Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 328 Catastrophe! Hatake Kakashi caught up

Chapter 328 Catastrophe! Hatake Kakashi caught up...

Akihara Kagura.

Heretic·Akihara Kagura.

This is the body other than the Six Paths Puppet.

At this moment, the 100,000 ninja coalition saw Akihara Kagura standing on a high tower overlooking, and recalled the fear this person had brought to them.

This man once single-handedly captured the ninja villages of four major countries, and regarded the Hidden Leaf Village, the strongest in the ninja world, as a plaything in his hands. Even the ownership of the position of Hokage became his conspiracy.


Akihara Kagura, who appeared with the psychic technique of the beastly Hanzo, looked down at the boundless ninja coalition as if she had never seen the world.

A faint smile appeared on Akihara Kagura's lips, and she said with satisfaction: "You have gathered too many people, and I am almost shocked by your efficiency..."


Uchiha Madara sneered and glanced contemptuously at the pale-faced Tsunade and the others: "You can just deceive children like the Five Shadows by saying this!"

After finishing speaking, Uchiha Madara's eyes suddenly became serious, staring at Akihara Kagura in front of him: "Kid, what is the purpose of using the ninja coalition to gather all the ninjas in the ninja world here? You want to resurrect history. Is it Kaguya on the record?”

"At least not today..."

Akihara Kagura raised a finger and shook it gently. He continued with a smile: "I'm just worried that the ninja alliance will fall apart in the quarrel, so I came here to help you so that you can fight in the war. Mutual understanding before the official opening…”


A group of people looked at each other in confusion.

What nonsense is this guy talking about?

"Human beings cannot understand each other."

Akihara Kagura looked at the ninja coalition under the tower with a chuckle, and continued: "Even if they have to gather because of orders from superiors, it is just a superficial effort after all..."


"Humans can understand fear."

The smile on the corner of Akihara Kagura's mouth gradually became terrifying, and he stretched out his arms: "As long as everyone knows fear, then they can barely understand each other..."

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

Gaara, the Fifth Kazekage, was the youngest and still had the blood of a young man. The sand gourd behind his back instantly turned into a piece of yellow sand and rolled towards Akihara Kagura and Sansho Hanzo!

Akihara Kagura's eyes raised, revealing his Samsara Eye. The yellow sand in the sky hit and stopped within a foot of Akihara Kagura and Sansho Hanzo, as if a protection appeared around them. Same as the cover!

The pupil technique of the reincarnation eye...

The limited-time air seal appears in this world for the first time!

The limited-time air-sealing technique of the Samsara Eye can not only be used as a cage, but also as a defensive ability. It can block any attack that is weaker than Akihara Kagura!

Gaara controlled the yellow sand and tried desperately to squeeze the defensive shield around Akihara Kagura, but he couldn't break through it no matter what. The yellow sand swept away like a huge wave, but it finally shook the hard mountain. wall!

The Fourth Raikage Ai swung his fist at Akihara Kagura and punched the barrier hard, as if he felt like he punched steel!

Tsunade slowly stretched out her palm, as if touching the edge of a barrier. Her fist glowed with chakra, and the tyrannical force hit the barrier, but there was still no sign of the barrier breaking. !

"Is this the pupil technique of that brat's reincarnation eye?"

Uchiha Madara's eyes narrowed, and he lent one of his Rinnegan Eyes to Obito Uchiha. Even if he wanted the Rinnegan, he could only use the shadow of a Rinne clone.


Also try it out!

A Rinnomb clone flew out of Uchiha Madara's Rinnegan eyes, and punched Akihara Kagura's barrier, but it was unable to shake the barrier at all!

"Cannot be broken..."

Uchiha Madara frowned. Is Akihara Kagura's Samsara Eye Barrier a technique similar to a defensive barrier?

If it is a defensive technique...

Then the defense of the barrier must have limits...


There seemed to be no one present who could break through that barrier.

Kakashi Hatake, who was under the tower, noticed this scene immediately. He tried to raise his eyes, wanting to use his divine power to quietly attack Akihara Kagura!


Kamui's space ability was like a mud cow entering the sea, without making any waves at all, which made Kakashi Hatake's heart tremble!

"The divine power...has failed..."

This is Hatake Kakashi’s biggest trump card!

"No need to try."

Akihara Kagura stood in the protective barrier that was closed for a limited time, smiled softly and said: "Let me do some serious work first!"

Akihara Kagura spread her palms, ignoring the attacks of everyone present, and gently closed her palms together: "Wood Release: The Birth of the Tree Realm!"

Roots and vines spread from the tower. In an instant, the entire tower was covered with a layer of dense vines. The thick vines were like long snakes, heading towards the 100,000 ninja coalition below. Rushed forward!

"Spread out!"

Onoki, the Third Tsuchikage, flew up, raised his palm and condensed the dust escape to defeat dozens of vines, but he was unable to stop the growth and spread of the vines!

The 100,000-strong ninja coalition quickly planned to flee!


Most ninjas cannot escape the attack of vines!

The vines turned into fast-moving wooden dragons. The vine roots left behind where the wooden dragons swam instantly entangled each ninja, tying them directly to the tree and absorbing their energy. Chakra!

The Five Kages on the tower, Jiraiya and others don't care about getting entangled with Akihara Kagura!

The Fourth Raikage jumped down, with a ball of blue Thunder Chakra floating on his arm, as if it were a sharp blade, constantly cutting through the vines, and rescued the man who was tied to the tree and unable to move. The ninja!

A wooden dragon seemed to have noticed the Fourth Raikage's actions, and its body suddenly turned over and crashed straight into the Fourth Raikage!

"Thunder Plow Hot Knife!"

The Fourth Raikage raised his arm, and the Thunder Chakra in his body had almost been released to the limit. His body deflected the impact of the wooden dragon, and his elbow hit the wooden dragon's head hard, forcefully Killed a wooden dragon!


The moment the wooden dragon fell to the ground...

The huge dragon body began to spread...

The vines turned into more wooden dragons, surrounding the Fourth Raikage!

"The art of boundary stripping cannot be used here..."

The Third Tsuchikage Onoki looked at the ninjas tied to the trees one by one, and felt a little uneasy. His technique was so powerful that it would indeed destroy the forest in an area...


Dust Release will also kill ninjas tied up in the forest!

Cries for help echoed throughout the forest. There were so many ninja allies that they could cut off the roots of incoming vines when they acted together in groups...


The forest's counterattack soon followed.

A tree man of different shapes gradually appeared in the forest.

The entire forest seemed to come alive with the support of Akihara Kagura's chakra. Strange tree men appeared in the forest. These countless tree men of different sizes quickly broke down the defenses of the ninjas.

A tree man, who was almost the same size as a human, stretched out vines to grab a group of ninjas. When he tied these ninjas to himself, his body quickly turned into a thick tree!

This kind of thing keeps happening in the forest...

Treemen appear one after another, making it impossible to stop them...

Even if a team of ninjas are lucky enough to defeat the tree people, they can't change the outcome at all, because the moment the tree people die, more powerful tree people will be born!

The wooden dragon in the forest is still swimming back and forth, actively assisting the tree people to defeat groups of powerful ninjas...

Akihara Kagura…

It seems that he will defeat the ninja alliance by himself!

As for Uchiha Madara…

Uchiha Madara doesn't care about the life and death of the ninja coalition below. He is more concerned about how to break the pupil technique of the Rinnegan, because the protection of the barrier is very strong, even stronger than the Uchiha clan's barrier fire array!


This is still an awkward time...

Uchiha Madara was not at his strongest.

Want to break through Akihara Kagura's barrier...

Maybe we need to use Sasuke's time and space technique...

the most important is…

Uchiha Madara suspected that Akihara Kagura had other conspiracies. He wanted to take Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Obito directly to the place where the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki and the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki were hiding, because that was the final battlefield!

If nothing else...

After Akihara Kagura entangled the ninja alliance here and couldn't move, she would definitely want to take away the two Jinchuuriki!

Uchiha Madara glanced at Uchiha Sasuke who was still fighting below, and no longer paid attention to Akihara Kagura's wanton rampage. He jumped down and disappeared in an instant. While the guy was still arrogant here, he went to intercept it first. Take two jinchūriki!

On top of the tower.

"There are a lot of people..."

Akihara Kagura felt the chakra continuously pouring into her body from the vines under her feet, and then quickly flowed into the body of the Ten Tails in her body, and took a long breath of satisfaction.

One hundred thousand ninja coalition...

This is an experience I've never had before!

While observing the progress of chakra absorption, Akihara Kagura carefully guarded against the resurgence of the Ten-Tails body in her body: "A little bit left is enough..."

If his Ten-Tails is resurrected early, Akihara Kagura doesn't know what changes will happen if he truly becomes the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki. It is inevitable that the new boss of Black Zetsu will have some grudge in his heart, and there is a high probability that he will doubt himself...

Now the resurrection progress of the Ten-Tails body has reached a critical point. It only needs to flow a little chakra from the body to the Ten-Tails body, which is enough to revive the Ten-Tails.

This trump card...

It must not be opened at this time!

The place where the ninja coalition gathered was a desert. At this time, it had become a vast forest, and the big trees in the forest were full of ninjas.

The chakra in Akihara Kagura's body was so huge that the vines in the forest continued to attack. Except for a few powerful ninjas who could resist and struggle, most other ninjas had lost the ability to resist.


Kakashi Hatake breathed heavily and looked at Akihara Kagura who was still controlling the vines. The divine power in his eyes, the Mangekyō Sharingan, tried its best to absorb Akihara Kagura's body and prevent Akihara Kagura's technique, but the divine power did not exist at all. Any way to penetrate Akihara Kagura's barrier!

"Kakashi, is it still okay?"

Sarutobi Asuma is still protecting Hatake Kakashi. They are approaching the limit under the siege of vines, and more and more vines are coming!


A vine grabbed Kakashi Hatake's direction!

A beheading sword suddenly cut off the vine and blocked the vine's attack. Momochi looked at Hatake Kakashi unhappily: "What are you doing here, the commander of the third unit? I just accepted the subordinates." They have all been arrested..."

"No, I thought of it!"

Hatake Kakashi quickly thought of an idea. He ignored Momochi Zabuza and rushed straight towards the tower, wanting to enter the state of divine power and approach Akihara Kagura in a different space!

"You bastard…"

Mochi Zabuza cursed secretly.

After Kakashi Hatake left, Mochi Zabuza was unhappy and cut off the vines with Sarutobi Asuma beside him, rescuing the people tied to the tree.


Their approach seems to be a drop in the bucket.

The almost endless number of vines made it impossible for them to compete!

The most terrifying thing is that there are swimming wooden dragons and walking wooden men in the forest. Any ninja who wants to resist in the forest will be directly defeated by them!


Gradually spread in the forest.

One hundred thousand ninja coalition troops were trapped in this man-made forest. They were attacked anytime and anywhere, and people were tied to trees at all times.


The body of Medicine Master Noonoyu was also tied to the tree. The director of the Konoha Orphanage had never seen such a strange situation before, and she still felt a little uneasy and panicked!

"Dean, don't worry..."

Yakushi Kabuto saw that Yakushi Nonou was not in danger. He looked at the tiny vines that were slowly growing towards him. He showed no intention of resisting at all. He just stretched out his arms and allowed the vines to sweep him away. Tied to a tree.

Kabuto Yakushi didn't feel his chakra being absorbed. He even saw a small flower growing on the vine, and the flower exuded a refreshing fragrance.

"After this catastrophe..."

"Will new life grow stubbornly?"

Kabuto Yakushi seemed to be communicating with the flowers. He looked at the flower that bloomed in front of him and swayed slightly, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared in his eyes!

Kabuto Yakushi pondered for a while, thinking about Akihara Kagura's actions towards him and Yakushi Nonou, and then changed his words: "Then...will there be a catastrophe?"


Flowers bloomed in the forest.

In the murderous forest, amid the cry for help from the Ninja Alliance, colorful flowers suddenly bloomed in the entire forest.

This scene…

It seems particularly irritating to the eyes.

However, Kabuto Yakushi had long been accustomed to it. He seemed to understand what Akihara Kagura was doing, and looked at the flowers blooming in the forest with a smile.

"Do I need to do anything more?"


The flowers in the forest are swaying in unison.

This war is no longer something Kabuto Yakushi should be involved in.

On top of the tower.

Akihara Kagura released her closed palms.

The purpose of this trip has been achieved, and his eyes fell on Hanzo, the Sanshouyu next to him: "Let's go, let's find the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki and Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki they have hidden..."

"All right…"

As the commander-in-chief of the Ninja Alliance, Sanho Hanzo knew all the information about the Ninja Alliance, and naturally knew the whereabouts of the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki Kirabi and the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki Uzumaki Naruto. The two Jinchuuriki were hiding in a waterfall for training.

Akihara Kagura lifted the time-limited air seal, put her hand on Sanshouyu Hanzo, and instantly wanted to use the Flying Thunder God Technique to leave here.


A strange time and space fluctuation came into contact with the space fluctuation of the Flying Thunder God's technique, and the two techniques suddenly resolved at the same time!


Hatake Kakashi gasped and stood in front of Akihara Kagura. His eyes were a pair of scarlet Mangekyō Sharingan: "I finally got here..."

Akihara Kagura single-handedly wiped out the ninja alliance here, and he is about to capture the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki and the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki. Once he succeeds, the difficulty of the matter will be unimaginable...


Catch up and stop this guy yourself!



Did you catch up?

Make up for it…

Recently, some people say that I am lazy, but there are still many people who have not arranged anything, and I feel a little impatient...

I want to be steady and write slowly...

After all, Naruto is coming to an end, and there is only one last climax left.

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