Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 332 A fight between a family of three! Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara dance together!

Black definitely doesn't trust Akihara Kagura enough.

Black Zetsu never trusts Kagura, but has to rely on Akihara Kagura. It knows that Akihara Kagura wants to use Kaguya to solve the problem of the Six Paths Sage who may still exist.

Of course.

Akihara Kagura can't show too much trust in Black Zetsu.

Because trusting Black Zetsu too much will make Black Zetsu feel too fake. It just so happens that Uchiha Obito's Kamui Space is a safe place. Akihara Kagura wants to get the Kamui Space to ensure her own safety after Kaguya's resurrection.

Black Jue…

I must have believed it.

Black Zetsu was also secretly cursing Akihara Kagura's stupidity.

Kaguya's resurrection requires the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki as a sacrifice. Does this idiot Akihara Kagura think that Kaguya can be resurrected by using the Ten-Tails and a large amount of chakra!

As long as Akihara Kagura chooses to become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, she is destined to be unable to escape the fate of becoming a sacrifice. There is no use hiding anywhere at that time!

"The Yondaime of Konoha!"

Uchiha Madara immediately ignored Uchiha Obito's life and death and ordered in a cold voice: "Bring me Obito's Rinnegan quickly. I need to gather all the Rinnegans to fight!"


When Namikaze Minato was hesitant.

Senju Tobirama's figure instantly appeared next to Namikaze Minato, reached out directly to grab Uchiha Obito's body, and took off Uchiha Obito's eyes!


Uchiha Madara's eyelids twitched!

Uchiha Madara didn't expect Senju Tobirama, a bastard, to strike first, and he didn't expect Senju Tobirama to directly grab his eyes. Would this bastard give him his eyes?

to be honest…

With the feud between the two of them…

Uchiha Madara is still secretly wanting to kill Senju Tobirama!

"your eyes."

Senju Tobirama threw Uchiha Madara's eyes at him with a look of disgust on his face.

At this time, Uchiha Madara's combat power is crucial, and Senju Tobirama will not let the small lose the big. He knows very well that Akihara Kagura is the biggest threat!


Madara Uchiha snorted coldly, reached out unhappily to take the eye, stuffed the eye into his own socket, and regained his own eyes!

"As for Uchiha Obito..."

Senju Tobirama looked at Uchiha Obito and quickly closed his palms: "I have a technique that can trap Uchiha Obito's soul in his body. As long as his soul can never go to the underworld, Akihara Kagura can’t reincarnate him into filth…”


Namikaze Minato was immediately choked by Senju Tobirama.

The Second Hokage's methods...

Doesn't it seem a little cruel?

"I can unlock that forbidden technique..."

Akihara Kagura shrugged and looked at Senju Tobirama: "Second Hokage-sama, I have developed ways to break all your forbidden arts..."

"Ignore Obito."

Madara Uchiha stopped Senju Tobirama from meddling in his own business with a cold voice, and said: "You two will leave with the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki and Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki on this island first..."

The most important thing now is the Eight-Tails Jinchuuriki and the Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki. No accident can happen to them no matter what!


Namikaze Minato and Senju Tobirama were completely resurrected and got rid of the control of the Reincarnation of the Earth. Then let the two of them take away the two Jinchuuriki and leave this battlefield to him and Senju Hashirama. The two of them will deal with Akihara God. happy!


Rabbi Kiri, the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki, said quickly: "Don't leave yet! Naruto is still there! Go and monitor! Don't let the Kyuubi lose control!"

"Naruto is still inside undergoing a trial to capture the Nine-Tails chakra..."

Yamato quickly explained: "Because we were worried that he would be captured by Akihara Kagura, Hokage-sama...Tsunade-sama wanted him to have the power to protect himself, so we rushed to the trial place in Yunyin Village to let him try Seize the trial using the Nine-Tails chakra!"

"We dare not go in to resist Akihara Kagura, and Naruto is confident that he can deal with Kyuubi. We will help stop Kagura outside, but there will still be things out of control inside..."

"I know!"

Namikaze Minato immediately rushed into the waterfall quickly!

However, when Minato Namikaze entered the trial place deep in the waterfall, there seemed to be some violent behavior in his body. Namikaze Minato frowned, realizing the extraordinary nature of this trial place, and had to cross his legs. Sit down!


When Namikaze Minato sat down...

The fourth generation Hokage's consciousness entered a trial space, and he saw a familiar red-haired figure in the consciousness space with a blond boy fighting against the Nine-Tails that exuded an evil aura...


Uzumaki Naruto is in the critical stage of the trial!

After Uzumaki Naruto entered the trial site, he sat down cross-legged and unlocked the Nine-Tails seal. The chakra of his mother Uzumaki Kushina appeared at this time...

This is the first time Uzumaki Naruto sees his mother!

During the Nine-Tails Rebellion, Namikaze Minato, who was responsible for sealing the Nine-Tails in Uzumaki Naruto's body, also sealed part of his own and Uzumaki Kushina's chakra so that his son, Uzumaki Naruto, could see his parents...

And later…

Namikaze Minato was reincarnated and resurrected by the dirty earth. When he was ordered to teach Uzumaki Naruto to practice, he also renovated the seal in Uzumaki Naruto's body...

that time…

For the sake of safety, Namikaze Minato did not dare to completely open the seal, but reset the seal space to make it easier for Uzumaki Naruto to use the Nine-Tails Chakra...


The seal is completely broken!

Uzumaki Kushina's chakra is helping Uzumaki Naruto to surround Kyuubi and resolve the negative energy in Kyuubi's body!

However, at this critical stage, his father Namikaze Minato broke in and brought half of the terrifying Nine-tailed Chakra to the spiritual space of this trial place!

"Why is dad here..."

Before Uzumaki Naruto could defeat his Kyuubi, he saw his father Namikaze Minato rushing over, and he also saw the red chakra flying behind Namikaze Minato!

This is a strange coincidence.

Because Namikaze Minato also has half of the Nine-Tails sealed in his body!

The original Uzumaki Naruto was too young. In order to ensure that the Kyuubi would not lose control, Namikaze Minato used the power of death to split the Kyuubi into two halves. One half was sealed in Uzumaki Naruto's body, and the other half was sealed by Namikaze Minato. His body became a sacrifice to summon the God of Death!


Namikaze Minato was completely resurrected with half of the Nine-Tails, and happened to appear in the sealed place. The same source of chakra immediately integrated them into the same spiritual space...


Namikaze Minato was in no mood to pay attention to Kyuubi's negative chakra.


Namikaze Minato ignored his son. He immediately looked at the red-haired man, who could be called the fastest man in the ninja world, and his body slowly became sluggish.

That red hair…

Throughout his life!

Namikaze Minato remembered his heartbeat when he saw the red hair for the first time. They met and got to know each other from the ninja school, until they gradually became ninjas, understood and trusted each other, and then got married. Whether it was becoming Hokage or ultimately sacrificing for Konoha, that red hair The redhead is always by his side!

"Eh? Minato!"

Uzumaki Kushina saw the arrival of Minato Namikaze and smiled happily: "Now there is good news and bad news, which one do you want to listen to first!"

"Good news..."

Namikaze Minato chuckled.

"The good news is that our family is finally reunited!"

Uzumaki Kushina smiled happily, her eyes narrowed in laughter, and her chakra seemed to become active because she saw her husband and son!

"Where's the bad news?"

Minato Namikaze slowly walked towards her.

"Bad news..."

Uzumaki Naruto looked behind Namikaze Minato, looking at the red chakra behind Namikaze Minato, his expression suddenly became serious: "Now the negative energy of half the Nine-Tails in your body has also rushed over! Our family wants to We have to deal with two Kyuubi here!"

The words have not yet finished.

Within the strange space of this trial place.

The red chakra behind Namikaze Minato floated over quickly, and a huge nine-tails appeared, which looked a little dull; the nine-tails next to Uzumaki Naruto and Uzumaki Kushina were obviously brighter.

One yin and nine tails... one yang and nine tails!

The two huge Kyuubi roared at the family of three at the same time, saying the same sentence in unison. They were one!

"Seventeen years..."

"Uzumaki Kushina, Namikaze Minato, Uzumaki Naruto..."

"Your whole family is here, I will kill you here today!"


There was a hint of uneasiness in Uzumaki Naruto's eyes. Even a nine-tailed one seemed a bit troublesome to him, and his mother, Uzumaki Kushina, even helped tie it up!


There are actually two!

How to deal with two Kyuubi in the mental space?

"Don't worry."

Uzumaki Kushina seemed to feel the inner uneasiness of her child, stretched out her hand to ruffle her son's hair, and comforted him with a smile: "Follow mom and dad now, and help you deal with them!"

next moment!

Two Kyuubi rushed towards them at the same time!


Uzumaki Kushina opened her arms, and countless diamond chains flew out. Her eyes were resolute and firm: "Now is not the time for you to be arrogant!"

Diamond chains were tied to the legs of the two Kyuubi. The two Kyuubi were thrown to the ground at the same time. Namikaze Minato calmly and rationally ordered his son!

"Naruto, I'll take care of you!


next moment!

Two yellow-haired figures, one on the left and one on the right!

Namikaze Minato rushed towards Yin Kyuubi, his face showed the color of sage mode, and he ordered his son in a deep voice!

"Naruto, enter sage mode directly!"

"Sage Mode·Open!"

Uzumaki Naruto quickly closed his palms!

"Immortal Technique: Super Large Jade Spiral Multi-Ren Pill!"

The two father and son who turned on the sage mode at the same time rushed towards the two Kyuubi who fell to the ground at the same time. Two dense rasengan balls hit the two Kyuubi respectively!

next moment!

The two Nine Tails turned into chakra at the same time!

The chakra of two Nine-Tails fell into the bodies of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Naruto at the same time. The two of them mastered the Nine-Tails mode at the same time!


These two Kyuubi are just wisps of chakra from Yin Kyuubi and Yang Kyuubi!

When Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Naruto finished absorbing chakra, sealing gates appeared behind them at the same time, with a huge Nine-Tails sealed inside each!


There was a hint of mischief in Uzumaki Kushina's eyes, just like when the Kyuubi was sealed in her body many years ago: "This time, they are getting along with you!"


The two Kyuubi gnashed their teeth in unison.

"We may not be able to see each other again in the future..."

Uzumaki Kushina's chakra was like that of a little girl, waving her hands towards the nine-tailed one, then waving her hands towards that nine-tailed one, and said with a playful smile: "You two big guys must learn to fight with Minato and Minato. Naruto and the two of them should get along well!"

"You guy..."

The two Kyuubi looked at Uzumaki Kushina angrily!

This woman…

Clearly provoking them!


Namikaze Minato looked at Uzumaki Kushina's chakra, and his eyes suddenly dimmed. He knew what was going on with Uzumaki Kushina's chakra...

"Hey, by the way..."

Uzumaki Kushina's chakra seemed to have thought of something, and she said in surprise: "Minato, why are you here? Why has the chakra you left in the seal dissipated?"


Namikaze Minato didn't say anything, but he sighed in his heart.

Because of this kind of thing...

It's a bit too long to say...

Namikaze Minato had to start talking about it seventeen years ago, talking about the conspiracy of the Nine-Tails Rebellion, talking about the fact that the Nine-Tails Rebellion was caused by the long-dead Uchiha Obito, and talking about the Uchiha Obito. Earth is controlled by Uchiha Madara. Speaking of Uchiha Madara being controlled by Black Zetsu...

"It's all their fault..."

Uzumaki Kushina pouted her mouth in dissatisfaction and muttered: "It is clear that peace has finally come, but they have to cause so much trouble..."


Namikaze Minato nodded solemnly and explained more stories about Akihara Kagura to his wife: "These masterminds who used to take advantage of others are now being taken advantage of. The biggest crisis in the ninja world today is A person named Akihara Kagura, he took advantage of all these people with evil intentions, and even I was once manipulated by him..."


Uzumaki Kushina's mouth opened wide when she heard this.

The ninja world is so big...

The story of Akihara Kagura is truly rare.

Even when most people heard it for the first time, the stories of Black Zetsu, Uchiha Madara, Uchiha Obito and others were bizarre enough, but they inevitably became the stepping stones for Akihara Kagura and became Akihara. The toy in Kagura's hand.

Whether it is the five major ninja countries that side with the majority of the ninja world, or Uchiha Madara, a small conspirator, they have become tools for Akihara Kagura to achieve his own evil purposes.

"I want to stop Kagura."

Uzumaki Naruto heard the story about Akihara Kagura from his father for the first time. His eyes were still firm and unyielding: "I want to bring him back to Konoha!"

"Feel sorry…"

Uzumaki Naruto glanced at his father and then at his mother: "Because I haven't seen you since childhood, Kagura is like my elder brother..."

"But Akihara Kagura has never belonged to Konoha..."

Namikaze Minato looked at his son, hoping that his son could understand the difficulty of this matter: "Akihara Kagura's will is extremely firm. The Second Hokage said that no one can change his mind, and he will use any means to change his mind. Means to achieve one's own ends..."

"Naruto, if you really want him to return to Konoha and continue to be a Konoha ninja, this thing is even a thousand or ten thousand times more difficult than for you to become Hokage..."

This kind of thing...

It’s much harder than becoming Hokage!

Because there are only five Hokages in Konoha, each Hokage has not escaped the palm of Akihara Kagura. Even Tsunade has become Akihara Kagura's tool to control the ninja world.

"go a head."

Uzumaki Kushina patted Uzumaki Naruto's head, smiled playfully and encouraged: "When a man grows up, he always has to do something that others can't do!"

After saying that, Uzumaki Kushina's chakra slowly dimmed, and she was still smiling, as if she didn't want to make her husband and son sad: "Okay, you go and stop the ninja world from being destroyed. I’m going to take a long nap!”


Namikaze Minato's heart ached.


Uzumaki Naruto felt a pain in his heart.


Uzumaki Kushina stretched out her arms and hugged her two relatives. Her eyes finally shed tears: "Our family can't hide here all the time. Those people are still fighting outside. !”


"you have grown up…"

"Then do what you think is right..."


"Now that you have been resurrected..."

"Then you have to live well and help me see Naruto get married and see Naruto have his own children. I want to see many, many more. You have to stay in this world and help me watch..."


Uzumaki Naruto nodded slowly, tears streaming down his face.


Namikaze Minato frowned, but said nothing.


Uzumaki Kushina's chakra finally gently hugged her husband and son. Her palms patted the shoulders of Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Naruto. A satisfied smile hung on the corner of her mouth and slowly dissipated in her spirit. within space…


Uzumaki Naruto lowered his head and wiped his red eyes. His tears had not even been wiped clean, as if they would never be wiped clean.

"let's go."

Namikaze Minato clenched his fists and whispered: "Naruto, there are more important things to do now, don't let your mother down!"

Beyond the Falls.

Two figures blocked the entrance of the waterfall.

Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama stood together, preventing Akihara Kagura from approaching.

Senju Hashirama touched his arms from time to time, glanced at Akihara Kagura standing opposite them, and cautiously said: "Although he has come to life and the chakra in his body is at its peak, I feel that this guy is still Better than me..."

"Humph, this is normal..."

Uchiha Madara snorted contemptuously and said unhappily: "This kid just luckily used your cells to activate the immortal body. He can't be the opponent of the two of us. If you lose, try your best to stop him." …”

"Eh? What about you?"

Senju Hashirama looked at Uchiha Madara in surprise.

"I can only take a gamble..."

Uchiha Madara thought of what he was about to do, and his voice gradually became heavier, because the history on the Uchiha Stone Tablet had been modified, and the bark of the Senju Clan also reminded him of the dangers of becoming a Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, saying Maybe you might risk your life!

"Want to take a gamble?"

Senju Hashirama touched his pocket, as if he wanted to find something in his pocket, but he actually found something!

"Isn't it inappropriate at this time?"

Senju Hashirama inexplicably took out two dice and handed them to Uchiha Madara: "Madara, if you want to bet on something, I will lend you my luck..."


A cross vein appeared on Uchiha Madara's forehead, and he was holding back the urge to curse: "Your there anyone worse than you?"


Senju Hashirama threw the two dice to Uchiha Madara, with a confident smile on his face: "I have been losing all my life before I die, so my luck is only to win this time?"


Madara Uchiha reached out and took the two dice and stuffed them into his clothes. A slight smile appeared on his face: "Humph, I'll just believe you this time!"


"The two of us may not lose!"

Uchiha Madara raised his finger, looked at Akihara Kagura coldly, and his voice became serious: "Get ready!"

"I see!"

Senju Hashirama clenched his fists, and a substantial amount of chakra suddenly appeared on his body: "Then I'll go first, Madara!"

next moment!

Senju Hashirama took the lead in rushing towards Akihara Kagura!

Uchiha Madara followed closely behind Senju Hashirama!

The two unparalleled heroes who once dominated the Warring States Period had joined forces once before, and that time they jointly founded Konoha, the number one ninja village...

After many years...

Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama finally join forces again!

This time…

What they want to challenge is the most powerful man of this era!

Akihara Kagura never looked at them. She seemed to be closing her eyes to rest before the battle began. She had been sensing these two extremely terrifying chakras quickly approaching her attack range, and then her eyes suddenly opened in an instant!

next moment!

Akihara Kagura went straight to meet him!

A wave of water formed on the entire waterfall lake!

The three people collided with each other in an instant, three chakras gathered in an instant, and a huge wave rose into the sky!

Senju Hashirama rushed directly towards Akihara Kagura!

Uchiha Madara's body jumped into the air, and he clasped Akihara Kagura's head with one hand. As if like a deadly assassin, the two of them attacked Akihara Kagura up and down!

Akihara Kagura's movements were sharp and fast. She clasped Senju Hashirama's wrist with her left hand and grabbed Senju Hashirama's shoulder with her right hand. She jumped up directly with the help of the force and kicked Uchiha Madara's body. Uchiha Madara in the sky was kicked out!

"This guy…"

Senju Hashirama stretched out his hand to pull Akihara Kagura down!

However, Akihara Kagura's body turned directly to the other side, still holding Senju Hashirama's wrist in his hand, as if he was wrestling, and forcefully threw Senju Hashirama to the water!

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

The moment Madara Uchiha's body flew backwards, he quickly formed hand seals in his hands, opened his mouth and spit out a huge ball of flames in the direction of Akihara Kagura!

This fireball is so big...

It's like a meteorite falling from the sky!

Even the lowest level of fireball technique, when used in the hands of Uchiha Madara, is far superior to some S-level techniques that are famous for their power!

"Water Escape·Water Formation Wall!"

Akihara Kagura slashed his palm diagonally across the water, and a wave of water rose up from the water, as if it were a city wall made of water. The fireball was instantly submerged by the water wave!

next moment!

A tall blue Susanoo flew over!

A huge blue samurai sword cut directly through the water wave city wall!

Uchiha Madara actually used Susanoo directly. He seemed to know that the outcome of this battle did not depend on the immediate taijutsu victory, and he directly began to pressure Akihara Kagura to use techniques that consume huge amounts of chakra!


Uchiha Madara drank in a deep voice, controlled Susanoo to pick up Senju Hashirama, sent Senju Hashirama into Susanoo's crystal, and said coldly: "Get ready, that guy is going to Use his Susanoo! Activate your Wood Release directly!"

"I know…"

Senju Hashirama nodded and closed his palms: "Wood Release: Wooden Man's Technique! Wooden Release: Wooden Dragon's Technique!"

A tall wooden figure instantly joined the tall Susanoo!

The huge Susanoo directly turned into armor and draped it over the Bokuto's body, changing the Bokuto's appearance. Even the wooden dragon on the Bokuto's body was also covered in Susanoo's armor!

The tall blue Susanoo costumed wooden figure held a huge blue katana in his hand and rushed straight towards Akihara Kagura!

"Is it this far?"

Akihara Kagura raised his hands and clasped his hands together. The white moonlight fell on the lake, and a white wooden figure dressed as Susanoo suddenly appeared under him!

"be careful…"

Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara stood within the forehead crystal of the blue Susanoo costumed wooden figure. Talking about the lessons they had experienced, they said solemnly: "That little guy's wooden figure technique can also use time and space. The spell moves instantly, we must be careful..."

The words have not yet finished.

The white wooden figure of Susanoo suddenly flashed and disappeared in place!

This hundred-meter-tall white giant held a glowing white samurai sword in his hand. His body instantly appeared on the chest of the blue wooden man in authority, like a deadly assassin, holding a white sword dozens of meters long. The katana stabbed the opponent in the chest!

Today is 10,000, it’s done!

I tried my best to maintain it first. I wrote 5,000 words every day for the first two days, and I slowly made up for it!

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