Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 369 The Five Old Stars’ Choice

Aokiji wants to rush to Alabasta immediately.

Earth-shattering events are likely to occur in that desert kingdom.

Fortunately, Smoker's poisoning problem was solved by Dr. Kureha of the Drum Kingdom. He will also lead his navy to Alabasta to hunt down Straw Hat Luffy and Clown Bucky.

"Did Monkey D. Luffy go to Alabasta too?"

When Aoki got the news, something strange suddenly appeared in his heart, feeling that Alabasta's secret might really become a big deal.

As for pirates:

Bucky the Clown and his gang.

Straw Hat Luffy and his crew.

Sand Crocodile, Crocodile.

The devil's child, Nico Robin.

And a group of the strongest Konoha pirates.


Navy Headquarters Admiral Aokiji (double agent), and his subordinate Navy Headquarters Second Lieutenant Akihara Kagura (spy), and Headquarters Sochang Karusa (deputy spy).

Navy Headquarters Captain Smoker, Navy Headquarters Captain Dasqi, and a fixed fleet of colonel warships under their command.

"Alabasta must be unable to calm down."

"Speaking of which, the strength of the Konoha Pirates is not weak..."

Akihara Kagura mentioned the pirate group that she secretly controlled, and took the initiative to remind Aoji: "Once they really find the King's Underground Palace in Alabasta eight hundred years ago, the secret of that Underground Palace will definitely be revealed. A group of pirates were revealed..."

"Since Alabasta will probably have some major events that are difficult to control due to the Konoha Pirates, it is not convenient to rely solely on the power of our navy, and we do not have enough power to prevent this from happening. In the future, it will definitely be Blameful…”

"Can Admiral Aokiji apply for support from the World Government in advance before rushing to Alabasta to avoid uncontrollable incidents?"


What kind of mess is this?

Aoki's eyes fell on Akihara Kagura. He seemed to be at a loss as to what to say. He could only let out a long sigh, seemingly helpless.

This guy…

Do you want to listen to what you are saying?

Why would a spy sent by the Konoha Pirates teach the navy how to do things?


What Akihara Kagura said makes sense.

The guys in the Konoha Pirates hold the Sengoku Marshal's handle. They can't stop the Konoha Pirates themselves and can only rely on the reinforcements sent by the World Government and the Navy...

If the World Government and the Navy had not sent reinforcements to Alabasta, Smoker, a user with the natural smoke fruit ability, would have been casually hung up and beaten by the Konoha Pirates alone...

"Whose side are you on?"

Aoki took a deep breath, and his eyes gradually became deeper, trying to see through Akihara Kagura's hidden true face: "Why do you want me to ask for reinforcements to encircle and suppress the Konoha Pirates, you guy... Aren’t they their spies?”

"Aren't you worried that I will be criticized by the navy?"

Akihara Kagura looked up at Aokiji and continued with a smile: "What if the world government kills all the insiders because the secrets of Alabasta are leaked, wouldn't I also suffer? So we need someone to help take the responsibility. Risks and responsibilities, it would be great if we could summon big names like Wulaoxing..."


What is this guy dreaming about!

The Five Old Stars are the most powerful rulers in the world. How could such a person deign to go to Alabasta to direct this operation?

Aoki looked at Akihara Kagura's smiling face and couldn't tell his true thoughts at all. He could only ask tentatively: "Aren't you afraid that the Konoha Pirates will be besieged and destroyed by the navy? Although their strength is indeed Very strong, but want to fight..."

"General Qing Pheasant..."

Akihara Kagura's eyes narrowed and interrupted Aokiji: "Aren't you curious who is stronger among the Konoha Pirates, the World Government and the Navy?"

"Just to be the strongest?"

Qingzhi felt like this spy wanted to see a joke?

"Of course it's more than that..."

The smile on Akihara Kagura's lips grew brighter, and she spoke slowly: "If the Konoha Pirates defeat the World Government and the Navy in Alabasta, the entire sea will fall into turmoil and war in order to guard against the great pirate forces around the world. , then I will have more opportunities to make meritorious deeds, and it will be very easy to get promoted. The World Government will definitely conduct a large-scale conscription, and once I get the power of the Thunder Fruit, I will undoubtedly be the leader of the World Government and Navy. Focus on training objects…”


Aoki's cheeks couldn't help but twitch, and he subconsciously said: "What if the Konoha Pirates lose to the World Government and the Navy?"


Akihara Kagura touched her chin and really started thinking subconsciously, what if the Konoha Pirates lost to the World Government and Navy?

This kind of thing…

Why think about this kind of thing?

A pirate group capable of destroying a country. Anyone has the power to destroy a country. There is even a mascot who can exert the power to destroy the world...

"They can't lose."

Akihara Kagura has great faith in the power of the Konoha Pirates.

"You really believe them..."

Aokiji was still looking at Akihara Kagura's expression, and seemed to want to ask for more information: "It seems that their strength is indeed a bit amazing, so that you can't even imagine the possibility of their defeat..."

"This is wrong..."

Akihara Kagura shook his head and said slowly: "As far as I know, they are not truly invincible, because they have lost to the same person before, and the price of that loss was quite painful. They lost The possibility of ruling the world..."


Qing Pheasant's pupils suddenly widened!

Those guys...

Will he also lose?


Have you never thought about this problem yourself?

Although he only said that the Konoha Pirates might fail, he really couldn't imagine who the guy named Uchiha Madara would lose to!

This secret…

It’s a bit too amazing!

And that pirate group still has a chance to rule the world, so the people they lose must not be some unknown people, and those guys don't look like they are aging...

Qingzhi felt a headache.

The admiral decided to seek support.

Aoki took the initiative to call the Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku in front of Akihara Kagura and informed the Buddha Sengoku of the purpose of the Konoha Pirates. He hoped that the Navy Marshal could send support, preferably from the World Government. It would also be better to send out some reinforcements.


Warring States soon learned of this shocking news.

The navy marshal did not dare to stop for a moment, and directly called the five old stars, hoping to learn some secrets about Alabasta from their mouths.

If there weren't too many secrets in Alabasta, Sengoku planned to treat this matter as a regular pirate attack...

If there really is a problem in Alabasta...

The Warring States Period could only throw this troublesome problem on the head of Wulaoxing.

Holy place.


This holy land is located high on the Red Continent. It straddles the center of the Grand Route and the Red Continent, just like the center of the world.

In fact…

Marie Gioia was indeed the center of the world.

Most of the officials of the World Government will stay in Mariejoia, including even the world's highest authority, the Five Old Stars, and the world's nobles, the Celestial Dragons.

Pangu City.

This is where the Five Old Stars deal with things.

As the people with the highest authority, the Five Old Stars always stay here. Unless something big happens, they rarely choose to step out of Mariejoia.

"Warring States..."

An old man with a thick gray beard seemed a little dissatisfied with the call from Warring States: "Hasn't the clown who dared to kill the Tianlong people been sent over yet?"

"Something went wrong..."

Sengoku lowered his voice and reported the truth about Clown Bucky: "There may be another hidden reason behind Clown Bucky's killing of the Celestial Dragons. There was a pirate group who deliberately framed him for killing the Celestial Dragons. They were on the way escorted by a warship. , sent someone to kidnap Bucky the Clown..."

"He is really incompetent..."

The old man shook his head and continued nonchalantly: "Forget it, then send a general to arrest and execute the person behind the scenes together with Bucky the Clown..."


These guys make it sound like everything is easy!

Warring States was silent for a while, and then he had to take the initiative to say: "Relying solely on the strength of Qingzhi alone seems to be insufficient..."

"According to the information I got, the pirate group hadn't even taken full action, and Aokiji was no longer a match for the opponent. The first time he met the opponent, he was almost killed by the opponent due to carelessness, and he couldn't do it the second time. Prevent the other party from rescuing Bucky the Clown..."

This is language.

If something really happens in the future, no one can think that the navy marshal has lied. Qingzhi is indeed no match for the other party, otherwise he would not be captured...


The old man's voice changed quickly, and he scolded softly: "The Navy Headquarters has not experienced any dangerous battles in these years, and even the generals have fallen..."

"The other party is a very dangerous person..."

The Warring States Period was dissatisfied with Wu Laoxing's accusation against his subordinates, and quickly defended his subordinates: "Their strength is enough to compete with the monsters in the new world. It seems that Aoki Pheasant alone is powerless..."

"we know."

Wulaoxing doesn't care about this.

One of the old men wiped the knife in his hand and said nonchalantly: "Then send Kizaru and Aoki Pheasant to rush over together!"

"It's not enough..."

Sengoku was very aware of the difficulty of capturing an admiral of the Navy Headquarters alive, and continued to explain: "Because that pirate group is extremely dangerous, their purpose is probably to subvert the entire world, and they have even begun to do so..."


Wu Laoxing snorted dissatisfiedly.

"Times have really changed..."

"Does anyone think that they can overturn the world..."

"Once I have a little bit of power, I want to subvert the world or something..."

This group of old people were very dissatisfied with Sengoku's rhetoric, thinking that Sengoku had exaggerated it, and that the pirate group was only slightly stronger, so there was no need to be too nervous about it.


"According to the news sent by Qing Pheasant..."

Sengoku simply revealed the information he knew: "The Konoha Pirates discovered the secret of one of the twenty kings who once founded the World Government!"

"The Konoha Pirates have rushed to Alabasta, trying to uncover the secrets left by the King of Alabasta eight hundred years ago in his hometown!"


Wu Laoxing's expression suddenly changed.

The expressions of the five old men who had always held the power in the world became completely serious. They looked into each other's eyes, as if they were thinking about something in their brains.

So forget it if it’s just other royal families…

Wulaoxing can completely think that the Warring States Period is talking nonsense.

However, the problem is that the king of Alabasta eight hundred years ago did not live in Mariejoia. She might really have left some secrets in Alabasta!

These secrets…

This is what Wulaoxing has always wanted!

Once that pirate group masters the secret left behind by the King of Alabasta, it will indeed have the possibility to subvert the world, or at least cause great chaos in the world!

This is a huge crisis!

They have been sitting high on Mariejoia, but they have not been able to understand the source of this crisis, and they have not even found any trace of this pirate group!

"Where did they come from?"

An old man couldn't hold himself back and took the initiative to ask about Buddha's Sengoku: "Sengoku, tell us all the information you know about this pirate group..."


"The first time it appeared was in Rogge Town in the East China Sea."

Warring States felt that something was not right about the atmosphere on the other end of the phone. It seemed that the place where the Five Old Stars were was also becoming dull: "It is said that the assassination of Jollyart Saint by Clown Bucky was their work. They have been secretly protecting the clown." Bucky, the assassin of the Celestial Dragons, is trying to use this to set off a storm of assassination of the Celestial Dragons in the entire sea..."

"Rogge Town in the East China Sea..."

One of the five old stars suddenly realized something. He seemed to understand something: "It seems that the pirate group went to Gol D. Roger's hometown..."


One of the Five Old Stars seemed a little impatient, and interrupted the exchange between them coldly: "Now is not the time to talk about this, hang up the phone first, we have to discuss something!"

"Warring States."

The old man with a thick beard who had been responsible for chatting with Sengoku calmed down and said coldly: "Recruit all admirals immediately and ask them to rush to Alabasta immediately. We cannot let the situation get out of control. We will get back to you later. Telephone."


Sengoku quickly stopped the other party and asked in a deep voice: "Is there really any secret in Alabasta? The actions of that pirate group were not groundless?"

"This is not something you should ask about."

Wu Laoxing ignored Seng Guo's questioning, and even warned him: "Don't know things that you shouldn't know, things that shouldn't be known!"

After saying that, Wulaoxing hung up the phone directly.

Some secrets of this world...

Even they can't know it!

"Maybe it's information about Hades?"

After hanging up the phone, one of the Five Old Stars took the initiative to talk about this: "Did that pirate group find out the whereabouts of Pluto? Aren't we sure that Alabasta is not Pluto's hiding place?"

"No matter what, we can't let it go lightly..."

Another Five Old Star shook his head and said in a deep voice: "What if the King of Alabasta eight hundred years ago really left behind the whereabouts of Hades?"

"The whereabouts of Pluto are indeed important, but it is not important at this time."

One of the five old stars sat upright and said with a calm expression: "In comparison, the pirate group that secretly controlled Bucky the Clown to kill Saint Joel Art and wanted to subvert the world order is The real troublemakers…”

"This sea..."

"Such dangerous ideas must not arise!"

"No matter whether the other party can find the whereabouts of Pluto, they are troubles that must be eliminated. This must not be tolerated..."

"As long as we deal with that Konoha pirate group..."

"All troubles will be solved, and the doubts that plague us will end. If necessary, we can also personally send people to capture the opponent..."

I fell asleep again last night...

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