Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 422 I found some teachers for you to teach you the Sixth Form of the Navy

Warring States' choice is not surprising.

Everything the marshal did was for the sake of stabilizing the situation in the sea.

As a marshal who wants to bring justice to the navy, he needs to keep all the future in his own hands as much as possible.

The Judiciary Island operational plan, an operation that is very likely to lead to a major incident, naturally needs to be controlled by the navy. In any case, it cannot be left to people like Spangdam.

after all…

The Warring States Period had learned this lesson.

twenty years ago.

Sengoku was also a naval admiral.

Spandam's father, Spandam, obtained the golden telephone bug in the hands of the Warring States Period. He used the golden phone bug to launch a demon-slaying order against O'Hara, creating the O'Hara Incident that shocked the world and shocked many naval officers. My heart was clouded.


Sengoku’s plan to choose Akihara Kagura was also natural.

Even if we take a step back, Akihara Kagura and I are both our own people who have colluded with the Konoha Pirates, and their relationship must not get out of control...

Inside the carriage of the sea train.

Akihara Kagura put down the phone bug in her hand with satisfaction.

Everyone present looked at him with shock and fear on their faces. Whether it was Spandam on the ground or the prisoners of the Straw Hat Pirates, even the CP agents were sweating. It was Rob Lucci who was so bold. The guy is no exception.

No one thought about…

They may actually be involved in a major political battle within the world government!


"I have been authorized to kill."

Akihara Kagura raised his finger, as if holding a pistol, slowly raised it, and pressed it against Spandam's forehead.

"Help me quickly!"

Spandam's heart trembled, and he shouted loudly, signaling the agents to take action quickly: "If you didn't hear what this guy said, he's going to kill us to silence us!"


Rob Lucci rushed forward immediately. His figure appeared beside Akihara Kagura at high speed, and raised his hand to grab Akihara Kagura's shoulder!

Other agents rushed forward one after another!

This group of agents stood in all directions of Akihara Kagura. Some were standing in the corridor of the carriage, some were standing behind the seats, and some were even standing on the table!

This group of agents instantly surrounded Akihara Kagura!

Akihara Kagura didn't care at all about the rushing agents. She still pressed her fingers on Spandam's head and made a gesture with a smile.


next moment!

A bloody hole suddenly appeared on Spandam's forehead!

Rob Lucci's expression suddenly changed. He immediately recognized that Akihara Kagura was using the finger gun in the Sixth Form of the Navy, which could be activated instantly at such a close range!

This move refers to a gun...

It pierced Spandam's head directly!

"Are you going to surrender?"

Akihara Kagura killed Spandam with one move of his finger gun, still ignoring a group of CP agents who were surrounding him and ready to attack: "I can leave a whole body for you."

"Point gun!"

Rob Lucci raised his finger in response!


Akihara Kagura's body instantly became extremely hard, and the density of bones and muscles instantly became extremely high, harder than any steel!

Rob Lucci's finger gun landed on Akihara Kagura's body. He covered his fingers with pain on his face, but his body flew out on its own!


The other CP agents were shocked!

Akihara Kagura didn't give them a chance to be in a daze, and instantly kicked her legs up!

The agents present originally thought they could use the Sixth Marine Style's physical skills to get through a few moves. Unexpectedly, Akihara Kagura's physical skills were stronger than theirs. She grabbed the lion's neck with one hand and knocked Gabra away. At the same time, one leg stuck out and all the other agents were kicked away one by one!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

All the agents smashed on the carriage, and even the iron sheet of the carriage was somewhat deformed. Chopper, Usopp and others hid in the corner with fear on their faces!

"Is this an agent from the CP department?"

Akihara Kagura still maintained the single kicking posture with one leg, slowly lowered her leg, and even patted the dust on the vice admiral's clothes on her body.

"Be careful, he is very skilled in Marine Six!"

Rob Lucci hurriedly reminded everyone, and slowly raised his fingers. The tops of his fingers became red and swollen, and his palms were trembling slightly!

"Let me test his power!"

Otonashi Owl immediately used the Six-Style Swimming Technique Handai to try to test Akihara Kagura's power level. This is the standard for their CP agents to judge their strength. Anyone who practices the Sixth Form of the Navy can pass the power level. To judge its combat effectiveness!


Otonashi's owl's hand was pierced by Akihara Kagura's finger!

This fat guy opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, and his body flew backwards instantly. He couldn't believe the intensity of the blow his body had endured!

" careful, be careful..."

Otonashi Owl struggled to raise his head and told his companions the results of his test: "His power value is more than ten times that of Lu Qi, at least 40,000, which has exceeded my test limit!"

According to the CP department’s understanding of the power value over the years, those with a power value of 500 or above can be called super humans. Rob Lucci’s power value is as high as 4,000, which is a break-level existence among all CP agents...


The power level of the Vice Admiral in front of him exceeded Rob Lucci's ten times!

"The power value does not represent the true strength!"

Gabra could only remind everyone in a deep voice to encourage everyone. Just when he was about to attack Akihara Kagura, his body was pierced by Akihara Kagura's finger in an instant!


Akihara Kagura raised his fingers, and air bullets flew out of his fingers one after another, like pistol bullets, forcing the CP agents to flee in all directions. The carriages were hit by huge bullets from his flying finger gun. The hole!


The lion couldn't avoid it, and was shot in the chest by a flying finger!

"Iron piece Tsuna!"

Bruno stepped forward and stood in front of everyone!


Akihara Kagura's figure suddenly appeared next to Bruno, his whole body was glowing with lightning, and he pointed on Bruno's chest!

"Finger Spear, Hell Thrust, Ippon Hand!"

This is a strike that combines the Sixth Form of the Navy and the Thunder Ninja Taijutsu!

The iron block that Bruno had always been proud of shattered directly, and was pierced and defeated by Akihara Kagura's finger, and his whole body was covered with blood!


Kalifa tried to catch Bruno who fell!


Bruno's impact is too terrifying!

Kalifa and Bruno were thrown out at the same time!

In the blink of an eye…

Among the entire CP9 agents, only Rob Lucci and Kaku are still capable of fighting, but these two are the most proficient in practicing the Sixth Form of the Navy, and they are also the ones who know the strength of Akihara Kagura best.


Rob Lucci kicked a big hole with his kick and shouted angrily: "Jump directly into the sea. He is a Devil Fruit user and cannot enter the sea!"

Among the entire CP9 department, except for Bruno, the door fruit user, Rob Lucci and others have not eaten devil fruits. They jumped into the sea and had many ways to survive.

Kaku moved the fastest, and almost instantly kicked Otonashi Owl and Lion Natsutori, kicking these two seriously injured guys into the sea!

"Want to escape?"

Akihara Kagura raised her finger again.

Rob Lucci stepped forward and stopped in front of Akihara Kagura. He solemnly ordered his companions behind him: "You go first, I will stop him!"


Kaku saw Rob Luqi, who had always regarded himself as the leader in the CP9 department, stand up and could only remind him softly: "His Dao power value is at least more than 40,000, and your Dao power value is only 4,000." , you can't be his opponent..."

"There are so many things like power value!"

Rob Lucci was still looking at Akihara Kagura stubbornly. His legs were slightly arched and his whole body was in a fighting posture: "Besides, I just stopped him...don't waste time, run away quickly!"

"you're right."

"It's true that there are countless things like power value."

Akihara Kagura stretched out her palm, tapped it little by little and held it in the palm of her hand: "If you use your method to calculate the power value, my power value is not 40,000. In this state, the power value has already exceeded Four hundred thousand..."


Rob Lucci’s eyebrows twitched!


Kaku's expression changed drastically.

Although the power value cannot represent combat effectiveness, the power value of 400,000 is simply unimaginable to them. This is almost a hundred times that of Rob Luqi!

"Let's go first!"

Kalifa spoke up very sensibly and jumped directly into the sea with Bruno, regardless of the consequences of Bruno's injuries getting wet!


Kaku glanced at Rob Lucci with some hesitation, and could only jump out, leaving only Rob Lucci here alone.

"You want to cover their departure?"

A ball of lightning flashed at Akihara Kagura's fingertips.

After the lightning broke through the carriage above in an instant, it flew directly to the sky and turned into dense lightning like tree branches!


Rob Lucci's eyes suddenly widened.

Because he turned his head and looked into the sea, and saw the CP9 agents floating on the sea one after another being hit by lightning, and they all let out bursts of wailing sounds...

Dark clouds gathered in the sky.

Thunder and lightning and strong winds began to roar!

Strong winds and huge waves arose in the surrounding sea area, and all the CP9 agents were submerged in one wave, making Rob Lucci clenched his fingers involuntarily.


Rob Lucci has always hated weaklings...


Rob Lucci has always been very aloof in the CP9 department...


This group of people has been training with Rob Lucci, fighting for the same goal together, performing undercover assassination missions together, and they have always regarded him as a companion who depends on life and death...

"Those trash..."

Rob Lucci took a deep breath and cursed secretly, but his knuckles creaked when he pressed him. He jumped up and rushed towards Akihara Kagura!

"There is no difference between ants and bugs..."

Akihara Kagura's figure rushed forward at the same time, and his fist suddenly hit Rob Lucci's lower abdomen. The huge impact swept through Rob Lucci's body instantly!

"Uhhhhhh! Paper painting!"

Rob Lucci spit out blood from the corner of his mouth, and he didn't know how many bones he had broken. His body instantly became like paper floating up!

"Bye now."

Akihara Kagura raised his palm, and countless thunder and lightning flew out of his hand, covering Rob Lucci's body. Rob Lucci's whole body was completely black, and he was knocked into the sea by Akihara Kagura's blow!

The entire CP9 and its leader Spandam were wiped out by Akihara Kagura in the blink of an eye, and anyone could see that he was doing it with ease.

Just at this moment, a blind person came...

Sanji of the Straw Hat Pirates took advantage of Akihara Kagura to ravage the agents of CP9, opened the door of the next carriage, and was quietly asking the prisoners in the carriage to escape with him...

At this moment…

Usopp and Franky have been rescued by Sanji.

Sanji was holding Chopper and was about to leave, leaving only Nico Robin sitting there with a troubled face...

Because she knows...

It was impossible for them to escape.


Sanji has great ideas.

Sanji thinks that they can escape to the next carriage. He can escape from here as long as the link between the carriages is broken...

"Long time no see, Mr. Sanji."

Akihara Kagura slowly turned her head and saw Sanji hugging Chopper and trying to leave. His fingertips instantly glowed with lightning!

"Let them go!"

Nicole Robin stopped in front of Akihara Kagura, her hair blowing in the wind, trying to rely on her weak body to resist Akihara Kagura's attack.

Nico Robin gritted her teeth and her eyes became extremely firm, as if she wanted to understand something: "Let Chopper and the others leave immediately! I know exactly what you want to do!"

"is that useful?"

The electric light on Akihara Kagura's fingertips was still flashing, and she turned her head slightly to look at Sanji and others behind Nico Robin: "Anyway, these people will come to save you in the end, and they will fall into my hands after all. Here, why let them make an extra trip..."

"Will not!"

Nico Robin looked back at Sanji and slowly lowered his head: "Sanji, take Chopper and the others away. There is no need to rescue me. This sea train leads to Judiciary Island. No one can save me." It is possible to save people from Judiciary Island. The world government and navy are traps set up for Judiciary Island. Don’t let everyone go to Judiciary Island, and don’t bother with my business anymore..."

"Our journey..."

Nico Robin turned her head sharply, not daring to look at Sanji's face, and said loudly: "Let's say goodbye here!"

"Miss Robin!"

Sanji looked at Nico Robin in disbelief.

"I've already guessed what you want to do."

"I can cooperate with you in whatever you want. Anyway, you deliberately let me hear the phone bug between you and the Navy Marshal just to take advantage of me, right?"

Nicole Robin raised her head and looked at Akihara Kagura, as if she had guessed Akihara Kagura's thoughts from the messages she got through Akihara Kagura in this short period of time. Her eyes were full of determination: "Just let them go. Here, I can do anything for you, but you can’t kill me anyway, because you still have a deal with Qing Pheasant, and you still need to use Qing Pheasant, right?”

"It's a good deal."

Akihara Kagura raised her finger, and a bolt of lightning instantly bypassed Nico Robin like a thunder snake and broke through the chain between the two carriages!

"Miss Robin!"

Sanji looked at the distant train in disbelief, and at the slim figure with flying hair in the carriage, he subconsciously stretched out his hand to bring the other person back!

"Goodbye, everyone."

Nicole Robin closed her eyes, two tears streaming down her cheeks, and her voice disappeared into the sea breeze.

next moment!

This woman's eyes opened again, and her eyes were cold!

Nicole Robin stared at Akihara Kagura closely, and expressed her judgment firmly: "The Navy wants to overthrow the rule of the Celestial Dragons and take control of the world government, right?"

“The history of Alabasta is real.”

Akihara Kagura walked up step by step, looked into those beautiful eyes, and chuckled: "The Goddess Mao who was sealed at the end of the Great Route really exists. The Tianlong people are slaves who betrayed the Goddess Mao. Are you willing to tell the world Are you going to sue this matter?"

"Do you want me to betray history?"

Nicole Robin's nails were almost digging into her flesh.


"This is not a betrayal of history..."

Akihara Kagura shook her head, turned around and walked towards the carriage door. After reaching out to close the door, she said: "It should be said that it is a rewriting of real history!"


"Before real cooperation..."

"We still have to solve the trouble from the Straw Hats first..."

"Although you asked those guys not to go to Judicial Island to rescue you and prevent them from going to Judiciary Island and stepping into the trap I planned to set, I feel that they will not agree..."

"I know those pirates very well..."

Akihara Kagura slowly sat on a chair, her eyes darkened slightly: "Even if there is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire in front of them, they will step in in order to save their companions..."

"Let them cause a scene, and I will use you to start a war, a war against the world government and pirates..."

"When you really see the big scene, you will realize your weakness..."

"You'll find out..."

"What should I really do..."

When he said this, Akihara Kagura's eyes closed slightly, as if falling into a slumber.

Chambord Islands.

The island has become extremely lively recently.

The Konoha Pirates were resting on Island No. 1, preparing for the Celestial Dragon slave auction and preparing supplies for the new world.

The Red Sand Scorpion, Orochimaru, Senju Tobirama and others were still doing experiments. The Red Sand Scorpion suddenly spoke softly: "Kagura used the Samsara Eye to convey the message to me. He prepared for us several people who are good at this world." Teachers of the unique Taijutsu Marine Sixth Form, Ah Wei and Mr. Black Zetsu took the time to collect them."

"That kind of physical training method is really strange..."

Senju Tobirama is very interested in the Sixth Form of the Navy and understands its advantages: "It can even be regarded as another unique training system...just like the system of Haki and Chakra..."

"What is Kagura-kun doing?"

Orochimaru put down the test tube in his hand.


The Red Sand Scorpion hesitated, and actually didn't know how to sum it up: "If you want to be serious, you should probably start preparing yourself to become a general of the Navy Headquarters, right?"

I have to prepare for class recently...

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