Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 465 New Admiral Candidate

"He is innocent."

Qing Pheasant never liked killing innocent people.

The Konoha Pirates ordered him to kill Vergo, the navy commander of the G5 branch. This is what Aokiji absolutely does not want to do. He just wants to join the Konoha Pirates to explore the secrets inside, not really want to become a contaminant. A bloody pirate.

"This is really giving people a headache..."

The Red Sand Scorpion stood next to the Golden Ark and asked softly: "If you are unwilling to kill a naval officer to receive a certificate of surrender, how can we trust you?"

"Blue Pheasant..."

"If you want to defect from the navy and join Konoha..."

"You also have to prove to us that your will is strong enough..."

The Red Sand Scorpion opened his palms and casually revealed some of the secrets: "There are many people who defected from their hometowns on this ship, including me, but we are leaving our past. If you choose to lead a new life, you will kill the most important people in your hometown, and you will kill the other person to strengthen your determination to take another path. You join in so lightly, and it seems a little out of place..."


Qingzhi's brows wrinkled slightly.


The people of the Konoha Pirates…

Are you so awesome at everything you do?

If you want to start a new life, you have to kill the most important person in your past?

However, after hearing the words of the Red Sand Scorpion, the Konoha Pirates had no expression on their faces, and even subconsciously looked at Uchiha Madara and Orochimaru.

no way.

The people of the Konoha Pirates are very ruthless in what they do.

When Madara Uchiha defected from Konoha, he almost beat his brains out with his former friend Senju Hashirama; after Orochimaru defected, he killed his teacher Hiruzen Sarutobi; the Scorpion of Red Sand killed The Third Kazekage.

"Blue pheasant..."

Orochimaru looked at Aokiji's frown and grinned: "If you want to join Konoha, you'd better prove your determination a little bit..."


Qing Zhi was silent, not knowing what to say.


He knew he couldn't do it.

The scene here fell into a stalemate for a while.

Porro porro...

The ship's phone rang rapidly.

All the adults on the Golden Ark ignored this, as if they had not heard the phone bug. Everyone knew that the people who could call the phone bug at this time must be unimportant people.

The people who really matter…

No need to call them bugs.


There were some people on board who didn't quite understand.

Hawkeye Mihawk glanced at everyone present in surprise, then walked to the phone bug on his own. After answering the phone bug, he heard a piece of news that shocked him.

"Big news about Morgans..."

Mihawk hung up the phone in his hand and looked at the Konoha Pirates: "The World Government has issued a wanted order for Aokiji, and even sent people to hunt down Aokiji..."


Senju Hashirama immediately became curious and looked back at Hawkeye Mihawk: "This young man is still very strong. Who will chase him?"

"Admiral Akainu of the Navy Headquarters."

Hawkeye Mihawk also frowned slightly.


Qing Pheasant suddenly raised his head.

"Isn't that a coincidence?"

Orochimaru glanced at Aokiji under the boat, chuckled and said, "I heard that General Aokiji and General Akainu have never been very friendly. If he doesn't go ahead and kill the so-called innocent naval officers, he will kill them." Akainu, who is not very friendly to me, should be fine, right?"

"The battle between two admirals..."

"It must be interesting too..."

"This is also a suitable battlefield..."

"There were once tit-for-tat admirals at the Navy Headquarters. One admiral with extremely radical methods stayed in the navy, and one admiral with a gentle personality defected to the pirates. Two men with different personalities and who chose different paths, it is natural to fight for victory... "

Everyone in the Konoha Pirates immediately began to discuss it. Most of them even grew up in this environment. Many of them had incompatible personalities with their former friends. In the end, the two sides fought to the death. After that, they took different paths.

This kind of drama...

We haven’t seen each other for a long time.

Everyone was even looking forward to a duel between two generals whose Devil Fruit abilities happened to restrain each other, whose personalities were completely antagonistic, and whose strengths were similar.


Aoki's brows were so furrowed that he could kill a fly.


Why are these people discussing so lively?

"Blue Pheasant."

"We won't force you to kill Vergo again."

The Red Sand Scorpion ignored the discussion of the people behind him. He looked at Aokiji, and the mechanical voice echoed in the air of Punk Hassad: "However, Akainu is already on the way, kill him here, Let us see your firm will to join Konoha!"

"Only in this way…"

"That's why we will allow you to set foot on this ship."


Aokiji exhaled a breath of cold air and said in a deep voice: "But before there is a real battle, I am not completely sure that I can solve Sakaski..."

"It doesn't matter."

The Red Sand Scorpion waved his hand and continued softly: "The result is not important. What we want to see is your attitude of firmly choosing Konoha."


Qingzhi's cheeks couldn't help but twitch.

I just want to learn the secrets of Konoha, but if I want to join this group of pirates, it seems that I really need to get some blood on my hands, right?


It doesn't matter if he fights with Sakaski?

At least he didn't let himself kill Vergo, an innocent branch officer.

the other side.

Akainu is indeed on his way to chase Aokiji.

Because this matter was ordered by the Five Elders of the World Government.

Akainu originally wanted to bow his head and discuss with the Five Old Stars the responsibility of Akihara Kagura's attack on the Ancient Sage Fegaland Green. He believed that the incident itself should not be attributed to Admiral Sengoku, but he still wanted to take all the responsibility. .

Because the Warring States Marshal himself was unaware.

Just when Saint Satan was very satisfied with Akainu's bow, but didn't want to let Akainu go, both parties received a newspaper from the World Economic News Agency. In the newspaper, they saw the news that Aokiji chose to leave the navy. Saint Saint He instantly became furious and helpless.

Satansheng did not want Akainu to be promoted to Navy Marshal. When Kizaru refused to be promoted to Navy Marshal, he believed that there was Aokiji as the last alternative...


Aokiji's betrayal slapped Saint Satan hard, especially Aokiji's choice to join the Konoha Pirates, which undoubtedly made Saint Satan feel on pins and needles!

That bastard Qing Pheasant...

An act of betrayal to the World Government is worse than Akainu's men attacking the Tenryuu!


I'm afraid there is no comparison.

Once contrast occurs, the psychological bottom line will be lowered.

The attack by Akainu's subordinates on the Tenryuu was just an internal issue. At least this guy did not choose to betray the World Government; Aokiji, the bastard, defected directly to Konoha, the main enemy of the Tenryuu, and made it clear that he wanted to break with the World Government...

Saint Satan simply played a dog-eat-dog trick and directly ordered Akainu to kill Aokiji who betrayed the World Government. As long as Akainu can kill Aokiji, Akihara Kagura's attack on the Tenryu people can be forgotten!


Warring States has left.

Saint Satan's face became increasingly ugly.

The five-old star was holding on to a newspaper and staring at the picture of a green pheasant in the newspaper. The killing intent in his eyes seemed to want to cut the man in the newspaper into pieces!

"What should we do now?"

The face of Saint Nashouro was also a little unsightly, and he said in a deep voice: "We have already agreed to Sengoku's resignation as marshal of the navy. Porusalino refused to be promoted, Kuzan betrayed us, and Sakaski behaved well. Obedient, but his men attacked the Ancient Saint Green..."

"Let's stabilize the situation first."

Satan Saint reached out and slammed the newspaper on the table, and said in a deep voice: "We will wait until the result of Akainu chasing Aokiji. If this biting dog is still willing to obey, we don't mind giving him another one." Bones, let him continue to help us bite other people..."

to be honest…

This is a humiliation!

A helpless humiliation!

Neither Saint Satan nor Saint Nasjuro believed that Akainu could become the new marshal of the navy, but now they seem to have no better choice!

In comparison…

Akainu's willingness to bow his head shows that he is still willing to be loyal to the World Government.


If possible, Satan Sheng regretted his promise to Warring States to resign. Even if he received the news a few minutes later, he would definitely be willing to have a good chat with Warring States.

"There are always people in the navy who are dissatisfied with us..."


"We have long been at odds with each other. Whether it was Garp back then or Akihara Kagura today, it's just that the Navy has gone too far step by step..."

Saint Nashouro took a deep breath and finally had to accept the reality: "Didn't we also think about promoting Garp to become the new admiral? That old guy is even a member of the D family! In fact, we have been inseparable for a long time. Let’s open up the navy, especially at this time, the threat from Konoha is too great, and we also need the navy to deal with the threat from Konoha..."


Saint Satan shook his head regretfully. He slowly stood up and walked to the window of the room with a cane, looking in another direction.

That direction…

This is the area where Im lives.

If Im is willing to take action, Konoha's crisis can be resolved, why should they be forced to accept such an unwanted result...


"That's all it can do..."

"The navy's combat power is indeed indispensable."

Saint Satan leaned on his crutch and spoke his plan in a deep voice: "Summon the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, Gang Gu Kong, to come here and discuss with him the situation of the navy, Sengoku's resignation and Aoki's defection. Two positions are vacant in the upper echelons of the Navy..."

"The position of marshal..."

"If Sakaski can kill Aokiji, or if he is willing to fight for us to kill Aokiji, then he will hand over the position of marshal to Sakaski."

This is a last resort.

Because there are no suitable candidates within the Navy.

The position of navy marshal can only be selected from among generals, and it is impossible to directly promote from among lieutenants. Besides, the combat power of navy marshal cannot be weaker than that of generals, right?

"Where is the candidate for general?"

Nasshou Langsheng raised a new question.

"The first one, Fujitora who appeared during the World Government's Great Recruitment, although he was only a superhuman and gravity fruit user, his pursuit of the big pirates who escaped from Impel Down City during this period was considered a great contribution, worthy of a general. Location…"

Saint Satan immediately finalized the candidate for a general.

Even though there are many so-called general candidates within the navy, they are all somewhat inferior in strength. We can't let the so-called world government's highest combat power be reduced, right?

"the second…"

Satan Sheng immediately hesitated.

In fact…

The second choice is the most confusing.

Because everyone knows that behind the changes of Aokiji's defection and Sengoku's resignation, there is one person who must become the new admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

If this person is not promoted to a general, he will definitely cause a lot of discussion. Just asking Satan Saint to say this person's name is as disgusting as asking Satan Saint to eat something disgusting. Before the news of Qing Pheasant's defection appeared, , and even wanted to kill that person!

"Akihara Kagura..."

Nasjuro Sage simply named the name for his colleagues, and his attitude was very clear: "Judging from the current situation, the Konoha Pirates are getting stronger and stronger, and no one knows their next step. Action, before we get Vegapunk to regain the ability to solve Konoha, ensuring the navy's combat power is the most important..."


"We just need the navy to fight Konoha..."

"The guy who attacked the Ancient Saint Green is not weak. He can defeat the two Yonkos Kaido and Charlotte Lingling. He is enough to compete with the monsters of the Konoha Pirates. Just give him a bone. , let him fight the Konoha Pirates..."

"The most important thing now..."

"It's still important to get Vegapunk's technology as soon as possible."


Saint Satan could only nod dullly. He looked at the weather in Mariejoia and sighed: "These are really troubled times. I hope the CP department can speed up and bring Vegapunk as soon as possible. return…"


Saint Nashoulang could only nod.

The atmosphere in Pangu City was somewhat depressing.

For so many years, Wulao Xing has been in charge of power in place of Im, controlling most of the resources of the entire sea. He once had countless talents, and could destroy a country or a race at any time. A single order could wipe out a race. Never before. Today’s grievance?


But he had to bear this grievance.

Compared to them...

The atmosphere in Marine Fando at the Navy Headquarters was obviously pleasant.

Because Akihara Kagura and Kizaru had just arrived in Marineland.

"Kuzan left the navy, and Marshal Warring States resigned as marshal of the navy..."

Kizaru was sitting in his office, leisurely brewing a pot of black tea, and slowly poured a cup of tea for Akihara Kagura: "If Sakaski becomes the marshal of the navy, two new generals will be selected within the navy. …”

"Strength comes first."

Akihara Kagura took a cup of black tea and slowly said two names: "If nothing else happens, it should be me and Fujitora. There is no one stronger than the two of us in Marinfando, at least in this world." On the surface…”


Kizaru couldn't help but think of something.

"Only Sakaski...isn't he one of our own?"

It's too late! It's too late!

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