Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 411 Uchiha Madara VS Kaido and Charlotte Lingling

Chapter 411 Uchiha Madara VS Kaido and Charlotte Lingling

five minutes.

This time is so short.

For Marco, Ace and Sabo, these five minutes were a little long. The attacks of the two Yonkos Kaido and Chatter Lingling were so violent!

Charlotte Lingling controls her two clouds!

Dense thunder and lightning continued to fall from the clouds of Zeus, and endless blazing flames also fell from the clouds of Prometheus!

Kaido's dragon body also roared up to the sky, and thunder, lightning, hurricanes, and flames also fell from the sky, forcing Marco and the three of them to retreat step by step!

"Immortal Thistle!"

Marco raised his hands!

The green flames of the Phoenix kept pouring out from his body and gathered around them. Thunder and lightning and flames bombarded the green flames, burning holes one after another, but they were quickly filled with the green flames from Marco's body!

Even Marco…

There are also some who can’t bear the consumption!

"I can also help..."

Sabo reached out and held Marco's shoulder. His arm was condensed with armed domineering. He looked back at Ace who was trying to stop him, and his eyes became extremely serious: "Don't worry, Ace, I'm much better than when I was a kid. Already…”


Soon there will be no need for Saab to take action!

"Murloc Karate·Over the Shoulder Throw!"

A blue-skinned fish-man figure suddenly appeared next to Charlotte Lingling, sending the Yonko's huge body flying away!

It's Jinbe!

Whitebeard, one of the four emperors, has always protected Fishman Island from harm. Kaixia Jinbei must repay Whitebeard's kindness. He cannot just sit back and watch Whitebeard's First Division Captain Marco and Second Division Captain Fire Fist Ace Fallen here!

"Five Thousand Same Wa Shokens in Fishman Karate!"

After Jinbei knocked Charlotte Lingling away with one blow, he also flew up next to Kaido's dragon body and hit Kaido's dragon head with a punch, making Kaido shake his head involuntarily!

Jinbei’s strength is not weak…

However, the attack on the two Yonko stopped here.

There is still a certain gap between the Shichibukai and the Four Emperors. Among them, Mihawk, who is recognized as the strongest Hawkeye, may still be praised, but Jinbe cannot be called a strong person among the Shichibukai. It is naturally impossible for a man to compete with the two Yonko...


Marco saw Jinbe for the first time.

When Jinbei saw that they were still here, he felt relieved: "Let's get out of here first, don't worry about so much..."


Marco and Ace nodded at the same time.

next moment!

A cloud of flame fell among them!

Four figures were thrown away by the blast of the flame cloud at the same time!

Kaido of the Hundred Beasts shook his dragon head, and with a puff of smoke spurting out from his mouth, he said coldly: "If you want to escape, you are still far behind!"

"Not much difference..."

Sabo opened the pocket watch in his hand, and his eyes suddenly narrowed: "The time is coming, everyone is ready to find an opportunity to retreat..."

all around the world.

Everyone is also looking forward to the moment when the Konoha Pirates appear.

Because they did not see the battle between Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama, the Five Old Stars and others, they finally had the opportunity to peek into the strength of the Konoha Pirates...

In the sky.

Golden Ark Proverbs.

After five minutes of fierce fighting on the entire sky island, the mechanical sound of the Red Sand Scorpion echoed under the sky: ""

next moment!

A burst of tyrannical chakra and overlord-colored Haki erupted from Uchiha Madara's body, and his body fell rapidly like a cannonball, landing directly on the ground!


The entire ground in Apayado shook!

Everyone standing on the ground felt a little unstable. The hurricane spread out from the Overlord Color and swept across the entire sky island. Everyone involuntarily raised their arms to resist the impact!

The Baki pirates who were hunting the Celestial Dragons were instantly thrown away by the impact. Fortunately, Mr. Galdino grabbed a tree with one hand and grabbed the clown Baki with the other. The group of pirates were skewered like candied haws. Together!

"This level of domineering..."

Boya Hancock smashed the head of a Celestial Dragon with one palm. She raised her hands to resist the terrifying impact!

The Blackbeard Pirates were also scared and fled in all directions. They simply jumped into the clouds and found a large octopus like an air balloon in the clouds. They were dragged by the big octopus and slowed down and fled to the ground!


The two clouds of Zeus and Prometheus were also blown away!

Charlotte Lingling gathered her domineering aura and raised her arms to block her body. The impact of this domineering aura made her eyesight almost blurry!

"He is a troublesome opponent..."

"let's go!"

Saab sensed the opportunity immediately!

Fire Fist Ace and Marco flew away at the same time!

The revolutionary army and others who had been collecting gold in the forest also retreated under the leadership of Long. They were not here to mix in so much!


Monkey D. Long called his comrades.

Bartholomew Bear endured the strong impact of the Overlord color and walked hard to the side of each revolutionary army. He raised his palm, and a glowing ball of flesh appeared from his palm, pushing each revolutionary army forward. The army immediately photographed him away!

A group of Shichibukai, who were accustomed to the storm, could not help but trembled by the impact of this overlord's haki, especially Mihawk, who had taught Uchiha Madara's haki. He looked at the man who fell to the ground in disbelief. silhouette!

"Such a short time..."

Mihawk raised his hand and held the handle of his knife, suppressing his desire to fight: "Can you cultivate the domineering domineering power to this point?"


Kaido also couldn't open his eyes. His dragon body turned back to look at the direction of the overlord-colored domineering energy. He opened his mouth and spat out a ball of hot breath in the direction of Uchiha Madara: "If you disturb my good deeds, then Just let me come and try your strength for myself..."

No matter how strong the enemy is...

Kaido also thinks he has the power to fight!

After all, Kaido has always been known as the strongest creature in the sea, land, and air, and even has the title of the strongest one-on-one. Even the strongest man, Whitebeard, doesn't want to fight him!


The hot breath exhaled from the dragon's head was as hot as magma, and it flew towards Uchiha Madara, as if he was going to kill this man directly with one move!


A contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of Uchiha Madara's mouth, and he stretched out his palm without any care, and a ball of domineering domineering energy was released from his hand!

In an instant…

The flames were blown away by his domineering force!

Uchiha Madara's figure rushed forward quickly, and suddenly used the force of his feet to make a circular crack in the ground, drew an elegant arc in the air, and kicked Kaido on the head!


The huge dragon body was kicked away by Uchiha Madara!

all around the world.

All the video phone bugs are echoing this scene.

Everyone saw the man hitting Kaido with great speed, and immediately kicked the Sea Emperor away with one blow!

"That's Kaido..."

Everyone subconsciously covered their heads.


Kaido the Beast will not give in so easily!

The huge dragon body flew into the sky again, opened its mouth and spit out a wind blade like a Kamaitachi towards Uchiha Madara's body!

These wind blades are extremely sharp!

It even looks like your body will be cut open!

"Is it a child's trick?"

Uchiha Madara raised his eyebrows, raised his palm again, and a ball of repulsive force blew all the wind blades away in an instant!

"Stop looking down on people!"

Kaido's body separated directly from the dragon body and turned into a half-man, half-animal form. His body jumped directly into the air and jumped to the ground, holding the mace that he had thrown on the ground in advance!


When the Yonko wanted to deal with Marco and the others, perhaps he did not use all his strength because he did not want to accidentally kill Marco because he cherished his talent.


He doesn’t have to worry anymore!

Because Kaido knows that Uchiha Madara is very strong!

"Thunder gossip!"

The black and red overlord-colored domineering arcs are constantly flashing on Kaido's mace. This blow comes with his overlord-colored domineering force, which is extremely offensive and penetrating!

"Uchiha rebound!"

Uchiha Madara directly took off the uchiwa fan from his back with his backhand, and his domineering aura quickly enveloped the uchiwa fan. He waved the uchihara fan with both arms and faced Kaido, as if he was a samurai challenging a giant. Don’t measure your capabilities!

The huge mace hit the fan!

White light and black-red arcs flashed on the round fan!

A terrifying counter-shock force came from the fan, making Kaido the Beast unable to hold his mace, and staggered back a few steps!


Kaido of the Hundred Beasts roared and swung his mace at him again!

"Roar thunder gossip!"

Overlord-colored domineering energy wrapped around the mace and struck Uchiha Madara!

Uchiha Madara put away his fan and clenched his fists. Skeletons emerged from his body, and his body directly entered Susanoo's second form!

Even Susanoo in his second form is tall enough!

The blue Susanoo pulled out a giant sword glowing with blue light and blocked Kaido's mace. The huge force almost caused the second form of Susanoo to almost break apart!


The mace and the blue giant sword collided!

The two overlord-colored domineering energies continued to impact each other, and a terrifying shock wave instantly spread out from the joint of the weapons. The entire forest, trees, flowers, plants and rocks around the battlefield were blown away by this shock wave!

"You are really scary!"

Uchiha Madara smiled freely, and the Susanoo on his body stood up again, and two arms grew out of Susanoo's back!

The two Susanoos also held a blue giant sword in their hands. Two sharp slashes directly sent Kaido flying, even leaving a cross wound on his chest!

Blood gushes out...

For a moment, even Kaido was a little stunned.

This ferocious-looking sea emperor subconsciously reached out to grab his chest, but he touched a ball of blood. His face finally showed rage!

This is…

After many years…

Someone actually injured him again!

"Jiang Sanshi Yin Nai Luo!"

Kaido's body jumped into the air, and he swung the mace in his hand and smashed it down with all his strength. Black-red arcs of electricity flashed around him!

This blow...

Directly smashed the second form Susanoo's giant sword!

"Jundali·Long Shengjun!"

The moment Kaido of the Hundred Beasts landed on the ground, he waved the mace in his hand one after another, and his domineering aura never left the body of the mace for a moment!

This sea emperor…

He is actually so good at fighting with his overlord color and domineering energy!

The mace hit Uchiha Madara's Susanoo one after another, causing the Susanoo's body to crack apart inch by inch, and finally disappeared into thin air!

Uchiha Madara looked at this scene with some surprise. He looked at nothing around him, and finally a smile slowly appeared on his face.


Uchiha Madara's eyes flashed.

next moment!

Susanoo's figure appears again!

The complete Susanoo, who was as tall as a god of war, stood directly on the land of Apayado. Kaido, who was more than seven meters tall, looked like an insect in front of the complete Susanoo!

The mace hit Susanoo's calf hard, making a soul-stirring sound of gold and iron clashing, and a hole was opened in the complete Susanoo!


Uchiha Madara just raised his palm!

"Susanoh·Haki and Majestic Armor!"

A strong armed domineering energy flowed out of his body like clouds!

The jet-black armed Haki surrounds the body of the Complete Susanoo, entangling the entire tall Complete Susanoo into a ball of black, as if a body is attached to the blue God of War. Like a layer of black paint!

A burst of powerful overlord-colored domineering energy quickly enveloped the complete Susanoo's body from his whole body like lightning!

Two kinds of domineering...

At the same time, it was installed by Uchiha Madara!

The color of the entire Susanoo turned into pitch black, with black and red arcs flashing outside, making it look a bit gloomy and terrifying!

Even the huge blue samurai sword in the hand of the complete Susanoo was also wrapped with armament-colored Haki and Overlord-colored Haki, making it look particularly intimidating.


At the moment when the Haki in Uchiha Madara's body completely enveloped Susanoo, the entire clouds above Apayado were instantly blown away by his overlord-colored Haki!


Black and red arcing clouds slowly appeared...

Whether it was Kaido's overlord-colored Haki or Charlotte Lingling's overlord-colored Haki, they were all suppressed by the overlord-colored Haki released by the blessing of the complete Susanoo!

"Is this the trick..."

The moment Hyakju Kaido saw the complete form of Susanoo, his face gradually changed from furious to calm, and his eyes also became a little darker.

Don’t say anything else…

Just the armed Haki that can wrap around the hundreds of meters tall Susanoo, the intensity of this Haki is already a bit shocking...


More terrifying overlord color and domineering...

Hyakushou Kaido tightened his grip on his mace. Can this unknown phantom beast fruit ability actually increase the opponent's overlord-colored domineering power?


Maybe not an opponent!

The moment Kaido saw this scene, he knew very well that the opponent had already demonstrated the attack power that could destroy his body!


How could Kaido be willing to admit defeat!

Especially in front of the whole world, the dignity of the Sea Emperor requires him to fight forward!

Kaido stared with a pair of copper bell eyes, staring at Uchiha Madara in front of him, the flames wrapped around his body like a fire dragon!

"Hey, Kaido."

Just when Kaido was about to fight, Charlotte Lingling playfully summoned her two clouds again, and Teng Yun flew over, interrupting Kaido's movements.

Charlotte Lingling raised her head, looked at the dark Susanoo God, and said with a smile: "Well, well, well... You alone may not be his opponent..."

"Don't worry about it, old lady!"

Kaido turned around angrily and cursed.

"Still so rude..."

Charlotte Lingling shook her head, raised her hand to grab the hat she was wearing, and said to Kaido as if mocking: "If I let you be killed, I will not owe you the favor you owed me. I’ll find a solution for you…”

"You old woman!"

Kaido cursed again in dissatisfaction.


Tears flowed from the corners of the sea emperor's eyes.

"Hey, Lingling!"

Kaido picked up his mace, looked up at the mountain-like black complete Susanoo, and shouted angrily in a cold voice: "If I die here, bring all my men to you. Go to all the kingdoms and don't accept just one Jin, I know you have been coveting Jin for a long time!"

"Okay...Hey, Napoleon!"

Charlotte Lingling took off her hat, held it in her hand, and shouted in a low voice!


The pink hat that Charlotte Lingling had been wearing instantly stretched out its blade and turned into a knife!

This is the soul fragment of Charlotte Lingling, and it is also the weapon she is most proud of and loves the most!

Charlotte Lingling held the knife in her hand, raised her head and looked at the pitch-black Susanoo side by side with Kaido, and grinned again: "Well, well, well, I won't let you die here... I saved you, and to express your gratitude, you will definitely let Jhin join my Ten Thousand Kingdoms, right?"

"Old woman, it's better to stop dreaming!"

Kaido cursed without appreciation!

If something happens in the future, it is okay to ask him to return his life to Charlotte Lingling, but it is absolutely not okay to ask him to hand over his brother Jin!

"Well,'s really troublesome..."

Charlotte Lingling shook her head helplessly, and the domineering aura on her body surged again: "Then don't die here. If we defeat this guy, we can still get Hades!"

Above the sky!

The whole sky seemed to be cracked!

The black and red flowing clouds formed by the convergence of three overlord-colored domineering energies quickly collided!

Uchiha Madara's overlord-colored haki kept squeezing each other, and the pitch-black complete Susanoo pulled out the katana in his hand, and chopped the opponent's two streams of haki into mist with one strike!

this moment…

Everyone in the whole world seemed to have seen gods!


The two Yonko, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, are the brave men who challenge the gods!

The two Yonkos, Kaido and Charlotte Lingling, held their respective weapons and rushed towards Susanoo who stood like a mountain!

Kaido seems to like crying...

Crying after drinking too much...

Crying at every turn...

Big Mom still cries after she dies...

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