Although the block was successful, Su Miao's arm felt numb and his shoulder also had varying degrees of soreness.

In fact, compared to a successful block, dodging is the way that consumes the least physical energy, but the risk is very high.

Blocking has an 80% to 90% chance of success, but it will consume some physical energy, numbness in both hands and pain in the shoulder.

But dodging only consumes a small amount of physical energy, and the only disadvantage is that if the dodge fails, it will suffer full damage.

Therefore, in Su Miao's current state, blocking is the safest way.

The power of the crystal cane continued to press down, and the gravel under Su Miao's feet continued to collapse and crack. He could only give up blocking and dodge the attack sideways.

He could not compete with the black wizard in strength. If he blocked it head-on, even if his arm was not broken, he would probably lose strength.

Seeing Su Miao dodge the attack, the black wizard did not continue to pursue, but fumbled for the red crystal cane, and then slammed it heavily on the ground.


A terrifying wave of indescribable color instantly burst out from the ruby ​​staff, immediately covering Su Miao, and a huge force quickly knocked Su Miao's body out.

Then the wave of indescribable color quickly pulled back and pulled Su Miao's body back.

After this operation, Su Miao clearly felt the terrifying pulling of his internal organs, and his throat suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood.

He controlled the pulling force, holding the handle of the knife with his left hand, and holding the spine of the knife with his right hand, pressing down towards the black wizard.


Seeing Su Miao turn from defense to offense, the black wizard immediately controlled the red crystal staff, canceled the pulling force, and let it fall freely to the ground.

Su Miao's body fell heavily to the ground, he stuck the long knife into the ground, stood up with difficulty, and wiped the thick blood from the corner of his mouth.

The power and attack methods of the black mage were too strong. The last two waves of range attacks directly reduced Su Miao's health by about 200 points, directly reducing Su Miao's 800 health points to 600 points.

"You see, you have no power to fight back in my hands, and you have been crushed all the time."

"As long as you admit defeat now, I will make you the best specimen, how about it?"

"Hehe, it seems that you..."

The black mage did not finish speaking, he quickly raised the red crystal cane in his hand and released a sticky force.

Old sinister...

Fortunately, Su Miao did not listen to the black mage's persuasion to surrender. His words went in one ear and out the other, and Su Miao did not hear a word.

Otherwise, Su Miao would probably be attacked by the black mage's sudden attack, and the disadvantaged situation would become a big disadvantage.

These sticky forces are like a big millstone, trying to cover Su Miao from both sides.

Su Miao dodged the moment the Black Mage raised his hand. The two sticky forces collided and quickly turned into a force that shot towards Su Miao at high speed.


Su Miao's body stiffened, and his whole body was enveloped by an invisible spiritual energy, unable to move.

[System prompt: You have been bound, and your physical condition is being judged...]

[System prompt: The judgment failed, you have been "bound" for 15 seconds. ]

[System prompt: The duration of "binding" has been weakened by your physical condition, and the current duration is 5 seconds. ]


The Black Mage still had that hearty smile. He raised the red crystal cane high, and immediately a strong energy fluctuation emerged from it, even distorting the surrounding air.

"I have predicted your prediction, you lose, "Colors of the Stars". "

Su Miao's body was stiff, and he was frantically thinking about countermeasures.

5 seconds was enough for the Black Mage to raise his cane and hit Su Miao to death more than twice. Although the cane was not so elegant, it was indeed the fastest way to kill Su Miao.

But the Black Mage did not do that. Instead, he used the red crystal cane to gather energy and prepare to release skills.

In the blink of an eye, the skill chanting was approaching the end, and the red crystal cane absorbed waves into it. Finally, the Black Mage raised his cane high and pointed it at Su Miao.

"In the name of the crouching chaos, I will make you into an eternal dirt."

"Buzz! "

With a terrifying buzzing sound, a bucket-thick energy column immediately emerged from the red crystal staff and shot towards Su Miao at high speed.

Su Miao gritted his teeth, and immediately took out a bottle of potion that increased his health by 15%, smashed it hard on his head, and let it flow over his body.

The energy column did not approach, but the strong wind it generated blew away Su Miao's fine black hair. He held the "Color of Stars" in his hand and was about to release the skill.

"Steel Flash!"

When the energy column was about to penetrate Su Miao, he immediately used his skills to move. Although his body was bound, his movement in space was not affected at all. Su Miao's body immediately appeared three meters away.Around.


The Black Mage frowned. He seemed surprised that Su Miao still had a trump card. He had not expected this.

But the energy column was not only fired once, but a continuous energy attack. He quickly controlled the red crystal cane to deflect and attack the target.

The energy column moved quickly. It took only one second to move to Su Miao's side and was about to hit Su Miao. If this attack hit, it would disintegrate Su Miao's body.


Su Miao released skills continuously, and his body deflected about 3 meters, avoiding the attack of the energy column again.

At this time, the duration of the energy column ended, and huge marks left by the energy column were left on the wall. When it was almost three meters deep, the wall was blasted into powder by energy.

"Dodged? But so what, I can make countless mistakes, but you can't make a mistake once."

The Black Mage smiled and continued to chase Su Miao. He did not regard Su Miao as an opponent, but enjoyed the cat and mouse game.

His clone has reached the top level of the second level, which is more than enough to deal with the first-level players.

Su Miao flashed twice, his body moving towards the direction of the polluted person. At the moment of being freed from the restraints, he rushed to the place where Lucy and the polluted person were.

"Lucy, retreat!"

Su Miao gave an order to Lucy, and Lucy, with her mouth full of minced meat, immediately moved away from here, tearing through the space and appearing in the distance.

The polluted person was in a miserable state at this moment. Most parts of his body were scratched by Lucy, and many places revealed the terrifying green internal organs. There was a big hole in his stomach, and a lot of green smelly mucus gushed out from it.

Su Miao did not hesitate, and threw all the remaining gaseous mercury bottles accurately into the damaged belly of the polluted person, and then pressed the mercury detonator.


In many places in the spider cave, glass bottles were shattered by a small device, revealing the terrifying silver liquid inside.

When these liquids combined with the air, they instantly turned into a terrifying silver gas, and the spider cave instantly became a silver ocean.

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