Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 462 Akainu: I gave the order, what happened?

"Bitten by two dogs."

Ancient Sage Fegaland Green glanced at his empty shoulders.

The news that Vice Admiral Akihara Kagura cut off the Commander of the Knights of God could not be concealed, and a certain instigator had no intention of concealing it.

I even wish that this matter would ferment even more.

It was precisely because of this that the Ancient Sage Fegaland Green had the opportunity to return to Mariejoia and tell the Five Old Stars about the conflict between him and the navy in the Chambord Islands.


"I scolded them a few words..."

Ancient Saint Fegaland Green did not hide anything, and even added a little bit of his own understanding: "That bastard Sakaski ordered his subordinate Akihara Kagura to secretly attack me..."

"The Navy did it!"

There was a look of surprise in the eyes of Saint Nashou Lang.

"How dare those dogs!"

Saint Satan's eyes suddenly narrowed.

It’s really…

What a bunch of bastards!

This was an extremely dangerous look, and Saint Satan even used his ability unintentionally, making Saint Nashou Lang next to him a little uncomfortable.

"Satan Saint, calm down."

"The Navy just arrested Kaido and Charlotte Lingling..."

Saint Nashoulang had to remind his colleagues and said in a deep voice: "The power of the navy is unprecedentedly powerful..."


"Direct attack on Ancient Saint Green..."

"This behavior is tantamount to betraying the world government..."

It’s really…

What a big trouble!

The occurrence of this incident almost tore the dignity between the navy and the Tianlong people!

Saint Nasshoulang looked at the ancient Saint Fegalande Green next to him. He even regretted that the commander of the Knights of God had returned. The resulting conflict with the navy brought them a setback. What a headache!

About this...

You really can't take it lightly.

In the past, the navy was indeed quite obedient.

The entire sea believed that the Navy was just a lackey of the Draco, and it didn't matter even if they, the Draco, frequently abused the Navy Marshal.

However, now that the fighting power of the Tianlong people has dropped significantly after experiencing the ravages of the Konoha Pirates, the strength of the navy seems to be even more powerful. There are even naval forces with superior combat capabilities such as Akihara Kagura. Even the two four emperors have Able to capture alive...

What a headache...

If the navy is not dealt with, the majesty and dignity of the Celestial Dragons will be like a fig leaf that is finally torn off, and the navy's independent power will be greatly enhanced;

If we deal with the navy...

What will the Tianlong people do to deal with the navy?

Vice Admiral Akihara Kagura dared to attack even the commander of the Knights of God, and even single-handedly arrested two of the Four Emperors. How could he just keep his hands tied? If the other party directly chooses to defect, the World Government will immediately laugh at him. , the situation that was improving is about to collapse again!

If not dealt with...

The Tianlong people have lost all their face!

If dealt with...

The Tianlong people’s reputation is gone, and their face may also be lost!

"Let Warring States come for a visit first..."

Saint Nashou Lang frowned, and his heart was in a mess. He could only summon Fo Zhi Seng Guo at this time, and wanted to interrogate the naval marshal Fo Zhi Seng Guo. Does the navy still take the Tianlong people in their eyes? Not to betray the world government at this time...


Satan Sheng's voice was still cold, and his eyes were still half-closed, looking particularly fierce: "The navy was originally a dog we raised. Now the dog we raised at home bit the owner. If the owner doesn't kill the dog, what's the point? Do you want to keep it and let it continue to bite?”

"Saint Jaygolucia Satan..."

Saint Nashoulang gritted his teeth. The old man held his samurai sword and felt a little uneasy: "The dog at home bit someone, and there are wolves outside waiting to eat us!"

The threat from the Konoha Pirates is still there.

If they really get into trouble with the Navy over this matter, it will probably become an unmanageable situation in the end!

The navy is the largest military force in the hands of the World Government. Once the assistance of the navy is lost, the huge sphere of influence of the participating countries that the World Government wants to maintain will be almost an empty shell. It is impossible for them to rebuild a navy at this time. organize!

"What's more..."

Nasushiro Sei hopes that his colleagues will pay attention to Akihara Kagura's achievements: "The dog at home caught two wolves, and if it is cornered, it may turn into a man-eating wolf! We have only one dog left at home. The stick in your hand that can be used to beat dogs has rotted under a pile of meat that is fed to dogs. Even if it can kill a biting dog, the stick may break..."

Nasshoulangsheng is the financial god among the five old stars. He is in charge of the treasury funds of the world government and the Celestial Dragons, and is also responsible for allocating military expenditures for the navy.

The destruction of the Knights of God and the killing of three of the Five Old Stars resulted in their inability to fully suppress the navy with force, which also meant that they did not have a hard dog-beating stick; now the dragon people's best weight is all they have left. The military expenses in his hands were gone.

military spending…

It’s meat fed to dogs.

Saint Nashoulang hopes to use the amount of military expenditures in his hands to restrict the navy, rather than directly forcibly disposing of the navy like Saint Satan's attitude.

To put it bluntly...

According to the current situation, if the navy and the Celestial Dragons fight again, even if the Celestial Dragons can win, it will be a miserable victory at most. Under the watchful eyes of the Konoha Pirates and the Revolutionary Army, the rule of the Celestial Dragons will also Overturn immediately!

"I got you."

Saint Satan held his crutch in his hand, his eyes still half-closed, and said coldly: "That Vice Admiral named Akihara Kagura should be the most powerful person in the navy, right? But he is just a It's just an experimental product created by Vegapunk..."


"Although the strength is strong, it is still possible to copy..."

"For us, the Vice Admiral is nothing more than a consumable, and the Admiral Sakaski is already in the ranks of being eliminated..."

"I saw the battle report of the Shampoo Islands. The future of the world is the various Devil Fruit abilities created by Vegapunk's technology. As long as we get Vegapunk's technology, the Navy's domesticated hyenas will be useless to us. It can’t be called precious anymore…”

You can't say this wrong.

Because judging from the current situation, users with multiple devil fruit abilities will be the high-level combat power of the future. However, these multiple devil fruit ability users can be created through experiments, and they do not appear to be that precious.

Saint Satan has always believed that humans are ants, and no matter how many people are killed, they will soon reproduce. Now this five-old star has even sublimated his thoughts...

Saint Satan, the god of science and defense, completely treats the humans in this sea, whether they are strong or weak, as expendable experimental subjects. Even if many strong ones die, they can be quickly recreated...

In this thought…

Saint Satan's attitude was still condescending.

Because he is the god of science and defense among the Celestial Dragons, and he believes in the power of technology the most. They only need the technology of Vegapunk...


Vegapunk's technology is at your fingertips.

As long as they send people to Dressrosa and bring Vegapunk back from Doflamingo's hands, they can immediately put technological powerhouses such as those with multiple Devil Fruit abilities into production!


Saint Nashouro held his katana in his arms, his brows still furrowed, and he said in a deep voice: "I do want to agree with your idea, but we should wait until our people bring Vegapunk back before talking about this matter. Bar?"

Technology is such a thing...

Don't always have too many expectations ahead of time, right?

The Tianlong people have been trying to revive ancient technology and want to use ancient technology to find a way to defeat the Konoha Pirates. Isn't the research on ancient technology now in trouble?


Saint Satan's face looked a little unsightly.

Because the emergence of the White Zetsu Army and Akihara Kagura of the Konoha Pirates all means that users with multiple Devil Fruit abilities have become a mature technology... Where is the need to keep a navy that is disrespectful to the Celestial Dragons?

"Then we have to call Warring States over first!"

Saint Satan knocked on the floor with his crutch and said with a cold expression: "At least let him give his explanation for the navy's attack on Ancient Saint Green!"


Warring States was quite happy in his heart.

Because he did not expect that Akihara Kagura would be a blessing in disguise and become the top strongman on the sea. He single-handedly arrested two sea emperors and allowed the navy's flag of justice to fly on the sea again overnight...

If nothing else...

At least the Navy has a successor.

Sengoku was extremely satisfied with Akihara Kagura. Seeing that Akihara Kagura had such good combat power in addition to his wisdom, he planned to start writing his retirement report, hoping to help Akihara Kagura join the navy as soon as possible. The position of marshal.


Happy events come one after another.

The Navy quickly reported new information.

While escorting Beast Kaido, Charlotte Lingling and others, the Navy arrested another heavyweight criminal, Drought Jack of the Beast Pirates.

The famous Beast Pirates on the sea, captains Kaido, Fire Ember and Drought Jack have all been arrested. Now only one Plague Quinn is left. As long as the navy attacks the Beast Pirates' stronghold By sending a general from Wano, the Beast Pirates can basically be completely destroyed.

it is a pity…

Extreme joy brings sorrow.

Just when Sengoku was feeling very happy, he received news from Marie Joa, asking him to go to the Holy Land immediately to explain that Admiral Akainu ordered Vice Admiral Akihara Kagura to attack the Commander of the Knights of God, Fegaland Green. Things about the ancient saints…

The Warring States Period is a bit unstoppable.

when did it happen?

Why didn't anyone report this to him?

It is obvious that the Navy has the possibility of getting rid of the control of the Tianlong people. Why did the conflict between the Navy and the Tianlong people explode at this time?


The Warring States Period found out the news.

This news was blocked by Admiral Akainu.

Akainu still has the overall situation in mind. He knows that the internal conflict between the navy and the Tianlong people at this time can easily cause unrest, especially when the sea is restless...


Akainu didn't want to hide Sengoku either.

Because there is definitely no way to hide this kind of thing, but Akainu couldn't figure out how to deal with it at the moment. Things caused by Akihara Kagura were always too sudden, and the superiors couldn't react at all. I can’t think of a way to solve it…


Warring States learned the details of the incident. The navy marshal, who had always been gentle to his subordinates, finally lost his temper and wanted to throw things in the office angrily!

Sengoku held the phone bug in his hand and slapped his table angrily: "Is it your order to attack the Tianlong people by Lieutenant General Akihara Kagura? I just gave Lieutenant General Kagura to your command for a few days. , just let him do such a thing!"

Does this bastard know...

Akihara Kagura is the future marshal of the navy chosen by herself!

I still don’t know when the ruling order of the Tianlong people will collapse in the future. At this time when the world situation is chaotic and complicated, Akihara Kagura, a rising star in the navy who is smart and increasingly powerful, is the most suitable candidate for marshal!

To put it bluntly...

There is no second person in the navy!

Whether it is the moderate Aokiji, the ambiguous Kizaru, or the fierce Akainu, they are far inferior to Akihara Kagura, because they cannot stand in the conflict between the Konoha Pirates and the Celestial Dragons. Leave the Navy alone!

This is better...

Akihara Kagura directly attacked the Tianlong people...

Will the world government still allow him to become a naval marshal?


Akainu held the phone and remained silent.

"It's none of General Sakaski's business..."

Akihara Kagura stood next to Akainu and quickly explained to Sengoku on the other side of the phone: "I did it on my own initiative. That bastard went too far..."

"Back off!"

"That was my order."

Akainu interrupted Akihara Kagura's words with a cold voice, and decided to take on this responsibility alone: ​​"If the Five Old Stars want an explanation, just deal with me! I have long wanted to kill that bastard who insulted the navy. Got it!"

Although Akihara Kagura's attack on the Ancient Saint Fegaland Green was his own initiative, the main purpose was to stand up for him, a scolded general.

This responsibility…

Akainu didn't even bother to push it on a young man!


Akihara Kagura looked at Akainu in surprise.

Akihara Kagura always thought that Akainu was similar to his boss Danzo in the ninja world, but he didn't expect that Akainu, the general, had a much tougher behavior than that old guy Danzo...

Don’t say anything else.

At least Akainu dared to take responsibility.

Shimura Danzo, that old boss, always weighs the pros and cons and takes responsibility only when he has to. He even coyly picks and chooses when taking the blame. If he doesn't want to take the blame, he has to be forced to do so...


Akainu just resisted so calmly?

What his subordinates did was not even done by his instructions, and he actually had no responsibility for it at all. As long as Akainu explained it clearly, Akihara Kagura might have to go to trouble to make arrangements. As a result, Akainu To take the blame so simply because the person who did it was one of his subordinates?

to be honest…

This is quite impressive.

Akihara Kagura slowly retreated to Kizaru's side, watching Akainu being scolded bloody by Buddha Sengoku on the other side of the phone bug, but still stubbornly claiming that he gave the order.

"This guy Sakaski..."

The smile on Kizaru's face was a little helpless, as if he was feeling sad to see his simple-minded fellow villagers being kept in the dark: "I'm really wronged this time!"


"Then let him serve as marshal of the navy in the future..."

Akihara Kagura looked back at Kizaru, and said casually: "That guy Aokiji is too thoughtful. At least Sakaski is resolute enough when executing orders. He is like a pure navy than you all..."

Kirby was not demoted…

I didn’t care about my former colleague Qing Pheasant either…

It turns out that his subordinate Fujitora disobeys orders...

Akainu didn't even care, he just did whatever he had to do, he was really very caring...

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