Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 367 Someone is forging a blank century of unofficial history

A person's identity is very important to society.

The royal ancestors of Alabasta once participated in the establishment of the World Government, and the golden underground palace they have always hidden must hide a piece of history on a grand scale.


This history is definitely false unofficial history.

A piece of unofficial history that is enough to anger the entire world government and the Celestial Dragons.

However, this unofficial history has to convince most people in the world that it is true. This history must be grand enough to make anyone doubt the world.

Since the world government has erased a period of history eight hundred years ago, so that the people of this world do not know what happened eight hundred years ago, then they will simply make up a fake historical story to directly replace the real historical story.

Don’t know the real history…

Don’t you know how to fabricate false history?

If you want to blame, you can only blame the world government for erasing history...


The world government must know that history is fake.

Then they will definitely go crazy looking for people who falsify history.

In the town of the Drum Kingdom.

When a group of navy followed Admiral Aokiji and rushed to support the port, Akihara Kagura sat in a warm snack bar with Xianglan, thinking about his actions.

“There may not be that much gold in the deserts of Alabasta.”

Akihara Kagura tapped her fingers on the table, as if she hadn't heard the fierce battle at the port, and was still thinking about who would be the scapegoat for falsifying history.

First of all, the scapegoat must stay in Alabasta for a long time, and he must also be hating the world government, and wants to use the hidden power of Alabasta to rule the world...


Do you still need to think about this?

A person immediately appeared in Akihara Kagura's mind.

Sand Crocodile, Crocodile.

Crocodile, as the Shichibukai anointed king by the World Government, has been entrenched in Alabasta for a long time. He seems to really want to know the hidden secrets of Alabasta.


Crocodile's courage is still too small.

As a King of the Shichibukai, a man who once challenged Whitebeard, the strongest pirate in the world, he must learn to let go of his courage. He must not only think about overpowering the world government in terms of power, but also think about A comprehensive attack on the legitimacy of the world government from all aspects.


"Manipulate the yellow sand to build an underground palace..."

"Then stick gold on the sand palace to disguise it as a golden underground palace..."

"In this case, many people can be frightened in the early stage, and a blank one-hundred-year unofficial history can be forged in the Golden Underground Palace, and Mr. Bucky can publicize the unofficial history..."

"When the World Government sends people to Alabasta to investigate who is forging history, they will probably find out that the underground palace was actually built with the power of the Shasha fruit, and they will understand why there are weird unofficial stories..."

Akihara Kagura took a cup of hot pear juice from Xiang Lian's hand, made her initial plan, and felt a lot relieved: "On this island covered with ice and snow, I can still drink hot pear juice." The pear juice is really a treat..."


the most important…

It’s a hundred years of wild history in the Golden Underground Palace.

For Akihara Kagura, this is also a skilled job.

Because Akihara Kagura knows very little information about the past hundred years of blank space, she can only rely on her own imagination to write out of thin air.

It's still early.

At least while rushing to Alabasta, Akihara Kagura could slowly think about and perfect the details, and he did know a name.

【Naferutali D. Lily】

One of the twenty kings who participated in the creation of the World Government eight hundred years ago.

It's obvious.

This person must be the owner of the so-called Golden Underground Palace.

In addition, there are also historical figures that need to be fabricated. These are all difficult issues, such as the story of the conflict between [Joy Boy] and [Im].

"Anyway, it's Mr. Crocodile's forged unofficial history..."

Akihara Kagura had already thought about it, and took advantage of the situation to put the blame on the future scapegoat: "Even if the content in it is too fake or really too little, it has nothing to do with me. If the Tianlong people want to curse, Mr. Crocodile should also be scolded..."

"Fragrant phosphorus."

Akihara Kagura stopped Xiang Phosphorus and said softly: "Go get a pen and a stack of paper. Let me tell you to take note of it..."


Xiang Phosphorus nodded without raising any questions.

Just as Navy Headquarters Admiral Aokiji and the Konoha Pirates were fighting at the port of Ciko Island, Akihara Kagura, the Navy Headquarters second lieutenant, had already made up an unofficial history.

【ancient time. 】

[This world is still a vast ocean, and people can only live on scattered land and islands, facing the horrors brought by nature with their flesh and blood. 】

[Due to the unpredictable weather and magnetic field of the world, it is even impossible to communicate between islands. People are forever confined to a piece of land on the day they are born. 】

[The climate and environment on each island are different. Some land islands also have terrifying beasts. They are called demons and gods, and some monsters even control the terrifying power of nature, making the islands unsafe. 】

[In order to be able to resist natural disasters and monsters, humans on many islands began to evolve slowly, and giants, long-hand tribes, and three-eyed tribes began to appear one after another. 】

[There are also people who want to leave their harsh homes and sail to the other side of the sea. However, anyone who wants to enter the sea will never be able to return to their home. 】

[Because the sea is a world of large sea kings, most people who enter the sea will be completely swallowed by the sea. Only a few humans are lucky enough to survive. 】

[During this period, some people reached the clouds in the sky and discovered the world above cumulonimbus clouds; some people dived into the depths of the sea and discovered islands wrapped in bubbles. 】

[The fish and sky people slowly began to appear in this world, but their suffering will not end because of this. The resources in the sky and the depths of the sea will never be able to support too many people. The sky people and fish people are also constantly dying and being born. . 】

[More people have been living on the fertile land and islands. 】

[However, humans on land and islands will not always be safe. The changing weather around the world and a sea breeze may set off a huge world-destroying tsunami. 】

[The tsunami will sweep through all land islands, gradually submerging all humans living on the islands like plows. Only the tall giants and demons on the land can survive the tsunami. 】

[After the demise of the land people, some of the fish and sky people will be forced to return to the land due to limited resources, and will gradually start to degenerate through time again, allowing the useless organs of the body to degenerate and disappear, and live on the land again. 】

[The world always goes back and forth like this. 】

[Human beings are in this cycle of birth, reproduction, evolution, degradation, and destruction. They live forever in ignorance and can never see their own future. Perhaps human beings do not even understand what the future is. 】

【until one day…】

[The goddess of Mao has descended into this world. 】

[The Goddess Mao pitied mankind’s constant cycle of ignorance between birth and death, and used her own power to create two long windless belts, isolating the bad weather in the ocean between the two windless belts; She also used her own power to create the towering red earth continent, returning the unpredictable magnetic field in the world to normal, and allowing humans to have new habitats; demonic disasters around the world have also been sealed by the goddess Mao. . 】

[The red earth continent and the windless zone isolated all dangers from other humans on the sea, allowing this sea to evolve into four mild sea areas, and thus the Four Seas appeared. 】

[The narrow ocean between the calm belts has become the most dangerous and magical ocean in the world due to the presence of too many volatile climates and magnetic fields. 】

[Ordinary humans can never set foot in it. Some brave men who want to challenge the sea call this narrow sea area the Great Channel. There are even some humans who choose to live in it. They have wanted to challenge this sea for generations. Great waterway. 】

[The brave are rewarded. 】

[However, the danger of world destruction never disappears. 】

[The windless zone created by the Goddess of Mao using her power will one day dissipate. At that time, the entire sea will become its original appearance again, and large sea kings will reappear on the land where humans live, growing into new terrifying monsters. Misfortune, the towering red earth continent will one day be destroyed by continuous tsunamis, and the whole world will go back to the cycle of destruction. 】

[In order to allow human beings to have the power of self-protection and to transform their homes into an eternally habitable place, the Goddess of Mao established a human civilization supported by the gods on the Great Line, hoping to gather brave human beings to protect this world. 】

[The Goddess of Mao distributed her divine power to the world, sealing the powers of gods, natural disasters, and demons respectively into fruits of magical abilities, which were scattered on the sea, and were given to the brave men of mankind as rewards for their courage to challenge nature. . 】

[After this human civilization gained divine power, it allowed the world to undergo great evolution in just one hundred years. 】

[With the power of God, they finally accomplished something that is beyond the reach of ordinary people. They could even transform huge creatures for their own use, building giant creatures and machines like the goddess of Mao, and transforming the world...]

【From now on. 】

[Human civilization has undergone earth-shaking changes. 】

[Human beings have mastered three major weapons, which are enough to destroy all disasters. 】

[Even if the world-destroying tsunami comes again, it will not be able to destroy human civilization at will. Humanity no longer has to worry about the demise of civilization and will only keep moving forward. 】

[In order to thank the Goddess of Mao for her creation, they built a prosperous city at the highest point of the Red Earth Continent, and named the prosperous city at the top of the world Marigioa, the holy place where the Goddess of Mao lives, for her. A Void Throne was built among the lush and gorgeous flowers, which symbolizes the gods coming from the void. 】

[However, some humans began to be unable to bear the appearance of a superior god above them, unable to bear the god dictating to humans, unable to tolerate the gods dividing humans into various levels, and even more unable to bear the fact that their power came from the gift of the gods, and even It will also be taken away by the gods because of a little mistake. 】

【Human beings cannot bear it...】

[Why is it that human civilization is no longer in danger of overturning and still has to obey God’s orders? Human beings who yearn for freedom are forced to build machines, and human beings with ambitions are also forced to transform the world. Such day-to-day life makes human beings different. No ethnic group can see the end...]

[Some people yearn for freedom, and some have ambition. 】

[Twenty human kings with ambitions and desires, for their own purposes, united with the liberators to seal the goddess of Mao, and sealed the power of the goddess of Mao to Lavdru, the final point of the great route. 】

[From that day on, human beings have completely mastered divine power. Even if divine power disappears from a person, it will be reborn as a fruit in this sea. 】

[However, the Goddess Mao cursed everyone before being sealed. Those who have obtained the power of the gods will be cursed by the sea. Once they enter the sea, they will lose all their strength. Those who abandon the gods will die in destruction. In the midst of a world tsunami! 】

[From then on, the fruits sealed by the gods were called devil fruits, and the gods who brought hope to humans were called devils who destroyed hope. Humans who wanted to use divine power to resist the world-destroying tsunami never dared to enter the sea again. 】

[After this war against God ended, a new battle began again within mankind. The King of the World, who had the ambition to rule and control the world, and the God of Freedom, who had free will and wanted to be unrestrained, started a new battle. …]

[Twenty kings who wanted to replace the gods and rule the world united to create a world government, completely erasing the name of the goddess Mao from all history, killing the servants of the gods who believed in and respected the goddess Mao, and occupying the place where the goddess Mao lived. Mary Joa began to claim herself as God and Creator, and began to use powerful power and more cruel methods to treat the world. At this moment, they completely established their dominance. 】

[One of them, named Im, stole the results of this battle with his cunning and insidiousness, and even borrowed the power of the surgical fruit mastered by one of them to gain eternal life; from then on, he sat high in the palace belonging to the goddess Mao. On the throne of the void, he hid himself in the darkness and began to regard himself as the king of the world and a god. 】

【the first thing…】

[Naturally, it is an inhumane purge of the servants of God who believed in the Goddess Mao and knew the compassionate heart of the Goddess Mao. 】


[Human beings in this world seem to have forgotten that the power of the Goddess of Mao will eventually be exhausted, the windless belt will eventually dissipate, and the Red Earth Continent will eventually collapse...]

[No matter what, at least the rulers who are high in Mariejoia are the last to perish, and they have enough time to survive. 】

[A new god appears. 】

[New oppression and slavery emerged. 】

[New freedom fighters also reappeared. 】

[In order to get this world, which is under the control of Im, heading towards death, back on track, Joeyboy, the man who has mastered the power of Nika, the God of Freedom, started a new battle. He started fighting all over the world, but... It is also too weak to defeat the enemy. 】

[Joyboy had to place his hope again on the gods who once hung the curtain on mankind, in an attempt to unlock the seal on the Goddess of Mao. 】

[There is no way Joey Boy will succeed. 】

[Joyboy used his power to seal the Goddess of Mao. His divine power was not enough to break the seal. Only the second warrior who obtained the power of freedom could revive and awaken the Goddess of Mao. 】

[In order to liberate and free the world again, Joeyboy sealed his will in his divine power when he was dying, hoping that this power could forever affect the next person to liberate the world. 】

[The servants of the gods who once controlled the huge kingdom had to live in anonymity. Except for some stubborn people, most of them gradually buried the surname D that the gods gave them as a symbol of glory in the past...]

[One of them realized the mistake he had made in this matter and no longer dared to occupy the former residence of the gods, nor did he dare to use the anonymity given by the gods. 】

[This man who once made a big mistake hid the Pluto he used, contacted the Kozuki clan who created the historical text, and left clues to the place where Pluto was hidden in the historical text that ordinary people cannot understand. 】

[Historical text cannot be destroyed, and the ancient texts above were once brought by the goddess of Mao. The meaning of these words will definitely be destroyed by the world government who wants to erase the message of the goddess of Mao. Only some servants of the gods will The legacy of ancient writing will inevitably be left behind. 】


[There is another person in the World Government who has mastered ancient writing. 】

[Im has gained eternal life, and he must also grasp the true meaning of ancient words. 】

[In order to prevent all historical texts from being secretly confiscated by Im and the World Government, all historical texts about the blank past created by the Kozuki clan no longer mention the name of the goddess Uno. 】

[We have hidden all the history about the Goddess of Mao, hoping that this will make Im relax his vigilance about the historical text. In all historical texts, the historical records about the blank past are all to obscure Im's sight. Only by acting in this way will Im relax my vigilance about what I have done and think that as one of the twenty kings, I have never betrayed. 】

[Alabasta is a country in the desert. Anyone who has the power of the sand fruit will come here. Only here can it be possible to awaken the true power of yellow sand and truly gain the power to compete with the strong. 】

[I believe that the Neferutali clan, who are benevolent and love the people, will be respected by those with the ability of the Shasha Fruit. Only the Shasha Fruit can turn the desert upside down, open the door to this underground palace, and see the history I left here. 】

[If someone sees the truth I left here, I hope you can see the true past of this world. This world is still on the verge of destruction. All the peace in the world is just the blessing left by the goddess of Mao. …]

【god. 】

[Please allow me to use the glorious surname you gave to the Neferutali family for the last time. 】

[I still believe in you and will always believe in you until the moment I die. I hope to beg for your forgiveness here. I beg you to forgive mortals for their mistakes. I pray that you are still willing to have compassion after recovery. Compassion for the world. 】

[Naferutali D. Lilly. 】

Is there anything to add to this history?

If I have anything to add, I’ll help Minggo get some more in Dressrosa. I quite like Doflamingo...

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