Mosul, Air Force Airport.

At this time, this important air force base in the north of Iraq was full of bigwigs.

Almost all the generals of the air force were here.

In addition, President Saddam was also present.

At this time, if Persia raided and bombed here, it would definitely paralyze the Iraqi government.

"Hey, what are those big guys doing standing there? Why is even the president here?"

"How would I know? Judging from the situation, it should be related to our Air Force. You see, those accompanying the President are all bigwigs of our Air Force."

"Oh, it's true."

"They seem to be staring at the runway"

"Runway? Why are you staring at the runway? Is there any important person coming to our place? No, even if he comes, he will go to the civilian airport. How can he come to our military airport?"

"I don't think so. Do you think that big guy can be as important as the president?"

"It's not an important person visiting....what is that?"

"How would I know? Just wait and see." At this time, in the airport observation tower,

Sadamu frowned, looked at his watch, then looked at the airport runway, and waved to Uday:"Are you sure it's 11 o'clock?"

"Yes!" Uday nodded.

"Then wait a little longer."

Hearing that the time was correct, Sadamu had no choice but to continue waiting.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Soon it was 10:58:16.

"Beep, beep...."

At this time, the airport's military radar alarm

"Report, radar detected dozens of unidentified targets approaching the airport, please instruct whether to order anti-aircraft weapons to open fire?"

An airport officer saw dozens of red dots on the radar, his scalp tingled, and he quickly reported the situation to Sadamu.

"How many targets are there?"

Sadamu asked with a frown.

"Reporting to the President, we have detected more than 30 of them so far."

More than 30?

Sadamu was shocked.

Could they be Louis's people?

Thinking of this, Sadamu felt that it was very likely, and quickly ordered:"Don't worry about it."


At this time, a rumbling sound came from the dark sky. Sadamu was shocked and took two steps forward to the glass window to look at the sky outside. He saw many red dots flashing in the distance.

As a soldier, even if he was not from the Air Force, he knew that they were aircraft signal lights.

"We are finally here."

Looking at the red dot flashing from far to near in the dark night, Sadamu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mr. President, has the plane arrived?" the Air Force Commander asked excitedly.

"Well, you can see for yourself."

After hearing this, more than a dozen Iraqi Air Force leaders came forward to watch.

Seeing the red dot flashing in the dark sky, they all showed excitement.

"Very good!"

"From now on, we will also have the most advanced fighter jets."

A group of air force generals danced with excitement. No one was more looking forward to the arrival of the new fighter jets than them.

Ever since the air force was suppressed by the Persian air force, the ground forces were damaged and suffered heavy losses. The previous combat plan was aborted, and several cities on the border fell.

The army believed that it was because their air force lost air superiority that led to the failure of the war. Facing the accusations from the army, the air force had no words to say. They had been holding back their anger for a long time. Now that they heard that 36 F16 fighter jets had been bought, these people were so excited that they couldn't sleep.

At this time, the guidance lights on both sides of the airport runway were also on. This made it possible to clearly see the airport runway in the air.

Under the expectant eyes of countless people, soon an F16 fighter jet slowly landed and taxied on the runway.

"Let's go down and take a look."

Seeing a fighter plane landing, Sadamu couldn't wait to see if it was really an F16 fighter.

A group of military leaders walked quickly towards the airport parking area.

When they arrived at the airport, another plane landed at the airport.

"Hiss! It's really an F16 fighter"

"My God, are all these planes F16 fighter jets?"

"Wow, it's a US weapon, it looks so classy."


"ah...I never dreamed that I could fly an F16 fighter. I am so lucky."


A group of air force pilots stood on the side of the airport runway and danced with excitement when they saw the F16 fighters landing one after another.

It took a full hour for the 36 F16 fighters to land steadily at the airport.

"Good!!! This is our Ik country's magic weapon."

Sadamu said excitedly, and the air force generals following him also laughed.

"Mr. President is right. With these fighters, we will definitely be able to defeat Persia."

A general said excitedly.

Others followed suit!

At this time, the Air Force leaders were like chicken blood, all of them were full of fighting spirit, and they looked like they were going to avenge their previous humiliation.

(Ps: Please collect, flowers, comment votes, monthly votes, the author of the failure is begging for data support.)

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