The spider cave was not very big, and soon Su Miao found the spiders' "meat drying rack" in a place.

These spiders are very special. Although they are described as hunters, they spend most of their time lying in the cave as fat otakus.

The source of food is the meat drying rack. If there is not enough food, they go out to catch void hyenas to eat, and they spend most of the rest of the time sleeping.

In a place where there are a lot of spider silks, there are creatures wrapped like dumplings in spider silks. Among these creatures, Su Miao saw the iconic red hair of the Dragonborn.

She is now wrapped in spider silks, hanging on the spider silks and swaying slowly in the air.

Su Miao held a long knife and just watched here. He did not move forward or do anything else, like a statue.

At this time, the Dragonborn who pretended to be dead actually opened his eyes and looked towards Su Miao through the fiery red hair.

Then, the Dragonborn girl finally saw the guy who saved her, and she couldn't help but shout excitedly.

"Hey, this way, Yuan."

Su Miao did not respond at all, he just looked at the Dragonborn coldly.

No matter how the Dragonborn girl shouted, asked for help or even surrendered, Su Miao did not move, as if waiting for something.

Finally, the Dragonborn girl burst into tears, and she cried: "Yuan, please, let me down, these spiders are going to eat me."

Finally, after a long time, Su Miao said to the back of the Dragonborn: "Come out, I have found you."

"Do you think I'm standing here for nothing?"

As Su Miao's voice fell, a hoarse curse came from behind the Dragonborn girl.

"Damn, where did you find the flaw!"

A spider silk suddenly fell from the top, and a huge figure landed along the spider silk.

This guy was wearing a huge black cloak, and his face could not be seen clearly, but his height of nearly three meters and his burly body showed that this guy was definitely not a small fish.

In fact, Su Miao did not find any flaws at all. He did this just to trick out the hidden conspiracy. Unexpectedly, it actually succeeded. This was definitely a surprise for Su Miao.

Then, Su Miao calmly threw out a detection spell. He did not expect the detection spell to "critically hit". He just needed to determine whether this guy was a "contaminated person".

Then, the result of the detection spell was as Su Miao expected.

Biological name: "Contaminated Person"

Level:? ? (First level)

Attributes:? ?

Introduction: A poor person contaminated by "chaos".

"Sure enough."

Su Miao breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. As long as he killed the contaminated person in a short time, he would be qualified to end the dungeon. He was unwilling to wade into the muddy water again.

As for the "chaos" in the introduction, Su Miao guessed that it might be a nickname for the black mage, or his clone.

"Where did you find the flaw?! Whether it's the voice or the tone, I imitated it perfectly, exactly like the Dragonborn!"

The tone of the polluted person was very excited, and his huge body was shaking. Then he took out a long knife from his cloak and stabbed the Dragonborn hanging on the spider silk twice.

The white knife went in and the red knife came out. The spider silk that bound the Dragonborn instantly turned blood red, and blood dripped from it.

Su Miao looked at the polluted person coldly, and said indifferently: "I cheated you."

"You, cheated me?"

The polluted person seemed to be unable to believe his ears, and his whole body froze in place, and then cried in a painful tone.

"Wuwuwu, you actually cheated me, you lied to me!"

Then, the crying sound became sharp, and then the long knife was raised high, roaring angrily.

"How dare you lie to me!!"

Looking at the performance of the polluted, Su Miao was very worried about this guy's mental state. This guy was not just a little crazy. This guy could probably win a big prize in a mental hospital.

Almost every sentence of this guy showed anger, arrogance, crying, sadness, greed and other expressions. He looked crazy and chaotic.

At this time, Su Miao finally understood what it meant to be polluted by "chaos" in his profile. His psychology and spirit had been completely distorted and had reached a completely irreversible state of chaos.

Generally speaking, if the San value is completely lost, it is almost the same as this guy, and it has reached an irreversible state of madness.

At this time, Su Miao felt more and more the importance of his "Klein Spirit Bottle", and finally understood how perverted the "Blessing of the God of Machinery" was when facing the Outer God in the dungeon.

No wonder Rose would chase him so madly for a "Klein Spirit Bottle". She was really forced to do nothing.

Even if the player is good at mentalism, he can't resist for long when facing the Outer God.Time, San value will be cleared soon, and finally completely crazy.

Then, the polluted person who was laughing wildly suddenly stopped, and the dry arm holding the long knife stretched out from the cloak, and the tip of the knife pointed directly at Su Miao.

He stared at Su Miao with his dim eyes, and a hoarse voice came: "You, I will make you a better work of art than the new generation of graceful girls, and offer songs and dances for "that person". "

"I will make you scream forever, I will engrave the pain in the depths of your soul, and I will make you feel eternal pain. "

Su Miao looked at the polluted person's clamor indifferently, and he just spit out a sentence lightly.

"It's useless to say more. "

Then, Su Miao held the long knife horizontally in front of him, his eyes were cold and bright.

The polluted person's nose blew out angry steam, and he instantly threw the long knife at Su Miao.

He was very strong and extremely fast, and the long knife he threw was as fast as a bullet fired from a sniper rifle.

The long knife flashed with cold light and pierced Su Miao's eyebrows, and in the blink of an eye it reached two meters away from Su Miao.


The long knife was cut off by his "Star Color" before it approached Su Miao, and the two blades shot out to the surroundings at a high speed.

The broken blade was quickly embedded in the wall, which was enough to prove the power of this attack.

Then, the polluted person took out a new long knife from his cloak. This time the style was unexpectedly different from the last time, and the handle and blade were a bit wider.

The long sword was cut into two pieces by Su Miao's "Star Color". His hand holding the "Star Color" was a little numb, and he clearly felt the terrifying power of the polluted person.

As the first attack failed, the polluted person directly ran with a wider long sword. As he approached, an indescribable stench hit him.

It was a smell of a living body rotting. It was hard to imagine that such a disgusting smell could be emitted from a living thing.

Su Miao frowned, held his breath, and rushed forward quickly with the "Star Color" in his hand.

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