These ingenious suggestions amazed Orochimaru, who said he had made the right choice and was even more certain that Uchiha Arakawa was the same type of person as him.

Shimura Danzo came to the laboratory and heard about the four Wood Release plans proposed by Orochimaru and Uchiha Arakawa.

"Four options? It seems that this Wood Release plan is likely to succeed."

"The first one must be the power of Yin Dun. If we talk about the power of Yin Dun in the ninja world, we have to talk about Sharingan."

"Since Uchiha Huanghuo mentioned the power of Yin Dun, I think he would not object to using the Sharingan to experiment. As expected, he is an evil Uchiha who can even use his own family's bloodline without regard."

"But Konoha's Sharingan stock is not much now. Under the nose of Uchiha Huanghuo, it is not easy to use all means to seize the new Sharingan."

"You can also try to find the power of Yin Dun outside of the Sharingan."

Shimura Danzo pondered for a moment and made a decisive decision:

"Balance of Yin and Yang, cloning, bloodline ninja beasts, biological armor"

"These four plans cannot be abandoned and must be implemented together."

Uchiha Huanghuo and Orochimaru both looked as if they had expected it.

"Hehe, Master Danzo, if we really want to complete these four plans together, the resources required are not few."

"Orochimaru, don't worry about the experimental resources. The Root Ninja will fully cooperate. Just complete the research as soon as possible. Konoha is in urgent need of the power of Wood Release!"Shimura

Danzo promised to support the research with all his strength, but in his heart he was thinking about getting more funds from Sarutobi Hiruzen later.

Meanwhile, Sarutobi Hiruzen in the Hokage Building was thinking with a complete method of practicing Fire Breathing.

Not long after the Uchiha clan announced the Fire Breathing that the clan members could learn, it was known by the Third Hokage, which shows that there are indeed many members of the Uchiha clan who are devoted to Konoha.

It's just that the method of learning the full concentration breathing has not been circulated, so Sarutobi Hiruzen has no way of knowing it, not to mention the Fire Release Chakra Mode.

"Fire Breathing? This is undoubtedly a secret technique that combines the breathing method of the samurai and chakra. Such a brilliant idea, Uchiha Huanghuo is really a genius."

With Sarutobi Hiruzen's knowledge, he naturally understood the essence of this fire breathing.

After a little thought, he knew how terrifying the addition of this fire breathing to the fire escape ninjutsu was.

"This time, the Uchiha's strength has increased again, which may lead to a greater conflict between the Uchiha and Konoha."

At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen was still pretending to worry about the changes in the relationship between the Uchiha and Konoha.

Thinking about how to limit the development of the Uchiha, the current war in the ninja world will never allow the Uchiha to make new contributions.

"This single fire breathing technique is useless to me. My five-attribute ninjutsu is very balanced. If I learn the fire breathing technique that only enhances fire escape ninjutsu, it might reduce my strength."

"Samurai's breathing method? Maybe I can also develop a breathing method that suits me."

The next day, the Konoha ninja soldiers led by Jiraiya returned to Konoha, and the people of Konoha once again warmly welcomed the returning heroes at the gate. The banners on both sides of the road made the returning Konoha ninjas very happy.

This kind of Konoha national activity, Orochimaru and all the ninjas of the eighth team rarely appeared.

Orochimaru thought to himself:"Jiraiya, this guy, it's rare to be in such a serious state." Red

Bean sighed:"This scene seems like yesterday, this feeling of a hero's return is really good."

Hinata Touko said coldly:"Why? Red Bean still wants to walk this road again?" Uchiha

Huanghuo saw the grinning Uchiha Obito and the smile of Minato Namikaze like a little sun.

Uzumaki Kushina on the side of the road also exaggeratedly cheered Minato Namikaze's name.

Before leaving, Red Bean asked Orochimaru:"Teacher Orochimaru, you are too idle these days. When are you going to do the mission?"

Orochimaru touched Red Bean's little head and said with a smile:"Sorry, I'm too busy recently. If Red Bean and Fuyuko are bored, I can send a shadow clone to train you every day."

Uchiha Huanghuo glanced at Red Bean:"Is it so boring? Then tomorrow I can also let my shadow clone take you to accept D-level missions, so that you won't be bored when you are busy."

Red Bean immediately refused firmly:"D-level missions? Wouldn't that be more boring? It's better to train with Orochimaru's shadow clone. It's always good to strengthen your strength."

Red Bean is really tired of the D-rank tasks of clearing rivers, pulling weeds, catching cats and walking dogs. Even Hyuga Touko refuses to do it.

On this day, Uchiha Huanghuo's classmates from the ninja school had a barbecue party.

Uchiha Obito talked about his battlefield career, saying that he killed countless enemies and made great contributions to Konoha.

However, when he was excited, he was ridiculed by Hatake Kakashi.

Uchiha Obito, whose lie was exposed, was furious and shouted that he would make Hatake Kakashi look bad. It was the gentle Nohara Rin who calmed the irritable Obito.

"Speaking of which, the strongest ninjas of this generation are Hatake Kakashi and Uchiha Arakane, right?"

Sarutobi Asuma suddenly sighed, and everyone looked at the mentioned Kakashi and Arakane.

"Kakashi graduated at the age of five and became a Chunin at the age of six. His outstanding talent made him famous in Konoha."

"As for Huang Huo, he killed hundreds of enemies in the battle of Kikyo Castle and also killed a powerful Shokuton ninja. He was promoted to Chunin for this achievement."

"Konoha's Little White Fang Kakashi, Konoha's Fiery Sword Wildfire, this name is well-known in the ninja world"

"Compared to these two, we are just here to make up the numbers!"

Asuma Sarutobi thought of the time when Hatake Kakashi became a Genin, and wanted to ask the old man to graduate early, but was severely criticized by the old man.

Shiranui Genma:"Let's not compare ordinary people like us with geniuses, that would undoubtedly be asking for trouble."

Many people agreed with this statement. Who would have nothing better to do than compete with a genius ninja?

But the next second these people were slapped in the face, and Might Guy suddenly shouted with tears streaming down his face:

"Damn it, I will never give up my youth! Kakashi, my lifelong rival! I will definitely work harder to catch up with Kakashi!"

Suddenly everyone present was speechless, and Obito looked at Hatake Kakashi with a little pity.

"Kakashi, you've had a hard time being entangled by this kind of person."

But Obito's eyes flashed with a bit of gloating, which was keenly captured by Kakashi

"Kai, I support you, Kai must defeat Kakashi!"

"Genius Kakashi is nothing, I think Might Guy will definitely become the strongest ninja in the ninja world!"

It seems that there are many people who support Might Guy, but most of them are just fanning the flames and want to watch the show.

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