Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 451: The whole army attacks, in order to recapture Vegapunk, no matter the cost!

"Five hundred and fifty beli."

This number is still full of zeros and rounded numbers.

A group of people looked at Doflamingo in astonishment.

Doflamingo looked at this fellow member with a sneer, as if he wanted to humiliate this relative as much as possible: "Fur, fu, fu, fu... Although I think this kind of waste is only worth fifty beli, but Konoha The auction is worth 500 million..."


A group of people cursed in their bellies.

This bastard…

He even didn’t forget to please Konoha!

But no one present competed with Doflamingo.

Because they don't care about the internal fighting and persecution of the Draco clan, and they are not willing to care so much. Anyway, this Draco slave of Don Quixote will definitely not end well...


This auction item has come to an end.

One after another, the Celestial Dragons were quickly pulled up. Among them, the red-haired Shanks and the agents of the World Government bid several times in succession. They all bought some Celestial Dragons because some pirates didn't care much about them...

The auction is proceeding in an orderly manner.

But no one noticed the turbulent undercurrent hidden under this auction. Several world agents were counting the time in their hearts, silently waiting for the most important item.

Commander of the Knights of God...

The Ancient Sage Fegaland Grimm.

Because the World Government knew very well that the strength of this group of agents was unlikely to cause any trouble under the control of the Konoha Pirates, so they placed their hopes on the ancient saint Fegaland Green.

As long as Old Saint Green takes action on this island...

The navies on the sea off the Chambord Islands will rush over immediately and launch together!

“Now let’s bring in the grand finale…”

The person in charge of the slave auction house was finally about to end the auction with trepidation. In a trembling voice, he introduced the identity of the bidder: "Old Saint Grimm of the Fegaland clan of the Celestial Dragon..."

"A billion Baileys!"

The female agent of the World Government directly shouted out a price!

"Hmph, 1.5 billion Baileys!"

Sand Crocodile Crocodile snorted coldly. He felt that this old Celestial Dragon must not be simple, so he immediately bid directly!

"Two billion Baileys."

Red-haired Shanks bid in a calm voice.

In this auction house, no one can match the financial resources of the World Government. Red-haired Shanks and the agents of the World Government are enough to take down the ancient saint Fegaland Green here.

"Three billion Baileys!"

"Five billion Baileys!"

This number was enough to scare off this group of pirates.

When the supernovas heard these huge numbers, they were all a little shocked and couldn't believe it. Their heads were not even one-tenth of this number!

"Nami is here..."

As Luffy sat at the auction, he thought of the money-grubbing navigator on his ship: "He will definitely go crazy..."

Five billion Baileys…

This number will definitely drive Nami crazy!

However, the agent of the world government paid this price without even raising his head!

"Five billion Baileys, deal!"

The person in charge of the slave auction finally finished hosting the auction and loudly congratulated the agent who made the bid: "Congratulations to Ms. Stusi, Queen of Happy Street in the Underworld, for acquiring the most valuable slave, Ancient Saint Fegalande Green... "

"Please give us the key."

Stussy frowned and reached out for the key to open the chain.

What does the person in charge of this auction house mean? Doesn't this mean that he will also offend the noble celestial dragon, Ancient Sage Fegalande Green?

"I must remind you first..."

The person in charge quickly asked someone to give him the key and said cautiously: "If you open the key on the slave rashly, the slave may take steps to harm the master..."


Stussy didn't care at all.

This woman named the Queen of the Happy Street of the Underworld, who has been working for the World Government secretly, directly took the key and opened the chain on the ancient saint Fegalande Green!

"Old Saint Green..."

After Stussy opened the chain, he immediately lowered his voice, wanting to tell the commander of the Knights of God the order from the Five Old Stars.

next moment!

Stussy's body flew out directly!

The first time the Ancient Saint Fegalande Green escaped from trouble, he slapped Stussy on the face and threw this charming woman away!

"Old Saint Green!"

"Old Saint Green!"

The other rescued Dracos immediately looked at the Ancient Saint Fegalande Green with hope, hoping that the guardian of the Dracos could save them!

All the pirates present immediately felt like they were facing a formidable enemy!

"That rascal…"

Bartholomew Xiong quickly protected his daughter Pawnee and wanted to take his daughter away from here carefully: "Bonnie, let's go quickly!"

"My temper is still so bad..."

Pluto Rayleigh looked at the violent Old Saint Fegalande Green and looked at the red-haired Shanks next to him with a smile: "You two are nothing alike..."

"Ha, this..."

Red-haired Shanks scratched his head in embarrassment.

Strictly speaking…

The red-haired Shanks and the Ancient Saint Fegalande Grimm look almost alike. Even though they are old, one can still see their outlines...

"Old Saint Green!"

Agents of other world governments are scared!

These agents were afraid that the Ancient Saint Fegaland Green would kill people in a bad temper and kill them too, so they could only shout out the World Government's orders to him in a hurry!

"Satan Saint's order..."

"We hope that the Ancient Saint Green will assist us and the navy in fighting the Konoha Pirates and retaking Vegapunk from the hands of the Konoha Pirates!"


Ancient Saint Fegaland Green squinted his eyes, stretched out his palms and directly grabbed the bubble hood on his head. The bubble hood burst directly on his head!

This old man with his bun curled up into the sky and his face full of wrinkles didn't care at all about the glass shards falling on him, and snorted contemptuously!


"I just want to settle accounts with those bastards!"

Although we lost in Mariegio last time...

But Ancient Sage Fegaland Green will not give in easily!

As a proud Celestial Dragon, as one of the most admired and powerful men among the Celestial Dragons, the Ancient Saint Fegalande Green has had a superhuman arrogance since he was a child!

Even among the Celestial Dragons...

Ancient Saint Fegaland Green is also a superior being!

"They are coming for Mr. Vegapunk!"

Bonny quickly grabbed the big bear's sleeve and looked at the big bear with worry!

"Let's go!"

Bartholomew Bear picked up Pony in one hand and hurriedly took his daughter away from here, wanting to protect Bega Punk!

"Want to escape?"

Ancient Saint Fegaland Green sneered, not caring about the big bear who escaped: "After seeing the god who has become a prisoner, you can't escape no matter what. The entire Chambord Islands should not exist in this world..."

The Ancient Saint Fegaland Green is going to kill the big bear to silence him!

Not only Bartholomew Big Bear, but even everyone in this auction house, he does not intend to let go, even everyone in the Chambord Islands, he wants to kill these people!


I don’t want people to remember the time when I was a slave!

Even after returning to Mariejoia, he still needed to use the power of the Celestial Dragon to hide everything. He would never allow anyone to see him being used as a slave!

As for whether he can defeat Madara Uchiha of the Konoha Pirates...

The ancient sage Fegaland Green believed that he had found a way to defeat Madara Uchiha. The last time he only lost one move, he had been thinking about why he lost during this period of being a slave. He won't lose this time!

"Where is that man Uchiha Madara!"

Ancient Saint Fegaland Green crushed a big pirate blocking the road with one hand, and then snatched the big pirate's sharp knife. His voice was a little loud and dull!

"Get out, Uchiha Madara!"

"Do not impulse…"

The red-haired Shanks jumped to his side in an instant, raised his hand and pressed the sharp blade in his hand, hoping that the ancient saint Fegaland Green would not be too arrogant...

Uchiha Madara is very strong!

This man finally had a chance to be rescued, so why would he be so determined to challenge Uchiha Madara here? Even if he honestly cooperates with the navy to save Vegapunk?

to be honest…

So far…

Red-haired Shanks has never seen or even believed that anyone can defeat Uchiha Madara. If there is someone, it should be someone from the Konoha Pirates...

"This young boy is not qualified enough to take care of adults' affairs..."

The Ancient Saint Fegaland Green snorted coldly and looked dissatisfied at the red-haired Shanks who blocked him: "If you still think you are a member of the Fegaland family, then pick up your sword and fight with me. Fight together!"


A wry smile appeared on red-haired Shanks' face.

Even if the two of them fight together, they may not be Uchiha Madara's opponent! Especially Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama must be on this island...

The collaboration between those two people...

It’s not as simple as one plus one!

"Have you stayed with those pirates for too long..."

The ancient saint Fegaland Green's eyes moved coldly from the face of red-haired Shanks to the body of Hades Rayleigh. Veins popped up on his forehead in an instant, and anger surged from his chest again!

It’s these pirates…

Let the genius of the Fegaland family surrender and become a pirate!

This bastard…

How dare you appear in front of me!

The Ancient Saint Fegaland Green jumped up, rushed in the direction of Pluto Rayleigh, and struck directly at Pluto Rayleigh with his sword!

"Hey, hey, hey, we are all old bones, but I am retired..."

Pluto Rayleigh chuckled lightly, pulled out a long sword from his side, and blocked the attack of the Ancient Saint Fegaland Green!

In an instant…

A surge of domineering domineering energy surged out of the two people at the same time. Two strong men who were active in the previous era began a domineering collision between them!

The Ancient Saint Fegaland Green looked at Pluto Rayleigh coldly: "That bastard Gol D. Roger was executed, and you are still left to deal with it..."

"I'm already retired..."

Pluto Rayleigh still had a smile on his lips.

"Those two people...are so strong..."

"Are you kidding..."

"They are obviously just two old guys..."

A group of pirates looked at the confrontation between Pluto Rayleigh and Fegaland Green Ancient Saint in horror, and even couldn't believe their eyes.

"Do not impulse!"

The figure of the red-haired Shanks instantly appeared between the two old men. The Western sword Griffin on his waist was instantly drawn out and picked on the two old men's swords, stopping the fight between them!

"Now is not the time to fight..."

The red-haired Shanks looked straight at the Ancient Saint Fegaland Green and said solemnly: "Please give me some face and don't pursue Mr. Rayleigh..."


Ancient Saint Fegalande Green put away his knife in displeasure, glanced at the other pirates coldly, and said grimly: "Humph, it's okay to let this old guy live, but the rest of the entire Shampoo Islands They’re all going to die!”


Red-haired Shanks frowned.

"Maybe it would be good for you to escape..."

Pluto Rayleigh chuckled and put away his long sword: "After all, this is the territory of the Konoha Pirates. Except for you, the Celestial Dragons who have become slaves, the other Celestial Dragons have never dared to set foot here. It’s an archipelago…”


The Ancient Sage Fegaland Grimm was furious again.

"Mr. Reilly, please stop saying a few words..."

The red-haired Shanks reached out and rubbed his head, feeling troubled by the dispute between the two old men who were both close to him.

While everyone was looking at Fegaland Green, Ancient Saint, Pluto Rayleigh and others, a black and white figure emerged from the ceiling above.

It was Black Zetsu and Awei, the intelligence officers of the Konoha Pirates.

"Can we start testing?"

There was unprecedented joy in Bai Jue'awei's voice, and he looked at the rampaging Ancient Saint Fegalande Green standing in the field with a smile: "Let them kill this man..."

"Let's do it."

Black Jue's hoarse voice echoed in the auction room.


A group of pirates suddenly raised their heads and saw a black and white monster.

However, before they could figure out what it meant, a group of White Zetsu who had been distributed around the venue suddenly burst out, and these White Zetsu rushed towards the venue instantly!

"What do the Konoha Pirates want to do!"

A pirate looked at a group of charging monsters in horror!

One of the big pirates raised his hand and was about to punch a White Zetsu away. What was strange was that the White Zetsu's body instantly turned into a ball of golden particles and dissipated!

"We need to use you pirates as experimental subjects..."

Bai Jue Awei looked at the chaotic battlefield with a smile, and kindly persuaded him: "This is the latest war weapon we have cultivated. Please use your lives to help us test it a little. Anyway, you It’s not a good thing either…”

"let's go."

Black never wanted to stay here too long.

"Be careful!"

The red-haired Shanks waved his Western sword Griffin and cut away a charging White Zetsu with one blow. He watched the White Zetsu turn into light particles and dissipate in advance, and his eyes became particularly solemn: "These monsters The ability to use natural fruits!"


The whole place was in chaos instantly!

at the same time.

The Chambord Islands were also in chaos.

The agents of the World Government obtained the authority of the pacifists from Saint Satan of the Five Old Stars. They mobilized at this moment and controlled the pacifists to start brazenly besieging the area of ​​the Konoha Pirates, preparing to rob it at all costs. Vegapunk!

One by one, the pacifists stepped forward and fired lasers towards the area where the Konoha Pirates lived!

Off the coast of Shampoo Islands.

One navy warship also started taking action simultaneously.

Akihara Kagura raised her eyebrows, looked at the Shampoo Islands that were in chaos, and said softly: "Is this probably the time to take action? It seems that the agents have finally started to take action..."

"Prepare for landing operations immediately!"

Akainu gave the marching order in a deep voice.

This tall naval admiral led his warships forward at a gallop. His voice was somewhat rich: "The whole army attacks the Chambord Islands!"


"Go all out to take back Vegapunk, no matter what the cost!"


Tomorrow is my birthday…

It might be a little later if there's someone to eat with...

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