When the 104th Armored Brigade of the Republican Guard arrived at the coordinate point, they shone their lights into the valley.

Everyone was shocked.

The scene of hundreds of armored vehicles, missile launchers, and missiles and rockets piled up left everyone dumbfounded.

It's not that they haven't seen so many weapons and equipment before.

But they were surprised when this valley had so many weapons and equipment?

Basil also followed along. He was a battalion commander of the Republican Guard. Although his official position was not high, his status was precious.

The president's eldest son and future successor, the brigade commander had to be treated with caution.

Basil, who knew the inside story, quickly suppressed the shock in his heart, and immediately turned around to find the brigade commander.

"Brigade Commander, you should quickly transport these weapons away. It will be easy for them to be discovered when daybreak comes.~"

The brigade commander nodded, took a deep breath, and ordered several regiment commanders under him to transport the weapons back to Damascus.

Soon, a BM270 self-propelled rocket launcher drove out.

The tracked vehicle was very smooth in the desert.

Then, seven SAM-11 anti-aircraft missile companies, and other anti-aircraft missiles and rockets were loaded onto transport vehicles.

Hundreds of vehicles drove to various military bases around Damascus.

Such a large-scale movement made the Mossad intelligence personnel hidden in Damascus find something wrong and felt that the atmosphere was a little wrong.

As a mortal enemy that has fought several Middle East wars, Israel has infiltrated Syria very strongly.

Moreover, Israel's intelligence organization Mossad is known as the world's four major intelligence organizations. In the Middle East, even the CIA of the United States can't catch up.

Mobilizing troops to go out late at night, and there are so many, his intuition tells him that there must be something important.

He reported the situation here to the country as soon as possible.

At the Mossad headquarters in Tel Aviv, after receiving reports from intelligence personnel, the intelligence personnel hidden in Syria, especially those in Damascus, were immediately asked to find out if there was any movement in Syria.

At the same time, they also urgently coordinated with the United States to dispatch reconnaissance satellites to observe the movements of Syria.

See what happened.

After personally inspecting the weapons, Hafez found Michel and invited him to serve as a military adviser to Syria.

He thought that Michel's previous analysis of the Bekaa Valley air battle was very insightful.

The weapons were bought from him, and he knew very well how to use these weapons together.

Therefore, he wanted to invite Michel to serve as a temporary military adviser to train three-dimensional combat ideas.

Michel, of course, refused, he was an arms dealer.

However, Hafez invited him warmly, and he finally reported the matter to Louis.

Although Louis was surprised, he thought about it and asked Michel to agree to Hafez's request.

""Boss, why is this happening?" Michelle was a little confused. Louis said,"There is no reason. You just need to know that I am very unhappy with the Snake Kingdom. If you can help Syria beat up the Snake Kingdom, then do it."


Before he traveled through time, the Snake Kingdom was slaughtering the people of Gaza, which was fine, but it was so arrogant that it threatened Dragon Kingdom and must stand in support of them.

Moreover, the ambassador of the Snake Kingdom to Dragon Kingdom was still clamoring on the Internet to arrest anti-Semites. In a sovereign country, arresting people from other countries is simply going against the will of heaven and is extremely arrogant.

In the international community, after seeing that the United Nations and others supported Batam, it publicly declared the United Nations a terrorist organization.

So arrogant. Even more arrogant than Colonel Ka of the Hippopotamus Kingdom.

Moreover , when the Snake Kingdom saw that Dragon Kingdom did not support it, it publicly supported certain people in Taiwan. In the previous life, Louis was just a citizen who could not interfere with such behavior. Now that there is a chance, naturally he is unwilling to let it go, and he must teach the Snake Kingdom a bloody lesson. Although he doesn't understand why Louis has such a great hatred for the Snake Kingdom, the boss has given the order, what else can he say

"Okay boss, I will help Syria"

"Well, you mainly need to cultivate the command thinking of their officers. Their current thinking is still stuck in the thinking of World War I, and you have to teach them to fight in three dimensions."

After a pause, Louis said,"In addition, I will send two Wing Loong drones to the base stationed in Camel, which can be used when the war starts."

The Snake Country also has drones, and on the battlefield a few years ago, it successfully deceived the Syrian Air Defense Missile Base.

However, the drones of the Snake Country are completely different from those of the Wing Loong, and the gap is huge. As a dead soldier, Michelle naturally knew the power of the Wing Loong drone. When he learned that two of them were involved, he was overjoyed.

After a few words of instruction,

Louis hung up the phone.

He opened the system mall and bought the Wing Loong 2 drone.

Unlike the previous reconnaissance drone, Louis planned to equip the Wing Loong 2 drone with air-to-ground missiles this time.

As for why it is not equipped with air-to-air missiles. It is very simple. Compared with fighter jets, drones are just aerial targets in air combat.

Basically, drones do not have air combat capabilities.

They often play a reconnaissance role or attack ground targets.

So there is no point in installing air-to-air missiles.

It is better to mount air-to-ground missiles, which can be helpful.

Wing Loong 2 has 6 external attachment points, which can normally carry 6 missiles, but with a composite pylon, it can carry 12 missiles.

The missile used is not Blue Arrow-7, but AG300M, which uses laser Light guidance, although the guidance is a bit troublesome, but the range is doubled that of Blue Arrow, reaching 18 kilometers.

This greatly enhances the survivability of the Wing Loong 2 UAV.

The purchase of two Wing Loong 2 UAVs will be realized at the Galaxy Trading Company's military base in Shaluotuo.

In the next few days,

Michel served as a military consultant. He explained to the Syrian soldiers how to use the Xiaolong fighter, BM270 self-propelled rocket launcher, and SAM-11 missile.

He explained tactical issues to the Syrian officers.

For example, using inflatable bags to disguise as tanks to attract Israeli fighters to come for air strikes, and then The air defense launch vehicles or Stinger air defense missiles ambushed around quickly aimed at the target and launched missiles.

For example, in the air-ground coordinated combat, the BM270 self-propelled rocket launcher was used to launch and induce the Israeli air defense firepower network to intercept.

After seizing the right of accusation, the Xiaolong fighter jets were dispatched to destroy the enemy's air defense system.

Rockets were launched again, using saturation strikes.

After this saturation strike destroyed the enemy's living forces, the ground armor was dispatched again.

This set of combat modes such as power amplifier and induction surprised a group of Syrian officers. It turned out that the war could be so big.

0Seeking flowers

Hafiz also listened.

His eyes were shining.

Especially using air bags to simulate missile bases and tank armies to attract enemy fighters to bomb, this idea seemed very good to him, and he immediately ordered people to find factories in the city to make them.

During this period, Syria's textile industry was still very developed.

Moreover, making air tanks and air missile launchers did not require much technical content, and it was easy to make them.

Just as Michelle was explaining tactics to the officers of Syria.

Tel Aviv. (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Mossad headquarters.

Director Isaac looked at the photos and information in his hand with a serious expression.

The photos were blurry, taken by satellite.

The target was the Damascus Air Force Base.

Although the photos were blurry, it was still possible to see that the things parked were fighters.

Dozens of fighters, this is not a small number.

In addition, intelligence personnel in Damascus also sent back news that Syria was conducting intensive training recently.

A fighter with a different shape can often be seen.

However, the distance was too high, and the specific fighter was not clearly seen by visual observation.

But the outline was similar to the satellite photos.

With the photos and documents, he found President Haim and reported the matter.

Haim looked at the photos and documents with a serious expression, leaned back in his chair, and said in a deep voice:"In other words, Syria got dozens of fighter jets?"

"Yes, Mr. President, that is what we see from the photos and intelligence."

""Have you found out what kind of plane it is?" Haim asked.

Isaac shook his head:"It has not been found yet. Syria is on high alert and does not allow anyone to approach their military base."

Haim nodded slightly, picked up the phone on the table in front of him, and quickly dialed a number.

"General Shazar, you, Bozeman and Laughlin, come to my office.

Half an hour later, the three hurried to[]

"Mr President"

"Well, sit down."

Haim asked his assistant to hand the information to the three people.

He also told the three people about the matter.

When they learned that Syria had obtained dozens of fighter jets, the three people looked solemn.

In the Middle East

, the biggest enemy of Israel is Syria.

Although the Sand Camel is powerful, they are all old soldiers who are not good at fighting. Although

Iraq is the strongest, it is currently deeply involved in the Iran-Iraq War, and the relationship between Israel and Iraq has not been so tense in recent years.

As for the Pharaoh Kingdom in the west ,���They are not strong. They have been scared after several wars in the Middle East.

"Mr. President, we must take action to destroy these fighter jets, otherwise, when Syria is fully in service and trained, it will pose a great threat to our country's security affairs."

Defense Minister Shazar said with a serious face.

Haim nodded:"I have the same idea. I asked you to come here to discuss how to send troops."

Yes, after winning several Middle East wars, Israel has completely become arrogant.

Relying on the United States and European countries behind it, it completely ignores international law. It does n't even make excuses and can beat any country in the Middle East it wants.

(Ps: Please subscribe, please subscribe!!!! Earth).

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