Started as a worker from Hokage

Chapter 469 Marching into Wano Country!

This young man…

It’s really something amazing…

Akainu looked at the smile on Akihara Kagura's face, and his eyes suddenly became complicated. Before this battle, Akainu had always thought that Akihara Kagura was a young man who did extreme things, but he didn't expect this guy's So scheming...

If he and Aoji didn't secretly mention using the conflict between Tianlong and Konoha Pirates to resolve the two forces that endanger the sea during this battle, would Akihara Kagura kick out all the obstacles and start his own Did you do this?

That’s all.

Now that Akihara Kagura is one of their own, Akihara Kagura will undoubtedly be a strong support on their way to clearing the sea in the future.

Akainu felt a little relaxed. He was not a narrow-minded person, and he didn't particularly care about being used, as long as he could achieve his goal.

"Let's go..."

"Let's go to Dressrosa..."

Akainu walked to the cabin on his own and said softly: "Also, help me find a military doctor to come over and take care of my injuries..."

However, before they could rush to Dressrosa, the order from the Five Old Stars was immediately conveyed, so that they did not have to go to Dressrosa again.

Doflamingo threatened the Five Old Stars and reached an agreement, using the secrets of the Draconians' national treasure as a threat, forcing the Five Old Stars to share the results of Vegapunk with him.

This king, the Shichibukai, could only shrink back when he saw the powerful pirates, but he knew the weaknesses of his fellow Celestial Dragons very well, so he directly used his trump card...


With this trump card taken out, there was no room for maneuver between Doflamingo and the Five Old Stars. He could only carefully rely on this trump card to protect his kingdom.


This kind of thing obviously made the Navy a little unhappy.

The Navy also wants to clean up Doflamingo, the last Shichibukai, so that the World Government can completely abolish the Shichibukai system.

However, the Navy no longer paid that much attention. Everyone was focused on one major event, the promotion ceremony of the Navy Marshal and the new Navy Headquarters Admiral.

The World Government issued a series of orders:

During the Warring States Period, Marshal Buddha was transferred to the position of Chief Inspector of the Navy.

Admiral Akainu of the Navy Headquarters was promoted to Admiral of the Navy.

The Vice Admiral smiled and was promoted to Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, codenamed Fujitora; Vice Admiral Akihara Kagura was promoted to Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

In addition to these big names, there are also many young and middle-aged naval officers who have been promoted in this large-scale promotion. The most eye-catching ones are Vice Admiral Xiang Li of the Navy Headquarters, Vice Admiral Smog of the Navy Headquarters, etc. people…

There are also many things to regret.

For example, among the candidates for admiral, Momo Usagi, Otoko and others, they sat in the position of admiral candidates for a long time, but they have not been promoted. Instead, they were promoted by two newcomers, Akihara Kagura and Fujitora Issho. .


The general candidates didn't have any objections either.

Whether it is Akihara Kagura or Fujitora Issho, both of them are extremely powerful in combat, and they have also made great contributions to the navy. One of them arrested two Yonko, and the other captured most of the pirates who escaped from Impel Castle.


The behavior of these two new generals is a bit strange.

Because Admiral Fujitora's attitude seems to be very humble, and he is extremely patient with ordinary naval soldiers, making him look like the kind of person who won't get angry...

As for the other Kagura general...

This general is simply arrogant and domineering to the extreme!

Even Admiral Kagura showed no respect to Admiral Fujitora when he met him, and looked down upon his senior Admiral Kizaru. He did not have the kind of humble junior attitude that is used in the navy based on seniority. Even Marshal Akainu You dare to refute it with all your face!

Many vice admirals of the Navy have speculated that on the one hand, Admiral Kizaru and Admiral Fujitora are mild-mannered, but on the other hand, the combat power of that admiral is indeed a bit too strong, and he dares to speak and act so unscrupulously...

Marine Headquarters Marinevando.

This naval base seemed particularly lively, and many vice-admirals from the headquarters who were on patrol returned to participate in the first high-level naval meeting chaired by Marshal Akainu.

Akainu sat on the marshal's seat. There was a cup of hot tea on his table, and there were circles of bandages around his shoulders. His face looked a bit fierce, not at all like the former marshal Buddha's Sengoku. Amiable.

"Let's talk about the first thing first..."

Akainu glanced around at the many naval forces present and put forward his first idea since taking office: "I want to swap the G1 branch in the New World with the Marine Headquarters Marinefando, and use the G1 branch in the New World as the new Navy headquarters. The navy will fully enter the new world..."

The situation in the New World is now a mess.

Since Kaido and Charlotte Lingling were imprisoned in Impel Down, only the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red-haired Pirates were left. The two Yonko were missing from the pirate force, and a huge force appeared in the area. The vacancy caused many pirate groups to fight.

"The G1 branch is not a good choice."

Akihara Kagura played with the tea cup in her hand boredly, and said casually: "Can you apply for a swap with Mary Joa, so that the Draco losers can come to live in Marineland? It will be convenient for us to go to Mary Joa to supervise the first half of the paradise and the back. Half of the new world..."


A group of admirals who were unaware of this looked at their new admiral as if they were looking at a madman. How could he say such a thing?


A group of senior navy officials who knew about this were also caught off guard.

Although they had long known that General Akihara Kagura even dared to attack the Tianlong people, it was still a bit scary to say it so bluntly...


When Lieutenant General Garp, a veteran of the Navy, heard Akihara Kagura's words, he didn't look weird like the others. Instead, he laughed directly: "That group of trash from the Celestial Dragons really occupied Mary Joa and couldn't do anything." , Sakaski, why don’t you ask them if they are willing to move out of Mariejoia..."


Akainu's face looked a bit unsightly. If this request for transfer was made, the five old stars would definitely be so angry that they would curse on the spot...

This kind of provocation to the Celestial Dragons...

It's a little too showy.

Akainu knocked on the table, glanced at Akihara Kagura next to him, and persuaded in a deep voice: "Okay, General Kagura, calm down, the group of Tianlong people will definitely not agree to it now, so suppress your thoughts first. …”

"It seems we can only wait until the future..."

There was some regret and regret on Akihara Kagura's face.


A group of navy vice admirals couldn't help but look a little subtle.

have to say…

Marshal Akainu's attitude towards the newly promoted general was quite good, and he didn't even feel angry at all when Akihara Kagura made such an outrageous proposal.

"Now let's talk about the second thing..."

Akainu glanced at all the navy present, and his voice became a little dull: "I plan to attack each naval branch base..."

"Emergency situations!"

A naval ensign opened the door to the conference room and reported to Akainu a major event that shocked the world with sweat on his face: "The Konoha Pirates have invaded Wano Country!"


All the marines present looked up in shock.

"I see."

Akainu, who was sitting at the top, was no exception to this matter. He just waved his hand towards the second lieutenant and said in a deep voice: "There is nothing surprising about this situation. Please step aside first and we will continue to discuss it." The next thing…”

Even if Kaido of the Beasts is still there, it would not be a surprise for the Konoha Pirates to conquer Wano Country, not to mention that Kaido of the Beasts has long been imprisoned in Impel Down...


Akainu also got the news a long time ago.

When Aokiji was in action with the Konoha Pirates, he secretly conveyed information about the Konoha Pirates' invasion of Wano to Akainu and Akihara Kagura.

The country of peace.

This is a rare safe place in the new world.

Because the terrain of Wano Country is too special. It is located in an inland sea surrounded by high mountains. There are only cliffs around. Even the navy's warships cannot reach Wano Country. Only troops with the ability to fly can overcome many obstacles and reach Wano Country.


The most important thing that the Konoha Pirates lack is the ability to fly.

This country fell into chaos after the news came out that Kaido Kaido was captured by the navy and imprisoned in Impel Down City. This generation of generals, Black Carbon Orochi, was powerless, and the high-level combat power of the Beast Pirates was unable to suppress it strongly.

The subordinates of the previous generation general Kozuki Oden launched a rebellion in Wano. They supported Kozuki Hiyori, the daughter left behind by Kozuki Oden, and challenged the Black Carbon Orochi to retake Wano. The two sides immediately A fierce exchange of fire broke out.


In this confrontation, Black Carbon Orochi should have the upper hand.

Because the backer behind Black Carbon Orochi is the Beast Pirates.

However, the Admirals of the Beasts Pirates, Kaido of the Beasts, Jack of the Droughts, and Ember of the Flame, were all imprisoned in Impel Down by the Navy. As a result, only one of the senior leaders of the Beasts Pirates, Quinn, was left. Even the powerful pirates refused to accept him and started a rebellion within the Beast Pirates.

More seriously…

Yamato, the daughter of Kaido Kaido, left the Beast Pirates. He was too lazy to pay attention to the Black Carbon Orochi, the vassal of the Beast Pirates, and directly chose to join the rebellion of the Kozuki family, which gave Plague Quinn a huge headache!

What is this thing called?

Plague Quinn could only withdraw from Wano Country with his men, choosing not to intervene in the civil war in Wano Country because he was really powerless to do so.

Of course.

In this civil war, the Kozuki clan was almost unstoppable and boldly invaded the capital of Wano, the most prosperous flower capital in Wano.

Wano General Kutan Orochi led his Orochi Royal Court Fans to station here, looking at the flow of people in the distance who were constantly attacking the Flower Capital with fear on their faces.

far away.

The troops of the Kozuki clan are meeting.

A tall woman stood in front of the marching queue. She had a pair of horns on her head, and her waist-length hair of gradient color was scattered loosely. She wore a pole and rope on her back, and she held a wolf in her hand. The tooth stick was leaning on the ground, and his eyes were calm and deep as he watched the flow of people heading towards the Flower Capital.


A beautiful woman with long emerald hair stood next to Yamato. She was Kozuki Hiyori, the daughter of the previous generation general Kozuki Oden. Her delicate voice was a little gentle: "I didn't expect you to come to help us..."

"Call me Oden."

Yamato's voice was cold and firm, and he said in a deep voice: "We need to quickly get rid of the Black Carbon Orochi guy, and then go help the Whitebeard Pirates..."

"The Whitebeard Pirates?"

Kozuki Hiyori frowned slightly.

Because the Whitebeard Pirates were a pirate group that her father, Kozuki Oden, had joined, and even the army that came to participate in the war this time included a division captain sent by the Whitebeard Pirates, and the division captain Izo was originally He is a retainer of the Kozuki clan.

"There's no problem with Dad..."

A very handsome man walked over. It was Izo, the captain of the 16th Whitebeard Division. He looked even prettier than the two women.


Yamato's brows couldn't help but frown.

This kind of self-confidence is indeed a good thing, but the Whitebeard Pirates' opponents' record is so terrifying that self-confidence can only become a kind of psychological comfort...

Although Yamato has always disliked her father Hyakju Kaido, she has to admit the power of Hyakju Kaido. The terrifying man who has been suppressing the fire in her heart has been unable to fight back at the hands of the Konoha Pirates. He was so powerful that he was beaten to the point of collapse by the Konoha Pirates, and even the navy couldn't defeat him!

"Dad will definitely win."

A ball of flame suddenly fell next to Yamato and turned into a young man with freckles. He stretched out his hand to press his hat, raised his head and looked at the exquisite and beautiful Flower City not far away, and said with a smile: " Captain Oden’s hometown is beautiful..."

It was none other than Fire Fist Ace, the captain of Whitebeard's second division.

The previous generation general of Wano, Kozuki Oden, was also the former captain of Whitebeard's second division and a crew member of One Piece Roger's Pirates. In addition, Fire Fist Ace had also seen the hardships of Wano in the past. This is one of the reasons why Fire Fist Ace came to help.


Yamato's eyes suddenly lit up. He looked at this young man of the same age who smiled cheerfully, but he still started to talk about the business: "Some time ago, Quinn told me some information. I heard that someone had seen the gold of the Konoha Pirates. Ark, this information scared him a lot. It seems that the Konoha Pirates have entered the new world..."

As for Konoha’s purpose…

The entire sea knew that they were going to challenge the Whitebeard Pirates.

"Dad will definitely win."

Fire Fist Ace pressed the brim of his hat and suppressed his expression. His voice seemed particularly firm: "We will not lose to them either..."


A crooked smile appeared on Yamato's lips. She took out a Hannya mask from her body and put it on her face, looking like a fierce ghost.

After putting on the mask, Yamato's voice suddenly became hoarse and fierce: "We will not lose, in the name of Kozuki Oden!"

"Hey Hey hey…"

"What do you mean by this guy..."

Fire Fist Ace heard something was wrong with the voice of the tall woman next to him, and quickly said: "You guys don't want to be too deep into the role of Captain Oden!"

"I am Kozuki Oden!"

Yamato's voice fell through the mask and fell into Ace's ears: "When we completely liberate the entire country of Wano, I will leave with you to join the Whitebeard Pirates. I will join the Whitebeard Pirates like Oden." !”


Fire Fist Ace feels a little weird.


Izo looked at Yamato standing in front, with a smile on his lips: "Dad will definitely like Yamato to be his son..."


Fire Fist Ace could only shake his head helplessly.

Although her friend Yamato is a young and beautiful woman no matter how she looks at it, this stubborn guy always thinks that she is a man. Even the people of the Beasts Pirates call her a man, and even her father Kaido They had to change her name to her son...


It’s also quite interesting…

"Let's go."

A smile appeared on the corner of Fire Fist Ace's mouth, a ball of flame appeared between his fingers, and his body also ignited a ball of flame, leaping towards the distance!

"We will capture the Flower Capital tonight!"


Yamato picked up his mace, his body constantly exuding cold air, followed closely behind the flames, and advanced rapidly towards the Flower Capital!

The troops affiliated with the Kozuki clan immediately accelerated their march and followed closely behind the two of them, as if these two people were the real descendants of Kozuki Oden!

at the same time.

The golden ark hangs silently over the country of Wano.

A group of devil-like White Jue soldiers with black wings flapping behind their backs surrounded the Golden Ark, guarding this powerful golden battleship.

"The fight was very lively..."

Uchiha Madara looked at the somewhat noisy Wano Country.

"It's a bit interesting..."

Senju Tobirama's eyes were a little cold, because he saw the figures of samurai inside. The culture here is very similar to the culture of the ninja world: "The people here are pretty good, at least compared to the countries we have seen in other places." Some power…”

"After all, Wano is also a powerful country in the New World..."

Qingzhi held a can of beer in his hand, looked down at the bright lights below, and whispered: "The specialty here is sea floor stone, and the application of armed domineering is also very profound..."

“A great place to experiment.”

Orochimaru's tongue came out and he licked his lips greedily: "It is said that here is the devil fruit I want most, hehehehe... Animal type·Snake Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Yamata no Orochi form…"

"The swordsmen of Wano are also very good..."

The world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye Mihawk, lowered his head in the direction of the Flower Capital and said softly: "Dragon-slaying swordsman Ryoma comes from this country. I don't know if I will still have the opportunity to see Qiushui's sharp edge..."

"The scenery beautiful."

Otsutsuki Kaguya looked at the scenery of the Flower City and nodded slightly. The goddess of Uno seemed to be very satisfied with the scenery of Wano Country.

"Kaguya-sama is the most beautiful!"

Boya Hancock stood next to Kaguya Otsutsuki. He didn't care at all about the scenery of Wano Country, and his face was still a little arrogant: "The scenery here is not even as beautiful as my concubine, so how can it be compared to it?" Kaguya-sama!”


Otsutsuki Kaguya looked at Boya Hancock with some confusion.

Boya Hancock is the most beautiful woman in the world, but she has a face that makes everyone in the world feel ashamed, and many people are attracted to her...


Akihara Kagura has never been tempted...

Even everyone on this ship has never cared about Boya Hancock's beauty. Only Orochimaru occasionally praised Boya Hancock. Maybe Boya Hancock is not that beautiful? Or am I really more beautiful than her?

While Otsutsuki Kaguya was thinking, the mechanical voice of the Konoha Pirates' boatman Red Sand Scorpion came out, reminding everyone to prepare in advance.

"The golden ark is about to land."


Senju Hashirama, the captain of the Konoha Pirates, felt the falling gravity and issued a captain's order that he could rarely use: "White Zetsu Army..."

"Capture the Flower City directly!"

Uchiha Madara took over Senju Hashirama's words in a cold voice.

As Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama issued orders, hundreds of black-winged White Zetsus burned with flames, and sharp blades sprouted from their arms!

This group of monsters with extremely terrifying strength and appearance were as fast as meteors at this moment, and they fell rapidly towards the Flower Capital on the ground!

Sorry...I fell asleep last night...

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