Andrew is one of the security guards at the Chase Bank vault. He is very satisfied with this job, as it pays well and is fun. The only drawback is that the working hours are too long.

Even if they work in two shifts, each person has to work 12 hours.

Apart from this, everything else is fine. As usual, he was on duty tonight, responsible for the security of the booth at the entrance of the vault. His main job was to check the documents of vehicles and personnel entering to prevent criminals from sneaking in.

There was another guy on duty with him, named Donald. Both of them had served in the military and had worked in the army before.

Just as the two were bragging and chatting, four vans suddenly drove over and immediately caught their attention.

Because the appearance of the three vehicles was the same as that of the armored car, and the Chase Bank logo was painted on the body of the car.

Although Andrew and the others were surprised, why did four armored cars come at once?

But they didn't have too many doubts.

Andrew walked towards the front car.

"Hello, please show me your ID."

Donald held a rifle and walked around the car, looking at it, and squatted down from time to time to see if there was anyone hiding under the ground.

"OK, please wait a moment."

Bill smiled back, pretending to be looking for his ID, but he was actually giving a wink to the other people in the car.


Before Andrew could react, he was shot in the head.

Blood immediately gushed out from the hole in his forehead.

"With a"thump", Andrew fell to the ground, his eyes wide open in death.

At the same time, Donald, who was checking with a rifle, heard the sound (not a gunshot, but one with a silencer). Just as he was about to go around to check what was going on, he was shot by the driver of the car behind him. With a"biu" sound, a flower of blood spurted out from the back of his head.

Donald only felt a headache, and gradually felt his head was heavy, his consciousness slipped away, he reached out and touched the painful place on the back of his head, and then he saw the blood in his hand, his mouth moved slightly, wanting to say something, but he couldn't.

He staggered a few steps, and with a bang, he fell to the ground and died.

After getting rid of the gate, four cars pretending to be armored trucks drove into the basement.

Soon they arrived at the second gate, and did the same thing, killing them with two shots.

But it wasn't so easy at the third level.

Seeing the sudden arrival of four armored trucks, the security personnel who were counting and unloading the money from the armored trucks were stunned for a moment, and several security personnel with electric batons walked over, intending to understand the situation.

After all, according to this time period, there should be no armored trucks coming.

""Hey, which bank are you from?"

At this point, Ed did not hesitate and said directly to the intercom:"Action!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the doors of the four armored trucks opened, and more than a dozen masked assassins rushed down with guns in hand.


Seeing this, the security guards holding electric batons were so frightened that their souls were scared to death. On the stairs, four security guards holding rifles were also frightened when they saw this scene. They subconsciously raised their guns and were about to shoot.

But their movements were too slow.

"Da da da!!"

The assassins opened fire without hesitation.

The four security guards holding rifles were immediately shot into pieces. With each shot, blood spurted out of their bodies.

"Listen to me, don't move. If anyone moves, they will be your example!"

"Mr. Robber, don't worry, we will never move!"

The security guards were so scared that they dropped their electric batons and raised their hands in surrender. The employees in charge of carrying the banknotes were also scared.

Ed pointed to the entrance of the vault to Bill. Bill nodded, waved, and rushed into the vault with 10 companions.

Seeing this scene, the security guards of the vault were amazed.

This group of robbers was too bold. They actually planned to rob the vault directly.

They had seen many bank robberies, but it was the first time they encountered someone who dared to rob a vault.

"Be honest"

"Tie them up for me."

Ed ordered one of his men, and immediately four assassins took out the cable ties they had prepared and started tying up the vault security guards and movers.

The tied people didn't dare to move at all, after all, there were still a few people pointing guns at them.

They came to make money, not to die.

After driving the tied security guards to the corner and leaving five people to guard them, Ed led the remaining three people and ran into the vault passage.

"Da da da!!"

As soon as I ran into the passage, I heard gunshots.

"What's going on?"

Looking at the battle, Ed frowned and asked

"We've met some tough guys. There are several security guards with high combat skills. It seems that they have served in the army before, and they are very likely special forces."

Bill saw him coming and quickly reported the situation on the scene.

Special forces?

Ed raised his eyebrows.

He wanted to compete with the US special forces, but now was obviously not the time.

He turned to a soldier behind him and ordered:"Billy, go and bring me the RPG in our car. I want to blow them to death."


Billy turned around and ran out quickly.

At this time, in the innermost part of the vault, the head of the vault, Fickniman, was walking around the room in a panic.

"Damn, these robbers are so brave that they dare to rob the vault"

"Mr. Fick, please rest assured. My men are all elites. They are all retired special forces soldiers. Those robbers will never get in."Security director Osmond said confidently.

Hearing this, Fick Niman felt relieved.

He had also seen the situation just now. The men under Osmond were indeed powerful.

But he didn't know how many robbers there were. What if the other side had too many people or ran out of bullets?���Thinking of this, he looked at his personal assistant:"Hunter, have you called the police?"

"Mr. Fick, the police have been called."

"Very good!"

After hearing that the police had been called, Fike felt a little relieved.

Now he just prayed that the police would come quickly.

(Ps: Please add to favorites, monthly tickets, flowers, and evaluation tickets)

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