Biological name: "Blood Slave"

Average attribute: 5

Biological profile: The lowest blood sacrifice product, synonymous with filth and blasphemy.

But it is obvious that this kind of small monster is not the one who set up this terrifying mental trap.

According to the introduction of the dungeon and Su Miao's negative state, the one who set up the mental trap is most likely the "polluted one", which is the target of Su Miao's hunting in this dungeon.

If you are defeated by the mental trap, the blood servants who are resurrected here will gnaw your body and turn into dark red blood on the ground.

Judging from the thickness of the blood under your feet, it is estimated that many players have died here.

"It's a pity that their equipment is gone."

Soon, Lucy tore all the blood servants apart, and their bodies turned into rotten limbs and melted in the blood.

This place is still bloody, but the creepy dark feeling has disappeared.

The bloody smell is not what scares Lucy, but the unspeakable darkness.

"Woof woof!"

After cleaning up the blood servants, Lucy circled around Su Miao, as if to confirm whether he was injured.

"Good dog."

Su Miao squatted down and stroked Lucy's dog head, which was like a car seat, and stuffed a thumb-sized piece of black iron into its mouth.

"Lucy, this is a trap, let's go."

Lucy bit the black iron into pieces in a few bites, swallowed it into her stomach, and then followed Su Miao out of the subway.

This time, Su Miao stepped on the mental trap not because he was not careful enough, but because he was too careful. He kept his attention on whether there were monster attacks, but subconsciously ignored this mental trap.

Fortunately, Lucy was by his side. As half of a "great thing", it was immune to this terrible mental pollution and protected Su Miao.

Although those blood servants may not cause much damage to Su Miao after Su Miao wakes up, they will put him at a disadvantage in the next battle. Every drop of life value is extremely critical in the battle.

Su Miao is not omnipotent, but he will review his battles after making mistakes, and will try to avoid the mistakes he made in the future. This is one point that Su Miao is stronger than ordinary players.

Novice players will probably die on the spot when encountering such a trap. Elite players cannot withstand the attacks of so many blood servants, which will kill some people, but not all players.

So, in addition to this trap, there may be something more terrifying waiting for Su Miao.

And the "contaminated person" who set the trap is still in the dark, and Su Miao needs to find him out and kill him.

The seemingly simple 1-star copy is linked together, and you will be caught if you are not careful and fall into the trap of the "contaminated person".

Thinking like this, when Su Miao passed the hall, he saw the map of the subway on the wall, the distribution of the station entrances and most of the information, which is very critical.

This is a very simple platform with two entrances and exits A and B.

Since there is a trap in the subway, then there are only two subway exits A and B.

Since the monster was not in the subway, there must be an exit, otherwise Su Miao would have probably met it in the hall.

After making this decision, he moved lightly and ran with Lucy, while trying to avoid appearing under the lights.

Soon, Su Miao led Lucy to the vicinity of Exit A.

Turning the corner, Su Miao saw the ruins of Exit A, which collapsed for unknown reasons.

Exit A was blocked.

The passage was about 50 to 100 meters long, 45 degrees upward, and consisted of escalators and stairs. It collapsed like this, and there was no way out anyway.

He thought of the huge mushroom cloud he had seen in Shangbei City in the real world before. Could it be that the missile was bombing the subway, so it caused the subway to stop operating...

But the next moment Su Miao denied his idea. Such a large mushroom cloud was not as simple as blowing up an exit. It was estimated that the entire underground space would collapse.

Therefore, the subway he was in was not the core area of ​​the missile explosion. It was very likely that the shock wave of the missile affected the exit, causing it to collapse.

Su Miao took a deep breath, waved away his thoughts, and began to focus on the things in front of him.

"There is another exit."

Su Miao did not waste time, and ran in small steps towards Exit B.

This time, before entering the corner, Su Miao saw huge cement stones, exposed steel bars, and the lights that were still emitting occasionally made a "sizzling" sound of electric current interaction.

Exit B was also blocked!

"Woof woof!"

Lucy barked at a certain place in the ruins, and Su Miao's eyes instantly cast over. At the same time, he smelled a faint odor similar to that of a rotting corpse.

Under the swaying of the light tube, Su Miao found a corpse next to the ruins.

The corpse did not make Su Miao retreat. He held the "Star Color" in his hand,He slowly approached with a knife in hand and checked the broken bodies.

There were three bodies in total, two men and one woman, all of which were decayed to a certain extent.

Two of the male bodies were in tatters, chopped into pieces by some sharp weapon like chopped pork ribs.

As for the fatal wound, both of them had a huge cut on their necks, and black blood flowed all over the floor.

The other body was relatively intact and looked pretty good, with a cute round face and delicate light makeup.

The pupils were dilated, the mouth was black and open, there were blood stains at the corners of the mouth, the skin was delicate but pale and lifeless.

The fatal wound was in the abdomen, from the ribs to below the navel, it was cut open with a sharp knife, the abdomen was empty, and the organs disappeared...

"The internal organs are gone."

Su Miao was puzzled, he stood up and sighed.

He murmured with regret:

"What a pity..."

It's a pity that he died not long ago. Although he didn't rot and stink, his body was cold and weird.

Otherwise, he could...

Putting aside such messy thoughts, Su Miao covered his nose to block the stench while trying to construct the scene at that time in his mind.

After the disaster, these people ran to the passage and wanted to escape, but the exit was blocked by obstacles such as steel bars and cement.

And the result is imaginable. These people were killed in some strange and cruel way. The man was chopped into ribs, and the woman was dug out of her internal organs...

The subway is a trap, and both exits are blocked, so where is the "contaminated person" who created this tragedy and set the trap?

Or the monster is still in the subway, but why haven't I encountered it?

While Su Miao was thinking, a strange and uncoordinated voice suddenly came from the passage where he came.


It was a friction sound that made one's teeth ache, a collision sound that made one's scalp numb.

Lucy immediately pricked up her ears and stared at the passage where Su Miao came from. Most of the incandescent lamps here were still on, but when the strange sound appeared, the incandescent lamp farthest away suddenly went out.

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