha. Alright?"

"what you up to?"

Uchiha Obito raised his head coldly, with still some hatred in his eyes.

If it weren't for Uchiha Madara and the Eye of the Moon plan, Nohara Rin would not have died, and Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato would not have died in his hands...


Nor will it cause the Nine-Tails Rebellion...

There won't be so many tragedies happening in Konoha Village...


The first generation Akatsuki organized a group of people who wanted peace...

Uchiha Obito's brain was in chaos. He kept recalling his past in his mind, recalling all the things he had done in the past bit by bit...

Those ones…

All are errors!

"I just want to control you and do one last thing..."

Uchiha Madara stared at Uchiha Obito, and his eyes became a little dark: "I will lend you a reincarnation eye, so that you can use the reincarnation technique to completely destroy those guys reincarnated in Akihara Kagura's dirty land. Come back to life..."

This is not an outpouring of kindness from Madara Uchiha.

It's because Uchiha Madara knows that those ninjas reincarnated in the dirty land are controlled by Akihara Kagura, including the flying thunder magician Namikaze Minato and the idiot Senju Hashirama. They will definitely cause a lot of trouble in battles in the future. …


That insidious villain Senju Tojama...

All of these people are characters who can influence the situation of the war...

If Uchiha Madara wants to maximize his chances of defeating Akihara Kagura in the future, he must avoid all possible factors that may help Akihara Kagura...

Once these people are completely resurrected, they will definitely not side with Akihara Kagura. They can even cause trouble for Akihara Kagura and gain opportunities for themselves to become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki!


He defeated Akihara Kagura...

He could also ruthlessly kill the insidious villain Senju Tobirama. He had wanted to do this for a long time, but he didn't expect that he would still have a chance after his resurrection...


Hatake Kakashi's eyes were suddenly shocked!

Hatake Kakashi didn't know that Uchiha Madara had some divergent thoughts. He just thought for the first time what the resurrection of the Hokage would mean!


Uchiha Obito's heart trembled. This was not because of the spell in his heart, but because he clearly knew that among those who were reincarnated by Akihara Kagura's dirty soil...

There is a very important person...

An extremely important person to his life!

The Fourth Hokage…Minato Namikaze!

If I do this again now, might it be able to atone for my past sins a little bit?

Once you use the art of reincarnation, you will definitely die...

However, this life is already dispensable. If it is used to resurrect his teacher Minato Namikaze, he does not reject Uchiha Madara's proposal...


Uchiha Obito suddenly stretched out his palm and squeezed his eyes hard, and blood flowed out of his eyes instantly!

Uchiha Obito has two eyes in his eye sockets, one is his Kamui Mangekyō Sharingan, and the other is his transplanted ordinary Sharingan.

Uchiha Obito stretched out his palm towards Kakashi Hatake. He handed his powerful Mangekyō Sharingan to Kakashi Hatake: "Take this eye back with you..."

"Once I use the art of reincarnation, my life will come to an end. This Sharingan will be of no use to me. The rest will be left to you..."

When Uchiha Obito said this, he suddenly laughed: "Don't worry, this time it won't be the same as last time. I won't cause you any more trouble..."


There was actually a drop of cold sweat on Hatake Kakashi's forehead.


It's like a reincarnation.

Kakashi Hatake remembered the battle at Kannabi Bridge...

The boy who was once crushed by a stone and seriously injured and on the verge of death while trying to save himself, entrusted his eyes to himself, hoping that he could protect Lin...


How familiar is this scene?

There was a sense of pain in Kakashi Hatake's heart. This former best friend was leaving again. Maybe this time they would never see each other again...

"Protect this world."

Obito Uchiha looked at Kakashi Hatake with the three-magatama Sharingan he had transplanted. He ignored the blood flowing out of his other eye and whispered: "The Eye of the Moon plan is fake, everything is fake." Yes, this world will soon face a disaster..."

"For me, my life has no meaning. I should have died on the day of Kannabi Bridge, but I did many wrong things by mistake..."

"Now I want to entrust everything to you just like in the past. I want to entrust you with my eyes again. With my eyes... protect this world..."

"Protect this well..."

When Uchiha Obito said the last thing, he took a deep breath and mentioned the person he once loved the most.

"The world where Lin once existed..."

"I see."

Hatake Kakashi stretched out his palm and took the eyes in Uchiha Obito's hand: "I will use your look at the world well..."

"You can also try transplanting Hashirama's cells."

Uchiha Madara looked at Hatake Kakashi and said coldly: "If it succeeds, it may make it easier for you to use his eyes. Ordinary people who want to use Uchiha's eyes have to endure greater pain than Uchiha." burden…"

For Uchiha Madara, any time and space magician is very helpful. After he defeats Akihara Kagura in the future, this group of time and space magicians can help contain and arrest people.

The final battle of the ninja world...

Perhaps it will be the last battle in this ninja world!

Uchiha Madara knew very well that as long as his plot to become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki was revealed, Akihara Kagura would never give him a second chance!

That battle…

It will be your last chance!

"Where do we go now?"

Uchiha Sasuke looked at Uchiha Madara.

As if by fate, this group of Uchihas who had abandoned their own race came together strangely at this moment, and there was even hatred between them.


Uchiha Madara thought for a while and remembered the heretic demon that he had sealed outside Konoha Village. He planned to go back to Konoha first and said, "We will also go back to Konoha first to help you transplant Uchiha Itachi's eyes and open the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan." Eyes are useful…”

"Speaking of which..."

Uchiha Madara seemed to have thought of something, and took the initiative to ask: "Sasuke, what kind of pupil technique does your Mangekyō Sharingan activate? If there are two good pupil techniques..."

"It's just a time and space technique..."

Uchiha Sasuke didn't seem to want to answer this question.

If possible, Uchiha Sasuke wouldn't even want to open the Mangekyō Sharingan, because the eye skills of the Mangekyō Sharingan seemed to tell him...

something lost...

Will never come back again.

The home I left…

It's never possible to go back.

"Time and space?"

Uchiha Madara immediately became interested.

However, Uchiha Madara saw that Uchiha Sasuke was not very interested and did not want to bring up this topic again. Make this little guy who looks like his brother feel uncomfortable.

Konoha Village.

Everything was as Uchiha Madara expected.

When Madara Uchiha came back and opened the seal of the Earth Blast Star, the demon statue of the outsider that was originally sealed inside had already disappeared without a trace, and seemed to have been channeled by Akihara Kagura.

"Psychic art."

Uchiha Madara tried to use the Samsara Eye to channel the heretic demon again, but it had no effect. It was probably Akihara Kagura who used unknown means to prevent the channeling technique.


Uchiha Sasuke was a little surprised.

"It seems that the heretic demon is controlled by that guy..."

Uchiha Madara shook his head, but he was not too depressed in his heart. He was still planning his plan secretly: "If I can't become the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki before the war begins... I must first protect the remaining tailed beasts... to welcome The final battle that guy is about to launch..."

Second update!

Everyone go to bed early!

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