Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 387 The Five Old Stars, Marie Joa, were attacked by pirates!

"Hurry up and teach me first!"

The red-haired Shanks opened his mouth wide and looked at Hawkeye walking step by step from the sea. He put his arm around Hawkeye's shoulders: "Mihawk, please teach me how to step on the sea. Walking, this is a super powerful ability!”

"It's just a small trick..."

Mihawk lightly ignored his tricks of treading water and brought up the business directly: "I came here to ask you something important..."


Things about the Konoha Pirates.

At this time, Mihawk came to look for red-haired Shanks. On the one hand, he came to tell Shanks that he had met the new pirate Monkey D. Luffy he recognized; on the other hand, he wanted to ask Shanks X, do you know anything about the Konoha Pirates?


Shanks was the first to ask questions.

Shanks directly took out the news newspaper and pointed to a photo on the newspaper: "Mihawk, you went to the first half of the Grand Line. Have you seen this new pirate group?"


Mihawk couldn't help but remain silent.

"It seems you have seen it!"

Shanks' face suddenly became excited, and he slapped his friend's shoulder hard: "Tell me quickly, what's going on with these newcomers!"

"This is what I want to ask you too..."

There was a hint of uneasiness in Mihawk's eyes, and he asked in a deep voice: "I thought you had seen so many things in the sea, and you must know some information about them..."

He was forced to join the Konoha Pirates. This pirate group never did small things on the sea. How could he know what kind of organization he had joined?

The Konoha Pirates didn't tell him...

Mihawk can only explore through his connections on the sea.

Now Shanks, the well-informed Yonko, doesn't even know the origin of the other party?

"Ah this..."

Shanks suddenly felt a little embarrassed, shook his head and said: "Beckman and I are also discussing each other's information. The other party is obviously not an ordinary rookie pirate. I plan to go to the first half of the paradise to spy on the other party's information." intelligence…"


Mihawk hesitated.

If Shanks leads his pirate group and there is an intersection with the Konoha pirate group, with the arrogance of the vice-captain named Uchiha Madara, he will definitely not let the red-haired Shanks go!


Shanks is definitely no match for the opponent.

"I can only tell you one thing..."

Mihawk looked at his former friend and could only give him a little hint: "Some of the contents in this news report are false..."

"I know."

Shanks was a little heartless and waved his hands repeatedly: "Actually, most of the content is false. I have known this for a long time..."


"That's not what I mean..."

Mihawk slowly shook his head. He looked at the battle between the Navy and the Konoha Pirates mentioned in the news report, and planned to remind his friends for the last time: "You and your companions cannot be them. The opponent…”

This was Mihawk's sincere advice.

Because Mihawk once spent a few days with the Konoha Pirates, he knew very well how proud the people of that pirate group were, especially the one who took action, Madara Uchiha...


Mihawk believes that Shanks is unlikely to be Uchiha Madara's opponent.

In particular, Uchiha Madara is only becoming more and more familiar with the application of three-color Haki, and has even been able to capture Admiral Aokiji alive in a short period of time!

What's more...

There is also a Senju Hashirama who is as good as Uchiha Madara!

There is even a woman who far surpasses Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama!

That is a woman who even Mihawk can't imagine how talented she is and how far her strength can improve!


The pirates of the red-haired pirate group suddenly raised their heads.

This group of pirates running rampant in the new world quickly looked at Hawkeye Mihawk. Obviously they didn't think they were any weaker than this new pirate group!

"Ha ha ha ha…"

A fat man patted his thigh, biting a piece of meat in his mouth, leaning forward and back with a smile: "Boss, we are underestimated!"

"Ha ha ha ha…"

Shanks couldn't help but laugh loudly, and gently patted Hawkeye on the shoulder: "I know they are very strong and can even escape unscathed, but..."

"I've already advised you."

Mihawk's sharp eyes stared at the laughing red-haired man in front of him, and his expression became extremely solemn and serious: "It would be unwise to rashly challenge someone stronger than yourself in a situation where you cannot recognize the difference between us. …”


Shanks looked at Mihawk in front of him in surprise.

This old friend…

Why so solemnly?

"I'm not here to fight..."

Shanks waved his hand quickly and said with a playful smile: "Don't worry, I just want to see what the other party wants to do, and persuade them not to let the sea fall into chaos..."


Mihawk's eyes were still sharp.

Such behavior…

Aren’t you also seeking your own death?

The Konoha Pirates dare to capture even the admiral, and even dare to kill the Celestial Dragons. What kind of trouble can a Yonko Pirate Group cause in front of them?


Mihawk felt that there was something fishy about the battle in Alabasta.

The combat power of the Konoha Pirates is almost the top of the entire sea. They even captured the Navy Admiral Aokiji before. How could they be forced back by the high-level combat power of the Navy...

Perhaps the purpose of those guys is to expose the secrets hidden in Alabasta and directly cause chaos in the whole world...


The world government is already in chaos.

As Mihawk expected, the world government was indeed in chaos.

The first half of the Grand Line.

On the way to Alabasta on a warship, Wulaoxing received a newspaper from Seagull. When the five old people saw the news in the newspaper, they all felt as if they had been struck by lightning. They sat in the cabin of the warship stiffly and uneasily!

It’s over!

Things have become big!

The whole world knew about the major events that happened in Alabasta, and even the news papers published all the secrets of the Golden Underground Palace. The news papers also directly exposed the King of the World, Im, who was once hidden deep in Mary Joa!

Other than that…

There is also history from eight hundred years ago!

Even the Five Old Stars can't bear this kind of bolt from the blue!

As the top level of the world government's power, the Five Old Stars have been working hard to maintain the balance of the world and conscientiously assist Im in dealing with uneasy factors that endanger the world government...


a newspaper…

Let the world government become an uneasy factor for the entire world!

Even if the Five Old Stars are just sitting in the cabin of the warship, they can still imagine what chaos the whole world will be like after receiving the news, and what kind of trouble the World Government member countries will be in, even if there are many errors in these histories!

"How could such news be released..."

An old man squeezed the newspaper in his hand tightly and frowned tightly, as if he could no longer remove it: "Isn't the CP department always monitoring the World Economic News Agency?"

Another old man felt that his heart was a little bad. He held his chest tightly with his palms and smashed the table in front of him with his fist: "The key question now is not how the news will be released, but how quickly." Get rid of the trouble after the news is released!"

"Forget it is a blank history. There are many inaccurate contents in it. The problem is..."

An old man held the newspaper tremblingly and couldn't believe the news he saw: "The existence of Lord Im has been published in the newspaper..."

After they return...

How to face the wrath of the King of the World!

Now even maintaining the balance of the world is a problem. Without thinking too much, they already know that the world will soon usher in chaos!


An old man still looked at the newspaper in his hand carefully and read all the information on it: "Is there something wrong with this historical content? Maybe no one believes it. We have never heard of the existence of the goddess Mao, and we have never even heard of Rav. Drew has sealed the goddess of Mao, and the blank hundred years is not a huge kingdom..."

"Whether history is correct or not is no longer important..."

Another grumpy old man felt that his colleagues could not distinguish the key points, and stretched out the long knife in his hand to knock on the sofa: "The most important thing is that the newspaper mentioned Master Yimu and beat the Tianlong people into the whole world. sinner!"

It’s urgent…

Their most important thing is to make amends!

It is useless to continue discussing anything here!

What has happened has happened, no matter what you say, it will be useless. You must find a way to remedy it as soon as possible, but how to remedy it has become a huge problem!

"Let the world government issue a press release to refute the rumors..."

The old man who was covering his heart hurriedly spoke and was about to pick up his phone: "All the news in this issue are false. Hurry up and deny everything!"


The old man, who had been frowning, shook his head hesitantly.

It’s easy to spread rumors…

It’s not easy to refute rumors!

Especially since this news is issued in the name of the King of Alabasta who founded the world government eight hundred years ago, it is like a confession of twenty kings!

The founders of the world government have personally admitted their mistakes. How can the world government win people's trust? How else can we gain the trust of the franchised countries!

"Those stupid lowlifes won't believe it..."

The old man who has been wearing glasses and holding a knife is also very aware of the situation. His expression is a little heavy: "We must return to Mariejoia as soon as possible to apologize to Lord Im, and then ask Lord Im how to deal with this matter. The whole world knows , it’s not easy to solve..."

to be honest…

Wulaoxing can't think of a solution!

The only way is to let the world government issue a press release to refute the rumors first!


At this critical moment, a phone call suddenly came over, and Navy Marshal Fo Zhi Sengguo provided them with important news.

"The Golden Underground Palace is not made of gold..."

Warring States flipped through the newspaper in his hand, confirming that the World Economic News Agency had revealed the secret of the Golden Underground Palace, and then called Wulaoxing: "We found that there was a fracture problem below the Golden Underground Palace, and there was sand flowing inside. come out…"

Warring States' voice seemed a little steady and thick, and his voice was a little calm: "We suspect that this golden underground palace left by the King of Alabasta was a palace built by someone using sand, and then put gold on the sand of the palace..."


Wulao Xing's expression suddenly changed!

What does it mean?

"This palace should have been built by people with Shasha fruit abilities."

While Warring States mentioned his doubts, he also pointed out a direction for the Five Old Stars: "What we can't be sure about now is whether this place was built by the people with the ability of the Shasha Fruit eight hundred years ago, or whether it was built by the people with the ability of the Shasha Fruit eight hundred years ago. Built by Crocodile, I have sent Aokiji and Kizaru to hunt down Crocodile..."

"catch him!"

"This must be Crocodile's doing!"

"Krokdal must be arrested and brought to justice!"

"The World Government immediately issued a news. In the name of Crocodile's attempt to fight against the World Government's falsified history, Crocodile was banned from his position as King of the Shichibukai. Crocodile is wanted with the highest bounty in the sea!"

The voices of the five old stars kept coming and going.

This group of old people looked at each other. They knew that the underground palace was probably built by people with Shasha fruit abilities eight hundred years ago, but at this moment, all problems must be put on Crocodile!

For the stability of the world…

We have to find a member who can take the blame...

Regardless of whether Crocodile did it or not, we must first define that Crocodile did it and put all the blame on Crocodile. Only then will everything else become easier to deal with. They can catch Crocodile. Dar forces Sand Crocodile to admit all charges!

Only the golden underground palace was built privately by Crocodile in order to provoke world chaos. The purpose was to fight against the world government. It is not true history. Only then can they have the name to deal with the upcoming chaos in the entire world!

It’s really…

What a twist!

I never thought there was a solution!

"If Crocodile's brains are not enough, then add the newly emerged Konoha pirates. Don't they want to kill the Tianlong people?"

"Just put the crime of falsifying history on their heads, throw all the charges on these pirates, and let the world government slowly tell those stupid mortals in the world that all the exposed history of Alabasta is Fake…"

"This is all a conspiracy of pirates..."

The five old stars learned by themselves and found a way to solve this crisis. They discussed with each other how to clarify the innocence of the world government as quickly as possible.

The tense atmosphere on the warship immediately disappeared without a trace, and they even began to think about how to make the world believe that there is no hidden Lord Im in the World Government...

after all…

Im's existence is top secret.


"Call the World Government office first."

After an old man sitting on the sofa hung up the Sengoku phone number, he directly dialed the World Government's phone number, intending to order them to immediately issue a press release to refute the rumors.


The call to Saint Mary Gioia was answered.

What came from the other end of the phone worm was not the respectful voice of the world government officials in the past, but a trembling sound, as if the man on the other end of the phone worm was afraid of something, and they even heard the sound of teeth chattering.

"Why don't you speak?"

The brows of the Five Old Stars wrinkled again. Some of them did not quite understand the situation of the World Government.

Could it be...

Did Im-sama get angry after receiving the news and directly massacre the World Government to vent his anger?


Lord Im is the king of the world and is absolutely calm at all times. He should not show up before meeting them...


On the other end of the phone, the World Government official's voice seemed to be trembling.


The official was really shaking.

Because what this official wanted to report made him feel a little panicked.

"MarieJoa...was attacked by pirates..."

"The Konoha Pirates have conquered the holy land of Mariejoa. The world's commander-in-chief, Cyborg Sora, and the commander of the Knights of God, Fegalando Green Ancient Saint, have been defeated. The Konoha Pirates are capturing the world in Mariejoa. noble…"


Wulaoxing's face turned pale at the same time.

This moment was a real bolt from the blue for them.

"Is it the call from Wulaoxing?"

A strange mechanical voice soon appeared on the other end of the phone.

"Yes, it is…"

The trembling reply from the World Government official came again from the other end of the phone.

"Give me the phone bug in your hand."

This strange mechanical voice appeared in Wulaoxing's ears through the phone bug, and he seemed to say casually: "If nothing happens, the five gentlemen should be arriving in Alabasta soon, right?"

The strange mechanical voice did not wait for their answer. The voice calmly said an answer directly. This answer was so calm that it made people feel scared: "It seems that our plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain is good. Beasts are just beasts after all, and they can never learn from humans." After thinking about it, I was easily deceived into that golden underground palace..."

Thousands of dollars today! It's time to sleep!

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