Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 429 Luffy’s last words! Red-haired Shanks' smile!

Justice Island.

With Spangdine's departure, the atmosphere on the entire Judiciary Island suddenly relaxed, and the small conflicts between the naval generals were easily ignored.

The navy soldiers erected an execution rack and a high platform in the center of the Judiciary Island, and even set up a video phone bug, as if they were preparing to tell the world about the execution trial of Luffy, the son of the dragon.

to be honest.

Akihara Kagura didn't panic at all.

Nicole Robin felt a little panicked, because she felt that the Navy really wanted to execute her captain, and even the scheduled execution date was coming soon!


Nothing seems to have changed.

Everything seems to be going according to the world government's plan.

In order to appease Nico Robin, Akihara Kagura told her not to worry about the Straw Hat Pirates' problems, but to just wait for the results quietly.

When the day of execution came, a group of navy soldiers escorted Monkey D. Luffy out of the temporary prison on Judiciary Island, and led him step by step onto the execution rack.

"The sun is so beautiful..."

Monkey D. Luffy smiled and looked up at the sky. This optimistic and cheerful boy still wore his straw hat, as if he had never changed.


Garp stood by the execution rack and clenched his fists. He looked at his grandson who was calmly dying in front of him, his body trembling constantly.

Let an old man who is over seventy years old watch his grandson die in front of him. This kind of thing is a bit too cruel for this navy veteran...


Monkey D. Luffy didn't feel anything about this, and even talked to his grandfather with a smile: "I was almost killed by you many times when I was a child. This time you can finally kill me..."

"You idiot!"

Garp raised his fist angrily and wanted to punch him!

The old man finally stopped before his fist fell on Luffy's head. His heart couldn't help but throb, and sadness and pain spread in his heart.

this moment…

Garp deeply felt his own powerlessness.

I have been in the navy for so many years and have solved countless troublesome pirates for the navy. I have always maintained order in the sea as a navy veteran, but I can't even protect my own grandson...

This time…

Old friends from the Warring States Period had nothing to do.

Because the World Government wants to execute the son of the leader of the Revolutionary Army, not as a pirate, they need to lure the Revolutionary Army to fight the navy.

A group of marines escorted Luffy to the execution platform step by step. Aokiji stood on the execution platform with his tall body, quietly looking at Luffy and Garp who followed behind.

"We got the message."

A navy soldier stood beside Aoki and reported the situation: "The revolutionary army's warships lost track of themselves on their way from the second half of the Grand Route. They should be heading towards Judiciary Island..."

"Get ready."

Aokiji waved his hand to signal the soldier to step back, walked to Garp's side, and watched with Garp as Luffy was pressed in front of the execution platform.

"Mr. Karp..."

There was a little shame in Qingzhi's eyes.

Although Aokiji is one of the undercover agents of the Konoha Pirates, he also thinks that he is still a member of the navy. This time they are under the order of the World Government to use the grandson and son of Mr. Garp, whom they have always respected. led the revolutionary army to fight.

This war is about to break out...

Aokiji doesn’t want Garp to continue to be involved here.

Whether it is letting Garp deal with his son Monkey D. Dragon, or sitting back and watching the end of Monkey D. Luffy, his grandson, lose his life, it is not something an old man can bear.

"I'm right here."

Garp shook his head and did not choose to leave.


Qingzhi was silent for a while, and could only walk aside and reach out to hold a phone bug. His voice spread throughout the Judiciary Island along with the phone bug.

"Everyone...get ready."

Aoki Pheasant's voice sounded dull through the phone bug.

Following Aokiji's order, the navy of the entire Judiciary Island made preparations according to the pre-war arrangements, and one by one the video phone bugs began to open.

Video phone bugs all over the world received the signal from the video phone bug and immediately put all the projections on the screen, and a group of people who had been waiting for it looked over.

"That is…"

Everyone was shocked by this scene.

Countless white navy uniforms appeared densely on the screen, including generals and officers with the rank of colonel and even brigadier general and major general!

This kind of naval officers who can suppress a party of pirates in peacetime, or even decide the fate of a country, all stand together with ordinary naval soldiers!

Take a closer look...

Those seemingly ordinary naval soldiers are all elites within the navy, and there are many lieutenants with the rank of second lieutenant or lieutenant among them!

Fifty thousand elite navy!

This is all the military power that the navy can currently mobilize. This amount of navy is mobilized when the navy headquarters is facing the shortage of participating countries around the world!

to be honest…

It is indeed quite shocking at first glance.

It's just that the number of lieutenant generals among them is pitifully small, especially those famous and powerful lieutenant generals in the Navy Headquarters, because those lieutenant generals have to guard one side and cannot move without permission...


The video phone bug moves slowly.

A high platform located under the execution rack fell into everyone's eyes.

Three seats were placed on the high platform, and three vice-admirals wearing navy cloaks sat on them, namely Navy Headquarters Vice-Admiral Midori, Navy Headquarters Vice-Admiral Akihara Kagura, and Navy Headquarters Vice-Admiral Fujitora. The strength of the three lieutenant generals should be the three strongest among all lieutenant generals.

it is a pity…

None of this is known outside.

Many people only know a Vice Admiral named Akihara Kagura. Akihara Kagura, who has the ability of the natural thunder fruit, once participated in the battle against the Konoha Pirates on the Sky Island, and used the body of a thunder god to fight against the Konoha Pirates. Vice-captain Uchiha Madara escaped unharmed.

The remaining two...

It's not that he has any particularly powerful name.

Only a few people know some information about Fujitora and Green Bull.


No one thought the Navy would lose.

Because the video phone bug quickly stopped at the highest execution platform.

Everyone saw a tall figure, Navy Headquarters Admiral Aokiji, the supreme commander of the battle on Judiciary Island and the strongest combat force in this war.

"Is the war between the revolutionary army and the world government about to begin?"

People all over the world are feeling worried, and they all know that this war will completely change the world's structure.

If the revolutionary army can win, the world government's participating countries will definitely break away from the world government faster and faster, and more and more joining countries will break away; if the world government can win, then the rule of the Tianlong people may continue a period of time…

At least…

It cannot be shaken by the revolutionary army.


The revolutionary army has not yet appeared.

The navy is fully prepared and ready to wait for work.

Judging from the lineup alone, people still think that the Navy's chances of victory are higher, because the cadres of the Revolutionary Army do not seem to be particularly famous.

The only one who can say something...

Probably the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey D. Long.

"I am Admiral Aokiji of the Navy Headquarters."

Qingzhi held the phone bug in his hand and spoke with a complicated expression: "I'm sorry, we are gathered here for an important purpose, and the purpose is precisely for the criminal in front of us..."

"The son of Dragon, Straw Hat Luffy, led his men to attack Judiciary Island in an attempt to attack the important place of the World Government. He wanted to help Xin's father, the leader of the revolutionary army, the most dangerous criminal in the world... Long... opened up a way to attack the Navy Headquarters and the world. The stronghold of the Holy Land…”

"Straw Hat Luffy..."

"Is there anything else you want to say?"

In order to avoid causing trouble, the World Government asked Aokiji to conceal Monkey D. Luffy's surname to prevent others from associating his name with the naval hero Garp.

Just people who should know...

Almost all of them are already known.

"I want to become the Pirate King!"

"I want to rescue Robin!"

Straw Hat Luffy refused to admit his guilt at all, he smiled, and then roared loudly: "Hey, Robin, I'm sorry, this time I'm going to die here first!"


All the navy present were a little stunned.

This guy…

What the hell are you talking about!

At this time, you are still talking nonsense about becoming the Pirate King, and you are still talking about wanting to rescue Robin. Shouldn't you cry out that you are going to die?

"That rascal…"

Smoker held a cigar in his hand, and there was even smoke on the cigar. He looked up at Straw Hat Luffy on the execution platform, and stubbed out his cigar with all his strength!

"Still the same ghostly look..."

Smoker tightened his grip, crushed the cigar in his hand, and gritted his teeth: "Why are you still smiling at this time..."

"It's terrible..."

Tina stood next to Smoker, but her eyes became extremely serious: "Hey, Smoker, is that the pirate you have always wanted to hunt down? It's really extraordinary..."

Tower of Justice.

Nicole Robin has been here forever.

When Luffy said his last words and spread throughout the Judiciary Island, Nico Robin also heard everything, and a flash of disbelief flashed in her eyes.


This woman had been standing here watching the situation. She knew Luffy's life experience and why he was executed, but she had no way to save her captain...

Before the execution begins…

Nicole Robin has resigned herself to her fate.

Because both Akihara Kagura and Aokiji turned a blind eye to her desire to rescue Luffy, even though Akihara Kagura would guarantee that there would be no accidents and let her wait for the result quietly...


It’s about time…

Why should she wait any longer?

Nico Robin has been here all along. When she heard Luffy's loud declaration, tears instantly burst out of her eyes and she almost burst into tears!


Nico Robin covered her lips and cried out.

That is your own captain!

Even when his own captain was taken to the execution rack by the navy, and even when he was about to be executed, he still didn't give up the idea of ​​​​rescuing her from the navy, and even apologized for not being able to rescue his own crew members...


What are you doing!

Still holding the information about Pluto, waiting for the so-called results!

"Wait for me…"

Nicole Robin could no longer control her mood, and rushed out of the Tower of Justice with her mouth covered. She walked so fast when she went downstairs that she almost fell down on the stairs!


Nicole Robin can't care less!

Now Nicole Robin just wants to rush over and do something, no matter what she does, she can't just watch her captain die here!


"I found someone who would accept me..."

"I found someone who is willing to protect me..."

Nico Robin rushed down the stairs, as if she had returned to the time she was twenty years ago. In her mind, she merged the figure of Luffy with the figure of Sauro who saved her many years ago...

These two people…

They all want to protect her with all their might!

"Miss Robin, don't go there."

Just as Nicole Robin finally rushed out, a red-haired female marine figure stopped Nicole Robin and prevented her from approaching the execution platform.

"I'm going to find my captain!"

Nicole Robin's arms were crossed in front of her chest in an instant. Her eyes were sharp and energetic, and the tears in the corners of her eyes could not make people ignore her firm attitude: "All the transactions between me and Akihara Kagura are void. Now even if you want to If you want to kill me, I also want to die with my own captain!"

This is…

Nicole Robin's decision!

This is the decision of the archaeologists of the Straw Hat Pirates!

Nicole Robin's hands suddenly stood up in front of her chest and made a gesture. She was about to activate her flowery fruit ability!

"Do not impulse."

Xianglan's ninja sword fell on Nico Robin's neck.

"The transaction cannot be voided."

Xiang Phosphorus stood at the door of the Tower of Justice and grabbed Nicole Robin directly. She did not look at the execution platform and calmly comforted Nicole Robin: "I understand your current mood very well, and I also understand How lucky you are to have someone willing to protect you with everything you have..."


"I must obey Kagura-sama... Lieutenant General Kagura's orders."

Xiang Ling slowly looked towards the direction of the port and continued: "But you don't have to worry, Lieutenant Kagura will never fail to make a deal..."

As the words of Xiang Phosphorus fell...

The door of justice on Judiciary Island suddenly opened slowly.

"The door of justice is open!"

A navy soldier reported in horror!

"Don't worry."

Qingzhi held the phone bug in his hand and continued softly: "This is part of the plan. The revolutionary army should be coming..."


next moment!

A huge covered pirate ship suddenly jumped out from the bottom of the sea, a skull and crossbones flag fluttering in the wind in the sun, and a red-haired man standing on the bow with a smile on his face!

"Hey, Luffy."

The red-haired Shanks pressed the Western sword Griffin on his waist and looked at the conspicuous straw hat on the execution platform with a smile: "We had agreed at the beginning that we would meet again after you became a great pirate. I never expected that. Why do you still want me to save you after such a long time..."

In the past, I could have written at least a few more chapters of this chapter...

But not tonight...

I have to do my homework...

There is a class on Get Out of Here tomorrow, so you must listen carefully!

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